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9th Grade English Lesson: Independent Reading & Story Analysis

Image from: Tell me ALL you know!!!
4th and 5th September
Independent Reading Unit 1 and The Power of a Story Unit 2 L4
Dearest nines, you are very nearly beginning our classes like a
well-oiled machine YAYYyyyyy!!!,
Today we will WEDGE, read your Independent Reading text, use your Log or
Journal, Membean, and continue our Power of a Story exploration by looking at types of
literature, “Is-it-a-story,” conflict, and analyzing stories in advertisements. If we have time
we will complete a pre-test for literary terms. Remember, The Story of an Hour by Kate
Chopin will be our first short story please ensure you read this story, it is on page 95 of
your Seagull Stories text  You will be given a hard copy of this story to demonstrate your
annotation skills.
1. Attendance – All hands-on deck! Take out materials needed for your lesson, writing tools;
BLACK pen, laptop, A4 English Workbook, your Independent Reading text, Seagull Stories
and headphones.
2. WEDGE –. You will need your English Workbook and a BLACK pen.
BLOCK 6 ONLY: time to finish Narrative arc terms and share with your table group;
plot, conflict, rising action/falling action, resolution and climax.
BLOCKS 4 and 7 Today you will search for biographical background details about the
author Kate Chopin the author of The Story of An Hour.
Describe Kate Chopin’s real life and her literary work, The Story of an Hour. Take into
consideration the social status of women in the late 19th-century.
As you draft, remember to provide specific details of exposition (setting + “characters”)
and also try to include specific examples from the text to support your thinking.
Remember to include:
Time of Day
Independent Reading Unit 1 - Grade 9 Independent Reading expectations will be
further discussed today, you will read for 10 minutes and write in your Independent
Reading Log or Dialectical Journal.
Membean – complete one of this week’s sessions. From now on it is your
responsibility to complete your Membean sessions in your own time.
Reminder: You are asked to complete THREE sessions per week.
We will check out my Running record of your efforts…are YOU missing a
session OR TWO???
Power point - The Power of a Story; Storytelling Power point
Kurt Vonnegut and “Stain boy”– videos and whole group discussion.
Table group workshops –
Conflict activity
“Is-it-a-story?” cards
iii) Hieroglyphs and drawing cpnclusions
Whole Group - Analysis of Advertisements model Google Ad and check-in with conflict,
purpose and intended audiences of a text. Ads that tell a story.
Individual work - Literary terms pre-test on your computer.
Getting a Jump on the Homework—Time permitting, of course. Ms. V
1. Complete today’s WEDGE.
2. IR and Reading Log active reading responses.
3. Seagull Stories text. Our first class read will be “The Story of an Hour” by Kate
Chopin annotate this story referencing literary devices, make connections and make
inferences based on evidence from the text. REMEMBER to use BLACK pen
You may also want to color code your annotation.
4. Extra insights: Narrative Writing Unit