LIFT AFRICA-LIBERIA YOUTH INTERVENTION FOUNDATION CONSTITUTION PREAMBLE: We declare and establish this Constitution to preserve and secure the principles of our faith, and to govern the body in an orderly manner. This Constitution will preserve the liberties of each individual member and the freedom of action of LIFT AFRICA-LIBERIA YOUTH INTERVENTION FOUNDATION. CHAPTER 1 1. NAME: This Constitution hereby establishes a youth led organization to be known as LIFT AFRICA-LIBERIA YOUTH INTERVENTION FOUNDATION (hereinafter referred to as LIFT AFRICA-LIBERIA), established under the Vision and Mission of LIFT AFRICA YOUTH INTERVENTION FOUNDATION, LAGOS, NIGERIA. 2. STATUS: The Organization shall be a non-partisan, not for profit, youth and community based organization and shall become operational as from August 2, 2016 and shall have powers, duties and exercise jurisdiction as hereinafter provided. 3. LANGUAGE: The working languages for the Network continentally shall be the official languages of the African countries; in Liberia, we will operate in the English language only. 4. LOCATION: The location of the Network shall be in Liberia, and across the Africa Continent. a) The Registered Head Office shall be in Liberia; and other places as may be determined from time to time by Board of Advisors. b) The activities of the Network shall be conducted in the African countries and such other places as may be determined in accordance with this Constitution and the laws of the land. CHAPTER 2 a) VISION: Working toward bringing hope back to Africa by lifting in-built greatness in African Youth to live, to learn, to lead and create with a positive mindset of restructuring Africa back to normal position and as a greater component to the wider world for true leadership, restoration and mentorship. b) MISSION: 1. Using Inspirational words as a tool of influence to bring out in-built Greatness in African Youth. 2. To promote and organize an inspirational Summit that will Lift and inspire minds across the continent. 3. To stand as an organization ready to intervene for the greatness of Africa by working towards making Africa violence free. 4. To create life-changing experiences for youth to thrive and succeed in bringing about social, political and economic transformation in our communities. 5. To stand as an organization that would be praying and interceding for the continent, that peace will reign in the continent. c) GOALS: We are working towards seeing Africa as a violence-free continent with the mindset of true leadership in African Youth. d) VALUES: Our core values are Greatness, Integrity, Humility, Leadership, Mentorship and Compassion. e) OBJECTIVES: Lift Africa shall operate to realize the following objectives; 1. To build proper leadership through Mentorship in the young African generation to hence their potential for the development of Africa continent. 2. To support the AU, UN and relevant Multinational for the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in Africa. 3. To build a unifying Youth structure for African Youth Leaders through good communication and network in the development of their Communities. 4. To help African youth members with mentorship to enable turning of ideas into real ventures. 5. To provide entrepreneurship education through social media to change youths paradigms into creativity and innovation so as to increase production among African states through youths. 6. To encourage talent development and specialization in the African education system as a means of promoting innovation among youths. 7. To promote health and environmental education activities among youths to promote sustainable development. ARTICLE 4: BOARD OF ADVISORS (A) The Advisors of LIFT AFRICA-LIBERIA for the purpose of the Companies and Allied Matters Act, Part C shall be elected at a General Meeting with simple majority votes of members present to serve a term of five years; they may be eligible for reelection(s). (B) Such Advisors (hereinafter referred to as “The Board of Advisors’’) shall not be less than three (3). Advisors may hold office for life but shall cease to hold office if he/she: i. Resigns his office ii. Becomes insane. iii. Is convicted of a criminal offence involving dishonesty by a Court of competent jurisdiction. iv. Is removed by a resolution of 2/3 majority votes of members at the General Meeting of the Body. ARTICLE 5: COMMON SEAL (A) The Network shall have a Common seal. (B) The seal shall be kept in the custody of the Secretary who shall produce it when required for use by the Board of