See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Phosphorites Chapter · January 1978 DOI: 10.1007/3-540-31079-7_156 CITATIONS READS 0 400 2 authors, including: Craig R. Glenn University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa 89 PUBLICATIONS 2,151 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Collaborative Investigation of Hydraulic and Geochemical Connectivity Between Wastewaters and Land-Use and the Oceanic Waters of Kāneʻohe Bay, Oʻahu View project Deep Ocean Minerals View project All content following this page was uploaded by Craig R. Glenn on 28 August 2017. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. PHOSPHORITES PHO'SPHORIT€S Craig R. Glenn and Robert E. Garrison from ENCYCLOPEDIAof SEDIMENTSard SEDXMENTARYROCKS edited by Gerard V. Middleton McMasterUniversity with AssociateEditors MICHAEL CHURCH Universityof BritishColumbia MARIO CONIGILIO University of Waterlso LAWRENCEA. HARDIE John HopkinsUniversity FREDERICKJ. LONGSTAFFE Universityof WesternOntario KLUWERACADEMIC PUBLISHERS DORDRECHT/BOSTON/LON DON ISPN 1-4020-0872-4 @ 2003 KluwerAcademicPublishers s19 represe4tsa significant perturbation of the biogeochemical cycle for phosphorus,questionsdiscussedbelow. The element phosphorus averages about 70ppb (-2.3pmoVl) in seawater,is a limiting nutri€nt to biological productivity on geologicaltimescales,and regulatesthe global carbon cycle and climate. Becauseof its low abundanceand becauseit is closely tied to short-lived biological-chemical cyclesof growth and decay,phosphorushas a relatively brief residencetime in the ocean,estimatedfor the surfaceoceanby Mackenzieetal. (1993)as 0.07 yearsbasedon phytoplankton uptake. The overall oceanicresidencetime for phosphorusis estimated'to range betweenca. 10,000years and 40,000years (Delaney, 1998; Colman and Holland, 2000; Guidry et al., 2000). Initial interest in phosphoritesstemmedfrom their importanoe as a raw material for the production of fertilizer phosphate.Along with potassiumand nitrogen, phosphorus is critical for plant growth; but, whereasK and N are readily available from severalsources(seawater,evaporite deposits, the atmosphere),phosphorus can only be obtained in large quaatitiesfrom phosphoritedeposits.Following the discovery in the mid-l9th Century of the role of mineral nutrition in plant metabolism by the German chemist Justusvon Liebig, phosphoritedepositsbegan to be exploited after more readily availableP sourcessuchas guano,manur€,and crustredbones bpcameinadequateto support expandingagricultural systems. Plrosphoritesare now the main source of fertilizer P, and rniaing of phosphoritesis a world-wide enterprise,with major cent€rs of production in the USA, Morocco, and several couetries in the Middle East. Excluding China, global produqtion in 2000 was close to 92,200thousandmetric tons (rFA,200l). The main mineral in phosphoritesis carbonatefluorapatite (CFA) or francolite,which accordingto Slansky(1986)has the with simplified general formula Calq[@Oa)6-^(CO3)^]F21*, nunneroussubstitutionsof both cations and anions (Nathan, 1984;Jarvis etal., 1994).The most important ancient deposits aie marine, granular phosphoritesthat formed in continental rnargin or epeiric sea settings (Figure P5). Two of the key questions about this kind of phosphorite concern: (l) phosphogenesis:how do CFA particles initially form in marine environments?(2) concenffation:howdo suchparticlesbecome dominantin granularphosphorites? PHOSPHORITES lntroduction Phosphoritesare rocks enriched in phosphorusrelative to usuallyexpressed an enhancement averagecrustalabundances, in terms of PzOsconcentrations.Whereas the averageP2O5 content of continental crustal rocks is estimatedas 0.23 percent (Ronov and Yaroshevsky,1969) and sedimentary rocks average0.03-0.16 percent (McKelvey. 