Lab safety breakout In this digital escape room, students will hunt for clues to stop the evil scientist from unleashing a deadly virus on the world! This escape room uses a Google Site to house all the clues! Students won’t need any pencil or paper to complete these challenges! THANK YOU! A little Note from me Thank you so much for downloading this file! Don’t forget to earn TPT credit for your future purchases by leaving feedback. Your questions and comments are important to me. Please feel free to contact me if you have questions or if you see an error. My email is Terms of use By purchasing or downloading this product, you are agreeing to the terms of use as stated. YOU MAY: ➢ ➢ credits ➢ USE THIS PRODUCT FOR PERSONAL USE. SHARE THIS WITHIN YOUR GRADE LEVEL AT YOUR OWN SCHOOL WITHOUT PURHCASING AN ADDITIONAL LICENSE. REFERENCE THIS PRODUCT IN BLOG POSTS, WORKSHOPS, OR ON SOCIAL MEDIA AS LONG AS YOU CREDIT ME AND PROVIDE A LINK TO MY TPT STORE OR BLOG IN YOUR POST OR PRESENTATION. YOU MAY NOT: ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ SHARE FREELY IN ONLINE GROUPS (LIKE FACEBOOK GROUPS), WITH AN ENTIRE SCHOOL OR DISTRICT SHARED DRIVE, OR ANY OTHER ONLINE SHARING GROUPS. CLAIM THIS WORK AS YOUR OWN. Alter the file in any way. SELL ANY part OF THE FILE OR POST IT FOR SALE ANYWHERE. DIRECTIONS FOR USE Preparation: 1. Give your students this link to access the Google Site for the Escape Room: s/labsafetybreakout/home or use the QR code on the following page. 2. Explain to students that everything they will need is on the google site. 3. First they will need to read the introduction and make a copy of the digital recording sheet by clicking the underlined link. 4. It will open this page. This is where students will record all there answers. DIRECTIONS FOR USE 5. Students will click on each clue on the Google Site to search for clues. 6. Clue 2 is hidden in this picture. Some links in the picture are decoys so beware! DIRECTIONS FOR USE 7. Once they find the answer to a clue, they will enter it here. 8. If it is not correct, it will tell them to try again. 9. You can have your students complete this individually or in teams. 10. You can give your students a prize for being the first team to capture the evil scientist! TIPS ❑ It is recommended that you attempt to do the digital escape room before you try to do it with your students so that you know what to expect. ❑ I recommend a time limit of 30 minutes. Once you do it for yourself, you can decide what time limit is best for your students. ❑ Students will need access to the internet and a device (laptop, Chromebook, computer, tablet, or phone). Larger screens are recommended for this activity. ❑ This escape room was created using a google site and may be blocked by your school district. You may want to check with your system administrator about how to unblock the site if your students cannot access it. LAB SAFETY DIGITAL QR CODE