REINFORCED THERMOSET PLASTIC CORROSION RESISTANT EQUIPMENT PART 8 ACCREDITATION 8-100 SCOPE Part 8 provides rules for accreditation of Fabricators vessels. of RTP 8-200 GENERAL (a) An accredited Fabricator is one wllo holds a valid ASME RTP-I Certificate of Authorization. (b) The responsibilities set forth herein relate only to compliance with this Standard and are not to be construed as involving convactual or legal liabilities. 8-210 ASME RTP-1 Certificate of Authorization Holders The ASME RTP-1 Ctrtificate of Authorization holder is the Fabricator of an RTP vessel who certifies thar tlte vessel compIiw with all requirements of this Standard. 8-220 ASME RTP-1 Certificate of Authorlza tlon Hofder's Responsibillths (4Use of the Cen$care and Symbol. When authorization is granted. each applicant agrees to the following: (I] h e Cenificare and the S y h l art at all times the property of ASME; 121 they shall be used according to the rules and regulations of h i s Standard; (3) they shall be promptly returned to ASME upon demand or when the applicant discontinues the scope of work covered by his Certificate. Ib) Eramples of rhe ASME RIP-I Cem$cate Holder's Respomibiliries. Responsibilities include the following: {fl obtaining an ASME RTP-I Certificate in accordance with para. 8 4 0 ; (2) compIiaucc wilh this Standard: (3) evaluation and approval of mteriat rnanufacturcrs and suppliers ofparts and s u b c o ~ c t c dservices in accordance with Appendix Ma, (4) establishing and maimaining a Quality Control Program in accordance with Appendix M-6; (51 filing of a Quality Contml Manud in accordance with p a . 8-220(g); and (61 furrlishing the User or User's agcm with the appropriate Fabricator's Data Repn:(s). (c) ASME RTP-I CeniJScore of Aurhoriuttion. The holder of a Certificate of Authorization shall not permit any other party to use the Cenif~cateor RTP Symbol issued to the holder. (d) Conrpliance Wth 77th Sfandard. The ASME RTP-I Certificate Holder shall fabricate vessels to be marked RTP in corn~liliancewith this Standard. (e) ~ubmnrracfini. It is the ASME RTP-1 Certificate Holder's responsibility to mure that the subcantracted acrivit ies comply with the appropriate requirements of this Standard per para. 6-300. The ASME RTP-I Ccnificace Holder sM1 retain overall Espnsibility, including certifying and marking vessels. @ Responsibiiity for Qualip Assurance of Subcotjtmcted Acrivitic~~ The ASME RTP-1 Certificate Holder shall be mponsibie for evaluation and approval of sup pliers of subcontractad services. All subconuactad activities shall be surveyed and audited with at least the m e scope and frequency as the ASME RTP-1 Certificate Holder. If the sukontractor is a holder of an ASME RTP-1 Cenificare, no additional evaluation of the subconmctor is required. {g) Filing of Quality Control Manual. The ASME RTP-I Certificate Holder shall fde and maintain a copy of the ASME accepted Quality Control Manual with ASME. If the M i c a t e Holder wishes to change the program to a degree requiring changes to the manual, the Certificate Holder shall submit the proposed changes to ASME which shalI accept or reject them in writing. ACCREDITATION FOR ASME RTP-1 FABRICATORS 8-310 General When requested by the applicant on forms designated by ASME, ASME will arrange for an evalua- REINFORCED THERMOSET PLASTIC CORROSION RESISTANT EQUIPMENT tion of the applicant's Quality Control Program and shop q d c a t i o n s . Forms may be obtained by request to Socie'y of the Adtation Depanment' Ibe Mechanical Engineen, Avenue. New York NY 1001&5490. 8-320 (1) evaluation of the applicant's QualiCy Control Manual and capability of implementation; d (2) evaluation of the applicant's implementation of the program described in his Quality Contro1 Manual. @) The acceptance by ASME of a Quality Control Program shall not be interpreted to mean endorsement of technical capabfity to perform design work. Evaluation of Shop Qualifications The evaluation shall be in accordance with Pan 7. 8-400 ASME RTP-1 CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION FOR VESSEL FABRICATORS 8-410 General A Fabricator shall obtain a valid Certificate of Authorization in accordance with para. 1-520, in order to srnmp the vessel. 8-420 Application for Certificate of Authorization (al Each applicant shall identify the specific location(~)covered and state the scope and limits of any activities for which authorization is granted. At its discretion. ASME may limit or extend the scope of an authorization. @I The Certificate of Authorization shall include but not be limited to the following scopes of work: shop fabrication, shop and field fabrication, shop fabrication and field modification or repair in accordice with Appendix M-9.All Cemficatt of Authorization hdders shall be capable of both shop and field testing per para6-950. Verification of Shop Quallflcatlon An organization requesting accreditation shall have i& &op[s) surveyed by an ASME appmved survey team hr ofpan 7 part 8 are nut. Issuance of ASME RTP-1 Certificate Evaluation of the Quality Control Program (a) The evaluation consists of the following: 8-330 8-430 of Authorization (a)The Certificate may IEgranted or withheld by ASME at its discretion. @) When satisfied ;hat the applicant has complied with the requirements of this Standard. ASME shall issue an ASME RTP- 1 Ctnificate of Authorization. The three-year certifica~tis issued to a Fabricator for a specific l d o n ( s ) as defined in the application and acq e d by ASME, and it shall describe the scope and limits of work for which the applicant is accredited. (c) If ASME RTP-1 authorization i s given and the proper adminis~raiivefee is paid, the Cenificate of Authorization shall be forwarded to the applicant. (d) Alter initial accreditation, ASME shall institute a continuing audit program of the Certificate Holder's Quality Control Program. (e) Eadl Certificate shall be signed by duly authotixed ASME pesonnel. If) Six months prior to the date of expiration of any such Certificare, the applicant shall apply for a renewal of authorbarion. (g) Failure to apply for renewal of the Ceaificate in time and with appropriate documentation may cause lass of accreditation until such time as mccredilation procedures can be undertakenand all requirements for reaccreditation have been met. 0 ASME reserves the right to cancel or refuse to renew accreditation. 8-450 Obtatnhg Stamps AU stamps for applying the ASME RTP-I Symbol shall be obtained from ASME. This Symbol i s shown in Fig. 1-1. 8-460 Requirements Subject to Change ASME may make requirements concerning the issuance and use of Certificates and Symbols as it deems appropriate. Such requirements shall become binding on thc Certificate Holder upon notification by ASME. REINFORCED THERMOSET PLASTIC CORROSION RESISTANT EQUIPMENT ASME RTP-1-1995 EDITION MANDATORY APPENDIX M-l MATERIAL SPECIFICATION FOR RTP LAMINATES Article A of this Appendix is limited to fabication by contact molding using the hand lay-up andlor sprayvp methods. Anicle B of this Appendix describes thc hmination Analysis Method by which the modulus properties of filament wound laminates, including contact molded layers, are obtained. Article C of this Appendix descrik permissible rolerances for laminate thiclrnws variation. Appendix M-l is based on the requirement that each Fabricator deveIop design basis data for the hand layup, spray -up, and filament wound laminates produced by his shop. The design basis laminates become his shop standards. Pmpenies of such laminates are used for design of equipment fabricated to this Standard by that particular shop. The permitted laminates and qualification pmedures are described in Articles A and B. The permissible tolerances for the thickness variation of uermined laminates are described in Article C. MI-1 10 Resin and Reinforcement Substitution The Fabricator must use he same resins and reinforce men^ as identified by the Manufacturer's Specific Product Identification (MSPI) as used in the design basis laminates. with the exception of the surfacing veil (mat). which may be changed as rrquimi for corrosion resistance. M 1-200 MATERIALS MI-210 Resin Matrix The m i n shall be that polyester or vinyl ester specified by the User's Basic Requi~mcntsSpecification. Only resins with an HDT of at least 180°F per ASTM D 648 with a 264 psi loading and a % in. specimen, as published by the resin manufacturer, shall be used. When a maximum h e retardancy is specified by the UBRS, the flame spread rating shall be determined by the resin manufactu~raccording to ASTM E 84 using dl mat laminates greater than 0.1 in. thick. verification of the flame spread rating is not required as a of laminate qualification. Since flame spread can be determined only on flat laminate panels, verification is noi raquired on fabricated equipment. Prior to use in laminate fabrications, the -in shall be inspected, tested, and found acceptabIe by the inspections and tests specified in Appendix M-3. (a)The cataly st/prornoter/acceleratorsystern shall bc as recommended by the resin manufacturer and specified in the Fabricator's written pmcedures. (b) The resin shall contain no pigment, dyes, colorants, or filler, except as follows. ( I ) A thixotropic agent which does not interfere with visual inspection of laminate quality, or wirh the required corrosion mistance of the laminate, may be added for viscosity control. NOTE: The addition of a thixanopic agent m y rrduee lhe mistance of a lamimale to somc corrosive chemical environments. It i s tht rcspwmibility of the F a W r lo obtain ~ppmvdfrom h e elector of the resin prior to using a rhixotropic agent in the inner surface (para. M1A-22 I) or the inltrior layer (pa. M [A-222). (2) Resin pastes used to fill crevices before overlay shall not k subject to the limitations of para. MI210@). (3) Pigments, dyes, or colorants may be added lo the exterior surface when specified by the U8RS. NOTE: The addhion o t pigmcnt. dyes. or colorants may inlcflem with visual inspection of lmniuaw quaIity. (4) Flame retardant synergists shall l x used only when required in the UBRS. If Eire retardant synergists were usad to obtain the spacifkd ASTM E 84 flame spread rating, the same type and amount must be used in the laminate. MOTE: The addition of fire rrtardglu qwFgisu m y interfere with viswl inspocrion of laminatc quality. (5) Common additives, as described in Appendix M-3. Arricle G , may be added without requalifying the standard laminate. REINFORCED THERMOSET PLASTIC CORROSION RESISTANT EQUIPMENT TABLE MIA-1 GRADE SYSTEM FOR HAND LAY-UP LAMINATES USING MINIMUM PROPERTY VALUES Grade Numbers Sremd Dlgit Tensile Modulus, Strength. psi @ 1 s x lo3 I XI@ 2 10 11 12 x loo 1.1 xloa x lo9 1.2 x 10' x lo6 3 4 M1-220 FIrst DtgIt Ultimate Tensif* Fiber Reinforcement Fiber reinforcements shall be in compliance with the appendices listed below for each material rype: (a)fihrgIass surfacing veil (mat), organic fiber surfacing veil (mat), carbon fiber surfacing veil [mar), and fiberglass chopped strand mat - Appendix M-2, Anicle A; Ib) fiberglass spray-up roving and filament winding mving - Appendix M-2, Article 8; Ic) fibcrgtss woven mving fabric, fiberglass unidirectional fabric. and fiberglass nonwoven biaxial fabric - Appendix M-2. Article C; (4 fibeqhs milled fiber - Appendix M-2, Article D. ARTICLE A - REQUIREMENTS FOR STANDARD CONTACT MOLDED LAMINATES 1.3 x lo6 chopped roving and woven mving construction as shown in Table MIA-3. 0 Qass designates thc resin used and the level of laminate flame retardancy obtained if required by the UBRS. Class is written as the MSPI for the resin, followed in parentheses by the letters FS and the flame sprcad. The flame spmd shall be determined according to pam. MI-210. (c) Grade shall designate the minimum mechanical property levels of a laminate obtained at 73°F unless orhenvise designated. Grade, spelled in capital letters, shall be fotlowed by two Arabic numerals to designate minimum levels of ultimate tensile strength and tensile modulus, per Table h4 1A- 1. This shall be followed by the minimum thickness, designated by Arabic numerals, in decimal form to the nearest 0.01 in., or ALL. NOTE: The Iwo Arabic grade numbers designate minimcchanical pmpcny levds f ultimrc tcmile streugh and tensik madulus from Table MIA-I). Rtitr to p. W I A-MO. Nominal mickntss s M bt designated by an Arabif number in decimal form 10 rht n c a m 0.01 in. M1A-1 00 LAMINATE DESCRIPTION Laminate designation shall consist of the abbreviation RTP. followed by the type, class, and grade as follows. la) Type, in Roman numerals followed by the Manufactureis Specific Product Identification (MSPIJ for the reinforcement, shdl designate the reinforcement structure comprised of specific plics ofglass fiber in specified sequences. The MSPI forkach type of Rinforckent is listed in the order each appeam, from the interior surface 10the exterior. ( I ) T y p I is a standard all-chopped srrand mat or chopped roving construction as shown in Table M 1A-2. Type 11 is a standard chopped strand mat or M1 A-1 10 Examples of Laminate Classifications (a) A laminate consisting of all mat construction using MAT 80 reinforcement and RESISTALL 210 resin, without any required maximum flame spread rate and having an ultimate tensile strength of 9000 psi and a tensile mdulus of 1.30 x lo6 psi, is designated as: - RTP. TYPE 1 MSO. CUSS RESISTALL 210. GRADE 144 ALL (b) A laminate consisting of alternating layers of mat. MAT 80, and woven roving, R24. and RESISTALL 2 10 =sin, with a maximum required flame spread rating of 25 and having an ultimate tensile strength of 1 3 , m Psi TABLE MIA-2 Thlokneas, In. INotsu~11,~211 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 V M M M M M V V M M M M M M M M M M M M V V M M M M M W M M M M V V M M M M M M M M V V M M M M M M M M M M M M STANDARD LAMINATE COMPOSlTtON TYPE I Sequence of Plies Draftlng 9 10 11 M M ...... M M M M M M M M M M M M # M # M M M M M M M M M M M M 8 M M M M M M M 12 13 14 15 ,,, M M M M GENERAL NOTES: (a} Thicknesses above 0.74 In. nomlnal can ba used by adding addltlonal piles of mat. tb) Actual thleknes~snd elass content of each sequence of pliea shall ba established by each Fabrloator baaed on Hs design basls laminate. (el Cormslon barrier lplle8 1, 2, and 3) ahall gel and rrrtotherm kfwe structural plies are added, (dl Stmctural lay-up may be Intempted at Ctewde long onough to exothwm In accordance with Fabrtcator's proaedure, {el A welght equivalent layer or layers of chopped strand glasa or mat may be ueed In place of layars of 1.5 oz mat. NOTES: (11 Nominal thickness is calculated ss follows: V 3 10 mil ilurfaee mat (veil) 0.010 In.lpty M 0 1 H oxlsq ft mat 0.043 ln,lply 12) This information based on hlstorlclrl data and may not reflect all Laminates made todey, Laminates made today are often thinner and have a hlghsr glass content than noted In the Table. The Tabk should b used for eetabliuhing mlnlmum g l e pIle8 ~ per nomlnnl lamhate thickness. Ply thicknesses should be based on design basis larnlnetes. - - 10 17 18 Symbols Z V1 5 7 P 4 I TABLE M1A-3 m rn m STANDARD LAMINATE COMPOSITION fYPE I1 m z Nominal Thickness, Sequence of ma In. lNotas(1),12)1 1 a 3 4 1 6 7 8 9 lo 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Draflng Symbols V,ZM,3(AdR)M,3(1wR)# V,2M,3(MR)M,3tMRI M,M V,2#,3I MR)M,3{MR)M,IWRM GENERAL NOTES: (a) THcknesses above 0,76 In. nominal can be uaed following pattern established for 0.7B In, thlck laminate, (bl Actual thlckness and glass content of each sequence of plies shall be estnMlshed by each Fabricator based on his design basis laminate. (e) Corrosion barrler (plles 1,2, and 3)shall gel and exotherm before structural plies ore added. (ti} Structural lay-up may be interrupted long enough to ewolherm botwwn adjacent " M W p t h , If requlnd by fabricatlon procedure, location of exothrrm plies (plies 10 and 17) may be shifted within the lamlnale b d y . No plles may k t omltted. (0) A welght equivalent layer or layors of c h o p m strand glass or mat may be usad In place of layers of 1.5 oz mat, NOTES: (1) Nomlnel thlckness Is calculated as follows: V = 10 mll o u r f m mat {vslll 0.02 0 In.lply # = 1 'h ozlsq ft mat 0,043 tn.lply R 3 24 ozlsq yd woven rovkng 0.033 in,lply (2) This Information Is b s s d on hlatorlcal data end may not reflect all laminates made todey, Laminatoe meda today are often thinner and have a higher glass content than noted In the Table. The Table should be used lor establishing mlnimum glass plies per nominal laminate thickness. Ply thleknssse~~houldbe based on doslgn bosis laminates. - - REINFORCED THERMOSET PLASTIC CORROSION RESISTANT EQUIPMENT md a tensile modulus of 1.15 of 0.30 in.. is designated as: X lo6 psi at a thickness RTP,TYPE U M80,R24. C U S S RESISFAUIIO (FS 25), GRADE 4.30 M i A-200 LAMINATE REQUIREMENTS MIA-210 Lamlnate Construction Laminate construction shall be in accordance with the rabulated lay-up sequence for the specified type. These lamhares shall be fabricaltd on a male mold. (a)Type I laminate structure is detailed in Table MIA-2. (bl Type I1 laminate structure is detailed in Table MIA-3. MIA-220 Laminate Composit!on bminates shall consist of a comsion resistant barrier (comprised of an inner surface and interior layer) and a stmctural layer. MIA-221 Inner Surface - Corrosion Resistant Barrier. The inner surface exposed to the contents shall k a resin-rich layer in forced with a surfacing veil providing a thickness of 0.0 1 in. to 0.02 in., in accordance with pan. M 1-220. - M I A-222 Interior