1973), rocks as phosphoriteshave l5-37 percentP2O5 typically designated (Bentor, 1980).Phosphoritesthus have phosphatecontents that are 60 to 160timesgreaterthan the crustalaverageand on the order of 100 to over 1,000 times greaterthan the averagesfor common sedimentaryrocks. The most contentious issuesconcerningphosphoritescenteron the mechanism or mechanismsby which this enrichmenthas taken place in the geologic past and whether formation of phosphorites Phosphogenesis Studies in modern environmentsin which CFA forms have demonstratedthat this mineral commonly precipitatesduriog early diagenesisin the upper few tens of @ntimeters of sediment.The most notable of these environments are the continentalmargins of Peru, Baja California [M€xico], southwest Africa, and easternAustralia. Whereasthe first three of these are regions of pronounced easternboundary currents, strong coastal upwelling, prominent oxygenrninimum zones, and organic-richsedirnentation(1-20 percentorganic carbon), the easternAustralia margin is an area of low productivity, oxygen-rich bottom waters, and sedimentslow in organic matter (<0.5 percent organic carbon). These differenoes suggestthat CFA may form in different ways, depending upon the environmental conditions. Studies of Perri r'nargin with high sediments,for example,have linked phosphogenesis organic carbon burial rates and anoxic diagenesis(Burnett, 1977).In this setting,microbial degradationof organic matter PHOSPHORITES Tectonic and Oceanographic Settings of Marine Fhosphorites INSULAR SEAMOUNT CONTINENTAL MARGIN PHOSPHORITES PHOSPHORITES PHOSPHORITES Carbonate lslands, Convergentand Passive, Seamounts,Qryots, Fldges Hateaus, Atolls, ( Redacements associated Upwelling and Non-Upwelling Atoll Lagoons,Marine Lakes with F+Mn Crusts) (Mostly Hardgroundsand (Redacements; Authigenic Nodules,some ganular Beds) Precipitat es?) -9 6nvective Circulation 4 l-leat Flow Mn./AraS. Lysocline_ACD- -Calcite Shallow Cratonic Sett ings Associatedwi th Transgressions (Mostly ganular, some Hardgrounds,Nodules) Cross-Shell /8 Lysocline- cr\- -@D- EPEIRIC SEA PHOSPHORITES Currents Cross-Slope Currents St rucl ural Traps Abyss EXAMPLES: il/bdern Palau ls. Clipperton Atoll (?) llrdern Pacilic Seamounts? (no data) Modern P e r u - C hi l e ,N a mi b i a , W. India, Bala California, E. Australia Modern Absert Ancient South Pacific: Naru, Ehnaba, Kita Daito Jima, Makatea, Line lslands Ancient Pacitic Seamounts QueenslandPlaleau Ancient llonterey Fm., Phosphoria Fm.(?), SEUSA Ancient lvlany,e.g.see Glennet al., 1994a; Cook and NlcElhinny, 1979 lndian Ocean: Aldabra and Christmas ls. FigureP5 Tectonicand oceanographic settingsof marinephosphorites as derivedfrom studiesof the modernand ancientrecord(afterCtenn et al., 1994a,reprintedwith permissionof BirkhiuserVerlagAC). increasesreactivedissolvedphosphate€O;-) in pore waters to supersaturationlevels with respectto CFA, probably via transformation from a metastable amorphous precursor phase(e.g., seeJarvis etal., 1994).Froelich etal. (1983, 1988) measured pronounced increasesin dissolved phosphate in pore waters in the uppermostfew centimetersof Peni margin sediments (an interfacial "P-spike"), directly below which dissolved F- decreasedrapidly in concert with declining phosphate concentrations.They interpreted this pattern as reflecting CFA precipitation, with diffusion of seawaterderived F- acting to limit the zone of phosphogenesis to very shallow burial depths. In addition, Glenn et al. (1988) postulated that CFA precipitation was also confined to the sediment-waterinterface due to mineral lattice poisoning by excessivecarbonate ion concentrationswith sedimentdepth. Although continued increasesin dissolved phosphate are provided to Peru margin pore waters deeperin the sediment column (due to progressivebacterial organic matter degradation), the locus of CFA precipitation thus appearsto be most strongly associatedwith the interfacial phosphatemaxima that occurscloselyadjacentto the sediment-waterinterface.Similar interfacial phosphatespikesare also found in associationwith the formation of Recent phosphorites along the Mexican contential margin (Jahnke et al., 1983; Schuffert et al., 1994) and off the eastern coast of Australia (Cook and O'Brien, 1990;Heggieetal., 1990). To account for the formation of CFA in organic-poor sedimentson the eastern Australian margin, O'Brien et