Getting Started with MOOS-IvP on the REMUS Michael Benjamin and Maurice Fallon and later Liam Paull October 6, 2015 1 Purpose of This Document This document serves as an aid to executing initial missions on the MIT REMUS-100 platform at the MIT Sailing Pavilion. It accompanies a simple “Hello World!” set of mission files. 2 The Alvin Mission The Alvin mission is a simple mission for execution at the MIT Sailing Pavilion. It consists of a small survey and some safety measures. The idea is shown in Figure 1. The large polygon represents a safety op-box. In the figure the simulated UUV is just starting its mission and is heading for its first waypoint — in front of Killian Court. Figure 1: The Alvin Mission: The Alvin mission consists of a small survey at a depth of 2 meters. 3 Software Required You will need to check out and compile the following: • The MOOS-IvP tree 2 • The moos-ivp-remus tree Remus • Goby 2.0 or later This document deals primarily with the contents of the moos-ivp-remus tree, which consists really of three main components: software for interfacing with the REMUS (iRecon), acoustic message definitions for command/control and monitoring of the AUV through MOOS-IvP, and a mission structure for testing the system in progressively more realistic scenarios until final deployment of the REMUS in the water. It is assumed that a user account has been made on the REMUS payload computer named ruser, short for “robot user”. This is a generic account that has certain read-only privileges on the oceanai server. There is also a generic iver account for similar usage on the Iver2 UUVs. We may make a generic remus account if desired. 3.1 The MOOS-IvP Tree With the exception of the Gobysoft libraries, all software required to run the Alvin mission in simulation is contained in the publicly available MOOS-IvP tree. This software should be downloaded directly on to the REMUS payload computer under the ruser generic account. I recommend downloading the SVN trunk, but the latest stable release of MOOS-IvP is another option. This tree includes the MOOS code from Oxford. To build the moos-ivp tree fully, including the GUI related applications, one would need to install the graphics related libraries described in the README.txt file. These are unnecessary on the UUV, and the build can be configured to not build these applications. Alternatively one can launch the build script with the -k option which is the standard make option to skip over un-built targets to build all later targets. 3.2 The moos-ivp-remus Tree To run the Alvin mission on the REMUS requires the iRecon process. This provides an interface between the MOOS payload computer and the REMUS front-seat computer via the Hydroid RECON interface. The iRecon process is located within the moos-ivp-remus tree and can be accessed as follows: $ svn co moos-ivp-remus 3.3 Goby-Acomms Tree including pAcommsHandler NB: The Level 1 mission (SIMULATE auv only) can be completed without installing goby-acomms. Skip to Section 5.1 if you wish and return here afterwards. The Goby Acomms project has recently transitioned outside of moos-ivp-local Documentation is available at and the code is hosted at It also uses bazaar instead of svn for version control. Please check out the version 2 branch of the project: $ bzr branch lp:goby/2.0 goby_2.0 Follow the instructions in the root directory to build pAcommsHandler. 3 4 An Overview of the moos-ivp-remus Tree Following a fresh checkout of the mission-ivp-remus tree, the following subdirectories will be created: $ cd moos-ivp-remus/ $ ls bin build cmake CMakeLists.txt docs lib missions README src The contents of each directory is as follows: • bin - the location of compiled binaries (add to $PATH) • build - the location of compilation files • - script for running the protobuf compiler on the *.proto message definitions • - script for compiling protobufs into a library and iRecon into an executable binary • cmake - contains FindGoby.cmake which tells compiler where to find goby • CMakeLists.txt - top level CMakeLists file • docs - these docs • lib - this will contain the compiled message library once it’s made • missions - more details on this in Sec. ?? • README - self-explanatory • src - iRecon and protobuf source files 4.1 The mission subfolder The mission subfolder contains all the necessary mission files. NB: the only thing that makes this mission folder “REMUS” specific is the inclusion of iRecon in the final mission (m4). This mission structure could easily be adapted to any other AUV by substituting iRemus for the appropriate frontseat-backseat MOOS application interface (e.g. iOceanServerComms for Iver) The following is the contents of the mission subfolder • acomms - the id lookup file for mapping names to ids, and the goby store server config file for simulating acomms. For more details see Section 5.2. 