My Itsy Bitsy Spiders Book __________________ _ __________________ ____ 1 The itsy bitsy spiders climbed up the water spout. 2 Down came the rain and washed the spiders out! 3 Out came the sun and dried up all the rain… 4 and the itsy bitsy spiders went up the spout again! 5 Thank you so much for downloading this book! It is my intention to put together high quality easy-to-use lessons and activities that will help you set your kiddos up for success! Enjoy the book! I will be posting more free items as well as posting items for sale. Please check my TPT store and follow me! I promise you will be happy you did! Oh, yeah…the book. Just run it on the copier and staple on the left side. Your kiddos will have their own emergent reader book. Make it a song book and have them sing it over and over tracking the print! Repeated readings will improve fluency! Happy reading! Thanks so much!! Sheila Dots of Fun! by Tammy Ferrell Product/Font-Fun 6