Reading Response 1, 2, 3 Thesis Organization Skilled (4) Proficient (3) Progressing (2) Thesis indicates original and engaging argument with evidence of developing strategy. Nuanced response to argument. Sequence of ideas is consistently clear, logical and relevant to thesis. Paragraphs are unified; transitions are effective. Thesis is competent but lacks originality. Good response to argument. Thesis is too broad. Adequate understanding of the assignment. Thesis is vague and unclear. Does not fully respond to the assignment. Sequence of ideas is reasonably clear & logical, although parts of argument may not be explicitly connected to thesis. Paragraphs could be better connected. Good understanding of text. Reference to main ideas that contribute to argument in a clear manner. Sufficient but predictable textual evidence. Good use of quotations but too many or too few, or lacking careful explication. Unclear, missing transitions. Significant parts don’t explicitly advance thesis. Paragraphs do not relate to each other. Difficult to determine how arrangement of ideas contributes to argument. Parts of argument do not hold together. Paragraphs disorganized. No clear sense of an evolving argument or logical arrangement of ideas; haphazard. Paragraphs incoherent, undeveloped and unrelated. Adequate understanding of text. Reference to aspects of the text that are predictable or lacking. Insufficient use of textual evidence. Quotations insufficient, illchosen, misplaced or lacking explication. Lack of understanding of text, but effort in supporting argument with some ideas from the text. Unclear if text was used/read/understood. Complete lack of textual reference. Little useful textual evidence for an argument. Lacks appropriate quotations or quotes heavily without purpose or explication. Lacks support for claims, essay is incomplete. No quotations or inappropriate quotations, not integrated in essay. Conveys ideas with effective and varied sentence structure. Few errors at word/sentence level. Clear but basic expression of ideas—little variation in sentence form; some errors at word/sentence level. Many basic errors at word and sentence level, but sense of ideas conveyed. Multiple errors in arrangement, punctuation, and sentence structure undermine sense of understanding. Complete mastery Textual Comprehension of text, Reference Ideas, Support & Development Grammar and Mechanics to aspects that contribute to argument well and originally. Assertions supported with well chosen textual evidence. Appropriate quotations with necessary and full explication. Presents ideas in well-crafted, varied, engaging, virtually errorfree sentences. A+ 25 B+ 20/21 A 23/24 B 18/19 A- 22 B- 17 Comments: Does Not Meet Standards (1) No controlling idea. Poor or mistaken response to the assignment. Exemplary (5) C+ 15/16 C13/14 C- 12 D+ 11 D 10 D- 8/9 F= <7