Layer Corrosion Resistant Barrier. The inncr surface layer, exposed to he contents, shall k followed with an interior layer. This layer is composed of resin reinforced with noncontinuous glass fiber strands (1 -0 in. to 2.0 in. long), applied in a minimum of two plies totaling a minimum of 3 odsq ft. These plies shall be layers of chopped strnnd mat and/ or chopped roving. Each ply of mat or pass of chopped roving Wl be well rolled to thoroughly wet out *inforrement and remove entrapped air prior to the application of additional reinforcement. The combined thickness of the inner surface and interior Iaytr shall not be less than 0.10 in. MIA-223 Structural Layer (a) Application of Iht smctural Iayer shall not be started until thc interior layer has been allowed to gel and exorhem. (bl The firstply of the structural layer of the laminate shall be one or more plies of noncontinuous glass fibers totaling Itis_ otlsq ft comprised of layen of chopped strand mat andlor chopped roving. (c) Continue lay-up in the sequence of plies stated for the specified laminate type. Id) All edges of reinforcemeni material shall be lappd a minimum of I in. hpped edges of adjacent Iayers shall be staggered. Intemption of the fabrication prncess a allow for an exotherm shall follow instructions noted on the appropriate table for the particularlaminate type. The final ply of reinforcement before intemption for gel and exotherm shall be 1% d s q ft. The first ply of the ensuing lamination MI also be 1't5 ozlsq ft. Both the final and first plia shall be comprised of layers of chopped strand mat and/or layers of chopped roving. M l A-224 Outer Surface {a) The outer surface of the finished laminate shall be a separately applied paraliinated resin coat hat, when cued, passes the acetone mt per ASTM C 582, para. 9.2.2. This outer surface coat shall either be applied over the final mat ply of the suucmml layer or over an ad- ditional resin-rich layer when r e q u i d by (b) below. (b) When rhe WBRS indicates the outer surface will be subjected to spillage or a comsive environment, a min-rich layer, in accordance with pan. M 1A-221, shall be applied over the final mar ply of the structud Iayer prior to the application of the paraffinatmi resin coat in (a) above. (c) The UBRS may include provisions 10 minimize ulwaviolet degradation of the laminate. Methods include use of ulrraviolet absorbers. screening agents, or resins resistant to ulmviolet degradation, or incorpotation of pigment of sufficient opacity in the pmffinated resin coat. Since pigmentation makes laminate inspection difficult, the resin-rich layer shalI be applied only after the laminate has been inspected by the Inspector. (dl Where the Bnal lay-up is exposed to air, full surface cure shall be obtained by applying to the final layup a coat of parafinatad resin that, when cured, passes the acetone test. Other techniques such as sprayed, wrapped, or overlaid films are also acceptable methods to attain surface cure, provided the surface resin under the film passes the acetone rest. M1A-300 REQUIREMENTS FOR PHYSICAL AND MECHANICAL PROPERTIES (a) The Fabricator shall prepare at least three design basis laminates for a c h combination of resin (class) and glass (type), identified by their respective MSPI (see para. M 1A- 1001, to determine thickness and glass content. Straight line interpolation shall be used to determine values of thichesses and glass content not tested dhetly . In addition, the Fabricator shall choose one d the following two options to establish his design tensile smngth and design tensile modulus. REINFORCED THERMOSET PLASTIC CORROSION RESISTANT EQUIPMENT TABLE MIA-4 Uominal fhtckness, In. TYPe All 0.22 0.28 0.37 and above I I1 II II Uldmate Tensile Swength. psi [Note (111 9.0 12.0 13.5 15.0 x x MINIMUM VALUES OF LAMINATES Tensib Modulus, psi lo3 lo3 x 103 x 10' [Note (111 1.0 1.3 1.4 1.5 x lo8 x lo6 x lo6 x 10' Ultimate Flexural Smngth, psl [Note (211 16.0 x nenural ~odulus, lo9 19.0 x loa 20.0 x loa 22.0 x lo3 psi [Note ta)l 0.7 x loa 0.8 x 10' 0.0 x lo6 1.0 x lo4 GENERAL NOTE: The tabulated values remaln unchanged up to 180°F. Above that temperature, measured properlies may decrease. NOTES 11) ASTM O 638 at 73OF. (2) ASTM D 790 at 73OF. ( I ) The Fabricator shall specify the minimum values in Table M 1 A 4 and use the correspondinggrade as found in Table MIA-I. This mcthd shdl not be used where laminates are fabricated for use above 180°F. (2) The Fabricator shall obtain the certified tensire strength and tensile modulus of his design basis laminates in accordance with para. M 1A-400. Testing to establish the propertics of the design basis laminate may be performed by thc Fabricator or by an independent test laboraiory. Results shall be certified by the individual who conducted or supervised the testing. When the corrosion barrier is included in the design as a contributor to the structural strength of the laminate, the design basis Iaminates shall include the inner surface, interior layer. and structuml layer, but not the outer surface. When the c o r d o n bamcr is excluded from the design as a contributor to the structural strength of the Iarninate per p m . 6-930(d)(31Id), the design bsis laminates shall include only the structural layer. Design basis laminates shall be at least 12 in. x 12 in. and shall incIude the foIloa-ingfor each resin and glass combination: (a)Type I - 0.18 in, nominal thickness Ib) Type I - 0.48 in. nominal thickness Ic) Type I - 0.74 in. nominal thickness (d) T y p II - 0.22 in. nominal thickness (e) Type Il - 0.49 in. nominal rhickness If) Type I1 - 0.76 in. nominal thickness Pmpenies of each type shall tK established on Rat laminates prepaid under shop conditions. For Type LI laminates the woven roving is laid-up in square array with warp rovings parallel layer to layer, and test specimens are cut parallel to the warp rovings. Ibl Grade identiffration numbers will be assigned by the Fabricator to the design basis laminates per para. M1A- 100 based on mechanical propenies measured at 73°F. The assignment shall be based on the following mles. ( I ] The Fabricator may select any laminate grade listed in Table MIA-1 which is up to. bur not gmaer than, the values established by hi design basis laminate and not less than those values shown in Table MI A 4 . (2) For lamhare sequences without certified properties, the identification number assigned shall not be greater than the lesser cenified property of the thicker and thinner sequences between which ir falls. For design purposes, pmpenies at 73°F are acceptable up to 180°F.Where laminates are fabricated for use at design temperatures above 180°F, cei-iification of tensile smgth and tensile modulus per para. M 1A-(a) shall be supplied at or above the specifred temperature. (c) Thc thickness and glass content of a production laminate shdl be established by the designer b a e d on the data obtained from the Fabricator's design basis laminates. Six thickness and glass content per unit area readings shall be taken on each design basis laminate. They shalt be taken at 1 in. to 2 in. from each comer, except for two readings taken from the middle of the laminate. The highest thickness and glass content per unit area reading taken (of the six) must be no more than 1 15 % of rhe lowest reading taken. The six readings shall be averaged to give the design basis laminate thicknas and glass content for each Iarninate tested. The average thickness value shall be from 85% to 115% of the nominal thickness listed in Tables MIA-2and MIA-3. NOlE _,a Glass content pcr unit arm m a w wight per unit area and is pcmnt rduc. (d) The laminate compositions and minimum propenies for Type I production laminates are given in Tables MIA-2 and MIA-4. (el The laminate compositions and minimum prop- REINFORCED THERMOSET PLASTIC COAROSlON RESISTANT EQUIPMENT erties for Type Il pmduction laminates are given in Tables MIA-3 and M l A 4 . NOTE: The h m h t t p r a m found in TabIt MIA-4 nrr ronscrvative and hisrorically pmvcn. Thty itprescar compilation of data on t k mmt availabk laminating matcrialr. Part 6 of this Standard, para. 6-930,requires tests to be conducted on a sample of laminate ~emovedfrom each vessel, to verify hat mechanical properties of tht as-constructed laminate meet or exceed those properties as used in the design. Based on the relative dificulty of suictly controlling the laminating process during the manufacture of a cornplcx vessel as c o m to~the sample preparation pmctss, the test laminate may have higher strength pmperties than the production laminate, Fabrica~orsare urged to establish conservative or historically proven mechanical property values for design purposes. Should the mechanical propenies of an as-constructed laminate fail to meet orexceed those used in the design, the equipment must then bc dedared by the Jnspec~orto be nor in compliance wilh this Standard. M IA-400 TEST METHODS (a) Tensile srength and tensile modulus of elasticity shall be determined by ASTM D 638. Specimens shall be in accordance with Type III, Fig. 1 of ASTM D 638 except that actual laminate thickness shaI1 be used. (b) Glass contcnt, weight perrent. shall be determined in accordance with ASTM D 2584. (c) When required, the residual undistuhed glass fiber plies from ASTM D 2584 shall be sepmtcd carefully and counted andlor weighed to confirm standard lay-up sequence. (d) Thickness shdl be measured with a ball foot rnicmmeter or caliper. When the configuration of the part will nor allow the use of these instruments. a digital magnetic intensity instrument (ASTMD 4 166) or an ultrasonic &ickness gauge found to l x accurare when measuring vessel cutouts shall be usad. (e) When required, thermal conductivity shall be measured in accordance with ASTM C 177. fl When required, thermal expansion shdl be measared in accordance with ASTM D 6%. - ASME RTP- 1 1995 EDITION ARTICLE B - REQUIREMENTS FOR LAMINATES DEVELOPED USlNG THE LAMINATION ANALYSIS MET HOD M l B-100 LAMINATE DESCRIPTION (a) Fabricators shall describe their laminates according ro type, class, and grade. All Article B laminates are designated Type X to diffemntirlte them from the stm- dard laminates dcscribd in Article A. (bl Type followed by Roman nurneral X is in turn followed by the identification of the reinforcements in the sequence they appear in the laminate, from the inrenor surface to the exterior. Reinforcements shall be identified consistently by the Fabricator in both the Laminate Description and the Manufacturer's Specific P d u c t Identification (MSPIIThe accompanying MSPI shall identify each reinforcement making up the laminate sequence. For continuous fiber reinforcements, the thickness of each reinforcement layer and the angle from the principal loading axis (which in the case of a cylinder is the cylinder axis) shall be Sited. Repeating constructions shall be identified in brackets followed by a subscript indicating the number of repeating constructions. kc) Class designates the resin used and the level of laminate flame d a n c y required. Class is written as the MSPI for the resin. followed in parentheses by the letrem FS and the maximum allowable flame spread. The flame spread shall be determined according to para. M1210. (dl Grade shall designate the tensile modulus, hoop and axial, in psi. as determined by the taminat ion Analysis Method (Appendix M-5). M1B-200 LAMINATE REQUIREMENTS M I 8-210 Laminate Construction Laminate construction shall be the same as described in para. M1B-l00(a). M1B-220 Laminate Composition Laminatesshall consist of a corrosion resistant barrier (comprised of an inner surface and interior layer) and a structural layer. M1A-500 RECORDS M I 6-221 Inner Surface - Corrosion Resistant Barrier. See para. M 1A-22 1 . The resulrs of all required tests shall be corded and shdl be available for review by the Inspector- M l B-222 Interior Layer Barrier. See para. MIA-222. - Corrosion Resistant . ASME RTP-1-1995 EDITION M1B-223 Structural Layer (a) The structural Iaycr is k r i b e d in p. M 13100. (b) Application of the stmctural layer shall not be started until the interior layer has been allowed to gel and exarherm. Ic) The first layer of the structural portion of the laminate shall be one or more plies of chopped srrand mat totaling 1 'h ozlsq ft or equivalent chopped roving saturated with resin. Thii layer shall be well rolled to thoroughly wet out reinforcement and remove entra~wdair and shall not be allowed to gel prior to stan df'subsequent layers. Id) The balance of the suuctural layer shall then be applied in stricr duplication of the laminate described in para. MlB-100. M IB-224Outer Surface. See para. MI A-224. M l B-300 REQUiFIEMENTS FOR PHYSICAL AND MECHANICAL PROPERTIES and specific gravity are m c a s u ~ don a fully cured '/e in. thick neat =in casting. Tensile modulus properties at or above the design temperature shall be used. Specific p i t y values at 75'F may be used for all design temperarures. (bl Standardized tensile modulus and specificgravi~y for E glass shall be used for the Lamination Analysis Method (Appendix hi-5). (c) Laminate propenits are calcuIated using the Lamination AnaIysis Method contained in Appendix (a) The =sin matrix tensile modulus M-5. REINFORCED THERMOSET Pusnc CORROSlOM FIESISTANT EQUIPMENT forcement per pan. MlB-100. The objgetive is to uniquely define each laminate. Also, for each laminare, m o d ~ s u l t of s m i n g done in paras. MlB400(a) and @) a d make them available for review by h e Inspector. ARTICLE C - PERMISSIBLE TOLERANCES FOR LAMINATE THICKNESS VARIATION MIOIOO lNTRODUCTION There are two types of laminate thickness tests. The first, average spot thickness, is used to measure a small area or a small component [st& Part 6, para. 6920(f)Q)J.The second, average thickness of a major part, is used to measure a large area. such as a shell or head, where several average- spot thicknesses can be taken [see para. 6-920(f)(2)]. M I C-110 Tolerance for Average Spot Thickness The thinnest value (of six) must be equal to or grearer than 90%of the &sign thickness of the laminate. The thickest value (of six) rnm be no more than 12042 of the thinnest value. The average of six thickness valucs must be no less than 95% nor more than 125% of the design thicknes of the laminate. See para. MlC-130 for exceptions. MI C-120 Tolerance for Average Thickness of a Major Part MIB-400 TEST METHODS (a) Glass content, weight percent, shall be determined in accordance with ASTM D 2584. IbJ Matrix tensile modulus shaIl be determined in accordance with ASTM D 638. (c) Matrix spscific gravity shall bc determined in accordance with ASTM D 792. (d) Thickness of individual plies shall k determined with a microscope or other insrrument having an accuracy of 0.001 in. M1E500 RECORDS For each laminate in pam. MlB-223,record wind angles, numbcr of wind cycles. and supplemental =in- The arerage 111ichrrsof a ~~tajor pnri is the average of four average spot thickness values. The average thickness of a major part shall be not less than 95% nor more than 120%ofthe design thickness of the laminate. Sce para. M I C- 130 for exceptions. Fabricato~may add additional material to achieve the minimum thickness spceified. All such additions sllall be in accordance with the repeating sequence of strucrural layers as described in para. MIA-100 or para. M IB-100. The repeating construction of reinforced laminate mny result in an over-thickness, which i s permissibIc. Refer to para. MI3-100(b) for ~quirements and proeedu~s. 1 REINFORCED THERMOSET PLASTIC CORROSION RESISTANT EQUIPMEMT MANDATORY APPENDIX M-2 RElNFORCEMENT MATERIALS RECEMNG PROCEDURES M2-100 INTRODUCTION All inspections and tests specified in Appendix M-2 are to k performed by Fabricuor personnel or an independent testing laboratory. ARTICLE A - FIBERGLASS SURFACING VElL IMAT), ORGANIC FIBER SURFACING VElL IMAT), CARBON FIBER VElL IMAT), AND FIBERGLASS CHOPPED STRAND MAT (bl M2A-100 INTRODUCTION This Articlc specifim the minimum inspections and tests that shall be pcriormed on the rolb of fiberglass surfacing veil. organic fiber surfacing veil. and fiberglass chopped strand mat that shall be used to fabricate equipment to this Standard. M2A-200 ACCEPTANCE INSPECTlON (a) (a) (a) Acceptance inspection shall include inspection of all rolls for proper packaging and identification, and contamination. This acceprance inspection is to te conducted on the unopened roll. Acceptance requirements and limits are as defined in pan. M2A4 10. Acceptance inspection shall include inspection of selected rolls lor measurement of unit weight per ANSIlASQC 21-4 criteria. Inspection for manufacturing imperfections shall be conducred during use of mlled goods. Acceptance requirements and limits are as defined in paras. M2A420 and M2A430. (bl The form shown in Table M2A- 1 of his Anicle, or a similar form that contains the pm~~isions to record the results of thesc rrquirsd i n s ~ t i o n sand certifiestions, if applicable, shall be used by the Fabricator and shall l x retained in the inspection records. A separate form shall be used for each mat manufacturer, mat nomenclature, mat treatment, and mat unit weight. (c) In lieu of performing the above manufacturing inspections, measurements, and documentation. the Fab- ricaror shall provide the User or User's agent with a Ceniticate of ~ o r n ~ l i a n cfmm e the material manufacturer, This Certificate shall assuE that materials were manufactured, inspected, and tested per the mattrid supplier's specifications. M2A-300 EQUIPMENT AND MEASURING TOOLS REQUIRED M2A-310 Inspection Table and Ughts An inspection table and adequate overhead lighting that are suitable for the inspection and testing of the mat a= required. The equipment used must not intduce conramination to the mat during inspection and testing. M2A-320 Linear Measuring Tools A standard Iinear measuring tool (longer than the width of the rolls) that measures the mll widths with minimum accuracy of f '/p in. is mquired. A 12 in. f %? in. x 12 in. f '/32 in. template i s required. M2A-330 Laboratory Balance A Iaboratory balance that measures to 0.1 g is required. M2A-400 PROCEDURES AND ACCEPTANCE LIMITS M2A-410 Roll Identification and Package Inspection (a) The mat shall b packaged as shipped from the mat manufacturer's factory. If repackaging is required. h e Fabricator shall assure that a material Certificate of Complimce uaccable to the original mattrial is pmvided. The original labels can k modified in regards to number and width of rolls only. All orher docurnenlation shall remain unchanged. Verify and enter on the La) REINFORCED THERMOSET PLASTlC CORROSION RESISTANT EQUIPMENT TABLE M2A-1 VEIL AND MAT REINFORCEMENT LOG SHEET Fabricator's name Mar manufacturer Address Mat mmenclature Mat treatment lif given) [Note (1 11 QC tile no.: - Met weight [Note 1211 1 2 3 4 5 6 Roll Reinforcement Production Lot No. Pmekaging Width Weight [Mote (1 11 Inspection No. Date (if given) BY Date of sq ft Sample 7 Pro~ertv Inripean (cob. 5 and 6) By Date 8 Visual Inspection BY Comments an visual and packaging inspection {indicate which roll): GENERAL NOTE: This form may be reproduced and used without written permisston from ASME if used for purposes other than repubtication. NOTES 4 f 1 Lot. batch. product code. or other label identification. 