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IT Question Bank

Information Technology Question Bank
Q1. Define Information technology.
Q2. Explain function of IT in electronic data processing.
Q3. Explain the Components of Computer system in detail.
Q4. What is hard copy output device? Describe the various type of printers.
Q5. Define software? Describe the system software in detail.
Q6. Explain main memory in detail.
Q7. Define the following:
 Virus Hoax
 Softcopy
Q8. Write a short note on the following:
 Spreadsheet
 Computer Crime
 Antivirus
Q9. Differentiate variable declaration and variable definition.
Q10. What is loop? Explain for loop.
Information Technology Question Bank - Answers
Information technology is combination of two technologies Computer Technology and
Telecommunication technology. Where computer technology storing information, protecting
information, processing the information and on the other hand telecommunication technology related
with transmitting the information.
There are following major components of IT.
1. Computer science
2. Telecommunication engineering
3. Computer engineering
1. Computer science (or computing science): Computer science (or computing science) is the study and the science of the theoretical foundations of
information and computation and their implementation and application in computer systems.
2. Telecommunication: Telecommunication assisted transmission of signals over a distance for the purpose of communication.
In modern times, telecommunication typically involves the use of electronic transmitters such as the
telephone, television, radio or computer.
3. Computer engineering: Computer engineering principles and methods to the design and development of hardware and
software systems
The procedure of transferring the raw data in to information by processing with the help computer and
its programs in an environment involving electronic communication is called Electronic data processing
(EDP). The information and communication technology have great impact on EDP as compare to
processing done by manual system. For example: stock updates applied to an inventory, banking
transactions applied to account and customer master files, booking and ticketing transactions to an
airline's reservation system, billing for utility services.
There are three basic steps involve in EDP.
1. Capturing the input data 2. Manipulating the data 3. Managing the data
Information Technology Question Bank - Answers
These function are done very easily and quickly with the help of Information and communication
Capturing the Input Data:
The input is primly step for EDP. The data can be captured directly in the paperless machine-readable
form rather than its store first in manual form. For example you can get the user input directly form on
line form. User use his ATM or Credit Card, thumbs expression system, capturing the price with bar cod
Manipulating the data
Data manipulation is the process of taking data and manipulating it in a method to be easier read or
organized. For example arranging the data, Arithmetic manipulation in which calculation are involve.
This will be easily done by the help of IT. There are many query languages which provide very enhance
manipulation system. Word processor also one the example of manipulation in EDP.
Managing the output result
When data is gather and manipulating according to the desire output. The data is ready to be presented.
The output is display on the screen and data is saved on the file, which can be printed on a print
attached. To get the hard copy of it.
Every computer is made up of four-basic units which are following.
1. Input Unit
2. Output unit
3. Central Processing Unit (CPU)
4. Memory Unit
Input unit: The basic unit, which provides communication between the user and the computer, is the input unit.
This unit describes a device, used to transfer information into a computing system. It performs following
three functions.
- It accepts data from user.
- Converts that data into electrical signals, which can be later, used in arithmetical calculations.
- Coded data is then moved to the system for processing.
The data can be fed into a computer by using different types of input devices. The commonly used input
devices are Keyboard, MOUSE etc.
Central Processing Unit (CPU)
Information Technology Question Bank - Answers
CPU is short form central processing unit. The central processing unit is responsible for performing all of
the mathematical and logical calculations that are required for a computer to function properly means
that work of CPU is Data Processing. The function of CPU is consist on four steps to perform processing
function. The first step in this cycle is to fetch a instruction from a software program's memory. Once
the CPU fetches the instruction, its second step is to decode the instruction. By decoding the instruction,
the CPU is able to organize the information from the instruction in a manner that allows the CPU to
complete the next step, which is executing.
Memory Unit:
Memory unit responsible for storing the information permanently and temporary during the processing.
Computer memory is mainly divided in to two types.
- Primary Memory
- Secondary Memory
Primary Memory:
Primary memory stores the information in form of binary coded data. Primary memory holds the input
data (before processing), result for output purpose (after processing) and also provides the permanents
storage as requested. It is usually refer to main memory and also known as Internal Memory.
Main memory consists of RAM, ROM, and Cache Memory.
Secondary Memory:
The Secondary Memory is also known as auxiliary storage or external storage which store the
Output Unit:
The output unit give the output of our input after processing. This is final step, which presents the
results of the machine operations in printed or other visual form. It is a device that receives results from
a CPU. It can be a communicating link between a computer and people. It. is used to transfer
information out of a computing system.
The output device which provide the Hard copy of our document is called Printer. Printer prints
whatever is on the monitor onto paper. Printers can print words, numbers, or pictures.