4 • bhv files - behavior-related files defining the mission that pHelmIvP will control. See Section 4.3. • plugs - a series of reusable individual moos process configuration processes. Many of these blocks are common across all of the tutorial missions • tools - a coordinate conversion matlab script and remus missions files for use in frontseat VIP software. Additionally, there are four mission directories (m* preceeded by SIMULATE and REAL) are discussed in Section 5. 4.2 Typical MOOS mission A typical MOOS-IvP mission requires a .bhv and .moos configuration file for each mission. The remus.bhv file serves as the helm configuration file for both simulation and field operation of the AUV. The remus.moos file is the AUV’s MOOS mission configuration file and the shoreside.moos file is the MOOS configuration file for field operation. 4.2.1 nsplug: nsplug is a scripting module used to assemble a full MOOS mission configuration file from a set of individual process moos files — while also inserting specific settings and parameter names into each file. As mission configuration often requires 100s of configuration parameters, a single scripting error can result in mission failure. Using nsplug allows for settings to be accurately shared across multiple AUVs or between simulation and real operation while minimising the risk of a typo in the moos script. Each mission directory contains an expand script which carries out this operation by calling nsplug on a META shoreside or META remus mission file and forming the final mission script. In each mission folder, the mission parameters are inputted by including *.def files which are in a folder called configs. The behavior file is also generated by nsplug in a similar way. The behavior file remus bhv.def and the META remus.bhv files are in the bhv files directory since they are common for each of the four missions. NB: the following warning (or something similar) is normal and is caused by the fact that clicking on pMarineViewer display causes the generation of XPOS and YPOS but nsplug doesn’t know about these variables at the time of generating the .moos file. Warning: The following line of META_remus.moos (creating remus.moos) may contain an undefined macro on Line: 48 > right_context[remus] = ACOUSTIC_MOOSPOKE ="RPT=points=$(XPOS),$(YPOS)" 5 4.2.2 Launching scripts: Each mission directory contains a handy script for launching the MOOS community. The script begins launch . It is a convention used in other example missions distributed and documented on the site. It is particularly handy for launching simulations with multiple UUVs. Note that where a separate launch script is required, it is named to indicate which computer it should be launched from e.g. launch More info about MOOS, MOOS-IvP and the conventions within the community can be found in [1] or [2]. 4.2.3 Shutting things down: I typically use the command $ killall pAntler Pro Tip: you may even want to alias this to somethimg shorter. 4.3 The Behavior Configuration File The helm, pHelmIvP module for the Alvin example mission is configured in remus.bhv, which is generated by running expand in one of the mission folders. It consists of three simple behaviors. The META remus.bhv file is short and given entirely in Listing 1 below. All variables marked as $(·) are loaded from the remus bhv.def file. Listing 1 - The META remus.bhv configuration file for the IvP Helm. //-----------------------------------------------// File: remus.bhv // Name: M. Benjamin and later L. Paull (2015) // Date: Nov 26th, 2010 //-----------------------------------------------#include ../bhv_files/remus_bhv.def initialize initialize DEPLOY = FALSE RETURN = FALSE //-----------------------------------------------Behavior = BHV_Waypoint { name = waypt_survey pwt = 100 condition = (DEPLOY == TRUE) condition = (RETURN == FALSE) endflag = RETURN=TRUE lead = 8 speed = $(SURVEY_SPEED) radius = 4.0 nm_radius = 10.0 updates = WPTS points = $(SURVEY_POINTS) nostarve = NAV_X, NAV_Y, 5.0 } // meters per second 6 //-----------------------------------------------Behavior = BHV_Waypoint { name = waypt_return pwt = 100 condition = (DEPLOY == TRUE) condition = (RETURN == TRUE) perpetual = true lead = 8 speed = $(RETURN_SPEED) // meters per second capture_radius = 5.0 updates = $(RETURN_PT_MOOS_VAR) points = $(RETURN_POINT) nostarve = NAV_X, NAV_Y, 5.0 } //-----------------------------------------------Behavior = BHV_ConstantDepth { name = const_depth_return pwt = 100 condition = (RETURN == TRUE) condition = (DEPLOY == TRUE) duration = no-time-limit depth = 0 } //-----------------------------------------------Behavior = BHV_ConstantDepth { name = const_depth_survey pwt = 100 condition = (DEPLOY == TRUE) condition = (RETURN == FALSE) duration = no-time-limit depth = $(SURVEY_DEPTH) } //-----------------------------------------------Behavior = BHV_OpRegion { name = op_region pwt = 100 condition = (DEPLOY == TRUE) max_time polygon trigger_entry_time trigger_exit_time = = = = 600 $(OP_REGION_POLY) 2.0 1.0 } And here’s the contents of the remus bhv.def file: #define SURVEY_POINTS -143,-141:89,-36:109,-71:-106,-175:-88,-207:129,-100:0,-40 #define RETURN_PT_MOOS_VAR RPT #define RETURN_POINT 9,-14 7 #define #define #define #define SURVEY_SPEED 1.5 RETURN_SPEED 1.0 SURVEY_DEPTH 2.0 OP_REGION_POLY -200,-100:-100,-250:200,-100:144,3:84,35 The Waypoint behavior is configured with seven simple waypoints. This behavior is not configured to repeat its points. When it is finished, it is finished permanently. This can be changed with the perpetual flag as described in [2]. The ConstantDepth behavior is provided to keep the vehicle at a survey depth of 2 meters. The OpRegion behavior provides two safety checks. It limits the total mission time to 600 seconds and limits the vehicle operation to be within the polygon specified and rendered in Figure 1. A good safety check would be to alter the max time and the polygon to allow the vehicle to violate their limits and check that the helm properly posts the flag IVPHELM ENGAGED="DISENGAGED", and that the iREMUS module properly reads this handles this properly by either bringing the vehicle back to the surface, or handing control back to the REMUS front-seat computer, or both. 5 Training Missions So as to allow users to easily understand the role of each of the sub systems of the MOOS-IvP AUV system this tutorial is broken down into 5 increasingly complicated missions. An overview of the 5 missions is as follows: • m1 SIMULATE auv only: A beginner-level simulated mission which demonstrates the motion the AUV is expected to make. The HelmIvP behavior configuration in this mission is common to all subsequent missions (i.e. the vehicle does the thing it will be expected to do but in simulation). • m2 SIMULATE auv and shoreside acomms: The same mission as above except with the addition of SIMULATED acoustic communication between the AUV MOOS community and a simulated shoreside MOOS community commanding the AUV. This is mission to use to test and perfect your acoustic packet designs. • m3 REAL auv shoreside acomms no recon: Again maintaining the same mission, but now transferring the AUV MOOS community to a separate computer1 and integrating real WHOI MicroModem hardware. • m4 REAL auv shoreside acomms with recon: In this final mission the MOOS community will interface directly with the main REMUS computer via RECON - but in simulation. Using the REMUS simulation mode allows operation using exactly the same procedure and settings as one would use in a real experiment. • Actual Operation: Using EXACTLY the same mission configuration as in the previous example, the real world mission can be carried out. Also see Figure 2 for an overview of each mission. 