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China's 13th Five-Year Plan: Key Elements & Reforms

Five Key Elements Of The 13th Five Year Plan For China
 Innovation:
Move up in the value chain by abandoning old heavy industry and building up
bases of modern information-intensive infrastructure
Achieve significant results in innovation-driven development
 Regional Development
Bridge the welfare gaps between countryside and cities by distributing and
managing resources more efficiently
 Green Development:
environmental technology industry, as well as ecological living and ecological
Achieve an overall improvement in the quality of the environment and ecosystems
 Opening up
Deeper participation in supranational power structures, more international cooperation
 Inclusive Development:
This aims to ensure that China’s development process benefits all individuals at all
levels of society-especially the poorest 40% of households.
China-Recent Structural Reforms:
End of the one-child policy
• Starting on January 1, 2016, all Chinese couples are allowed to have
two children. This marks the end of China’s one-child policy, which
has restricted the majority of Chinese families to only one child for
the last 35 years.
Reforms of the hukou system
• China’s government has announced a lofty goal of expanding urban
hukou or residency permits to 100 million migrant workers by 2020
as part of its plan to rebalance its economy.
• Made In China 2025:
• Made in China 2025 seeks to engineer a shift for China from being a
low-end manufacturer to becoming a high-end producer of goods.
• They are pushing for leadership in robotics ,information technology
and Power generation, agricultural equipment, etc among other