Advisors. ARTICLE 6: MEETINGS The following meetings recognized by LIFT AFRICA-LIBERIA are: A) General Meeting, B) Executive Committee Meeting, C) Emergency Meeting or Special Committee Meetings A) General Meeting The General Meeting shall be held thrice yearly or as decided by the Executive Committee at the registered office of LIFT AFRICA-LIBERIA or such other venue, as the Executive Committee shall decide. B) Executive Committee Meeting This may be at such time and place as may be deemed convenient by the Executive Committee. C) Emergency Meetings Emergency meetings of the Executive Committee shall be convened at such time and place as often as the need arises. ARTICLE 7: QUORUM 1. Board of Advisors Meeting: Two-thirds of members shall form a quorum. 2. Executive Committee Meeting: Two-thirds of members shall form a quorum. 3. Annual General Meeting: One-third of members shall form a quorum. ARTICLE 8: GOVERNING BODY Appointment The following are the officers of LIFT AFRICA-LIBERIA who are charged with the overall management and good administration of the affairs of LIFT AFRICA-LIBERIA. A) B) C) D) Executive Director Assistant Director The Secretary Treasurer A) The Executive Director The Executive Director is the Chief Executive Officer of LIFT AFRICA-LIBERIA. He/She directs the affairs of LIFT AFRICA-LIBERIA. He/She is empowered to take decisions on behalf of LIFT AFRICA-LIBERIA consistent with the policies, guidelines, rules, and Constitution of the Network. His/Her duties are: i. To preside over all executive committee meetings ii. Countersign all the payment vouchers. iii. Have a Casting Vote iv. Uphold and defend the Constitution at all times v. Present a quarterly address at each general meeting vi. Act for and on behalf of LIFT AFRICA-LIBERIA. vii. Serve as Secretary to the Board of advisors viii. Perform such other administrative duties as may be directed by the Board of Advisors or Ambassador. B) The Assistant Director He/She shall deputize in the absence of the Executive Director and fully carry out the duties and functions constitutionally prescribed for the Executive Director. He/she shall perform such Executive or other duties as may be assigned to him/her by the Executive Director or Executive Committee. C) The Secretary i. ii. iii. iv. Send our citations for General, Executive, and Emergency Meetings. Record and keep minutes of all said Meetings, including attendance and summary or decisions taken at such meetings. Write and dispatch circulars, letters and other correspondence. The Secretary shall work in collaboration with the Public Relation Officer (PRO) for smooth functioning. ARTICLE 9: MEMBERSHIP The membership of Lift Africa Liberia shall be divided into four (4) categories: 1. The advisory board 2. The general body 3. Secondary & tertiary educational clubs 4. Community clubs ARTICLE10: SOURCES OF FUND For the purpose of raising and generating funds and other resources (in cash or in kind) for the realization of its aims and objectives, THE BODY may: Accept donations (whether cash and/or kind) from individuals, Fellowships, corporate bodies, foundations and organizations in Liberia or elsewhere; Organize seminars, symposia and or/workshops on topical issues and invite speakers, notable and exemplary achievers within Liberia or elsewhere accomplishments will serve as great motivation for our member. Receive grants or assistance from individuals, Fellowships, trusts organizations and other charitable or philanthropic organizations in Liberia or elsewhere; and Generate funds for purpose of realizing its aims and objectives. ARTICLE 11: FINANCE MATTERS LIFT AFRICA-LIBERIA shall be funded from donations by persons, organizations, local and international institutions with similar objectives and from fees and subscriptions realized from its activities. Bank Account: LIFT AFRICA-LIBERIA shall open an account or accounts in any reputable bank or banks and the signatories to the account(s) shall be the Chairman of the advisory board, Executive Director, the Treasurer provided any two of the signatories shall be sufficient for withdrawal from the account at any given time. ARTICLE 12: KEEPING OF ACCOUNT The Association shall ensure the accurate keeping of record of all income and expenditure through the finance committee. ARTICLE 14: BY-LAWS AND AMENDMENT OF CONSTITUTION The general membership, by a vote of two-thirds, may make proposals to the Board of advisors for amendment(s) to this Constitution. Any such proposal must first be approved by a two-thirds of the Board of advisors before same can form