1 Not necessarily on the AUV 8 (a) Simulated AUV alone (b) SIMULATED acomms (c) REAL AUV and shorseide acomms, no RECON auv and shoreside (d) REAL AUV and shoreside acomms, with RECON Figure 2: The four levels of this training manual: from simulation to real world operation. Real world operation uses exactly the same configuration as the final simulation 9 5.1 SIMULATE auv only Located in the folder m1 SIMULATE auv only is the most basic tutorial mission. The mission can be compiled from the required plugs by entering: $ ./ And launched as follows $ ./ This example mission is configured to launch all MOOS processes and the helm, with the helm in a stand-by (‘‘PARK’’) mode (‘‘MOOS MANUAL OVERRIDE=TRUE’’). The pMarineViewer window should pop up with the vehicle as shown in Figure 1. This is the same pMarineViewer window that you will see when the real mission is run. There are four buttons in the bottom right corner, “ENGAGE”, “ABORT”, “DEPLOY” and “RETURN”. Push the “DEPLOY” button to start the vehicle in motion. In this simulation mode, this pokes the DEPLOY=true message to the MOOSDB which triggers the conditions to be met for the survey waypoint behavior. In water, this triggers an acoustic packet to be generated which is sent to the vehicle. More on this later (The same goes for everything else described here). The status of the vehicle can be monitored at the bottom of the screen. Pushing the “RETURN” button invokes the return waypoint behavior and you should see the survey path disappear and be replaced by a single point in front of the dock. Additionally, you can update the return point by right-clicking on the display. In field operations, this method is used to slowly guide the vehicle into the dock for recovery. At this point, the “ENGAGE” button does nothing at all. In this future this button will be used to transfer control from the frontseat vehicle controller to the backseat MOOS control. The “ABORT” button should immediately halt the vehicle. Note that in the real water scenario, the “ABORT” button will return the control to the frontseat, in which case the vehicle may not completely stop, but will continue the frontseat mission that it was performing before the “ENGAGE” button was pressed. 5.2 SIMULATE auv and shoreside acomms Located in the folder M2 SIMULATE auv shoreside acomms: This mission adds a shoreside MOOSDB communicating with the AUV using (simulated) acoustic communications using goby. Note that compared to M1 there are now two META files (shoreside and remus) as well as two def files in configs and two lines in the expand script and that the has been replaced with launch remus and The “virtual ocean” is implemented with the goby store server application, which is effectively a database server, and is also launched in launch remus and The main changes to the META remus.moos file are that the pMarineViewer application has been removed (it is moved to the shoreside), and the new application for handling acoustic packet transmission and reception, pAcommsHandler, is included. This is a good configuration to test out new message definitions. Included in the distribution are 4 message definitions as protobuf files in /src/protobuf . They are as follows: • acoustic moospoke.proto: The listing is given below: 10 import "goby/acomms/protobuf/dccl_option_extensions.proto"; message acoustic_moospoke { option (dccl.msg).id = 102; option (dccl.msg).max_bytes = 32; required string moos_var = 3 [(dccl.field).max_length = 10]; required string val = 4 [(dccl.field).max_length = 19]; } which gives the ability to pass ANY MOOS variable through acoustics by posting something like: ACOUSTIC_MOOSPOKE="MOOS_VAR=val" Note in this case the var and val are cut at 10 and 19 characters respectively. • binary moospoke.proto: The listing is given below: import "goby/acomms/protobuf/dccl_option_extensions.proto"; message binary_moospoke { option (dccl.msg).id option (dccl.msg).max_bytes enum Var enum Val required required = 103; = 32; {DEPLOY = 1; MOOS_MANUAL_OVERRIDE = 2; RETURN = 3 ; RECON_ENGAGE = 4; RECON_XM {TRUE = 1; FALSE = 2;} Var moos_var = 1; Val bool_val = 2; } This message gives a more efficient way of passing variables that are either “TRUE” or “FALSE” than passing them as strings as with acoustic moospoke. The different variables that can be transmitted are enumerated in Var. In the example mission, both acoustic moospokes and binary moospokes are triggered by pMarineViewer. Pressing the buttons initiates binary moospokes for mission variables, and right clicking on the display