al. (1990) outlined a mechanismwhereby iron oxyhydroxides scavengeF- from seawaterand POi- derived both from seawater and from organic matter subjected to oxic and suboxicmicrobialdegradationwithin the top few centimeters of sediment (Figure P6). When these particles are buried into the suboxiczone, they dissolve,releasingboth F- and POi- to pore waters, thus promoting CFA precipita.tion. Ferrous iron along with any remainingF- and POI* then diffuses upward into the oxic zone to be reflxed by ferric oxyhydroxides and become available for further recycling. This iron redox-Pcycle may also promote the formation of glauconite which is commonly associatedwith modern and ancientphosphorites.Froelichet al. (1988)invokeda similar process to help explain phosphogenesis in Peni margin sediments. Other potentialsourcesfor the buildup of POj- in pore watersincludedissolutionof fish debris,metabolicactivitiesof sulfide-oxidizingor other bacteria,and P releaseto solution by bacteria in responseto redox changes.Microbial microstructures are presentin many CFA grains, and microbesmay affect elevationof phosphorusconcentrations in pore waters, but it has not been convincingly demonstratedthat they are directly involved in the formation of CFA (seediscussionin Krajewskietal., 1994). PHOSPHORITES 521 Marine phosphorites in the stratigraphic record commonly have two attributes: (1) they are grain-supported, granular concentrationsof silt-, sand-, and pebble-sizephosphatic grains; and (2) they occur as stratified sediment bodies that display evidence for transport and redeposition by bottom currents. The most common grains are structurelesspeloids, which are probably mostly authigenic rather than phosphatized biogenic fecal pellets. Other grain types may include concentrically coated grains, phosphatic intraclasts and nodules, primary phosphatic bioclasts (inarticulate brachiopods, vertebratebones,teeth, fish scales),and phosphatized carbonateskeletalgrains.The richestphosphoriteshaveCFA cements,but granular phosphoritesmay also be cementedby carbonateor silicaminerals. Some stratified phosphorites have traction current structures such as cross-bedding(Glenn and Arthur, 1990),others have characteristicof turbidites and indicate deposition from gravity flows (Grimm and Fdllmi, 1994),still othersappearto FigureP5 Schematicof CFAprecipitationin surficialmarinesediments be tempestitebeds(Trappe,1992).Many phosphoritesoccurin illustratingphosphorusderivedfrom either the Fe-redoxcycle or intervalsthat containevidencefor multiple episodes directlyfrom the microbialbreakdownof organicmatter.LiShtstippled condensed primary phosphogenesis, of shallow burial, exhumation,and fluxes. areasrepresentsolid phases,black arrowsare solid-phase hydraulic reworking (Fdllmi, 1989,1990;Glenn and Arthur, White-outlinedblack arrows indicatereactions,white arrowsare for CFA precipitationmay be derived 1990). Phosphatichardgrounds are common in such condiffusionpathways.Phosphorus from eitheror both of direct microbialdecompositionof organicmatter densed sections. Depositional and biological amalgamation (Corg)or from a redox-couplediron oxyhydroxide-phosphorus may lead to the formation of thick (meter scale)phosphorite Duringburialand pumpingmechanism(rightsideof illustration)beds, and it appearsthat post-depositionalburrowing may of organicmatterutilizesa sequence mixing,microbialdecomposition commonly destroy current induced structuresin many massive of electronacceptorsin order of decreasingthermodynamicadvantage. and phosphoritebeds. Oxygen is usedfirst, followed by nitrate(and nitrite),manganeseThe characteristics above lead most workers to accept and that order (Froelichet a!.,1979). iron-oxyhydroxides (1971) notion of a two-stage mechanism (i.e., Baturin's and POi- to solution, Degradationof organicmatter libe^rates disiolution of FeO-OHliberatesFe2*, PO]-, and F- causingelevated primary phosphogenesis followed by reworking) for the formation of large, granular phosphoritedeposits.However, of theseions in porewaters.lf sufficientlevelsare concentrations and F ionsdiffusing nontransported