a part of this Constitution. ARTICLE 15: PATRONS/MATRONS i. Any person who has rendered services to LIFT AFRICA-LIBERIA or made contributions of such nature that in unanimous opinions of the Advisors of LIFT AFRICA-LIBERIA can be recognized as a patron of LIFT AFRICA-Liberia shall, upon a resolution of the advisors duly passed and approved at an annual General Meeting, become a Patron of LIFT AFRICA-LIBERIA. ii. A Patron of LIFT AFRICA-LIBERIA shall remain so for an indefinite period, except where removed by a Special Resolution of the Members. iii. Patrons shall be notified of all major activities of LIFT AFRICA-LIBERIA and shall be entitled to attend all functions of LIFT AFRICA-LIBERIA free of charge, subject to the discretion of the Executive Committee. ARTICLE 16: DISSOLUTION OF EXECUTIVE WORKING COMMITTEE The General Meeting by two-third (2/3) majority vote may pass a vote of no confidence on any member(s) of the Executive Committee and shall appoint an interim officer(s) to assume responsibility for the affected offices. Pending another election to the offices, the outgoing officers shall nonetheless be entitled to re-election on basis of individual merit. ARTICLE 17: SPECIAL CLAUSE i. The income and property of LIFT AFRICA-LIBERIA whenever derived shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the objects of LIFT AFRICA-LIBERIA as set forth in this Constitution; and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly, by way of dividend, bonus or otherwise however by way of profit, to the members of LIFT AFRICA-LIBERIA. ii. PROVIDED that nothing herein shall prevent the payment, in good faith, of reasonable and proper remuneration or reimbursement to an officer or member of LIFT AFRICA-LIBERIA. iii. In the event of the winding-up or dissolution of LIFT AFRICA-LIBERIA here remains, after the satisfaction of all its debt and liabilities, any property whatsoever, the same shall not be paid to or distributed among the members of LIFT AFRICA LIBERIA but shall be given or transferred to same other institutions, having objects similar to the objects of LIFT AFRICA LIBERIA and the body or bodies are prohibited from distributing it or their income and property, among its or their members to an extent at least as great as is imposed on LIFT AFRICA LIBERIA under and by virtue of the SPECIAL CLAUSE hereof if article 16 (ii) to (iv), such institution or institutions to be determined by the members of LIFT AFRICA LIBERIA at or before the time of dissolution and in so far as effect cannot be given to the aforesaid provision then to some charitable object. The constitutionally appointed posts shall be: a. Finance committee b. Program & outreach team c. Project team d. Publicity & mobilization committee e. Research committee Membership shall be open to all persons with an interest in the LIFT AFRICALIBERIA, irrespective of race, color, gender, tribe, religion, ideology, political affiliation, national origin or handicap, veteran status, or sexual orientation. There shall be three types of membership: regular members, associate members, and honorary members. Only regular dues paying members can vote. Regular dues paying members can hold an executive position. Associate membership shall be conferred upon application, or request to persons who have shown genuine interest in LIFT AFRICA-LIBERIA. Honorary membership shall be open to persons who supported LIFT AFRICA-LIBERIA with outstanding services as determined by the members of the association. The Treasurer shall assure safe custody of LIFT AFRICA-LIBERIA’s funds and security, and shall see that full and accurate accounts are kept of receipts and disbursements. The Treasurer provides general supervision over all financial affairs. He / She represents the financial interests of LIFT AFRICA-LIBERIA. Specific Duties Works with the Executive Director to prepare the budget and approve its submission to the Executive Committee and the full Board. Keeps members and the Board of Advisors informed about the financial conditions of LIFT AFRICALIBERIA Monitors fiscal policy, disbursements and budget status, and sees that the programs and policies established by the Board of Advisors. Dated ________________ Day of ____________________________________2016 ______________________________ ______________ ________________________________________ _____________ SIGNATURE OF CHAIRMAN DATE SIGNATURE OF SECRETARY _________________________________ ______________ _____________________________________ _____________ Name of Chairman and Telephone DATE Name of Secretary and Telephone