initiates an acoustic moospoke that transmits the new waypoint. • node report.proto: The listing is given below: import "goby/acomms/protobuf/dccl_option_extensions.proto"; message node_report { option (dccl.msg).id = 101; 11 option (dccl.msg).max_bytes = 32; optional string TIME = 1 [(dccl.field).max_length=3, default="NOW"]; enum VehicleType {uuv = 1; usv = 2; ship = 3; glider = 4; } enum VehicleName {remus=1;iver=2;} enum VehicleMode {PARK=1;DRIVE=2;DISENGAGED=3;NOHELM=4;} optional VehicleType TYPE = 3 [default=uuv]; required VehicleName NAME = 4; required VehicleMode MODE = 5; required double X = 6 [(dccl.field).max = 1000, (dccl.field).min = -1000, (dccl.field). required double Y = 7 [(dccl.field).max = 1000, (dccl.field).min = -1000, (dccl.field). required double SPD = 8 [(dccl.field).max = 5, (dccl.field).min = 0, (dccl.field).preci required double HDG = 9 [(dccl.field).max = 360, (dccl.field).min = 0, (dccl.field).pre required double DEP = 10 [(dccl.field).max = 100, (dccl.field).min = 0, (dccl.field).pr required double LAT = 11 [(dccl.field).max = 43, (dccl.field).min = 41, (dccl.field).pr required double LON = 12 [(dccl.field).max = -70, (dccl.field).min = -72, (dccl.field). } This message is sent from the vehicle back to the shoreside and automatically parsed to generate a node report which is displayed by pMarineViewer. • view point.proto: The listing is given below: import "goby/acomms/protobuf/dccl_option_extensions.proto"; message view_point { option (dccl.msg).id = 105; option (dccl.msg).max_bytes = 32; required double x = 3 [(dccl.field).max = 500, (dccl.field).min = -500, (dccl.field).pr required double y = 4 [(dccl.field).max = 500, (dccl.field).min = -500, (dccl.field).pr optional string label = 5 [(dccl.field).max_length = 10]; } This message is used to send back the new waypoint confirmation so that it can be updated on the pMarineViewer display. As a result, we should be able to infer where the vehicle is heading (at least at the time that the last acoustic message was sent). NB: for this mission to work correctly, the protobufs must be properly compiled. This can be done by running: $ ./ $ ./ in the top level directory. To confirm that this has happened properly you should now see the in the lib directory. Also launched will be pAcommsHandler for both MOOSDBs. The pAcommsHandler is used in this case to handle the queueing of messages (deciding which stuff to send) and also the encoding 12 and deconding of variables, as well as the medium access control (MAC) for determining which nodes in get to transmit at which times. The same configuration for pAcommsHandler is used for the shoreside and the vehicle. In the plug for pAcommsHandler, you will see a block for each of the protobufs just described in the queue cfg and a seperate translator entry. For example, for the node report message the translator entry block is: translator_entry { protobuf_name: "node_report" trigger { type: TRIGGER_PUBLISH moos_var: "NODE_REPORT_LOCAL" } create { technique: TECHNIQUE_COMMA_SEPARATED_KEY_EQUALS_VALUE_PAIRS moos_var: "NODE_REPORT_LOCAL" } publish { technique: TECHNIQUE_COMMA_SEPARATED_KEY_EQUALS_VALUE_PAIRS moos_var: "NODE_REPORT" } } which tells pAcommsHandler when and how to create a node report and how to publish it (in this case using the TECHNIQUE COMMA SEPARATED KEY EQUALS VALUE PAIRS). You can use pAcommsHandler’s visual interface to keep track of modem traffic, see Figure 3. Note that pLogger is also configured to launch, which will log both the AUV and the shoreside mission data. The mission is deployed, controlled and observed throught the pMarineViewer display in the same way as with mission m1, however in this case node report updates are much less frequent. As the mission proceeds vehicle positions will be transmitted from the AUV every 10 seconds and displayed by pMarineViewer as see in Figure 4. At this point the user should launch the mission and confirm that all anticipated functionality is working correctly through the pMarineViewer interface. 