12) Manufacturer'slabel weight. Date REINFORCW THERMOSET PLASTIC CORROSfOPI RESISTANT EQUIPMENT MANDATORY APPENDIX M-2 REINFORCEMENT MATERIALS RECEIVING PROCEDURES M2-100 INTRODUCTION i n s ~ t i o nand s rens 'pecified in M-2 dependent testing khrarary. ARTICLE A - FIBERGLASS SURFACING VEIL (MAT), ORGANIC FIBER SURFACING VElL (MAT). CARBON FIBER VElL [MAT], AND FIBERGLASS CHOPPED STRAND MAT M2A-100 INTRODUCTION This Anicle specifies the minimum inspections and tests that are to be performed on the rolls of fiberglass slrrfacing veil, organic fiber surfacing veil, and fikrglass chopped strand mat thar are ro be used to fabricate equipment to this Standard. MZA-200 ACCEPTANCE INSPECTION (a) Acceptance inspection shall include inspection of alI rolIs for proper packaging and identification. and contamination. This accepmce inspection is to be conducted an the unopcned 1-011. Acceptance requi~ments and limits are as &fined in para. M2A410. Acceptance inspection shall include inspection of select4 d l s for measurement af unit weight per ANSUASQC 21.4 critcria. Inspection for manufacturing imperfections shall be conducted during use of rolled goods. Acctpmce requirements and limits are as defined in paras. M2A420 and M2A-430. @) The form shown in Table M2A-1 of rhi Article, or a similar form that contains thc provisions to record the resulrs of these required inspections, shall h used by the Fabricator and shall be remined in the inspection records. A separate form shall be used for each mat manufacturer, mat nomendamre, mat treatment, and mat unit weight. (c) In Iieu of performing the above inspections, measurrments, and documentation, the Fabricator shall pro- vide the User or User's agent with a Cenificate of Compliance from tlte material manufacturer. This Ccrcificaeshall a s w ~ ha materials w e e -ufactu&, hcations. M2A-300 EQUIPMENT AND MEASURING TOOLS REQUIRED M2A-310 Inspection Table and Lights An inspection table and adequate overhead lighting that are suitable for the inspection and testing of the mat are required. The equipment used must not introduce contamination to the ma1 during inspection and testing. M2A-320 Linear Measuring Tools A standard linear measuring tool (longer than the width of the rolls) that measures the roll widths with miaimurn accumcy of 4% in. is required. A 12 in. f 'hz in- x 12 in. f 'I32 in. template is required. M2A-330 Laboratory Balance A lahrataq balance that measures to 0.1 g is required. MZA-400 PROCEDURES AND ACCEPTANCE LIMITS M2A-410 Roll ldentificatlon and Package Inspection (a] The mat shall be packaged as shipped from the mat manufacturef s factory. If repackaging is r e q u i d , the Fabricator shall assure that a marerial Cenificate of Compliance m d i e to the original material is provided. The origid IabeIs can be modified in regards to number and width of rolls only. A11 other documentation shall remain unchanged. Verify and enter on fie REINFORCE0 THERMOSET PUSTtC CORROSION RESISTANT EQUIPMENT ASME RTP-1-1995 EDITION TABLE M2A-1 VEIL AND MAT REiNFORCEMENT LOG SHEET Fabricafor's name Mat manufacturer Address Mat nomenclature Mat treatment (if given) [Mote (111 QC file n Roll No. Reinforcement Production Date (if given) Lot No. [Note Ill1 o . Pecksging Inspection By Date : Wdth Mat weight [Note 1211 Weight of sq ft Sample Visual Inspection (cobs. 5 and 6) By Date Inspection BY Comments on visual and packaging inspection (indicate which roll): GENERAL NOTE: This form may be reproduced and usad without written permission from ASME i f used for purposes other than republication. NOTES: (1 I Lot, batch, product code, or other labet identification. (2) Mandacturer'~label weight. Dare RElNFORCED WERMOSET PLASTIC CORROSION RESISTANT EQUIPMENT .inspection record that the mat rolls as identifid by the mat manufacmnr have rhe same nomtaclature as h e mat specifiedto produce the laminate by Appendix M- I , Articles A and B, and examine &e packaging of the mat for damage that renders the mat unusable. Indicate acceptable rolls by recording the date and name of the person performing the examination on Table M2A-1, column 4. &) For paelaged mats that are found ra be acceptable for further insption and tests, enter the reinfo~ement production date and lot number on Table M2A-1, columns 2 and 3, M2A-420 Visual Inspection of Mat la) As the mat i s used during fabrication, it shall be visually inspecled for impcrfcctions and contamination. Date and name of person performing visual inspecrion sMI be recorded on Tablc M2A- 1, column 8. Ib) The mat shall be uniform in color, texture, and appearance. lmperiecrions andlor conraminants shall be removed so as not to damage the mat or by making two parallel cuts across the width of the mat and discarding the rectangular section of the mat containing the defects. Contaminants do not include white or light gray binder spots. NOTE Exampks of imperfections are froits.cuts. thin spots. or dclaminations. i-e.. scparaling into h ~ e r sduring unrolling. ExampIcs of conurninants arc din. oil. g-. and ioreign objccts. (el Rolls having any of the following defects shall not be ustd in laminates made to this Standard: 11) wet spots (2) water contamination 131 bar marks (4) lenglhwise wrinkles exceeding 5 ft in length M2A-430 Weight per Square Foot of Mat From the leading edge of each roll of mat that will be tesred as p r para. M2A-200.cut a 1 sq ft ( I 0 sq fi for surfacing veil) sample using the template sperified in para. M2A-320. If the roll is less than I2 in. wide, use the full width of the roll. but adjust the length of the sample (use the linear measuring tool specified in para. M2A-320). Any property measurement shall be conducted by unrolling only the quantiry of material required to conduct the test. Using the laboratory balance required by pan- M2A-330. weigh the sample of mat to the nearest 0.1 g. Convert the grams to ounces. if needed, by rnuhipl~inggmms by 0r0352. If the sample fmm a roll falls outside the mat manufiicturer's specified weight range, the mI1 of mat shall be rejected. Enter the of weighed samples for acceptable and unacceptable rolls on the inspeetion form under column 6. Note the rejected mlb wirh the word "rejected" next to the recorded weight in column 6values ARTICLE B - FIBERGLASS SPRAY-UP ROVING AND FILAMENT WINDING ROVING M2B-100 INTRODUCTION This Article specifics the minimum inspections and rests that a= to k performed on fiberglass spray-up roving and filament winding roving chat are to be used to fabricare equipment to this Standard. MZB-200 ACCEPTANCE INSPECTIONS (a) Acceptance inspections shall include inspection of the roving balls for proper packaging, identifica~ion. and contamination. This acceptance inspection is to be conducted on the unopened roll. Acceptance q u i r t ments and limits are as defined in para. M2B410. Acceptance inspection shall include inspection of selected rolls for measurement of roving yield per ANWASQC Z 1.4 criteria. I m r i o n for manufachlring imperfections shall k conducted during use of roving balls. Acceptance quirements and h i t s are as defined in paras. MZB420 and M2B430. (b) Tht form shown in Table M2B-1 of this Article, or a similar form that contains the provisions to record the results of inspections, shall be used by the Fabricator and shall be retained in h e inspection records. A separate form shall be used for each mving manufacrurer, mving nomcnclarure, and roving yield. Ic) In lieu of performing the above inspections, measurements, and dccumentation. the Fabricator shall provide the User or User's agent with a Certificate of Compliance from the material manufacturer. This Certificate shdl assure that materials were manufachired. inspected, and tested per the material supplier's specifications. M2B-300 EQUIPMENT AND MEASURING TOOLS M2B-310 Wrap Reel A device may be used which provides a minimum of a 6 yard sample measumd and cut under sufficient tension to keep h e strand taut. Equipment such ns standard REINFORCED THERMOSET PLASTIC CORROSION RESISTANT EQUIPMENT ASME RTP-1-1995 EDITION TABLE M2B-1 ROVING REINFORCEMENT LOG SHEET -- Fabricator's name Raving manufacturer Address M n g nomenclature Roving yield OC file m-: 1 2 3 4 5 Ball Reinforcement Production Lot No. [Note (1 11 Packaging Yield No. Inspection Date (if given) By Date 6 7 mr*I Inspaction Ieolumn 5) By Date Visual Inspection By Comments on visual and packaging inspection (indicate which roll): GENERAL NOTE: This form may be reproduced and used without wrltten permission from ASME if used for purposes other than republication. NOTE: (1) Lot, bat&, product code, w othar label Identification. Date REINFORCED THERMOSET PLASriC CORROSION RfSlSfANT EQUIPMENT 36 in. or 54 in. (1 ymd or 1.5 yard) yam reeI with adjustable uansvefse, four skein capacity is suggested. M2B-320 Laboratory Balance A labratory balance that measums to 0.1 g is required. M2B-400 PROCEDURES AND ACCEPTANCE LIMlTS M28-410 Roving Identification and Package Inspection (a) The roving shall be packaged as shipped fmrn the manufacturer's factory. The roving shall not be repackaged in the distribution of thc materid afrer the manufacntrer has shipped the roving. Verify that the roving balls as identified by the manufacturer have the same nomenclature as the mving required by Appendix M-1 and examine the packaging of the roving for damage that renders the mving unusable. Indicate acceptable roving by recording on Table M2B-1. column 4, the date and name of the person performing the examinarion. @) For packaged rovings that are found to be acceptable for further inspection and tests, enter the reinforcement production date and lot number for each ball on Table M2B-I. columns 2 and 3. M2B-420 Visual Inspection of Roving (a) The mving ball shall be visually inspected forirnperfections and contamination prior to use by the Fabricator. Record the date and the inspactor's name on Table M2B-1,column 7. If any roving ball is rtjec~ed, record the reason under the comments section in Table M2B- 1. 0 Roving balls having any of the following defects shaH not be used for laminates made to this Standard: (1) any package rhat exhibits foreign manes such as din, oil. grease, wasie glass fiber, or beads of glass such thar it would detract from the performance or appearance of the finished product; 0) balls that have been contaminated by water. M20-430 Measurement of Roving Yield From one roving ball per shipment, obtain a rninimum of a 6 yard sample (length A) of roving as required by para. M2B-3 10. Roving sball be pulled fmm the same side ofh e package as used in the Fabricator's process. If the roving is pulled from the o u ~ i d eof the package, suficient material shall be removed and discarded so ASME RTP-1-1995 EDITION that the sample will k lalrcn from undisnubed material. Remove the sample from the wrap reel. Double the Sample several times and tie with a single knot. Using the balance requid by para. M2B-320,weigh the sample to the nearest 0-1 g. Convert grams to ounces by multiplying grams by 0.0352. Two specimens from each package shall be measured and the average computed. Record as Weight A. Calculate the yield, yardsob, using the following formula: yield, yardsfib = I6 oznb x leogtb A = 96 weight A (0x1 wei* A (02) Enter h e yield of acceptable and unacceptable MIS of roving on Table M2B-1, column 5. lf the yield of the ball of roving is outside the manufacturer's specification, thc remaining balls in the shipment are to be inspeckd per ANSYASQC 21-4 criteria, following the p d u m specified in para. M2B430.Balls whose yield is outside the rnanufacrunzr's s-cation shall not be used for laminates made lo this Standard. Note the rejected roving balls with the word "rejected" next to the yield in column 5. Atso, record the da~cand name of the person performing the yield measumnent in column 6. ARTICLE C - FIBERGLASS WOVEN ROVING FABRIC, FIBERGLASS UNIDIRECTiORIAL FABRIC, AND FIBERGLASS NONWOVEN BlAXlAL FABRIC This Article specifies the minimum inspections and are to be performed on the mlls of fiberglass woven roving fabric, fiberglass u n i d i i i o d fabric, and fikrgIass nonwoven biaxial fabric that are to k used to fabricate equipment to this Standard. tests that M2C-200 ACCEPTANCE INSPECTIONS (a) Acceptance inspections shall include inspection of all fabric rolls for proper packaging and identification. and contamination. T h i s acceptance inspecuon is to be conducted on the unopened roll. Acceptance requiremears and limits are as defined in para. M2C-410. Acceptance inspection shall include inspection of selected rolls for measurement of unit weight and verification of construction of fabric per ANSIIASQC Z 1.4 REINFORCED THERMOSET PLASTIC CORROSION RESISTAM EQUIPMENT criteria. Inspection for manufacturing imperfecEions shall be conducted during use of rolled goods. Acceptance requirements and Iimics are as defined in p a . M2C420 through M2C450. (b) The form shown in Tabk M2C-1 of this Article, or a similar form that contains the provisions to record the mults of these mquired inspections, shall be used by the Fabricator and shatl be retain4 in the inspection mods. A separate form shall be used for each fabric manuiactumr, fabric nomenclature, fabric unit weight (ozlsq yard), and fabric construction. (c) In lieu of pforming the a b v e inspections, mas u m n t s , and documentation, the Fabricator shall provide the User or User's agent with n Certificate of Compliance from the material manufacturer. This Certificate shall assure that materials were manufactu~d, inspected, and tested per the material supplier's specifications. M2C-300 EQUIPMENT AND MEASURING TOOLS REQUIRED M2C-310 lnspection Table and tights An inspection table and adequate overhead lighting that are suitable for the inspection and testing of the fabric are required. The equipment usad shall not introduce contamination to the fabric during inspction and testing. M2C-320 Linear Measuring, Marking, and Cutting Tools (a) A standard linear measuring toot (longer than width of mll) dat measures the roll widths with minimum accuracy of &'/s in. i s requid. (b) A 3 in. f %: in. square template is required. Ic) A fine point felt tip pen md scissors are required. aged in the distribution of the material after the manufacturer has shipped the fabric. Verify hat the fabric rolls as identified by the manufacturer have the same nomenclature as the fabric required by Appendix M-I and examine the packaging of the fabric for damage that renders the fabric unusable. Indicate acccptabIc rolls by recording the date and name of the peaon performing the examination on Table M2C-1, column 4. @) Forpackaged rolls that are found to be acceptable for fuEtber iaspection and tests, enter the fabric production date and lot number on Table M2C- I , columns 2 and 3. M2C420 Visual Inspection of Fabric la) As fabric is used, it shall be visually inspected for imperfections and contaminations by the Fabricator. Record date and name of inspector on Table WC-1. column 9. If a roll is rejected, record the reason under the comments section in Table M2C-1. Fabric shall be uniform in color. texture, and appcarance. The foilowing imperfections and/or contaminations shall be removed fmm fiberglass woven mving and fiberglass nonwoven biaxial fabric by making two parallel cuts across the width of the fabric and d i a r d ing the rectangular sections of fabric containing the following defects: (1) dirt spots (%s in. to in. in diameter) in txccss of one per 10 lineal feet (dirt spots are defined as a11 foreign matter, din, grease spots, etc.); 121 missing ends for more than 2 consecutive feet in length; (31 firs clumps or loops greaterthan 1 in. in height frnrn the surface. (cl FibergIass woven and fiberglass nonwoven biaxial fabric having any of the following defects shall not be used for laminates made to this Standard: (1) dirt spots in exof % in. in diameter (din spots are defined as all fo~ignmatter, din. grease spots, etc.); M2C-330 Laboratory Balance A labormory balance that measures to 0.1 g is required. G'l more than 11 missing ends. either individual picks or any combination of individual and multiple (2. 