Roman Mythology (2) Asylum: Romulus and Remus Chief sources

Roman Mythology (2) Asylum: Romulus and Remus Chief sources: Dionysius of Halicarnassus Roman Antiquities books 1-­‐2 Livy From the Foundation of the City books 1-­‐5 Numa – Pythagoras of Samos Herakles/Hercules – Geryon – Cacus -­‐ Evander (Arcadian) Romulus and Remus – or Romus? Foundation and Fratricide T.P. Wiseman Remus: A Roman Myth (p.12): ‘In later authors (which may reflect early traditions) civil war and disease follow the murder, and Romulus is told to set up a second throne, royal insignia & other honours for Remus, even putting a gold duplicate statue of Remus in the throne according to Byzantine authors.’ Lucan The Civil War (c. 65 CE) ‘Wars more than civil I sing’ (1.1) – Pompey & Caesar ‘the first walls were soaked in brother’s blood’ (1.95) Horace Epodes 7.17-­‐20 (30s BCE): ‘What hounds the Romans is bitter fate/ and the crime of a brother’s murder,/ ever since the blood of innocent Remus flowed into the earth,/ a curse to his descendants.’ Who killed Remus? Livy 1.6 (p.24): mob violence OR Romulus Ovid Fasti 4.807-­‐57: Celer Remus and remorari – ‘to delay’ vs. Celer = ‘fast’ Romulus vs. Remus, patricians vs. plebs Location: Palatine vs. Aventine – ‘secession of the plebs’ Populating Rome Romulus’ Asylum Rape of the Sabine Women -­‐ Livy. 1.8, Dionysius of Halicarnassus 2.15 -­‐ Livy 1.9 