The two main types of printer are impact and non-impact printer.
Impact Printers:
Impact Printers use a print head containing a number of metal pins, which strike an inked ribbon placed
between the print head and the paper. Some print heads have only 9 pins to make the dots to build up a
character; some have 24 pins, which produce a better resolution.
Non-impact printers
Information Technology Question Bank - Answers
This type of printer that does not operate by striking a head against a ribbon. Examples of non-impact
printers include laser and ink-jet printers. The term non-impact is important primarily in that it
distinguishes quiet printers from noisy (impact) printers.
The main types of non-impact printer are:
Thermal Printer:
Characters are formed by heated elements being placed in contact with special heat sensitive paper
forming darkened dots when the elements reach a critical temperature. Paper tends to darken over time
due to exposure to sunlight and heat. The s standard of print produced is poor. Thermal printers are
widely used in battery-powered equipment such as portable calculators. A fax machine uses a thermal
Laser Printer:
Use a laser beam and dry powdered ink to produce a fine dot matrix pattern. This method of printing
can generate about 4 pages of A4 paper per minute. The standard of print is very good and laser printers
can also produce very good quality printed graphic images
Ink Jet Printer:
Characters are formed as a result of electrically charged or heated ink being sprayed in fine jets onto the
paper. Individual nozzles in the printing head produce high resolution (up to 400 dots per inch or 400
dpi) dot matrix characters. Inkjet printers use color cartridges, which combine magenta, yellow and cyan
inks to create color tones. A black cartridge is also used for crisp monochrome output.
This method of printing can generate up to 200 cps and allows for good quality, cheap color printing.
Computer software are collection of programs where program are instruction to given to computer to
perform any specific task. There are two type of software system software which are design to control
the hardware and manage the computer system for example operation system and drivers on the other
side Application software are those program which perform some specific task such that word processor
, multimedia software etc.
System software:
System software are those programs which have some instructions which control the Hardware and also
other software such that applications in computer. We can say that system software are interface
between hardware and user applications. The function of System software are performs the
responsibility of overall supervision of input, processing and output of data. It keeps track of all the
peripherals equipment attached with the computer, and monitors their activities. System software are
divided into following categories:
Operating Systems: -
Information Technology Question Bank - Answers
The operating system provide an interface in which user can perform basic function on computer such
that I/O function. The OS create a link between user and computer and manage all the application and
hardware resources.
Device Drivers: When you purchase a new peripheral hardware device, such as a CD-ROM drive, a mouse or a printer,
you need to install software that tells the computer how to use the device. This type of system software
is called Device Driver.
Utility Programs:
Utility program are those program which are designed to help analyze, configure, optimize or maintain a
computer. For example backup, data recovery, file de fragmentation, disk repair, and virus protection.
Translator are also system program that converts source program into object program. When
programmer write the instruction in any computer language then Translators convert these instructions
in machine code, because computer can only understand machine language.
Memory is electronic circuitry that holds data and program instructions until they processed. Memory
devices responsible for storing the information permanently and temporary basses during the
Computer memory is mainly divided in to two types.
-Primary Memory
-Secondary Memory
Primary (main) Memory:
Primary memory which is also called main memory stores the information in form of binary coded data.
Primary memory holds the input data before processing and the information after the processing and
also provides the permanents storage as requested. It is also called Internal Memory.
There are following three type of main memory
Random Access Memory (RAM):
RAM is an abbreviation for Random Access Memory. It usually refers to "temporary" memory, as when
the system is shut down, the memory is lost. This is why the memory is referred to as being "random,"
as any piece of information can be circulated through the memory regardless of its location and its
relation to any other information within the RAM. The ram store the data before and after the
CMOS Memory:
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CMOS is short from Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor. This memory hold the data, but
requires very little power to retain its contents a CMOS chip is usually powered by battery, CMOS stores
data about computer configuration. All configuration such as how many floppy drives are there in
computer or the size of hard disk etc. all this data retain in CMOS memory.
ROM is short from Read only memory. This memory consist on electronic chips that contains
instructions to help a computer prepare for processing tasks. The instructions in ROM are written by the
time of manufacturing and permanently store on this chip and you cannot change them. When
computer is turn on the first of all the instruction are executed are ROM instruction. ROM contains a
small set of instructions to tell the computer how to access hard drive and load operating system.
PROM: PROM is short for programmable read only memory. This type of memory also consist on an electronic
memory chip on which data can be written only once. Once a program has been written onto a PROM it
remains there forever. The difference between ROM and PROM is that a PROM is manufacturing as
blank memory, whereas a ROM is programmed during the manufacturing process. To write data onto a
PROM chip, you need a special device called a PROM programmer or a PROM burner.