3, 4, or 5 ) ends in any consecutive 100 lineal feer; (3) fuzz clumps or Imps that prevent the proper lay-dawn of the fabric and which C a M O t be easily removed; M2C.400 PROCEDURES AND ACCEPTANCE LIMITS M2C-410 Roll Identification and Package Inspection la) The fabric shdl be packaged as shipped from h e manufactutrr's factory. The fabric shall not be repack- (41 rolls that have been contaminated by water. (dl Fiberglass unidi~ctionalfabric shdI be uniform in color, texrure, and appearance. The following i m p fections andlor contaminations shall k removed fmm the fabric by making two parallel curs across rhe width of the fabric and discarding the mctangdar sections of fabric containing the following defects: REINFORCED THERMOSET PLASTIC CORROSION RESLSTANT EOUIPMENT - ASME RTP- 1 1995 EDITION TABLE MPC-I FABRIC REINFORCEMENT LOG SHEET -. Fabricator's name Fabric mamtfacturer Address Fabric nomenclature Fabric weight QC file no.: - 1 2 3 Roll Reinforcement No. Production Lot No. INote(1)I 4 Packaging Inspection 5 Width 6 Weight 7 8 Conmction Property 9 Visual Inspaction Inspection [cols. 5.6. and 7 ) Date (if given) Fabric c o n d o n BY Date By Date By Comments on visual and packaging inspection (indicate which roll): GENERAL MOTE: TM9 form may be reproduced and used without written permission from ASME if used for purposes other than republicatian. NOTE (11 Lot, batch, product code. or other label identifieation. Date REINFORCED THERMOSET PLASUC - ASME RTP- 1 1B9S EDITION ( I ) dirt spots in. to % in. in diameter) in excess of one per 10 l i d feet (dirt spots are defined as all foreign matter, dirt, grease spots. etc.); (2) missing ends in any dimtian Iess than one per l i d foot: (3) a m s of the fabric less than 6 in. X 6 in. where wings are disoriented w loo* Icss thmtn 1 in. in height fmm tbe surface, The number of these area shall not exceed two per 5 Iineal yards of fabric. If so, the roll shaII not be used for laminates made to this Standard; (4) weft mils exceeding 1 in. or Iess rhm Va in. in length; (5) bias exceeding f 10 deg. from 0 deg.1 180 deg. in a warp [machine d i t i m ) product or from 90 deg.1 270 deg. in a weft (All dimrion) praduct. {e) Fiberglass unidirectional fabric mlls having any of the foIIowing defects shall not be used for Iaminates made to this Standard: ( I ) dirt spots in excess of % in. in diameter (dirt spots are defined as all foreign matter, dirt. grease spots. etc.); 121 missing ends in any direction more than one per lineal foot of fabric; (3) areas of the fabric greater than 6 in. x 6 in. where rovings are disoriented or Iooped less than I in. in height from the surface; (4) areas of the fabric where mvings are disoriented or looped greater than 1 in. in height from the surface; (51 rolls that have k e n contnminated by water or CORROSION RESISTANT EQUIPMENT Due w the mclhads of ~ k t w S n fabrics, g there are diffmnt ways of docribirrg widths of fabrics. NO= M2C-440 Weight per Square Yard of Fabric Unroll the fabric on the inspection table and lay flat. Pull one fill pick from tbe sample or mark a lime across the width of the fabric. Measure fmrn the pulled pick or line using a 36 in. rule meering the accuracy requiements of para. M2C-320-Pull another fill pick or mark offthe 36 in. sample for cuniag. Cut thc 36 in. long sample across the width of the fabric using scissors. Measure the, width of the fabric according to para. M2C430. Weigh the sample to the nearest 0.1 g. Convert griuns to ounces by multiplying grams by 0.0352. Calculate h e weight per square yard in ounces per square yard using the following formula: weight. oz %yare yard =r 36 in. quare yard sample weight. or sample width, in. Rolls whose weight per square yard are outside the manufacturer's spcicication shall nor be used for laminates ma& to this Smdard. Enter the weight per square yard of acceptable and unacceptable mlls on the inspection report shown in Table M2C-1. Note the rejected rolls with the word "rejected" next to the weight in column 6. other substances. M2C-450 Construction M2C-430 Width Measure of Fabric With the linear measuring tool given in para. k12C320, measure the width of the fabric at least 1 yard from the beginning (leading) edge of the roll and at ~ w o additional positions at least 6 in. apart. Follow the manufacrurer's definilion for the width of the particular fabric (see note below). Measure to the nearest VB in. Average the three measurements and enter the measured width of acceptable and unacceptable rolls on the inspection form shown in Table M2C-1. Note the rejected rolls wirh the word "rcjccted" next to the width in column 5. Rolls with variations greater than f 5 in. for 1-011 widths of 12% in. or less and f'k in. for roll widths greater than 12% in. shall not be used in laminates made to his Standard. Record the date and name of thc person performing the width, weight. and construction measurement in column 8. Unroll the fabric on the inspection rablz and lay fiat. Perform the verification of mnstrllction han area at least 1 yard from the beginning of the mll and one-tenth of the width from the edge of the fabric. For example, on 60 in. material start at least 6 in. from one edge and 1 yard from the beginning of the fabric. Using the template required by para. M2C-320,measure a 3 in. square and count the number of warp strands (if applicable) to the nearest half strand in the secrion. Repeat this three times diagons1fy across the fabric. Add the total warp saands counted in the three 3 in. squares and divide by nine. This will give picks pet inch in the warp o f the fabric- Repeat for the fill (weft) strands if applicable. Rolls whose picks per inch in either warp or fill are outside the manufacturer's specification shall not be used for laminates made to this Standard. Enter the picks per inch in the warp and fill of acceptable and unacceptable rolls to the neamt 0.1 picks on Table M2C-1, column 7. RUNFORCED THERMOSET PLASTIC CORROSION RESISTANT EQUIPMENT ARTICLE D - FIBERGLASS MILLED FIBERS M2D-400 PROCEDURES AND ACCEPTANCE LIMITS M2D-100 INTRODUCTION M2D-410 Package Identification and Inspection This Article specifies the minimum inspections and tests that am to ix perfomred on the package of fiberglass milled fiber that are to bt used to fabricate equipment to this Standard. (a) The milled fiber shall be packaged as shipped fmm the manufacturer's factory.The milled 6 h r shall not be repackaged in the disttibution of the material after the manufactu~rhas shipped the milled fiber. Verify that the milled fiber as identified by he manufacturer has the =me nomendatu~as the milled fiber r e q u i d by Appendix M-1 and examine each package of rniIled fiber for damage that renders it unusable. Indicate acceptable milled fibers by recording date and namc of the person performing the examination on Table M2D-1. column 4. (bl For packaged milled fiber that is found to be acceptable for further inspection, enter the reinforcemenr production date and lot number for each package of milled fiben used on Table M2D-I, columns 2 and 3. M2D-200 ACCEPTANCE INSPECTIONS {a) Acceptance inspections shall include inspection of the milled fiber for proper packaging and identification, and visual inspection for contaminarion. Acceptancc requirements and limits are defined in paras. M2D- 410 through M2D420(a). a) The form shown in Table M2D-1 of this Article. or a similar form that contains the pmvisions lo record the results of these required inspections, shall be used by the Fabricator and shall be retained in the inspeaion records. A separate form shall be used for each milled fiber manufacturer, milled fiber nomenclature, and milled fiber length. M2D-300 EQUIPMENT REQUIRED M2D420 Visual Inspection of Milled Fiber {a) As milled fiber is used, it shall be visually inspected for contamination by the Fabricator. Record the date and the inspector's name on Table M2D-1. column 5. An inspection table and adequate overhead lighting Packages having contapination of the milled fiber evident in the form of water, oil, g m e , ox clump- that are suitable for the inspection of the milIed fiber we required. The equipment used must not inrroduce contamination to the milled fiber during inspection. ing together shall be rejected. (c) Record the results of tht visual inspection of each package of milled fiber on rhe inspection report. REINFORCED THERMOSET PeASTlC CORROSION RESISTANT EQUIPMENT TABLE M2D-1 MILLED FIBER REINFORCEMENT LOG SHEET Fabricator's name Fiber manufacturer Address Fiber nomenclature Fiber length QC file no.: 1 2 3 4 5 Package Reinforcement Packaging Visual No. Production Date (if given) Lot No. INote (111 lnspecdon Inspection By Date By Comments on visual and packaging inspection (indicate which package): GENERAL NOTE: This form may be reprduced and used without written permission fmm ASMf if used for purposes other than republication. NOTE: (1) LOT, batch, ~ r o d u ccode, t or other label identifieation. Date REINFORCED THERMOSET PLASf lC CORROSION RESISTANT E[1UIPMENT MANDATORY APPENDIX M-3 MATRIX MATERIALS RECEIVfNG PROCEDURES M3-100 INTRODUCTION Appendix M-3 with Articles A (Visual Inspection Requirements). B (Specific Graviry),C (Viscosity, Gardner-Holdt Methd), D (Viscosity, BmMieId Method), and E (Room Temperature Gel Time) specifies the minimum requiremenls for the inspecrions and rests that are to be performed by rbe Fabricator personnel or an independent resting laboratory on resins and curing agents (curing agents include accelerators, promoters, and peroxides as required for specific rains systems). These inspections are to be performed on one mndorn sample from each lot or batch of material received fmm a supplier. If any containers or packages are damaged. then the contents of each damaged container shall be inspected. The requirements of this Appendix are to be accomplished prior to acceptance of resins and curing agents for fabrication of equipment to this Standard. These requirements shall help assure rhat the resins and curing agents arc c o m t l y identified; meet the manufacturer's specification;and are suitable for proper fabicaiion. curing practice, and design requirements of equipment fabricated to this Standard. M3-200 SAFETY See Mated Safety Data Sheets for materials to k used. - VISUAL INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS ARTICLE A M3A-100 INTRODUCTION This Anicle specifies the steps that shall be followed when inspecting resins and curing agents that are to be used to fabricate vessels to this Standard. { I ) They shall be checked ta assurr they are the products ordered. 121 They shall haw proper labeling for the specified product, including the manufacturer's pradua name and identifying number. (3) A sample shall be of normal color and clarity for the specific resin, free from solid or gelled panicles and dirt as dttcrrnined by visual examination. (4) They shall be within the manufacnrrer's specification Iimits for specific gravity, viscosity, and m m temperature gel rime as determined by the test melhods of Articles B through E. (5) Results of visual examinations and specific tests shall be recorded on the Resin Log Sheet, Table M3F-1. (b) Curing agents, before use, shall comply with the following. ( I ) They shall be checked to assure they are the products o r d e ~ d . (2) They shall have proper hbel for the specified product, including rhe manufacturer's product name and identifying number. (3) They shall have no layering or separation into two or more phases. CAUTION: byering or separarion presents porcnrial b t d : conwct qphur immedia~elyat cmergtnq telrphorpe numbea shown on the Curing Agea b g Shcct for instnrFlions if layering is obsenred. (4) I n the case of liquids, they shall be free of sediment or suspended solids. (5) They shall have proper curing activity as defined by the Fabricator's process andlor manufacrurer's spacification. as determined by the mrn tempamre gel time test (stc Article El. 161 Results of visual examination and gel time resting shall I x recorded on the Curing Agents Log S h e . Table M3F-2. M3A-300 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA M3A-200 REQUIREMENTS la) Resins, before use. shall comply - - with the follow- ing. Materials failing visual inspection criteria or failing manufactureis specificaiions in any pmscribed test s M not be used unless: to meet the REINFORCED THERMOSET PLASTIC CORROSION RESISTANT EQUIPMENT ASME ATPI -1 995 EDITION (a} in codtation with the manufacturer's QC contact (shown on log sheet), comctive sampling procedures are undemken which result in the material passing visual examination; and fi) test result differences are shown. by retest, to be caused by p r d u d differences in tesring mther than by differences in quality of materials. ARTfCLE B - SPECIFIC GRAVITY M3B- 100 1NTRODUCTlON This Article specifiesthe procedure that shall be used to determine the spific gravity. This is accompIished by weighing a standard volume of liquid at a specific temperature and converting this weight to specific ,wvity . The following apparatus i s required: (a) laboratory balance (0,l g sensitivity); @I weight per gallon cup (water capacity 83.3 ml) wirh lid (Gardner catalog No. CG 9652 or equivalent); {c) thermometer IASTM No. 17C). M3B-600 REPORT Record specific graviry on the Resin Log Sheet, TabIe M3F-1. ARTICLE C - VISCOSITY, GARDNERHOLDT METHOD This Article specifies the p~ferredprocedure for determining the viscosity of nonthixompic resins. The Gardner-Holdt methd is based on the rate a "bubble " rises throughout the liquid resin under controlled condirions. The method determines viscosity in bubble seconds. Above 2.65 bubble seconds, the readings are appmximately equal ro stokes. This method is not suirable for thixotmpic resins; the Brookfield rnerhod defined in Article D shall be used for thixotropic resins. Two variations of the method are the Comparison Method and rhe Timing Method. (a) The Comparison Method is required for kintmatic viscosities below 6 stokes. The rare of bubble rise is compared with rate of rise in Gardner-Holdt nurnerical standard tubes. Ib) The Timing Method is suitable for kinematic viscosities of 6 stokes and above and interchangeable with the Comparison Method in this viscosity m g e . MJC-200 APPARATUS M3B-300 PROCEDURE la) Precondition the resin sample and weight per gallon cup for 20 min ai 25°C f0.1"C. Insen thc cup and the =sin sample s e p t e I y in a large beaker. P k in a 25'C w a r bath. (b) T m weigh the empty cup and lid to f 0.1 g. {c) Fill the cup to the brim with bubble-free resin. [dl Place the cover on the cup and farce it down to sear fully. (el 'Nipthe cup clean on the outside. tfl Weigh the fiI1ed cup to f 0.1 g. (a) Constant temperature bath, 25°C f0.1"C, with water as the bath medium. The bath shall be equipped with ASTM No. 23C thermometer for monitoring bath temperature. (b) Viscosity tubes, having clear glass and flat boitoms. 