phosphorites such as hardgrounds are assoattained,POI- reactswith Ca2+, Mg2+,^SO42into the sedimentfrom seawater,and COj- derivedfrom the oxidation ciated with some granular phosphorites, and only in a few of organic matter,to precipitatea precursorphosphatemineralwhich cases are the primary phosphatic mudrocks, the supposed to CFA (francolite;seetext). ExcessPOisubsequentlyrecrystallizes parental sediment for the redeposited phosphatic grains, may also diffuseupward toward the sediment-waterinterfacewhere it clearly identifiable in the accompanying sediment layers. is resorbedby ferric iron oxyhydroxides.lron may diffuseboth phosphorites downwardto be fixedas glauconite(e.g.,Clenn, 1990)undersuboxic Moreover, the dominant types of Proterozoic phosprimary phosphorite mudrocks and stromatolitic are to the oxic and upwards as FeS under anoxic conditions, or conditions, phorites which were clearly not transported (see papers in the Felayerwhere it is reprecipitatedas FeOOH. In this laterc-ase, redox cycle providesan effectivemeansof trappingPOj in the Cook and Shergold,1986a). sedimentand promotesprecipitationof CFA, especiallyin more (cf O'Brienet al., l99o).ModifiedafterJarvis sediments organic-lean Verlag. of Birkhduser et al., 1994,reprintedwith permission Classification of sedimentary phosphorite rocks Most past attempts to classify phosphoriteswere based on petrologic characteristicssuch as grain types and/or textures (e.g.,Riggs, 1979;Cook and Shergold,1986b;Slansky,1986). More recent schemeshave focused on field-basedcharacterTypesof phosphateparticles and istics such as sedimentary structures and bedding properties. concentration processes Among the most useful of theseis the classificationof Follmi The precipitationof CFA may produce a variety of particle et al. (1991), who recognized three interpretive genetic types, including peloids, coated grains, laminae, and smali categoriesbased on relative rates of sedimentaccumulation nodulesdispersedin muds. In this type of sediment,termed and erosion(FigureP7): "pristine" phosphate by Follmi et al. (1991), the primary phosphateparticlesappearto be in situ, with no reworkingby (l) Pristine'.phosphateswhich lack any signs of reworking; this includesphosphatic rocks as well as more concenmechanical or biological processes.For the most part, trated phosphoritessuch as phosphatizedstromatolites however, these dispersed forms have whole rock P2O5 and phosphatichardgrounds. phosphorites. well those of economic below concentrations Baturin (1971) accountedfor this disparity by proposing a (2) Condensed:phosphatic particles,laminae, and beds which "highstand" phosphogenesis alternating have been concentrated by winnowing and reworking model of sea level processes or bioturbation. with "lowstand" reworking by currentsto producewinnowed phosphaticparticlesthat wereentrainedby phosphoritelayersin Quaternarydepositsfrom the continental (3) Attochtholrozrs: shelf of southwestAfrica. and redepositedfrom turbulent or gravity-driven flows. , PHOSPHORITES Stratification Stratificationin phosphatic_qgdlmeg$ asa function of timi and energY a O. (t.dao G| Gl. .o4t 4,dO-.t lhospltggen'esis .Ooca6,.c. O-O.O-t .dttoOoOO. Accumulationrates> Erosionrates 'PRISTINE" In-situ phosphaticdiaclasts Accumulationratesg Erosionrates In-situphosphaticlamina 'CONDENSED" \-.-* Accumulationrates( Erosionrates .ALLOCHTHONOUS" of stratification types(from Follmi et al., 199"1and Clenn et al., 1994a).Reprintedwith the permissionof FigureP7 Ceneticclassification SpringerVerlag. for a substantialproportion of world phosphateproduction. Examples include the Cretaceous-EoceneTethyan deposits and the Permian Phosphoria Formation of western North America. Kazakov (1937)made one of the flrst attemptsto explain such depositsby invoking upwelling and inorganic precipitation of apatite from seawater in coastal regions, an idea subsequentlymodified to include the role of organic degradaThe formation of //phosphorite giants" tion in shallowly buried sediments,as outlined above. Most deposits (typically with reserves phosphorite giants were