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Poultry Production: Types, Dressing & Classification

 The word "poultry" comes from the French/Norman word
poule, itself derived from the Latin word pullus, which means
small animal.
 are all domesticated birds kept by humans for their eggs, their
meat and/or feather and also for their games.
Poultry Production is adaptable to most areas in the world and
provides a good - quality protein food.
Classification of POULTRY
 chicken are available, fresh or frozen. When sold even
ready they are plucked, drawn, and trussed.
Double Poussing / Broilers
• 6-10
weeks old
• weight
about 2 lb
(0.91 kg)
• Baby Chicken
• 4-6 weeks old
• weight at most 2 lb (0.91 kg)
Spring Chicken/ Fryer
• 6 weeks old
• average weight of 2 1/2 lb
(1.1 kg)
Broiler Fowl
Laying hen; 8 months old
Weights of 6 lb (2.7 kg)
Meaty but also fat
Suitable for stew or casseroles
• Surgically unsexed male chicken
• Under 8 months old
• 6-10 lb (2.7kg - 4.5 kg)
• Male Chicken under 10 months old
• between 5 - 6 lbs (2.3 - 2.7 kg)
• most popular size for a
• 8 weeks old
• weights 3.4 lb (1.5 kg)
Stock/ Roaster
• Mature Chicken Male
• 3 to 5 months old
• weighing between 5 and 7
pounds (2.3 kg - 3.2 kg)
Slaughtering and Bleeding.
Proper handling prior to slaughter is essential to prevent
bruising and injury to the bird. Live birds are not fed 8 to
24 hours prior to slaughter to allow easier removal or
entrails. Water may be given to the live animals. This
practice improves flavor and tenderness of the meat.
Slaughtering is done by slitting the large of jugular vein in
the animal’s throat. Bleeding may take about 1 to 3
minutes to effect proper draining of its blood.
Steps in Dressing the Chicken
• Bleeding
Steps in Dressing the Chicken
• Scalding
- the bled birds are
scalded by dipping in hot
water at about 60 (140F)
for 30 to 75 seconds.
Scalding is done to
facilitate removal of
• Defeathering
- Feathers are removed by
rubbing. The birds are now
called dressed poultry.
Defeathering in
commercial basis is done
in machines with
rubberized “Picking
Chicken defeathering machine
• Evisceration
Slitting the abdominal part and pulling out the entails in
one piece is called evisceration. When this is
accomplished the poultry is called dawned poultry. The
head and feet are cut off clean and the oil glands are
removed. If pin feathers are present they may be
removed by singeing over on an open flame. Internal
organs are removed and cleaned.
• Evisceration