10.65 m m +0.025 mrn inside diameter, and 114 mrn f 1 mrn outside length. Plainly legible lines are to bc located as follows: (1) 27 m m f 0.5 mm from the ourside bortom of the tube; (2) 100 mm f0.5 m m f o m the outside bottom of the tube; (3) 108 m m f0.5 m m from the outside bottom of the tube. The distance between lines (I) and (2) above shall be M3B-400 CALCULATIONS weight. Iblgal = 73 mm f0.5 rnrn. weight of full cup, g specific gravity = - tare weight. g 10 weight, Iblgal 8.33 (c) Gsrdner-Holdt references standards, consisting of a series of standard viscosity rubes filled with transparent liquids having predetermined kinematic viscosities in ranges of 0.10 stokes to 1000 stokes and bubble seconds as shown in Table M3C-1. + REINFORCED THERMOSn PLASTIC CORROSION RESISTANT EQUTPMEMT TABLE M3C-1 RECOMMENDED NUMERICAL STANDARDS FOR COMPARATOR VISCOSITY TUBES Bubbir Secclndr [Note (111 0.75 Tube Number -- 0.81 -- - 0.22 0.34 -- 1-00 0.50 -0-6s - 1.15-- 0.92 1.30-- 1.15- 0.90 -- f -55-- 1.85,2.20- - - 215 2-65 0.13 - - A3 0.20 - A2 0.25 0.32-L 0.40 A1 - -- A 0.50 0.63'0.80 - 8.30- 8.00-5.00- -- 40- B - --80 -- 50 03 -- 1.26-- E 125 -- -F 1.60-G 2-00 H 2.50 -- J -K -200 -180 -I - 4.00 - -- MN -- P 50 - -- loo -- 5.00-- 6.00 - -- A30 8.00 10.0 --u 160- - -V 320 -- 320 - 400-- 400- 500 -- 500 1WO-- 26 2w- 250- --- 25 125 - 830 800 24 80 -0 -0 -R -S -T - z2 =-- 250 -L 4.00 10.0 40- loo 3.20 Letter 32 D -- Stokes -13 -16 -20 -25 -32 -- 1.m-- 3.20 6.308.00-- Gardner-Holdt Tube Numb~r 10 0.16 [Note {2)) 3.201- 10.0 1.45- - 0.10' 1.80 2.65[Note (211 4.00- - - Gardner-Holdt Letter Stokes - 27 -a 830 800 loo*-- -- 29 210 GENERAL NOTE: Table is arranged to show relationship between stokes, bubble seconds. and Gardner-Holdt letten. Stokes are shown in logarithmic progression. NOTES: ( 1I The bubbIe time, in sewnds, of the numerical tubes under 4 see we8 determined by a technique employing a movie camera. (21 Above 2.65 see. the bubble seconds as meawred by the kinematic method are approximately equivalent for most products. Below 2.65 sec, this relationship does not hold. RBNMRCEO THERMOSET PLASTIC CORROSION RESISTAMT EQUIPMWJT NOTE:The serits of skdards is s p e d in Iogarithmicdly even incRmenrr of h u t 26%. log 1.260 - 0.1000.The -merits are marktd numeridly as shown ia Tabk MX-1.Since above 2.65 he valrw are qpmximaIcly aqual to sldru. results will be r e p m i in stok for mosr mins. (dl Timing device in the form of a timing clock calibrated in units of 0-1 sec. (el Inverting rack, capable of inverting three or more viscosity tubes 180 deg. to within 1 deg. of venical position while rack and tubes are imm& in the constant temperature bath. 0 Viscosity tube corks, No. 2 short. @red for the bubble to risc in seconds. The t& must bt in the exact vedcal position. S m the timing device when the tup of the bubble becomes tangtat lo tht 27 mm line mi the tube. Stop the timing &vice when IIR top of the bubble kames tangent with the 1MI mm line. This gives a 73 mm timed bubble tmvd. to kinematic \PisId) Bubble s e ~ ~ ~ t d equivalem s mity in stoktg. M3C-000 CALCULATIONS Convut bematic viscosity in stokes to viscosity in M3C-300 PREPARATION OF SAMPLES All samples aFe transferred ro a viscosity rube to approximately !eve1 with the top of the 108 mm Iine. Immediately transfer the tube to the 25'C water bath wirh cork Ioosely inserted and hoId at this temperature for 10 rnin. M3C-400 PROCEDURE BY THE COMPARISON METHOD (a) Immediately following the 10 min hold time, level off the material so that the bottom of the meniscus is level with the 100 mrn line. Insert the cork so that the cendpoise as follows: noka = poise spccifw gravity cemipoisc = stokes x specific p i t y x 100 M3C-700 REPORT Record viscosity in antiwise on the Resin Lag Sheet, Table M3F- 1. bonom of h e cork is level with the 108 mm line. This will assure a bubble of suitable and uniform size. Ibl Insen the rube in the rack with the proper standard rubes and immerse with the cork down in the 25°C constant temperature bath. Allow the rube to stand in the barh a minimum of 20 rnin before reading the viscosity (see (c) below]. {c) T o mad the viscosity. invert the rack and compare the rate of bubble rise of the sample bubble to those of the standards. The tubes must remain in the exact verticaI position. (dl The tube number is equivalent to the kinematic viscosity in stokes. The Brookfield method determines the viscosity nnd thixotmpic index of a resin using a Brookfield viscometer. It is applicable for both thixotropic md nonthixotropic resins. However, because cIose control of resin temperature and careful maintenance of the Brookfield viscometer are required lo obrain accurate viscosity values, h e Gardrier-Holdt method defined in Article C is preferred for nonthixompic resins. M3C-600 PROCEDURE BY THE TIME M3D-200 APPARATUS METHOD (Greater Than 6 Stokes) (a) Adjust the size of the bubble as in para. M3C400(a). 0 Insert the t u b in the nck with rhe cork down and immerse in the 25'C constant temperature barh. Allow the tube to stand in the bath a minimum of 20 min before reading the viscosity. (c) lnven the tube quickly nnd determine the time re- ARTICLE D - VISCOSITY, BROOKFIELD METHOD M3D-100 INTRODUCTION The following apparatus is required: (a) Brooldield viscomewr model LVF (calibmted via manufacrurrr's directions) (b] 250 mI poiypropylem beakers (c) constant temperature water bath at 25°C 20.1 ' C Id} thermometer (ASTM No. I7C) le) stainless steel spatula @ timer. reading in 0.1 min REINFORCED THERMOSFf PLASTlC CORROSION RESISTANT EQUIPMENT M3D-300 PROCEDURE FOR TEMPERATURE ADJUSTMENT (a) Fill M e r with material to k tested. (b) Immcrse covered beaker in agitated 25°C water bath and allow to come ro temperature, 2S°C f0.1 "C. The temperature adjustment may be hastened by spatuIa agitation of thc sample (avoid air entrapment). Ic) Check temperature using Saybolt thermometer. M3D-400 PROCEDURE FOR THIXOTROPIC RESINS (a) Agitate the resin with a spatula for 1 rnin at a a t e of 120 rpm withour entrapment of air, replace cover on beaker, allow to stand ior 5 rnin +0.1 min. Ib) LRvel Bmkiield viscometer. attach spindIe and guard as designated by resin manufacwrer. 1c) Remove beaker from bath, place open beaker in position under Brookfield vixom&er, center and immerse spindIe to middle of the notch{d} Set s p d to 6 rpm, aart Bmkfield viscomeier and timer. After 1 min, increw s ~ to 60 d rPm. At 2 min on timer, stop viscorneier and read. Reduce speed to 6 rpm and take final readins 1 min after restafling. Record the 60 rpm and 6 rpm values. (e) Repeat steps (a) through (d) a h v e for second reading at each spindle speed. ASME RTP-I -1995 EDITION BmokfieId ronstant for the particular spindle number and rpm used to obtain the d u e . @) Jfthe two m l t s for a pmicular spindle and speed do not agree wiihin f 50 centipoise, ~epeatthe test. (c) Determine thixouopic index as viscosity at 6 rpm divided by viwarily at rpm. M3D-700 REPORT Report the fo1lowing on the Resin Log Sheet, Table M3F-1. (a) Brookfield viscometer spindle and speed; (b) viscosity in centipoise a[ 2S°C average d two trials at both Vrnand 60 Vrn- ARTICLE E - ROOM TEMPERATURE GEL TIME M3E-100 INTRODUCTION This Anicle specifies h e pmedure that shall be used to determine the mom temperature (25'C) gel time of resins that have been property mixed with correctly proportioned amounts of accelerator, promoter. and peroxide curing agents. M3E-200 APPARATUS M3D-500 PROCEDURE FOR NONTHIXQTROPlC RESINS (a) Level Brookfield viscometer, attach spindle and guard as designat4 by resin manufacturer. (6) Remove beaker from bnth, place open bealccr in position under Brookfield viscometer, center and immerse spindle to middle of the notch. kc) Run viscosity at 642 rpm for 1 min with a spindle chosen so that the Bmokfield pointer falls approximately in h e mid-nnge of the recording dial. Alternatively, run at rpm and spindle recommended by resin rnanufactuer. Rceord the value. {dl Repeat steps (a) and (b) above for second result. M3D-600 CALCULATIONS (a) Determine viscosiry by multiplying the values obtained in paras. M3D-400 and M3D-500 with the The following appamus is required: (a) constant temperature water bath at 25°C *O. 1"C (5) popoIypropylene graduated beaker. 250 ml (c) stainless sieel spatulas Id) Wratory timer. calibmed in units of 0.1 rnin Ie) laboratory balance (0.I g sensitivity) @ graduated syringes, delivery 0.1 d to 3.0 ml f0.01 rnl (g) rhemwmeter (ASTM No. 17C) M3E-300 PROCEDURE (a) Place I00 g of resin to be tested into a clean 250 rnl polypropylene beaker. Place charged kaker in the constant temperatuE bath previously set at 25°C HI. 1 "C for a minimum of 20 min until the resin in the beaker is stabilized throughout at 25 "C f0.5 "C. (b) Add controlled promoters and/or accelcratos individually, stirring with the metal spatula between each addition until they are thoroughly dispersed (1 rnin for REINFORCED THERMOSET msnc CORROSION RESISTANT E W IPM€MT each addition). The quantities and p ~ c i s i o nofamounts m to be as specified by the resin supplier. ance and use of any of the common additives in the =in. NOTE IIis rerommmdtd that w d t n tongue m bt Ilsed. s h c e Ihe). will a b r b curing mmpmnts and may also b h u&s i d l e con-mts into the rcsin solution. M3G-200 DEFlNlTlON AND LIMITS (c) After addition of the promoters and accelerators. dtow the resin to rest in control temperature bath, When enough of the entrapped air h r n stirring has left the sample LO allow visual e x h a t i o n , check ~e sample fbr good dispersion, particularly of cobalt additives. Any signs of striations or strings of the cobalt wit1 re- the cataIyst and mix vigorously with a clean m e t i spatula for 1 min. Start the timer simultaneously with the stan of mixing. WARNING: Pemxides will matt violently if placed in dim1 conract with metallic promoters w q a n i c accclem;ors E x ~ m cam must h d e n to avoid his. Refer c a ~ h l l yto peroxide manufacturer's innntcriom and Appcndix NX1-3 ror safe h i d i n g of these merials. (4 Return the polypropylene beaker with the remaining resin to the constant temperature bath. Periodically probe the re& solution with the spatula until such time that the resin rums veiy thick and will "map" or break evenly when the probe is lifted from the resin. When h e snap occurs, stop the timer and record the time lapse as "gel time." M3E-400 REPORT Record the room tempemre (25'C) gel time on the Resin Log Sheet, Table M3F- 1. M3G-210 Thixotmpic Agents Thixotropic agents are flame-processed silicon diox- ides which are used to adjust the resin flow characteristics. The laminating min shall conrain not more than 1.5 p m per I00 pam resin by weight. Flame retardant synergists are antimony oxides which are added to halogenated resins 10 enhance their measured flame retardant characteristics when measured per ASTM E 84. The lamhating resin shaH not contain more than 5 parts antimony oxide per 100 parts w i n by weight. When pre-dispsed concentmtes are used, the aclaminating resin shall contain not more &an 5 tive antimony oxide by weight. No more than I0 parts of rht pre-dispersed concentrate per 100 parts resin by weight is permissible. M3G-230 Ultraviolet Light Absorbers Ultravioler light absorbers a~ organic compounds which by converting photochemical encrgy to thermal energy effectively srabilire resin binders against the deteriorating effects of ultraviolet Ught. Only the outer surface resin-rich layer may contain the ultraviolet light absorber. M3G-240 Pigments ARTICLE F - RESIN AND CURING AGENTS LOG SHEETS Pigments are compounds which provide coloration andlor opacity. Only the outer surface resin-rich layer may contain pigment. See Tables M3F1 and M3F-2for the Resin and Curing Agents Log Sheets. ARTICLE G - COMMON ADDITIVES M3G-100 INTRODUCTION This Article specifies the minimum inspections by the Fabricator that must be p e r f o d prior to !he accept- M3G-300 ACCEPTANCE INSPECTION (a) The package for each of the common additives shall be inspected at the time of delivery. Accepmce requirements are defined in para. M3G-400. Ib) The form shown in Table M3G-I. or a similar form that contains the provisions to record the results of these ~ q u i r e dinspections, shall be used by the Fabricator and shall be retained in the inspection records, RElNFORCED THERMOSET PLASTIC CORROSION RESISTANT EQUIPMENT ASME RTP-I -1995 EDITION TABLE M3F-I. RESIN LOG SHEET Manufacturer QC contact Spindk no. Address Telephone no. Emergancy telephone no. Date Lat No. Get Time @ 2S°C (Minutes, VlscosIty Q 25-C Icp) @ 60 rpm @ 6 rpm Specific Gravity @ 25OC Visual Examination - Manufacturer's Specification: GENERAL NOTE: This form may be reproduced and used without written permission from ASME if wed for purposes other than republication. TABLE M3F-2 CURING AGENTS LOG SHEW Manufacturer QC contact Curing agent Address Standard resin Telephone no. Emergency telephone no. Oate Lot NO. Gel Time @ 25*C (Minutes) Visual Examination GENERAL NOTE: This form may be reproduced and used without written permission from ASME ifused for purposes other than republication. REINFORCED THERMOSET PLASTIC CORROSION RESISTANT EQUIPMEW ASME RTP-1- 1995 EDITION M3G-400 ACCEPTANCE CRlTERlA M3G-500 INSPECTION IN USE la) The primary package shall be clearly labetad by the additive manufacturer to identify the contained product by manufacturer, name, and lot number. The primary container shall be fw from damage (a) At the time of use, additives shall be visually inspected for contamination. Solid contaminants may be removed and discarded. Any ponion of a product which has been agglomerated by exposure to a liquid contaminant must be mmoved and discarded before the remainder can k added to a resin. IbJ When contamination is found. the Fabricatormust enter the date. describe the condition. and initial the entry on the original Common Additives Log Sheet {see Table M3G- 1 ) . (breakage, tear, or puncture). Them shall be no visible sign that any part of the primary container wall has at any time been saturated with a liquid such as water. (bl For additives found to be acceptable, the Fabricator must list the manufacturer's name, product name, product lot number. and purpose of additive on the inspection form. In the space next to "As Received." the inspector will sign his nnme and record the date. REINFORCED THERMOSET PLASTtC ASME RTP-1-1995 EDITION CORROSION RESISTAMT EQUIPMENT TABLE M3G-1 COMMON ADDlTlVES LOG SHEET Raw Materials Inspeedoon Manufacturer Insrntot Date As Received in Use Quality Probtams Product Name Lot Number Additive Purpose Manufacrurer As Received 1 In U s e Oirality RobIems Product Name Lor Number Additive Purpose Manufacturer As Received In U s e Quality Problems I Product Name Lot Number Additive Purpose Manufscturer As Received In Use Quality Problems 1 Product Name tot Number Additive Purpose GENERAL NOTE: This form may be reproduced and used without written permission from ASME if used for purposes orher than repubIica~ion. RUNFORCED MERMOSm PLASnC CORROSION RESISTANT EQUIPMENT APPENDIX M 4 rnESIGNATED AS APPENDIX W - 1 3 REINFORCED THERMOSET PLASTIC CORROSION RESISTANT EQUIPMENT MANDATORY APPENDlX M-4 STRESS ANALYSIS METHODS ARTICLE A - ANALYSIS OF CYLINDRICAL SHELLS Fl,(fi) = (cosh f i sin Bx - sinh @xcos Bx)12 M4A-100 SIGN CONVENT1ON AND NOMENCLATURE F12(B.r)= sinh P.r sin f i The symbols and sign convenlion adopted in this Article for the anaIysis of cylindrical shells are defined as follows: (21) D = ~ t ~ 1 (1 1 2- IF'). lb-in. E = modulus of elasticity, psi L = ten& of cylinder, in.: subscript to denote evaluation of a quantity at end of cylinder removed from reference md FIJ(B.r)= ( C O S ~fix sin fi + sinh /Icos T 13412 (22) (23) M = bngitudinal bending moment per unit length of circumference, in. Iblin. (24) f i ( f i ) = e-a (COS f i -- sin Bx) o = subscript to denote evaluation of a quantity at reference cnd of cylinder, r = 0 p = internal pressure. psi Q = radial shearing forces per unit length of circumference, Iblin. R = inside radius, in. S = stress intensity. psi r = thickness of cylinder, in. M? = radial displacement of cylinder (25) f3I&x) = e-& (cos (26) h(&)= C-& (27) + sin PII] sin Bx 31, = BlllflL) = (sinh 2j3L - sin 2flL) /2(sinh2 BL - sid DL) wall, in. x = axial distance measured from the rrferencc end of cylinder. in. B = rotation of cylinder wall, rad rp = Poisson's ratio langential (circumferential) stress component, psi q = longirudinal (meridional) stress component. psi ur = radial stress component, psi cf = (29) BE = B={BL) = (sinh 28L + sin 20L) /{sinh2 OL - sin2 BL) ASME RTP-1- 1995 EDmON 130) REINFORCED THERMOSET PLASTIC CORROSION RESISTANT EQUIPMENT --: I GI, = GI~(BL) = - (cosh flL sin @L - sinh flL cos BL) /(sinh2 BL - sin2 BL) GI, = Gl,(@L) = - 2 sinh BL sin BL t(sinh2jYL - sin'BL) = - 2 (cosh BL sin BL + sinh BL cw BL) The sign convention arbiuarily chosen for the analysis of cylindrical shells in this Anicle is as indicated in FIE.M4A-1. Positive directions assumed for pertinent qwntilies are indicated. M4A-200 PRINCIPAL STRESSES AND STRESS INTENSITIES DUE T0 INTERNAL PRESSURE The formulas for principal stresses and stress intensities presented in this paragraph include the loading effects of internal pmssure only and exclude the effectsof a11 structural discontinuities. M4A-210 Principal Stresses The principal strcsses developed at any p i n t in the waIl of a cylindrical shell due to internal pressm are given by the formulas: x=x X * X x=L FIG. M4A-1 M4A-220 Stress Intensities -,. fa) The general primary membrane stress intensity developed acmss the thickness of a cylindrical shell due to internal pressure is given by the formula: M4A-300 BENDING ANALYSIS FOR UNl FORMLY DISTRIBUTED EDGE LOADS The formulas in this paragraph describe the behavior of a cylindrical shell when subjected to the action of bending moments M, in.-lblin. of circumference. and radial shearing foxes Q, Iblin. of circumference. uniformly distributed at the edges and acting at the mean radius of the shell. The khavior of the shell due to all other loadings must be evaluated independently and combined by superposition. M4A-310 Displacements, Bending Moments. and Shearing Forces in f erms of Condhlons at Reference Edge, x = 0 la) The radial displacement w(x), the angular displacement or rotation B(.r). the bending moments Aft-r), and the radial shearing forces Q(x)at any axid location A -,- .I RHNFORCED THERMOSET PLASTIC CORROSION REaSTANT EQUIPMENT ASME RTP-1-1995 EDITION of the cylinder are given by the following equations in terms of rv,, B,, Mopand Q,: Q ( x ~ 2 f l '= ~ 1QJ2/3'~)ft(&) -;z(M~zB~W~B~) M4A-320 Edge Displacementsand Rotations In Terms of Edge Loads {a) The radial displacements w, and VI , and rotations 8, and -8, developed at the edges of a cylindrical shell sustaining the action of edge loads Q,, M,,QL, and ML arc given by the following formulas: Ibl In the case of cylinders of sufficient length, the equations in (a) above reduce to those given belowThese equations may be used for cylinders characterized by lengths not less than 318. The combined effects of Ioadings at the two edges may be evaluated by applying the equations to the loadings at each edge. separately, and superposing h e results. @J The influence functions, B's and G's, appearing in the formu1as, (a) above, rapidly approach limiting values as rhe length L of the cylinder increases. The limiting vaiues are: (1) Thus for cylindrical shells of sufficient length. the loading conditions prescribed ar one edge do not in- (3) fluence the displaccrnents at the aher edge. @) In the case of cylindrical sheIIs characterized by Iengths not less than 3/19, the influence functions, B's dG's. a E sufficiently close to the limiting valuts that the Smiting valuts may lx used in the formulas, (a) above, without significant e m . ASME RTP-I -1 995 EDITION (c) In the case of sufiiently short cylinders, the influence functions, B's and G's, appearing in the formulas, la) b v e , are, to a first approximation, given by the followiug expressions: ARTICLE B - ANALYSIS OF SPHERICAL SHELLS M48-100 SCOPE (4In this Article, fomnlas are given for stresses md deformations in spherical shells subjected to i n r d or e x m l pressure. 