5.3 REAL auv shoreside acomms no recon In this mission, operation will be as in previous missions — however we will utilize the REMUS playload as well as actual acoustic modem hardware. Connect the acoustic modem to the laptop and use a 12 volt battery to power it. Make sure to place it beside the REMUS transducer to ensure successful transmission. To log onto the payload computer: start the AUV by removing the magnet and make sure that the vehicle first communicates with the Hydroid VIP program. The following are the vehicle computer ip addresses and the login information (within csail) 192.168.1.... 71 - vehicle frontseat 72 - sidescan 13 Figure 3: pAcommsHandler visual GUI mode: Two instances of pAcommsHandler - one for the UUV (left) and the shoreside (right). The MAC blocks indicate that control of communication is only from the shoreside. Other interesting blocks include (4) Decoder messages: showing messages which have been received, decoded and publised to MOOS; (8) Outgoing: showing which message was most recently sent and (10 & 11) I/O between the actual hardware and the application. Figure 4: pMarineViewer during ops: This figure appears exactly as the mission would appear in a real mission. Note the infrequent updates of the vehicle position. 14 74 - payload or RECON computer 75 - topside Payload computer account: username: ruser password: usual pwd Log onto the payload computer. Take a look at the Micromodem configuration blocks. In this case, the laptop and the REMUS will access a USB (ttyUSB0) and serial (ttyS1) respectively. To verify that the modems are working properly, launch the minicom utility. You will observe the MicroModem status message every 10 seconds as follows $ minicom -D/dev/ttyUSB0 $CAREV,085820,INIT,*55 $CAREV,085820,AUV,*0D To demonstrate that the modem can transmit via the transducer, send it a polling request: printf ’$CCMPC,1,2\r\n’ > /dev/ttyUSB0 This will result in an audible acoustic chirp from the transducer. Having verified that the modem is operating, the next step is to launch the missions using the respective launch scripts. After about 20 seconds you should begin to hear audible acoustic sounds and see successful acoustic transmissions on the pAcommsHandler GUI. You can now use pMarineViewer to deploy the REMUS to do its mission — except in this case the message will be sent acoustically. 5.4 REAL AUV shoreside acomms, with RECON Having competed the experiment above, almost all the pieces are in place to do an actual experiment. The final tutorial uses the actual main computer – payload computer interface as well as simulation software on board the main computer. This gives the mission exactly the same look and feel as a real experiment. First it is necessary to prepare the main vehicle computer by providing it with a basic backup mission. The basic backup mission is located in FINISH THIS BIT AND PUT THE REMUS MISSION FILE IN THE SVN. Load this mission onto the vehicle (though it may be the defualt mission anyway). The VIP interface will appear as illustrated in Figure 5. IMPORTANT: Before launching this mission however, make sure to enable the simulation mode by clicking as indicated in Figure 5 In this case, instead of using the uMarineSim and pMarinePID processes to simulate and control the low level control of the vehicle we will use the iRecon process to communicate with the main vehicle computer and the main vehicle computer will then simulate navigation performance. Once more, the mission is deployed and monitored using pMarineViewer. 5.5 Actual Operation Having competed these tutorials, no changes need to be made when transitioning from REAL AUV shoreside acomms, with RECON to in water operation. Except for real world issues (such as boats, shallow water, errors in deploying beacons etc.), the mission should be completed in exactly the same manner as for the last simulation. 15 Figure 5: Hydroid’s Vehicle Interface Program (VIP): The Simulation button is located in the lower right. 5.6 REAL shoreside listen only This mission configuration is setup to decode REMUS ranger and status messages at the shoreside. It could be used to run a REMUS mission in which no acoustic communication takes place. It is documented here for completeness and is not part of the tutorial. 16 References [1] Michael R. Benjamin. MOOS-IvP Autonomy Tools Users Manual Release 4.2.1. Technical Report MITCSAIL-TR-201136, MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab, July 2011. [2] Michael R. Benjamin, Henrik Schmidt, Paul M. Newman, and John J. Leonard. An Overview of MOOSIvP and a Users Guide to the IvP Helm - Release 4.2.1. Technical Report MIT-CSAIL-TR-2010-037, MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab, August 2011. 