depositedbeneath relatively shallow Very large pho^sphorites sreater than l0' metric tons of PrOs) have been termed watersof marginal seasand epeiricplatforms (Figure P5), and ;phosphoritegiants"by Glennand Aithur (1990)and account most seemto correlatein a generalway with elevatedsealevels Hybrids of these categoriesare common. One example is that pristine phosphaticgrains may experienceredeposition followed by multiple episodesof burial, renewedphosphogenesis and phosphatic cementation, and subsequenterosional exhumation, resulting in a complex and laterally variable phosphoritecondensedbed. PHOSPHORITES and, more specifically, with marine transgressions.The interrelated factors involved may include (Glenn et al., 1994a): (l) highstands of sea level increase the potential surfacearea for phosphorite accumulationon shelvesand in continental interiors; (2) highstands may also increase the potential for upwelling into shelf seas;(3) sedimentstarvation and phosphogenesis may be favored during transgressionsby the trapping of diluting siliciclasticsedimentin proximal parts of depositionalsystems;(4) wave-inducedand other cross-shelf currents may develop along flooded margins and platforms, thus aiding in winnowing, reworking, and concentration of pristine CFA particles. In addition to transgressivephases, relativefalls in sealevelwould lower wave baseand may aid in reworking and concentrating such particles, in the manner proposed by Baturin (1971). The majority of phosphorite giants are of the condensedor allochthonousvariety (Fiillmi et al., 1991). The abundance of modern phosphorites in upwelling regions has led many workers to postulate similar settings for ancient phosphorites. Sheldon (1980), for example, subdivided large phosphorites into those associatedwith equatorial upwelling (e.g., the CretaceousTethyan deposits) and those associatedwith mid-latitude boundary currentsand trade-windupwelling(e.g.,the PhosphoriaFormation).However,the efficiencyof sustainedupwellingwithin large,shallow epeiric seasfar from the open ocean, the setting for many phosphorite giants including the Tethyan deposits,has been questioned.Alternative models include the delivery of fluvialborne P derived from intensively weathered continental regionsto epeiricplatforms (Glenn and Arthur, 1990). 523 authigenicCFA in detrital-rich continentalmargin sediments, and adsorption on iron oxidesformed at mid-oceanridgesand in non-upwelling continental margin sediments (Delaney, 1998).Due to variations in sedimentationrates, phosphorus accumulationrates are severalorders of magnitudehigher in upwelling-phosphogenicand detrital continental margin settings than in open ocean sediments(Filippelli,1997). Present consensusholds that past variations in the phosphoruscycle wereresponsesto changesin ratesofchemical weathering,sealevel fluctuations, spreadingrates of mid-oceanridges,glaciation, and oceaniccirculation. Compton etal. (2000)postulated that phosphoritegiants most likely formed during episodesof marine transgressionthat coincided with increasedchemical weatheringrates and decreases in production ofiron oxidesat mid-oceanridgesand, for the last 25 million years,convincing showed that major phosphorite accumulations occurred in near-synchronicitywith proposedperiods of episodicuplift of the Himalayan-Tibetan Plateau. Elevated sea levels shift primary biological productivity to enlarged shallow water settingswhere organic phosphorusis releasedin sedimentsto form CFA. Subsequent sea level fluctuations make such sedimentssusceptibleto reworking, generatingphosphorites. Viewedin this manner,phosphoritesmay be a proxy for times in which phosphorusinput to the oceanswas greaterthan the sinks provided by organic carbon and iron-oxide burial. Phosphorites, condensed sections and sequence stratigraphy Condensedsectionsor sequences representextremelyslow net sedimentationover long periods of time. Such intervals have been long recognized as characterized by the following Episodicity of phosphorite giants and features: (l) enrichment of well preservedfossils and fossil the global phosphorus