0 Formulas are also given for bending malysis of pmial spherical shells under the action of uniformly distributed edge forces and rnommts. M48-200 NOMENCLATURE AND SIGN CONVENTION Introducing these expressions for the influence functions, B's and G's, into the formulas, (a) above, yields exp~ssionsidentical: to those obtaincd by thc application of ring theory. Accordingly, the resultant exprtssions are subject to all of the lintitations inherent in the ring theory, including the limitations due to the assumption that the entire cross-sectional area of the ring, t x L, rotates about its centroid without distortion. Nevcrtheless, in the analysis of very short cylindrical shells chancterized by lengths nor greater than 0.543, the expressions may be used without intmducing significant error. The symbols and sign anvention adapted in tbis Article a ~ defined e a s follows: p = uniform pressure. internal or ex(1) ternal, psi A3 = rneridional bending moment per (2) unit Iength of circumference, in.Iblin. H = force per unit length of circumference, perpendicular to centerline of sphere, Ib/in. N = membrane force, lb/in. Q = radial shearing force per unit of circumference, I b/in. S = stress intensity. psi R = inside radius. in. r = thickness of spherical shell, in. E = modulus of elasticity, psi = Poisson's mtio D = flexural rigidity, in--lb M4A-330 Principal Stresses Due to Bending = ~1~/12( 1 r2) Tk principal stresses developed at the sudaces of a cylindrical shell at any axial location .r due to unifomly distributed edge loads (see Fig. M4A-1) are given by the formulas: (I2) (13) 114) 0 = [3(1 - v ' ) / ~ ~*]'", r llin. # = meridional angle measured from centedine of sphere, rad = meridional angle of refcrencc edge where loading is applied, rad bL = meridional angL of second edge. rad cr = meridionat angle measured from the refemnce edge, rad x = length of arc for angle a, measured from reference edge of htmisphere = Ra,in. In these formulas where terms are preceded by a double sign f ,the upper sign refers to the inside surface of the cylinder and the lower sign refers to the outside surface. (''I X = BR < 19) w = radial displacement of midsurface, in. REINFORCED THERMOSET PLASTK CORROSION RESISTANT EQUIPMEMT ASME RTP-1-1995 EDITION Spherical segment. for values of do: F(at a) = &in (32) +6 - (3) Hemisphere for o, = ri2. tad (b) ------e I 0, 11 09 CI -A 1 r, tad, and X - at = tangential (cirrum ferential) stress component, psi (36) at = longitudinal (rneridional) stress component. psi The sign convention i s listedbelow and shown in Fig. M4B- 1 by the positive directions of the pertinent quantities. ( p ) pressure, positive radially outward (61 lateral displacement, perpendicular to % of sphere, positive outward (8) mation, posi~ve when accompanied by an increase in the radius or curvature, as caused by a positive moment M ) , ( M moment, positive when causing tension on the inside surface (35) +------------- +@ q: - OL1 3 =/A. rad FIG. M4B-1 H lateral displacement of rnidsurface, perpendicularto centerline of spherical shell, in. 0 = rotation of midsurface, rad o = subscript to denote a quantity at ~eferenceedge of sphere C = subscript to denote meridional direction t = as a subscript. used to denote circumferential direction H ) force perpendicular to ,positive outward N 8 - a) yo = tan-' (- k,), rad or = radial stress component. psi (33) +@t/ Frustum. for values of 4 (+A sin N membrane force, positive when causing tension = M4B-300 PRIMClPAL STRESSES AND STRESS INTENSITIES RESULTING FROM INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL PRESSURE I n this pmgraph formulas are given for principal stresses and stress intensities resulting from uniformly distributed internal or cxtemd pmsure in complete or partial sphtrirical shells. The effects of discontinuities in REINFORCED THERMOSET PLASTIC CORROSION RESISTANT EQUIPMENT ASME RTP-1-1995 EDITION aeomtrv and loading are not included and should be &IIJ&& independen&. The smsses resulting all effects must be combined by superpsition. NOTE: 'fbt fwmulas in paras. WE-339 and h14B-340 may bt wed ifthe applisd e*kl p m e is less lhan ~ hc tritid p w r e wbiFh would EBUX iwabiliv of &t spherical h 1 1 .Tht value of &e c r i r i d -re must k e\;rlua~edin accordance with rbt ~ t -~ v e n M4B-310 Principal Stresses R~sultIngFrom Internal Pressure The principal stresses at any point in the of a spherical shell are given by the following formulas: (1) (2) a, = or = 0 (3) M4B-320 Stress Intensities Resulting From Internal Pressure The average primary srressintensiry in a sphericd she11 resulting from i n m d pressure is given by the M4B-400 BENDING ANALYSIS FOR UNtFORMLY DISTRIBUTED EDGE LOADS (a)The fonnulas in this paragraph describe the behavior of @a1 spherical shells of Ihc types shown in Fig. M4B- 1, when subjected to the action of meridional bending moment Mo (in.-lblin. of circumference) and fmes H, (in.-lbh. of circumference), uniformly diitributed at the reference edge and acting at h e mean radius of the shell. The effects of all other loading must bt evaluated independently and combined by superpo- sition. The fomulas listed in lhipamgraph become less accumtc and should be used w i h caution when Rlt is less rhan 10 andlor the opening angle limitations shown in Fig. M4B- I are exceeded. formula: M4B-410 Displacement, Rotation, Moment, and Membrane F o ~ in e Terms of Loading Condltlons at Reference Edge M4B-330 Principal Stresses Resulting from External Pressure Thc principal stresses at any point in the ibral! of a spherical shell resulting from external pressure are given by [he following formulas: The displacement 6. the rotation 0 , the bending moments M1, dbf,,. and the membrane forces N,. 4 at any location of sphere are given in terms of the edge loads Meand H, by the follo\ fomulas: 1 - KZ sin (ha)] F(ar a ) e T h [cos (ha) M4B-340 Stress Intensities Resulting From External Pressure The avenge primary stress intensity in a spherical shell resulting from external pressure is given by the formula: + Ho[$ sin diL. x [ e ~ (ha a + T,,) - fi sin Or. + y,,)lj 4~~ #=M,Imb C<ar a)e-'" ms ( Ad [it + H, -A, sin +o CCai a )e-" 1 x cos (Xu + 7J I REINFORCED THERMOSET PLASTIC CORROSION RESISTANT EQUIPMENT C(at U ) ~ - ~ [ cos K , (14 ASME RTP-1-1995 EDITION 1 + sin (htu)] @I h the case where the sheH under consideration is a full hemisphere, the formulas given in (1) and (2) above reduce to those given below: + K[& A. sin +o qat ale+ R A, sin & C(ar a)c x [B[cr)cos (k+ rd sin ( ~ r + * y 2h N,= - M - H. + 2r' -" 1 1 ~ l (41 ~ cta~ [ m ~~ e sin - ~( h l rm (h- P ) I:, I; -A, + H, - A, M4B-430 Principal Stresses In Spherical Shells Resulting From Edge Loads The principal stresses at the inside and outside surfaces of a spherical shell at any location, resulting from edge loads Meand H,, a= given by the following formulas: cot (9,- u) sin @*C(at ~ ) e - ~ sin 6,, C(at ale-" In these formulas where term are preceded by a dmble sign f & upper sign rtfers to the inside surface of the shell and the lower sign refers to the outside sur- . face. M4B-500 ALTERNATE BENDING ANALYSIS M4B-420 Displacement and Rotation of Reference Edge in Terms of Loading Conditions at Reference Edge (a) At the reference edge u = 0, and 9 = Q,. The fornutas for the displacement and rotation (para. M4B410) simplify to those given below: 2 h' sin 9, 60 = M. Erk, OF A HEMISPHERICAL SHELL SUBJECTED T O UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED EDGE LOADS If a less exacting but more expedient analysis of hemispherical shells is required, formulas derived for cylindrical shtlIs may be used in a modified form. The formulas listed in this paragraph describe the behavior of a hemispherical shell as approximated by a cylindrical shell of the same radius and thickness when subjected to the action of uniformly distributed edge loads REINFORCED THERMOSET PLAsnc CORROStON RESISTANT EQUIPMENT M, and H, at (Y = 0, x = 0, and 4, = 90 deg. = d 2 ARTlCLE C - ANALYSIS OF FLAT CIRCULAR HEADS lad. M4C-100 SCOPE M4B-510 Displacement Rotation, Moment, and Shear Forces In Terms of Loading Conditions at Edge 6(x) = H, sin' Q M,sin 4 zgl,, I;(&) + 1 B'Dfirar> H, sin 4 W)=- 2820 h(8.r)+ zfi(&) (a) In this Article, formulas are given for stresses and displacements in flat circular plates used as heads for pressure vessels. @) Formulas a E also given for stresses and displactments in these heads due to forces and edge moments uniformly distributed along the outer edge and uniformly distributed over a circle on one face. The radius of this circle is intended to match the mean mdius of an adjoining element such as a cylinder. cone, or spherical segment. (3) (4) M4C-200 NOMENCLATURE AND SIGN CONVENTION (5j The symbols and sign conventions adopted in this Ar~icleam defined as follows: (1) p = pressure, psi (2) M = radial bending moment. in.-lblin. of circumference (3) ~herefi.j5~fr. adh are defined in Article A, Analysis of Cylindrical Shells, and x = aR = ( r l 2 - b)R M4B-520 Principal Stresses in a Hemispherical Shell Due to Edge Loads The principal stresses in a hemispheical shell. due to edge loads M, and H, at the inside and outside surfaces of a hemispherical shell a any meridional llocation, are given by the formulas: (I) (2, Q - radialforce,Ib/in.ofcircumfe~nce (4) ur = radial stress, psi ( 5 ) a, = longitudinal stress. psi (6) a, = tangential (circumferential) stress, psi (7) ~c = radial displacement. in. (8) B = rotation.rad (9) R = outside radius of plate, in. (10) r = radial distance from center of plate, in. (1 1) x = longitudinal distance from midplane of plate, in. r = thickness of plate (12) (13) t, = thickness of connecting shell at the head junction. in. (1 4) E = elastic modulus, psi (15) l7= Poisson's ratio (16) F = geometry constant, given in Table M4C-I Tensile stresses are positive. The positive directions of the coordinates, radial forces, momenE, and displacements are shown in Fig. M4C-1. The pressure is assumed to act on the surface where x = -t12. (31 In these formulas where terms are preceded by a doublc sign f. the upper sign refers to the inside surface of the hemisphere and the lowcr sign refers to the outside surface. M4C-300 PRESSURE AND EDGE LOADS CIRCULAR FLAT PLATES ON In the following paragraphs formulas am given for the principal stresses and deformations of flat plates under uisymmetric loading conditions. REINFORCED THERMOSET PLASTIC CQRROSlON RESISTAKT WUlPMENf ASME RTP-1- 1995 EDITION M4C-3 10 Pressure Loads on Simply Supported Flat Plates The principal stresses and deformations for a flat plate, simply supported at in periphery and loaded in the mafiner shown in Fig. M4C-2, are given for a radial location r at any point x in the CCDSS section by the following formulas. Radial bending stress Tangential bending stress Simple Longitudinal stress Rotation of the midplane X r 4 Rotation of he midplane at the ouferedge FIG. M4C-2 R a d i i displacement u*= M4C-320 Edge Loads on Flat Plates The principal stresses and deformations of a Ilat plate subjected m uniformly distributed edge loads, as shown in Fig. M4C-3, are given for radial Iocation r at any point x in the cross section by the following formulas. Radial and tangential smsxs Rotation of the midplme FIG. M4C-3 REINFORCED W E R M m PtASnC CORROSION RESISTANT MUIIPMM ASME RTP-1-1995 EDtTION Radial displacement W = TABLE M4C-1 (1 - v)(rl + ulfl Et M4C-400 FLAT PLATE PRESSURE VESSEL HEADS Flu plam used as p-re -1 h d are anached to a vessel shell in the manner shown by the typid ex- amples in Fig. M K - 4 , Since the supcodirions ar the edge of b e plate depend upon Iha flexibility of the adjoining shell, the s m s distribution in the plate is influend by time shell thickness and geomcq. The structure fomaed by the head and the shell may b analyzed according to rhe principles of discontinuity analysis descn'bed in Article D.In the following paragraph formulasare given for the quantities nccessargt to pwbm a discontinuity andpis. M4C-410 Displacements and Principal Stresses in a Flat Head The head i s assumed to be separated from the adjoining shell element and under the action of the pressure load. Figure M4C-5 illustrates this condition. The effects of the adjacent shell are ~prtsentedby thc pmssure reaction force. the discontinuity force Q,and the discon~iwitymoment M. These act at the assumedjunction point (a). The pressure acts on the left-hand face over a circular area defined by the inside radius of the adjacent shell. The support point Iics on this same face at the midradius of the adjacent shell. The formulas in this paragraph are given in terms of rhe head dimensions R and r and multiplying factors F, to F,. These factors reflect the extent of h e pressure area and the location of the junction p i n t . The numerical values for F, to F4am given in Table M4C-1. These are functions of thc ratio of the shcll thickness t, to the head mdius R. FIG. M4C-4 Reaction force 4 M4C-43 1 Displacements of a Flat Head la) For a plate simply supporred at n point (a), the mta~ionaldisplacement 8, and the radial displacement nb of point (a) due to pressure p acting over the area defined by the mdius ( R - t,) are given by the following - 4 FIG. M4C-6 formulas: Ibl The rotarional displacements 8 and the radial displacement r of point (a) doe m a onifonnly distributed 102 REINFORCED THERMOSET PLASTiC CORROSION RESISTANT EQUIPMENT ASME RTP-1-1995 EDITION d i a l force Q and moment M acring at point (a) are given by the following formulas: M4C-412 Principal Stresses in a Flat Head. When the values of the discontimiry force Q and the moment M have been determined by a discontinuity analysis, the principal stresses in a Rat plate can be calculated as folIows: (a} For n plate simply supported at point (a), the radid stress a, for a radial location r less than ( R - t,) at any point .r due to pressurep acting over t h e m defined by the radius (R - t,) is given by the following formula: I n these expressions Table M E - 1 lists these functions for various values of rJR. These tabular values have been computed using 0.3 for Poisson's ratio. M4G-600 STRESS INTENSITIES IN A FLAT PLATE (b) For these same conditions. the tangential stress or and the axial stress u, are given by the following for- mulas: The p ~ c i p astresses l due to pressure p. discontinuiry force Q, discontinuity mown1 M,and other coincident loadings should be combinad alg&mically and the stms differenms detennhed according to the procedures of Subpart 38. The calculated stress intensity values should not exceed the allowable values giiren in Subpan 38. ARTICLE D - DISCONTINUITY STRESSES M4D-100 GENERAL (cJ The radial stress or and the tangentid stress 0, for any radial location at any point x in the m s section, due to uniformly distributed radial forcc Q and a unif o d y disrributed moment M acting at point (a), me given by the formula: M4C-500 GEOMETRY CONSTANTS The geometry constants Ft through F, are functions of Poisson's ratio and r,lR. Thtse are: (a) Pressure vessels usually contain regions where abrupt changes in geometry, material, or loading occur. These regions at known as disconrinuiy areas and the strcsses associated w i h~e m are known as disconrinuify srresses. The discontinuity stresses are required to sarisfy the compatibility of deformarions of these regions. (b) This Article describes a g e n e d procedure for analyzing the discontinuity stresses. A numerical example is included to illusmtc the procedure. (c) To determine the principal stresses at a discontinuity, it is necessary to evaluate the stresses caused by: ( I ) pressure; (2) mechanical loads; (3) thcrmal loads; (4) discontinuity loads. The stress intensities are then obtained by superposition of the stresses according to the rules given in para. 3B400. REINFORCED THERMOSET PlASTlC CORROSION RESISTANT EQUIPMENT ASME RTP-1- 1995 EDITION M4D-200 INFORMATION REQUIRED In order to pdorm a discontinuity analysis. the following information must be bown: (a) the dimensions of the vessel: (b] the materid properties (E, y) of the component parts of h e vesseI (symhls as in para. M4B-200); kc) mechanical loads, such as pressure. dead weight. bolt loads, and pipe loads; (dl temperature disriibution in the component parts. The deformations due m local flexibidities may be considered in the calculation of these influence coefi- ciems. kc) Calculate the edge deformations of each element caused by loads other than d u d a n t loads. Id) Cdcuhe the edge deformations of each element caused by the temperature distributions. (e) Al a c h juncture of two dements, equate the told radial displacemeors and the total rotations of a h element. Cfl Solve he final: system of simultaneous equations for the redundant shears aud moments. M4D-300 METHOD OF ANALYSIS - (a) The analysis of a pressure vessel containing discontinuity m a s can be performed in a stnndnrd mnnner similar to the analysis of any statidly indeterminate structure. The analysis is initiated by separating the yessel inro shell elcrnents of simple geometry (such as rings, cylinders, ere.) of which the structud behavior is known. The pressure, mechanical. and thermal loads acting on the structure me applied to the shell elements with a system of forces required to maintain h e static equilibrium of each elcrnent. These loads and forces M4D-320 Stresses When iht values of the redundant shear forces and moments have been determined. rhc stresses resulting from the redundant loadings may be computed by conventional rncIhods- The final stresses for mch element ;tre determined by combining lhese stresses with the stresses which would exist in the individual shell elements of Step 1- cause individual element deformations, which in gen- erai are not equal at the adjoining edges. The deformations at an eiernenr. edge are defined as: (0 radial displacement: 42) rotation of meridian tangentA redundant moment and shear force must generally exist on the edges of the elements in order to have compatibility of deformations and restore con~inuityin the StntClUre. 