17 Figure 6: Safely deploying the REMUS from the dock Appendix - Information on MIT Platforms and Facilities Notes for operating the REMUS 100 in the Charles River When preparing software and testing drivers, it is sufficient to tie the AUV to the side of the dock or to rest it on its stand. Deploying from the dock is the most straightforward manner. Make sure to point the AUV away from the dock as it has no concept of where the dock or river wall are — see Figure 6. • The depth of the river in the vicinity of the sailing pavilion is about 4m. See Figure 7. Minimum safe altitude for operation is about 2m. The rudder of the MIT sailing boats is about 1m. • Range of the Wireless router: about 100m. (Has not yet been used when amplified.) • Acoustic Communication: The Charles is a difficult environment for acoustic comms - especially with reflections from the wall behind the pavilion. LBL ranges - via the Hydroid Ranger List of Equipment required for operations: • Two acoustic transponders, positioned at opposite corners of the dock. Ideally at 2m depth. Care should be taken to place them at the locations specified in the VIP mission. TODO: buy GPS unit to do this. • A deck box Micromodem with a sufficiently long transducer cable to reach from the sailing school to the water. A 12V battery (A 24V supply might give better performance) • Hydroid wireless router, base station charging unit and the Ranger device. • A power strip and several network cables. • MIT REMUS Ops toolkit. TODO: make toolkit ;) Glossary MOOS and MOOS-IvP: 18 Figure 7: Water depth near to river: INSERT PICTURE OF SURVEY OF RIVER DEPTH. • Main vehicle computer - the manufacturer-supplied low-level vehicle controller. Also known as the primary controller. • Payload computer - the user-maintained high-level vehicle controller. Communicated with the main vehicle computer: sending commands and receiving navigation information. • MOOS Process - an executable which carries out a modular action e.g. a sensor driver, a high level controller, a navigation engine. Communication between processes via the MOOSDB and TCP protocol. • IvP Behavior - software modules for the operation of discrete tasks eg holding position, surveying, keeping depth, trailing. Evaluated and combined using the pHelmIvP MOOS process. Acoustic Communications: • Goby-Acomms - a set of open source software libraries for acoustic communication • pAcommsHandler - a MOOS process which uses the goby libraries. • MAC - Medium Access Control - A set of procedures for ensuring collision-free communications on a shared channel such as the marine acoustic channel. • CCL - Compact Control Language - A language for specifying the structure of binary data transmitted using the MicroModem. Developed at WHOI, supplemented by Goby-Acomms as DCCL. • topside or shoreside - a generic name for the mission control laptop and its acoustic modem. Hydroid and REMUS: • REMUS 100 - the name and model of the AUV sold by Hydroid • VIP - Vehicle Interface Program - Hydroid’s program for vehicle debugging, mission planning and operation. As shown in Figure 5. 19 Figure 8: Hydroid’s Ranger Device. • RECON - a UDP/TCP interface between the main vehicle computer and the payload at the frequency of 10Hz or less. Messages are plain text strings of the following format: #S, T 11 : 09 : 21.6, LAT 33N 14.9322, LON 117W 27.0600, D − 0.02... The iRecon MOOS process implements this interface protocol. • Ranger - device for vehicle ranging and status updates (Figure 8). When using MOOS and Goby-acomms the device can only provide range measurements. Additionally, mission abort is possible independent of the WHOI MicroModem and MOOS. Post Mission Maintenance and Data Storage Post mission logs can be removed from the AUV and the shoreside laptop and place at this location on the AFS: /afs/ Additional information about sensors, components and manuals is located at /afs/ The vehicle should be washed down after operations using a hose and a cloth for about 10–15 minutes. This is of particular importance when operating in salt-water so as to avoid corrosion. 20