cycle fragments;(2) faunal mixing, fossilsfrom different paleontoThe distribution of phosphorite giants in the Phanerozoicis logical zones within a single bed; and (3) widespread episodic, with peaks in abundancein the Early Cambrian, distribution of sedimentswith negligible thicknesses.In Ordovician, Permian, Late Cretaceous-Eocene, and Miocene addition, it has becomeincreasinglyrecognizedthat intervals (Cook and McElhinny, 1979). This has been variously of stratigraphic condensationare also frequently marked by explained as the consequenceof favorable positions of the occurrenceof authigenicminerals,including phosphorites continentalmargins visavisupwellingzones,equableclimates, and glauconites.With the advent of "sequencestratigraphy," globalcooling,widespreadanoxiain the oceans,paleolatitude, condensedsections have taken on new signiflcanceas an and other conditions. However, as noted by Glenn et al. integral component in the stratigraphic architecture of (l994a), none of these mechalisms provides comprehensive sequencescontrolled by fluctuations in relative sea level. explanationsfor all phosphoritegiants, each of which has its Loutit el al. (1988) and their colleaguesdefine condensed own particularities. sectionsin light of sequencestratigraphyas thin marine units A related question is whether phosphorite giants record of pelagicto hemipelagicsedimentsthat: (l) are characterized acceleratedP withdrawal from the ocean into continental by very low sedimentationratesthat are areallymost extensive margin and epicontinentalsediments,or whether they repre- at the time of maximum transgressionand coincidentwith the sent a combination of unusual and localized geological surfaceof maximum flooding; (2) are associatedwith apparent circumstances unrelatedto global controls. Sheldon(1980), marinehiatuses;and (3) occuras omissionsurfacesor marine for example, postulated that the episodicity of marine hardgrounds. They result from sediment starvation during phosphorite deposition resulted from variations in global timesof maximum ratesof sealevelrise.Theseoccur along the deep-oceancirculation. A number of recentstudies,however, ,break separatingtransgressivebnd highstand systemstracts ' suggest that several phosphorite giants required a net P (Figure P8). Assumingthat seisniicreflectorsreflecttimeJines, withdrawal rate comparableto that observedin modern Perri sequencecondensationmay, hypothetically, also occur anymargin sediments(c/ Filippelli and Delaney,1992;Glennetal., where that reflectors converge such as, for example, along 1994b;Compton et al., 2000).Thus, if phosphoritegiants of surfacesof onlap, backstepping,downlap and toplap (Kidwell, the past do indeed record episodicacceleratedP withdrawal, 1991; Figure P8). In addition, while phosphoritesmay be the presentday must be included among theseepisodes. generallyassociatedwith transgressivephasesof secondand The global phosphoruscycle is complex and poorly under- third orders changes of sea level (5-50 and 0.5-5 Ma, stood. Phosphorusinput to the ocean is mainly from rivers, respectively),much reworking of these may occur during secondarilyfrom eolian phosphorusparticle transport. Major interveninghigher orders of sealevel change(forth, fifth, and oceanicsinksincludeorganicmatter, fine-graineddisseminated sixth order; 0.1-0.5,0.01-0.1,and <0.01Ma, respectively). 524 PHOSPHORITES However,as noted above,most major episodesof phosphorite associatedwith guano, and some may have precipitated genesis do appear to be related to transgressive, phases, in insularmarinelakesor other settings. although the occurrence of reworked deposits within the (2) Seamountand Guyotphosphoritesand phosphatizedlimeupper portions of highstand systemstracts may also reflect stones,many associatedwith iron-manganese encrustaepisodes of condensation and bypassing that occur in v tions, are commonon elevatedportionsof the seafloorin association with the convergence of toplapping seismic all the world's oceans.Although a few are submerged reflectors (Figure P8). In sum, the actual distribution of insular deposits,most