1 IB DP PHYSICS INTERNAL ASSESSMENT RUBRIC NAME DATE 11 July 2020 IA REPORT TITLE An investigation of the launch angle that will maximize the horizontal range of a projectile launched from a known height. 2 PERSONAL ENGAGEMENT Teacher comments: The wider importance of this research was not discussed. Little creativity, little initiative. A standard method and standard analysis conducted in a competent way. The report describes a “commonplace” school investigation with a procedure that has not been adapted or extended in any way. 3 EXPLORATION Teacher comments: RQ not fully focused. The background information was summarized. Definitions of displacement, velocity and acceleration were not given, or units, in background information. Units were included in data. Although air resistance is assumed to be negligible, a known account of its effect on acceleration and range should have been included in the background information. The effects of surface area of ball, temperature and air pressure on air resistance where not explained in the background information but were only mentioned under variables. Measurements of room temperature and air pressure were not included. Although h=1.2m is stated to 2 sf. the theoretical value of θ=29.45° is stated to 4 sf. Calibration of the launch indicator angle was not considered as a source of systematic error. It could be reasonable to expect more values of the independent variable to be collected within key ranges to correctly establish a trend. 4 ANALYSIS Teacher comments: There were sufficient runs for each trial, however only one measurement of h was given. Repeated measurements of h should have been included to established whether h was indeed constant and the size of the random uncertainty in h and its precision established. The absolute uncertainty in individual range measurements ∆d was not quoted to 1 sf. The uncertainty was explained but underestimated. Some uncertainties in dmean where quoted to 2 sf without reason. dmean values should have then been adjusted to the nearest cm (in most trials). The uncertainty in an individual u measurement was simply taken from capstone without a valid reason (any number of decimal places can be chosen in Capstone). The uncertainty in u mean was incorrectly quoted as 0.01 ms-1, when a column of uncertainties was available. The uncertainty in θ was decided upon as 0.5°, however the second last column of Table 3 contradicts this (it could be a fractional uncertainty). Physical conditions such as room temperature and air pressure where not recorded. Error bars for the independent variable θ were omitted from the graph even though this variable had the largest % uncertainty. The largest % uncertainty in θ was incorrectly quoted as 1%. The impact of the uncertainty in θ on the range d was not considered. The angle for the maximum range was simply chosen as 30°, but a smooth curve through most of the data points may have revealed an angle less than 30°. Interpretation of the data was weak. From the graph, the uncertainty in θ=30° could have been estimated to be ±2° with justification. Curves of best fit should be drawn through the error bars to produce a minimum angle, a maximum angle and a best fit angle so that the final angle with its uncertainty can be obtained. 5 EVALUATION Teacher comments: A more thorough interpretation of the trend of the graph would suggest a smaller angle than 30° would produce a maximum range. A single data point cannot be used as strong evidence. Min, max and best fit curves to fit the experimental data should have been attempted. The deviations from the theoretical curve (and the reasons for this deviation) were not fully explained when concluding. In evaluation, friction was mentioned, and its influence weakly explained (its effect on the vertical acceleration was not attempted) but it did not feature in the conclusion. Precise measurements of u were considered to be a weakness, which is confusing. There was a calculated theoretical value of θ to compare with, yet in the evaluation, the report says otherwise. “improving precision reduces systematic errors” is incorrect. The term “systematic error” is used often without example or discussion. Conclusion is weak. Simply outlined, superficially compared to an accepted value, not described in detail. Because the data was not analysed effectively, the conclusion is not supported by the data. Limitations, sources of error are simply described, a clear discussion of the impact showing a better understanding is required. Explanations of exactly how the improvements should result in improved measurements is not discussed in detail. Improving precision does not reduce systematic error. Performed in a vacuum is not realistic. High achievement in evaluation will arise in reports where the candidate has a strong understanding of the methodological issues involved in establishing the conclusion. A candidate who only addresses practical or procedural issues, by simply giving an account of how their results could be improved by carrying out their stated procedure better, only fulfils the lower level of this aspect. The potential implication of modifications and how they might bring the experimental results closer to what is expected should be discussed. The extension suggested should follow on from the research in a meaningful way and show how it will enhance understanding of the topic or RQ. It should be clear why knowing this may be important. 6 COMMUNICATION Teacher comments: A clear presentation, well-structured and relevant. Labelled photos, well-structured data tables and graph all helped understanding. Some errors in the use of terminology: “Acceleration acts on the ball”. The use of the term “precision” was not always used correctly. Remove the appendix and simply state the results of the derivation in the background information. Apparently, according to Ms Brown, it won’t be marked.