0 At each juncture discontinuity, two equations can k wtiren which express the equality of the combined deformations due to all thc applied loads and rhe redundant forces and moments. One equation will express the equality of rotation; the other equation, the equality of dispIaccment of the adjacent elements. The resulting system of simultaneous equations can be solved to obtain the redundant moment and shear force at each juncture. M4D-310 Procedure for Discontinuity Analysis The following are the basic steps to follow for determining the redundant shear and moment that may exist at a pressure vessd discontinuity. (a) Separate the vessel into individual shell elements at locations of discontinuity. Calculare h e edge deformations of each elemcnt caused by a unit shear force and a unit moment at each edge. These values are known as influence coefficients. M4D-400 EXAMPLE ILLUSTRATING THE APPLICATiON OF PARAGRAPH M4D-310 Given A pressure vessel as shown in Figs. M4D-1 and MJD-2.It is constmctcd ~f all-mat RTP subjected lo an internal pressure of 15 psig. The vessel consists of: (a) a hemispherical head inside radius R = 30 in. thickness r = 0.5 in. (b) a cylindrical shell inside radius R = 30 in. thickness r = 0.5 in. length L = 10 in. (c) a flat head outside radius R = 30.5 in. thickness r = 6 in. Maliterid propnies assumed: E = lo6 psi r7 = 0.3 Required TO calculate the discontinuity stresses at the location5 of s t ~ c r u n discontinuity. l '< RHMFORCED THERMOSET PLASTIC CORROSION RESISTANT EQUIPMENT ASME RTP- 1-1 995 EDfTlON of a hemispherid s M l . the hrcral force H mi NOTE: For dis rhe radial force Q are eqwJ.m y . thc 1aru;ll displacunent 6 aad & radial dispIacemcnt n-arc equal. Substituting the given dimensions and material prop erties gives: -10-MKI Elernen1 B, Cylindrical Shell: From paras. M4A-320(a) and Ib), the radiaI displacements and rotations at the edges O and L due ro edge loadings M,, QL,and MLare given as: a, in. = L- ' FIG. M4D-1 JunctureO.--loin.0.5 in. Mg M ~ % Elamenr A . Juncture L ML% ML QL Element 8 5 :,\, # d -9Odg. O; t. -. 0.5 in. Element C k ' -- 6 in. I .i : 0 . ; 1' L" (3 Substituting given dimensions and material properties gives: t I _I FIG. M4D-2 Solution Step 1. Separate the vessel at locations of discontinuity into individual elements. Step 2. Calculate the influence cactficicnts, Element A, HetrzisphericnI Head: From para. M4&420(b), the lated displacement and mtation at junction 0 due to edge loads Q, and M, are given as: 'Note that 31B = 9-076 in.. whiih i s less h n tht kn@ L * 10 in. Then by para. M4A-3W). B,, = 5,: = 1.8, = 2. and G,,= Gnr =&Po. REINFORCED THERMOSET PLASTIC CORROSiON RESISTANT EQUIPMENT ASME RTP-1-1985 EDITION - Point O Ehnertr C, Flat Head: From pam. M4C-411(b), the radial displacement and mation at j u n c t u ~L due to edge loadings QLand ML are given as: Substituting given dimensions and material properties gives: FIG. M40-3 Point L Step 3. Calculate the edge deformations due to Ihe internal pressure. Element A, Hernispliericul Shell (See Fig. h14D-3): The lateral displacement of point 0 at the midsurface of a hemispherical shel! subjected to internal p r e s s u ~ is givcn by the expression: --t --,---. Substituting the dimensions, pressure. and material properties gives: II:,, t-r FIG. M4P-4 = 0.009767625 in. There is no miation resultins from the internal p ~ s sure and membrane forces as shown. There i s no rotation resulting from internal p r e s s u ~ and the membrane- forces shown. Element B. CyIindn*calShell (See Fig. M4D-4): The radial displacement of the midsurface of a closed end cylindrical she11 subjected to internal pressure is given by the expression: - Ekmsnt C. Flat Head (See Fig- M4D-5): In Article C. the rotatian of a Aat head at point L due to internal pressun? is given by para. M.CC-4 1 I (a): Substituting the dimensions. pressure. and material properties gives: properties gives: n'mprrraurrl - I I - ~ - ~ , = 0.02314125 in- Substituting the dimensions, pressure, md material - RElNFORCED THERMOSFT PLASTIC CQRROSIOM RESISTANT EOUIFMEN'T FIG. M 4 D - 5 Combining like terms and multiplying through by 104 results in the following system of simultaneous quations which expms compatibility at the junctum: The didisplacement at juncture L is given by para. M4C-411(a): - - - Om w m w ~ f = -69190082 in. x Step 4. Calculate the fiee deformations of the edges of each dement caused by temperature distributions. In this example all pans of the vessel are at the mt temperatu~~ and ~IE of the same mattrid; therefore. temperature deformations need not. be considerd. Step 5. Equate the to& lateral displacements and rotations of adjacent elements at each juncture. Juncmr~0 Step 6. Solve the above equations for Q,, Mo.QL. and ML. The results are: Q, = -5.52733 lblin. NOTE: A n c p t i v ~ sign irPdicjteP that h e 4direction o f the loadiagisoppOaitcwthatrhoKninS!cp1. (-3.9984962Qg = (-3.9984962 + 2.6431369MJ Qo X 10"' - 2.643 1369Ma) x 1o4 (2) Step 7. Compute the discontinuity stresses at each juncture due to the redundants Q,. M,, QL,and ML. REIPlFORCED THERMOSET PLASTIC CORROSION RESISTANT EWIMENT ASME RTP-1-1985 EDITION To illusrrate the procedure, these stresses Will be computed in the cyWricaI shell (eiement B) ar both iuncrures 0 and L. (b) J~lncrureL. At juncture L. M(x1 = ML and ~vfx) =w ~ . From para. M4A-330: (a) Junctzire 0. At juncture 0,M(x) = M, and ~vcx) = w*. surface NOTE: When aompuling a,k) only h e didispksFmtent due 10the dundsnt shear fwcc~and moments should bt d.Tht Fm duplanmnfi fi.wn Steps 3 and 4 auld not bt included. w, 0, 6 6(83.669i86)/(0.5)' = 2008.1 psi = (12.09772SQ, -F 3.99849621V0}x lo-* = -330.W psi = -0.006686812 in. = -6686.81 Iblin. hf" = 0 Outside surface uf = -6(83.6692)/[0.5)' Inside surface ut = = -2008.1 psi -28277-I - 6(0.31'(d3:"~)@~3)' 30.25 = -2941 -02 psi = -221.1 psi or = 0 Outside surface 0, NOTE: E - =0 10b psi. M The discontinuity stresses in the hemispherical shell may be computed by using the expressions given in paras. M4H10 and M48-430. (d) The discontinuity stresses in the flat head m y be computed using the e x p ~ i o n given s in p m . M4C412. -221.1 psi a, = 0 Step 8. Compute the totd stresses. The total stresses may be compaed in any element at any juncture by combining the stresses due to the redundant shear forces a d moments, as complued in Step REINFORCED THERMOSET PLASTIC CORROSION RESISTANT EQUIPMENT ASME RTP-1-1995 EDITION 7, with the stresses resulting from ali other loadings. In this case the stresses in the cylindrical shell, hemispherical shell, and fiat head due to internal pressuE may be computed by the expressions given in paras. M4A-2 10, M4B-3 10, and M4C412, respectively. To illustrate the procedu~,h e total stresses in the cylindrical shell at junctures O and L will be computed. The stresses in the cylindrical shell due to inlernal pressure may be compured from the expressions given in para. M4A-210. u, = 937.5 - 22 1.1 = 686.4 psi Outside surface From pressure: 01= 453.8 u, = psi 907.5 psi The stresses due to the redundant shear forces and moments were computed as: (a) Jtirtcrure 0 Inside surface u, = -221.1 psi R = 30.25 in. or = 0 p = 15 psig of = 453.8 psi 0, = 907.5 psi 0, = The total stresses are: o, = 453.8 psi or = 907.5 - 221.1 = 686.4 psi 0 0, The stresses due to the redundant shear forces and moments were computed in Step 7 as: U( =0 (b) Jrr~lcrureL Inside surface The stresses due to the internal pressure are the same as at juncture 0. =0 0, = 453.8 psi or = -221.1 psi q = 907.5 psi u, = 0 The total stresses are: ol = 453.8 + 0 = 453.8 psi The slresses due to the redundant shear forces and moments are: RHNFORCED THERMOSET Pusnc CORROSION RESISTANT EQUlPMEPlT - ASME RTP- 1 I995 EDITION = 6(83.669)1(0.5)' = 2M)8 psi The stresses due to redundant shear forces and moments m: 0, = -2008 psi = -6(83.669)/(0.5)' = 1476 psi = -3342.6 psi Tbt total stresses are: ul = 453.8 + 2M)S = 2462 psi u, = 907.5 + 1476 = 2383 psi The total stresses am: C~ = Outside surface The stresses due to the internal pressure are the same as at junc~ure0. U, 453.8 - M08 = -1554psi = 907.5 - 3342.6 = -2435.1 psi 0, =0 a,. = 453.8 psi 4 = 907.5 0, =0 psi Step 9. When evaluating the stresses in accordance with para. W-500, the strength &ios at each location should be computed from the total principl stresses determined in Step 8. REINFORCED THERMOSET PLASTIC CORROSION RESISTANT EQUIPMENT MANDATORY APPENDIX M-5 CALCULATION OF PHYSICAL AND MECHANICAL PROPERTIES USING LAMINATION ANALYSIS METHOD M5-100 SCOPE This Appendix sets fonh the Lamination Analysis Method to be used to calculate the laminate properties needed for design. The Lamination Analysis Merhod consists of determining the physical and mechanical properties of each layer of a laminate and using weighted averaging techniques to determine the physical and mechanical properties of the total laminate. Direct calculation of laminatc properties according to para. M5-400 is required for S u b w 3B design. However, the extensive calculations required for Subpart 3B are not necessary for Subpan 3A and they would limit ia usefulness. Paragraphs M5-200and M5-300present a shorter method which may be used with Subpan 3A design d e s instead of the equations in p a . M5-400. The equations defining the theory of f a i l u ~for use with Subpan 3B design a r given ~ in para. M5-500,They give rtlles for calculating the strength ratio R at a pint. from the stiffness coefficienrs and m l t a n r forces and moments at. the point. The elastic properties of oriented and random glass fikr reinforced layers have been calculated from the theory of composite micromechanics and are pmxntsd htte in a graphical form for convenience. Elastic interactions between extension and shear have been included in the gmphical data; however, other elastic interactions between layers cannot be taken into account with this simplified appmach. I n practice, this meam the graphical data is accurate for laminates containimg both +$ md -8 layers, but the dab is not aecurate for a single oriented layer unless the orientation angle is tither 0 deg. or 90 deg. Also, the graphical data dots not account for elastic inieraction between bending and extension or bending and shear. If the laminate does not comply with these limitations, this simplified design method shall not be used. M5-200 LAMINATION ANALYSIS METHOD The following formulas shall be used to calculare the physical and mechanical properties of laminates. .Y Apparent &e modulus = C Egk / r h-1 ,v Apgmnt shear moduIus = I C GhrL t k- 1 where D = density, lblcu in. V = fiber volume fraction, decimal fom r = total laminate thickness, in. g = thickness of layer k, in. K = fiber weight per unit arm, lblsq A RHNFORCED THERMOSET PLASTIC CORROSION RESISTANT EQUIPMENT E, = tensilt modulus of layer k, psi G, = in-plane shear mdulus of layer k, psi Zk = a m moment of inertia, in?, about the neutral axis pf a unit width of layer k i = d i c e from reference plane to the neutral axis of the laminate (see Fig. M5-161,in. 4 = distance from mference plane to the centmid of layer k (see fig. M5-16), in. v, = P o h n ' s ratio of layer k f = subscript denoting fiber tent per square foot K is calculated as follows for each layer of the laminate. r = subscript denoting resin k = subscript denoting layer number The volumc fraction of glass fiber or the thickness for tach layer of the laminate is calculated using Eq, (1). If the laminate exists, the layer thicknesses are measured microscopically From the edge of a sample. I f the laminate does nor physically exist, then either the glass content or thickness is assumed and the correspondingvalue calculated. All Iaminates designed on the basis of rhis initial assumption must be checked after fabrication to confirm the assumed value. The glass fiber volume fraction, orientation. and the resin modulus at the optrating temperature are then used to determine the mechanical pmpnies of rhe layer from the appmpriate graphs (see Figs. M5- 1 through M5- 13). The physical and mechanical pro@= of the layers are tabulated, and the apprent properties of the lamtnate are calculated using the weighted averaging m&ods indicated by Eqs. (5) through (8). These methods are illustra~edin para. M5-300, M5-300 ANALYSIS EXAMPLE To illustrate the Lamination Analysis Method. assume a laminate construction of VMM 1+1-54], AdRd.I. The layer of surfacing veil V is 0.1 1 odsq ft glass fiber veil, and the mat layers M arc 1.5 ozlsq ft chopped strand mat. The filament wound layer [+I-541, consists of three wind pattern closures with a wind angle of 54 deg. relative to the mandrel axis, using 225 yardflb mving and with a roving spacing of 8 strands per inch of band width. The woven roving layer R consists of 24 ozlsq yard fabric with a 5 X 4 weave style. The glass 6 k r used i s E glass with a density Dl of 0.0943 Ib/cu in., and the resin densiry D, is 0.0468 lblcn in. Thc tensile modulus of the matrix at the operating tempera- ture is 400.000 psi. la) Layer Physical Properties. The glass fiber con- Using Eqs. (1) and (2), calculate the glass volume fmction and density of each layer. Results are given id Table M5-1. (bj Laminate Physicai Proprrties (1) total rkickness = 0.35 1 in. 12) total glass content = IMI9 lWsq ft 13) laminate density = 0.0212 / 0.351 = 0.0604 IW cu in. (4) laminate weight = 0.0212 x 144 = 3-053 1W sq ft (5) glass content by weighr = (1,4019 1 3.05) x 100% = 46% (c) Layer MecI~anicalProperties. Using the matrix modulus, the glass volume penrent, and the orientation of the gIass fiber for each layer, the corrcspodig tensile modulus. in-plane shear madulus, and Poisson's mtios aie obtained from the apprbpn'ate graphs (Figs. M5-1 through M5-13).For layers with oriented glass fiber, the ~ w omodulus values and Poisson's ratio are obtained for each of the nvo principl directions of the layer (8 for the axial direction and 90 - 6 far the hoop dimion). The distance r b e e n the reference plane and the centroid of each Iayer is calculated from the layer thicknesses (refer io Fig. M5- 16). The woven roving layer is maleled as two layers oriented at 0 deg, and 90 deg. The thickness of these two layers is proportioned with m ~ ctot rhe weave style t51cl for axial and W for hoop). However, the distance z between the reference plane and the centroid of this layer is taken to the centroid of the total layer to prevent an unbalanced calculation of the flexural properties. The layer properties are listed in Table M5-2 and the pmducts of these values, as required in Eqs. (5) through (8). are l i d in Table M5-3.Using Eqs. (3) through (8), the laminate properties are calculated; they are listed in Table M5-4. '3 closures; 2 hycdclo~ua;8 x 12 d 3 ltnb of roving yield. f I of band width: 225 X REINFORCED THERMOSET PLASTIC CORROSlON RESISTANT EQUIPMENT M5-400 STIFFNESS COEFFICIENTS FOR DESIGN BY SUBPART 3B RULES This paragraph gives the equations required for calculating the stiffness coeficienis needed to design cylindrical vessel parts constructed of Type X Iaminates, according to Subpart 3 8 design mles. Type X laminates arc defined in Appendix M-I, Arride B. Oher valid statements of lamination analysis may be used in place of fhe equations herein, but it is the responsibility of the registered engineer to show that they can be mathematically derived from the equations herein. ASME RTP-I - 1995 EDITION ei = normal strain of a layer in the i direction (i = 1. 2, 61 E! = midplane normal srrain in direction i of the laminate Ki = midplane curvature along thc srructurd axis 0 x 7 OF, normal Iayer smsses in the material coordinate axis oi = normal stress in the i direction t i = 1 , 2, 5 ) u6 = shear stress in the i-j coordinate system 8 = angle between the .r coordinate axis and the I coordinate axis pig. M5-17) us = Lamina Reduced Stiffness The symbols used in paragnph M5400 are defined below. Aij = extensional siiffness coefficients defined by Eq. (26);i, j = 1. 2, 6 B,, = coupling stiffness coefficients defined by Eq. (27); i , j = 1. 