EPROM:An EPROM is short from erasable programmable read only memory. This is a special type of PROM that
can be erased by exposing it to ultraviolet light. Once it is spread, it can be programmed. EPROM is a
similar to a PROM, but is requires only electricity erased.
Virus Hoax
Virus hoax is a type of virus which come in form of a false warning (message) about a computer virus.
Typically this warning arrives through in an e-mail. The Hoax virus typically use emotive language in the
warnings message and encourage readers to forward the message to other people as soon as possible.
The Hoax virus send a message to user users that vital system files are viruses and encourage the user to
delete these file.
CAM means computer aided manufacturing. When we use the computers software to control and
management of manufacturing processes then this process of manufacturing is called CAM. Such as
automatically coordinated operations of conveyor systems, cutting and forming machines, and riveting
and welding machines.
Information Technology Question Bank - Answers
CAD means computer-aided design. CAD software is used by architects, engineers, draft man, artists,
and others to create precision drawings or technical illustrations. CAD software can be used to create
two-dimensional 2-D drawings and also three-dimensional 3-D drawings. For example AutoCAD, Design
Cad 3D, Adobe Illustrator etc.
Soft Copy
Soft copy is an electronic copy of data, such as a file viewed on a computer's screen or file transfer to
any one by e-mail as attachment. When you write a document in MS word and save it this called soft
copy and when printed then it’s called hardcopy.
Spreadsheet is a table of values arranged in rows and columns and Spreadsheet applications are
computer programs that let you create and manipulate the data in shape of row and column and
manipulate if you need and perform calculation. In a spreadsheet application, each value sits in a cell or
Box. Each cell have a name called cell reference or Cell Address according to its placement for example,
A1, A2, A3. There are a number of spreadsheet applications on the market, Lotus 1-2-3 and Excel being
among the most famous. The more powerful spreadsheet applications support graphics features that
enable you to produce charts and graphs from the data.
Computer Crime
Computer crime which also some time called cybercrime or e-crime or electronic crime. Computer crime
refers to any crime that involves a computer and a network. When any one use the computer in the
commission of a crime then it’s called computer crime or cybercrime.
Examples of computer crimes
Making or distributing child pornography.
Hacking, threats, and blackmailing towards a business or person.
Creating Malware - Writing, creating, or distributing malware program
Some kind of Fraud through the computer online system for example manipulating data, e.g. changing
banking records to transfer money to an account.
Deceiving individuals to gain private or personal information about that person.
Distributed unsolicited e-mail to dozens or hundreds of different addresses which is called Spamming.
Unauthorized access to systems you have no permission to access.
Information Technology Question Bank - Answers
Antivirus is a program which is specially design to prevent, detect and remove the malware virus
infections from the computing devices. This program of antivirus often called Anti malware. When a
virus is detected in your computer the antivirus program displays a warning asking what action should
be done, often giving the options to remove, ignore, or move the file. There are many antivirus program
available in market such as Norton Antivirus, Kaspersky, and Semantic Antivirus etc.
In computer programming we say that variable are those memory location, which are used to store the
constant value. In C if want to use any variable then before everything we must declare this variable.
This declaration tells the complier about this variable and the types of data which is we are going to
store in this variable.
Data-type Variable_Name;
Where data-type is any valid data type in c for example int
Variable_name is any valid variable name where value is optional.
When we declare the variable we are only talking about the name and its types but when we assign
some value to this variable this action is called variable definition. These two action can some time occur
at same time.
int n; //This is declaration
n=20; //This is definition of variable.
int n=20; //these are both declaration and definition.
When we want to execute a statement or group of statement repeatedly then we use loops. In simple
word when we do some work again and again for specified period of time in the same way then we use
loops. For example if we want to print message "hello C" 100 times then there are two ways to perform
this type of task.
First we use printf statement 100 time to print this message on the screen.
Second we write single statement in the body of the loop which print this message 100 time.
Now we can observe that the second method is simple, easy and less time consuming.
In C language we have choice of three types of loop, for, while and do-while.
These loop are classified in two types:
Count Control Loop
Event Control Loop
Information Technology Question Bank - Answers
For loop is count control loop. The for loop works well, where the number of iterations of the loop is
known before the loop is entered. The head of the loop consists of three parts separated by semicolons.
The initial value: - This is usually the initialization of the loop variable which is called loop counter.
Condition: -The second part is a test; the loop is terminated when this returns false.
Step: - The third is a statement to be run every time the loop body is completed. This is usually an
increment or decrement of the loop counter.