appearto be of marine origin and condenseddepositswithin seismicsequences is probably more formed in areasof slow sedimentationand a pronounced complex than depictedby recentmodels. oxygenminimumzone.Burnettetal. (1987)suggested they formed preferentiallyat low latitudes,possiblyin equatorial upwellingregionsof high productivity.They linked the associationof iron-manganesecrusts to the enhanced Other types of phosphorite deposits concentration of phosphateand metalswithin an oxygen In addition to phosphoritesformed in continental margin or minimum zonethat bathesthe upper parts of seamounts. epeiric sea environments(Figure P5), lesser quantities of (3) Igneousrocks such as carbonatitesand other alkaline phosphoritesoccur in three other settings: igneousintrusivecomplexeswhich are enrichedin fluor(l) Island or insularphosphoritesare commonly composedof (Slansky,1986).Important economapatite,Ca16(POa)6F2 ic depositsof this kind occur in northern Russia,Brazil, guano and the replacementproducts of reactionsbetween and easternand southernAfrica (Cook. 1984r. bird droppings and the underlying host rock; the latter is commonly a carbonate, and these types of phosphorites are important economic resourceson Quatemary carbonate islands in the Pacific and Indian Oceans.The largest Environmental issues connected to phosphorites depositsof this kind occur on the island of Nauru in the Along with risesin world populationsand living standards, westernequatorial Pacific (Piper etal., 1990).As noted by exploitation of phosphoritesas a source of fertilizers will Glenn er al. (1994a), not all island phosphorites are inevitablyalso increase.This may be accompaniedby several (A) POTENTIALCONDENSED PHOSPHORITEDEPOSITSJ;i1 : : iiii: Prograding 1i: ;i:.:i.,.iii;f,i:;,llif,i;:;1; siliciclastics, bioclasts, and reworked authigenic minerals TOPLAP SEQUENCE BOUNDARY Highstand SystemsTracl Retrograde and down lapped in-situ authigenic minerals, "tlood bioclasts". and detrital ouaftz SEOUENCE BOUNDARY DOWNLAP APPARENTTRUNCATION(= BACKLAP) TransgressiveSystems Tract (B) < HighstandAuthigenicGrains Reworked Seaward ti\S$ /'*, ,d..* TransgressiveAuthigenicGrains ln Silu or Locally Reworked SB/TS FigurePB Potentialrelationships_between sequencestratigraphy, (A) Possiblepositionsof sequence condensedsectionsand phosphorites. (stipples), condensation within an idealizeddepositional (afterKidwell,i991). (B)Sihematicillustration sequence oithe placemeniof nonreworkedpristineauthigenicphosphorite(and/orglauconite)and reworkedphosphorite(and/orglauconite).Pristinephosphitesmayform within transgressive systemstractsand at the maximumfloodingsurface,whereaslater phasesare reworkedseawardwithin highstandsystemstracts. (C) of systems tractsdevelopmentwith respectto one cycleof sealevelchange.LSTlowstandsystemstract TSi transgressive systems tract,HST.hiShstand systemstract,TS transgressive surface,MFSmaximumfloodingsurface,SB sequenceboundary.Dotson the sealeveicurve representfocationsof maximumphosphoriteemplacement.(AfterClenn et al., 199qa,reprintedwith permissionof BirkhduserVerlagAC). PHOSPHORITES 525 environmentalproblems(seeJarvis etal., 1994),among which three are especiallysignificant: is evidencethat phosphorusmay also be deliveredto the sites of phosphogenesisby a redox cycle whereby phosphorus (l) Mining and processing:most phosphorites are extracted sorbed to iron oxyhydroxidesis releasedas soluble reactiveP in suboxic pore waters and thus becomesavailable for solid from open-pit mines with their attendant problems of phasefixation into the CFA compound. Very large phosphorand disposal of mine tailings. In landscape disruption ite deposits,termed "phosphorite giants," occur episodically addition, beneficiationprocessescommonly producephosthroughout the Phanerozoic during discrete time periods. phatic "waste clays" which are extremelyfine-grainedand Most were deposited on oceanic slopes and shelvesand in have poor settling properties,hencemay need decadesto epeiric seaways.In addition, phosphatic sedimentsare also settleand thus requirenumeroussettlingponds covering found on