2, 6 Di,= bending stiffness coeficicnts defined by Eq. (28): i , j = l , 2 , 6 EI = Young's modulus of an onhotropic lamina in the principal direction of the gmaier modulus E, = Young's modulus of an onhorropic Iamina in rhe principai d i ~ c t i ~ofnthe lesser modulus E, = shear modulus of an ortholropic lamina in the principal coordinates M , = moment resultant about I axis (Fig. M5-15) 1 % = mornenl resultant about 2 axis (Fig. MS-14) M, = twisting resultant (Fig. M5- 14) N, = force resultant in I direction (Fig. M5-15) N2 = force resultanr in 2 direction (Fig. M5-IS) N6 = in-plane shear force resultant (Fig. h.15-15) en, a,,, Q??. Q,,= reduced stiffness in h e principal material direction, defined by Eqs. (4) through (7) (onaxis directions) Q,, = reduced stiffness transformed to the vessel (1-2) axes (off-axis directions); i , j = 1, 2 , 6 r, = thickness of the layer (Ag. M5-16) zk = distance from the reference surface to the center of h e Phlayer (Fig. M5-16) EI. E , , E, = z~ = normal layer strains in the material coordinate axis principal Poisson's ratio of a lamina (the negative of strain in the y direction from stress in the x direction) The stress-strain relations in rhe principal material directions of an orthotropic lamina are as follows. The reduced stiffnesses of a lamina are calculated from [he elastic properties, E,, E,., ,;I and Es. These may be measured values or calculaied by the sernigraphicd procedure belo~v.The required input information far each layer is the fiber weight per unit area, the tensile modulus of the resin matrix, the type of reinforcement, and the fiber density. A step-by-step procedure for lamina with unidirectional roving is as follou,~. ( I ) Calculate the volume fraction of fiber Vffrom Eq. (1) in para. M5-200. (2) Using the value of V, from step (11, obtain rhe value of Er from Fig. M5-3,M5-5,M5-7,or M5-9, depending on the value of VI. E, is I h e value of the modulus at an orientation angle of 0 deg. Obtain E,. frorn the same graph as the value of the modulus at an drienration angle of 90 deg. (3) Using h e value of Vf from step (I), obtain the value of E, frorn Fig. M54, M5-6,M5-8,or M5-10, depending on the value of Vp EE,is the in-plane shear modulus at an orientation angle of 0 deg. (4) The major Poisson's ratio v, is obtained from Fig. M5-13 for an orientation angle of 0 deg. The reduced stiffnesses of each lamina are then given as follows. REINFORCED THERMOSFT PLASTIC CORROSION RESISTANT EQUIPMENT ASME RTP-1-1995 EDITION a-= ~>-W(l- GV& wbere v,. = Y, E, / Ex. Lrnina with randamly oriented fibers are isotropic in the plane of the laminate, and art characterized by a single tensile modulus E and Poisson's ratio v. To obtain E and v : 111 Calculate V, from Eq. (1) in para. M5-200. (2) The tensile modulus is obtained using the value of V,, from step (1 ) and Fig. kl5-I. (3) Poisson's ratio is given by Y = 0.33. In an isotropic lamina, Ex = E,. = E and P, = Y,. = r. Then rhe reduced stifmesses in-anisotropic layer are computed from: The stress-strain relations for the lamina in the 1-2 coordinates ME: In an isotropic laminate, the reduced stiffnesses have the same value for any value of 8, so that the stresssmin retation for the 1-2 system has the same form as Eqs. (11, (21, and (3)- MS-430 Stiffness CoeWcients for the Laminate - The stiffness coeficients A,+ B p and Dq are used to relare the resultant forces and moments (Figs. M5-14 and M5- 15) to the middle surface strains and curvatures. The transformed reduced stiffnesses are the reduced stiffnesses expressed in the 1-2 system. The relationship between the .r-y and 1-2 axis systems is shown in Fig, M5-17. The 1-2 systcm is in the plane of the laminate and is chosen for convenience. A typicat choice would be to align 1 with the circumferential vessel direction and 2 with the axid direction. The transformed reduced stihesses Qy are caiculated from the ~ d u c e d sriflitesses and the angle 8. Let m = cos 8 and 11 = sin 8. Then the equations for the transformed reduced stiffncsses are: = CQ, + Q, - 4Q,~?n'+ a & m 4 + n') (la) REINFORCED THERMOSET PtASnC CORROSION RESISTANT EQUIPMENT (e) Calmlare the coupling gtiffntss&dents Bu for the Iaminate from the (&)kt tk, t ,and &. (27). (f)CalcnIatt rht bending stiffness coefficients Dufor the laminate from the [Q& tk, a,and Eq. (28). The &tensional stifie-ss coeficients are calculated from the transformed reduced stihesses for each layer (Qu)k, the thicknesses t,, and the distance a.The 10cation of the reference plane in the z direction does not affect the validity of the equations in this paragmph. However, it must coincide with the plane to which the s f n s resultants and moments are referred for design by Subpan 3B, or it mwt coincide with the neutral axis as specified in para. M5-200 for design by Subpart 3A. whe~ i = l,2,6 j = l,2,6 N = number of layers The stiffness coefficients are what are required for suess analysis. M5-440 Procedure for Calculating the Stiffness Coefncients This section contains a step-by-step algorithm for calculating the laminate sriflncss coefficients. la) Fmrn the known layer thicknesses and laminating sequence, calculate t, and zk for each layer. @I For each layer, obtain values for (Ex),, (EJk, (v,),, and (E,),, and compute the reduced stiffntsses isowpic plies, use Eqs. (8) through (10). (QA, (Q)tl a d (QyylL fmEqs (4) through (7) For Ic) T d o r m the reduced stiffness (Qli)t for each layer from the principal material directions to the vessel directions, using Eqs. (1 11 through (16), to obtain the transformed d u d stiffness for each layer (Q&. In the case of isotropic layers, the transformation is not required, because Qs. @), (9), and (10) are valid for all angles B. Id) Calculate the extensional stiffness coefficients AU for the entire laminate from the CQir)k,tk,and Eq. (26). M5-500 THE QUADRATIC lNTERACTION CRlTERION In general, a lamina bas five independent uniaxial ultimate strengths: tensile and compressive strengths in the principal direction of g m e r strength, tensile and compressive strengths in the direction of lesserstrength, and shear smngth with respect to a pure shear stress in the principal directions. Type I and Il laminates are treated as isotropic herein, sa any direction can be cons i d e d as a principal direction. In Typc X laminates, rhe principal direction of greater strength is aligned w i h the continuous roving and the principal direction of lesser strength is perpendicular to the roving. Further, the five smngth values may be unequal. The quadratic interaction criterion defines the interactions between the five strengths in cases when more than one component of stress is applied to the lamina. and it defines aliowablt stress states in terms of the strengths. The criterion is applied to each lamina separately, and if one or more lamina fail the criterion, tbe corresponding load on the vessel is not allowed, The criterion is applied separately to each combination of smsses or stress and moment resultants calcuIated by the rules of p m . 33-400. In the following seaions it is assumed that the laminate stiffnesscoefficients aad sbxs and moment multants haye shady been calculated for all sections md load combinations under c o n s i d d o n . The rest of para. M5-500gives the definitions and equations needed to make the wlcul;ttioas reqby paras. 3B-400 and 3B-500, M5-510 Nomenclature In addition to the n o m e n d m defined in para. M5410. the following symbols are used. F,, F,, F,,,Fx, F, = saeagtb paramerers defined in terms of the five strengths X = ultimate tensile suength of a Iamina in the x (strong) direction X, = ultimate compressive strength of a lamina in the x direction Y = ultimate tensile suength of a lamina in the weak direction Pwnc REINFORCED THERMOSET CORROSION RESISTANT EQUIPMENT Y, = ultimate wmprtssivc strength ofa lamina in h e weak direction S = ultimate shear strength with respect to shar stin the x-y axes Sii = i-j component of the compliance matrix [the compliance matrix is the inverse of the stiffness matrix defined by Eqs. (20) through (2511 lv = pameter that equals 1 for the upper surface of a laminate and -1 for the Iower (b) M5-520 Calculation of Layer Strains and Stresses The strains at the reference surface are calculatd using the force and moment resultants and the inverted stiffness matrix of the laminate. The invert.4 stiffness matrix is defincd as follows. The strains in each Iayer are then obtained from Eqs. 0)m u & 19); (tlk = f + Q + n~fl)K, If Ihe rhickness of any layer is less than one-fifth of the total lamiaate thickness, then the strains at the midplane of the layer are sufficientIy accurate and w = 0. Otherwise, the surface strains must bt calculated by xtting w = 1 for the uppr surface or w = 1 for the lower surface. The layer strains art then transformed to the axis of each layer by Eqs. (10) thmugh (12). - where i = 1 to 6 and j = 1 to 6 . inclusive. The strains and curvatures at the reference surface are then calculated by Eqs. (1) through (6): The corresponding st~essesin each layer a then -1culated by Eqs. (13) through (15). M5-530 Calculation of Strength Ratios The strength ratio is the ratio of thc stress capacity of a single layer relative to the stress generated by an applied loading condition, and is cdculated by using the suesses from Eqs. (13) through (15) and the fallowing quadratic interaction equation [Eq. I 16)1. The smngth ratio R is then given by (b) Id1 (el REINFORCED THERMOSET Pumc CORROSION RESISTANT EQUIPMENT Random Oriented FSkr Fik O . m 0.0120 0.0015 0.ODSO 0.0268 Tht strength coefficients are calculared using the layer strengths as follows. I F,. = w, The layer smngh may be derermined from approp d e testing of individual layers or they m y be calmlatad using strain limits as follows. The strain limits may be determined from appropriate tesring of individual layers w the following smin limits may be used. M5-540 Procadure for Calculating the Strength Ratio The following computation must be performed for each sel of superimposed resultants required by para. 3B400. (a) Compute the reference surface strains, cumawes, and twist using Eqs. (I) through (6). These are in rhe yessel coordinates. Ibl For h e upper and lower surfaces of each lamina. calcuIate the swains in vessel coordinates using Eqs. (7) m u g h (9). [cl Calculate the stresses in vessel coordinates at the upger and lower surface of each lamina from the results of (b) using Eqs. (1 0) through (12). (d} Transform the stresscs computed in (c) to on-axis coordinates using Eqs. (13) through (15). Each lamina may have a different K. (el Calculate the strength ratio at h e top and bouom surfaces for each lamina using Eqs. (16) and (17). REINFORCEDTHERMOSET PLASTIC CORROSION RESISTANT EQUIPMENT -ER- 0 100,000~ - ER - 2100,000psi 0 -ER-300.000pi -ER-400.OM)pi x -ER-500,OOOpsi 0-ER-MX1.000psi V - ER 7700.000 psi + - X I I f I I I I t t I I I I f I I I 1 I 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Vo!. Percent Glass Fiber FIG. M5-1 RANDOM GLASS FIBER 118 I 1 I 40 REINFORCED THERMOSEF msnc CORROSION RESISTANT EQUIPMENT - ER - 100,000 psi - ER - 200.000 psl - ER - 300,000 psi + -ER-m,OM3pai x - ER - 6 0 0 . 0 0 0 ~ 0 - ER - 600.000 psi V ER - 700,000 psi 0 A - r I 15 20 26 V d , Petcern Glass Fiber FIG. ME-1 RANDOM GLASS FIBER 118 REINFORCED THERMOSET PLASTIC CORFlOSlOM RESISTANT EQUIPMENT (2s) The extensional stiffness coefficients are calculated from the transformed reduced sriffnessa for each layer (Q& the thicknesses t ~md , the distance zk. The location of the reference plane in the t direction does not affect the validity of the equations in thii paragraph. However. it musr coincide with the plane to which the stress resultants and moments are referred for design by Subpan 3B, or ir must coincide with the neutral axis as specified in para. M5-200b r design by Subpart 3A. (28) where i = 1.2. 6 j = 1,2,6 N = number of layers The stiffness coefficients are what -are required for stass analysis. M5-440 Procedure for Calculating the Stiffness Coefficients This section contains a step-by-step algorithm for calculating the laminate sriffness coefficients. (a) From the known layer thicknesses and laminaring sequence, calcuIate t, and ra for each layer. (b) For each layer, obrain values for (E,.),, ( v , ) ~ . and (EJk, and compute the reduced stiffnesses (Q,>,. (&)k, and EQv,-)a f~ Eqs. (4) through (7)- For isotropic plies, use (8) through (10). (c) Transform the reduced stiffness (Q& for each layer from the principal material directions to the vessel directions. using Eqs. (11) through <]ti), to obtain the transformed reduced stiffness for each layer (Qij!k. In he case of isotropic layers, the transformation is not required, because Eqs. (8). 191, and (10) are valid for all angles 8. {dl Calculate the extensional stiffness cocficients Aij for the entire laminate from the (Qii),, it. and Eq. (26). Gs. re) Cakulate the coupling stiffnesscoefficients Bij for the laminate fmm the (Qv)t, rk, zk. and Eq. (27). (1)Catculate rhe bending stiffnm coeficicnts Dii for the laminate from h e (Q&, tt. 4,and Eq. (28). M5-500 THE QUADRATIC IN1ERACTION CRITERION Tn general. a lamina has five independent uniaxial ultimate strengths: tensile and compressive strengths in the principal direction of grearer strength, tensile and compressive strengths in the direction of lesser smngth* and shear stren@h \r.ith respect to a pure shear s m in the principal directions. Type I and Il laminates are mated as isotropic herein, so any direction can be c m sidered as a principal direction. In Type X laminates, the principal direction of greater strength is aligned with the continuous roving and the principal direction of lesser strength is perpendicular to the roving. Further. rhe five stmgth values may be unequal. The quadratic intemction criterion defines the interactions belween the five strengths in casts when more than one component of stress is applied to the lamina, and it defines allowable stress states in terms of thc strengths. The criterion is applied ro each lamina separately, and if w e or more Iamina fail the criterion, the corresponding bad on the t7essel is not allowed. The criterion is applied separately to each combination of stresses or stmss and moment resultants calculated by the rules of pam. 3B400. In the following sections it is assumed thar the laminare stiffnesscaefficientsand s i n s and moment resultants have already been cdclated for all sections and load combinations under consideration. The rest of para. M5-500gives the definitions and equations needed to make the calculations required by paras. 3B400 and 3B-500. M5-510 Nomenclature In addition to the nomenclature &fined in pam. 4 10. the following ssymbols are used. MI F, F,,, Fssm Fxv F, = strength m e t e r s defined in terms of the five strengths ultimate tensile strength of a lamina in the x (strong) direction X, = ultimate compressive strength of a lamina in the x dimtion Y = ultimate tensile strength of a lamina in the weak direction X = REINFORCED THERMOSET PLASTIC CORROSION RESISTANT EQUIPMENT Y, = ultimate camp-ive streng1:hof a lamina in the weak direction S = ultimate shear strength with respecr to shear s t ~ s sin the x-j* axes Sv = i-j component of the compliance matrix [the compliance matrix is the inverse ofthe stiffness matrix defined by Eqs. (20) through (25) J w = parmeter that equals 1 for the upper surface of a laminate d -1 for the lower M5-620 Equations (71,(81, and (9) give strains at the upper surface of the lamina when w = 1 and the bwer surface when w = -1. The corresponding stresses are then cdculatad from the swabs and the reduced niffnesses in the vessel coodinares as follows. Lamina Stresses and Strains The first step in using the quadratic interaction criterion is u, compute the upper and tower surface strains in each lamina. The suains are computed from the reference surface strains and curvatures. which am obtained from rhe forre and moment resulm~sby Eqs. ( I ) through (6). The final step in cdculating the stresses is to express h e vessel coordinate lamina stress componems in terns of the principal material coordinates, in each of the hmha. The socalicd on-axis components of stress are given by the usual transformation equations as follows. M5-630 (4) The quadratic interaction criterion required by this Standnrd is as follows. where Thc upper and lower surface strains in each layer (A) are then obtained from Eqs. (7) through (9). Calculation of Strength Ratio REINFORCED THERMOSET PLASTIC CORROSION RESISTANT EQUIPMENT - ASME RTP- 1 1995 EDITION Then the solution for R is the positive of the two values given by For Type I1 (or other oriented fiber layer): For each mess state under considemion, R must be equal to or greater than the value required by para. 3B500. M5-540 Procedure for Calculating the Strength Ratio The following computation must be performed for each set of superposed stress resultants required by para. For Type I (or other random fiber layer): Measured values of X. X,, Y, Y., and 5 may be used instead. The tern in the parentheses in Eq. (16) conrain the five strength properties and thc on-axis stress components of a lamina. which are known. and Eq. (16) can be soIved for R. Let 3B-400. ( I ] Compuw the reference surface strains. cumtures, and rwist using Eqs. ( I ) through (6). Thtse are in the vessel coordhws. 121 For rhe upper and lower surface of each lamina, calculate h e strains in vessel coordinates using Eqs. (7) through (9). (3) Calculate the stresses in vessel coordinates at the upper and lower surface of each lamina from the results of step (2) using Eqs. ( 10) through (1 2). (4) Tmnsform the stresses computed in step (3) to on-axis coordinates using Ep.(13) through (15). Each iamina may have a different K. (5) Calculate the strength mtio at the top and bottom surFact for each lamina using Eqs. (16) and (1 7). REINFORCED THERMOSET PLASTIC CORROSION RESISTANT EQUIPMENT ASME RTP-1-1995 EDITION Vol. Percent Glass Fiber FIG. M5-1 RANDOM GLASS FIBER 118 REINFORCED 1)IERMOSET PLASTIC CORROSION RESISTAMT EQUIPMENT ASME RTP- 1 - 1 905 EDITION Vol. Percent Glass Fiber FIG. M5-2 RANDOM GLASS FIBER I19