oceanic islands and atop seamounts,guyots and large areas. plateaus.Presentconsensusholds that past variaphosphogypsumis a by-product of the submarine (2) Phosphogypsarn: tions in the phosphoruscycle and phosphorite output of the conversion,using sulfuric acid, of phosphorite ore to oceanswere responsesto a variety of factors including seaphosphoric acid, an intermediate compound in the level fluctuations, changes in rates of continental chemical manufacture of phosphatic fertilizers. The amount of weathering,shifts in the paleolatitudesof continental margins phosphogypsumproduced is substantial. Jarvis et al. and in positionsofcoastal upwellingzones,and in patternsof (1994)estimateworldwideannualproductionon the order oceaniccirculation. of l00metricMt. Although this form of gypsum has parts of the world, commercial applications in many Craie R. Glenn and Robert E. Garrison governmentalregulationsin the USA preventits usage,in (apparently part due to an associationwith radionuclides 238Udecaychain, especially in a separatephase)in the Bibliography radon. Stockpiling of this material is thus necessary, Baturin, G.N., 1971. Stagesof phosphorite formation on the ocean leading in turn to potential problems of air and water floor, NaturePhysicalSciences,232:6l-62. contaminationin the vicinity of the stockpiles. Bentor, Y.K., 1980.Phosphorites-The unsolvedproblems.In Bentor, Y.K. (ed.), Marine Phosphorites-Geochemistry, Occurrence,Gen(3) Trace elements: many phosphorites contain small but esrs.Tulsa: Society Economic Paleontologistsand Mineralogists significant amounts of potentially toxic elements(e.g., Special. Publicaion, 29, pp. 3-18. cadmium, selenium,arsenic)or radionuclides,particularly Burnett, W .C., 1977. Geochemistryand origin of phosphoritedeposits uranium.The possibilitythus existsthat harmful amounts from off Peru and Chile. GeologicalSocietyof AmericaBulletin, 88: of theseelementscould be releasedinto the environment 8 I 3-823. during the processingof phosphoriteore or the application Burnett,W.C., Cullen,D.J., and McMurtry, G.M., 1987.Open-ocean phosphorites-in a classby themselves?In Teleki, P.G., Dobson, of fertilizersproduced from phosphorites. M.R., Mooreland, J.R., and von Stackelberg,U. (eds.), Marine Minerals. D. Reidel (Kluwer AcademicPress),pp. ll9-134. Colman, A.S., and Holland, H.D., 2000,The global diageneticflux of Summary phosphoruslrom marine sedimentsto the oceans:redox sensitivity and the control of atmospheric oxygen levels. In Glenn,, C.R., that have Phosphoritesare unique sedimentary deposits Pr6v6t-Lucas,L.,'-.Lucas,J. (eds.), Marine Authigenesis:From Mipiqued the interestof academicians and economicgeologists crobialtoGlobal.SEPM (Societyfor SedimentaryGeology),Special phosphorus content,they are for decades.Due to their high Publication, 66, pp. 53-76. the world's most important economicresourceof elemental Compton, J., Mallinson, D., Glenn, C.R., Fi1ippelli,G., Follmi, K., Shields, G., and Zanin, Y., 2000. Variations in the global phosphorus and thus are an essentialadditive for fertilizers phosphoruscycle. In Glenn, C.R., Pr€v6t-Lucas,L., and Lucas, chemicals.The most common phosand phosphate-based J. (eds.), Marine Authigenesis:From Global to Microbial. SEPM phosphorites puncphate-bearingmineral in the majority of (Society for SedimentaryGeology) Special Publication, 66, pp. fluorapatite(CFA), tuating the geologicrecord is _carbonate which has an abbreviated chemical formula of formula but actuallyalso containsnumerCal9[(POa)6-"(CO3)*]F2+*, ous substitutionsof both cations and anions.Field observations plus isotopicand pore water studiesof modern marine phosphorite occurrencesdemonstratethat most form initially as "pristine," nonreworkeddepositsduring early diagenesis within the upper few tens of centimetersbeneaththe seafloor. Most occur beneathstrong upwelling systemswhich provide a high delivery rate of phosphorus-bearingsedimentaryorganic matter to the seafloor;this material is subsequentlybroken down by microbial degradationprocessesin pore waters. 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