Gulf Spic General Trading & Contracting Co. W.L.L. Procedure for Calibration of Measuring and Test Equipments (Doc. No.: GS/QP/134) 0 Rev. Description QCE QCM M (P) 24.01.10 Prepared Checked Approved Date Gulf Spic General Trading & Contracting Company W.L.L CALIBRATION PROCEDURE FOR IMTE CONTENTS 1.0 Purpose 2.0 Scope 3.0 Abbreviations & Definitions 4.0 References 5.0 Responsibilities 6.0 Calibration Procedure 7.0 Control of Calibration 8.0 IMTE Identification 9.0 Frequency of Calibration 10.0 User Log 11.0 Defective IMTE Control 12.0 Quality Records 13.0 Attachments GS Doc.No.GS/QP/134 Rev.No.0 Page 2 of 6 Date: 24-Jan-10 Gulf Spic General Trading & Contracting Company W.L.L CALIBRATION PROCEDURE FOR IMTE 1.0 Purpose The purpose of this procedure is to describe the system for control, calibrating and maintaining of Inspection Measuring and Test Equipment (IMTE) to demonstrate the conformance of product to specified Project requirements. 2.0 Scope The requirements of this procedure apply to all IMTE used on the Project. 3.0 Definition / Abbreviation GS : Gulf Spic General Trading & Contracting Company QCI : Quality Control Inspector QCE : Quality Control Engineer QCM : Quality Control Manager Measuring Equipment All of the measuring instruments, measurement standards, reference materials, auxiliary apparatus and instruction that are necessary to carry out a measurement. Calibration The set of operation which establish, under specified condition, relationship between values indicated by measuring instrument or measuring system, or values represented by a material measurement or a reference material and the corresponding values of a quantity realized by a reference standard. Measurement The set of operations having the object of determining the value of a quality. IMTE : Inspection Measuring and Test Equipment. 4.0 References 4.1 4.2 Scope of Work Project Quality plan , 5.0 Responsibilities 5.1 The QC Manager has overall responsibility for the control, calibration, storage and maintenance of Contractor IMTE on the site. 5.2 The QCI has the over all responsibility to ensure that the correct and calibrated equipments are used in the inspection and test activities. GS Doc.No.GS/QP/134 Rev.No.0 Page 3 of 6 Date: 24-Jan-10 Gulf Spic General Trading & Contracting Company W.L.L CALIBRATION PROCEDURE FOR IMTE 6.0 Calibration Procedure 6.1 The calibration procedure shall include the method and interval of calibration, which is based on the type of Equipment stability characteristics, required accuracy, intended use, and other conditions affecting measurement control. 6.2 The QCM shall establish/implement the calibration procedure for each IMTE to be controlled. 7.0 Control of Calibration 7.1 Upon receipt of requested IMTE with relevant documents, it shall be ensured that whether calibration status is available or not and include in the Calibration Master List. 7.2 IMTE use Log shall be maintained for all the IMTE’s. 7.3 Specific written calibration procedures shall be used and comparison standards such as weights, gauges, etc. shall be traceable to National or International Standards. Manufacturer's recommended written instructions may be adopted for certain IMTE. 7.4 The calibration results shall be documented and controlled as QA Records. 7.5 Calibration will be performed by an authorized calibration agency. 7.6 Environmental conditions shall be suitable for the calibrations, inspections, measurements and tests being carried out. 7.7 IMTE shall be handled, preserved and stored in a good condition to maintain accuracy and fitness for use. 7.8 The calibration status shall be recorded. 7.9 Where test hardware (e.g.jigs, fixtures, template, patterns) or test software is used as suitable forms of inspection, it shall be checked to prove that it is capable of verifying the acceptability of product prior to release for use during construction and shall be rechecked at appropriate internals. 7.10 Measurement data shall be made available, when required by the Client, for verification that functionally adequate. GS Doc.No.GS/QP/134 Rev.No.0 Page 4 of 6 Date: 24-Jan-10 Gulf Spic General Trading & Contracting Company W.L.L CALIBRATION PROCEDURE FOR IMTE 8.0 IMTE Identification 8.1 IMTE shall be identified with unique identification number to establish accurate records of current IMTE conditions. 8.2 Scrapped IMTE identification numbers will not be re-assigned. 9.0 Frequency of Calibration 9.1 IMTE shall be calibrated at pre-determined interval. 9.2 Contractor IMTE listing shall be prepared by the QCM and include the calibration frequency/interval based on the frequency of IMTE use and the importance of the item and measurements being made and the criteria designated: 9.3 Re-calibration shall be performed at pre determined intervals and when the accuracy is in question. 10. Use Log 10.1 A history of use log shall be maintained for each measuring and test equipment. This log shall document the date and location of these equipment were used with enough detail to enable re-checking of the work, incase of error in the test equipments exceed the acceptable range during recalibration. 11. Defective IMTE Control 11.1 If IMTE is found to be out of calibration at any stage during the performance of any tests or calibration, a NCR shall be raised immediately, and an investigation shall be made as to the validity of previous inspection results made by the suspect IMTE. 11.2 When returned from use, if the IMTE is found to be damaged and/or out of calibration, it shall be segregated & identified. 11.3 Damaged and defective IMTE which cannot be re-calibrated shall be disposed. 11.4 IMTE equipment when not in use, shall be kept in a dry storage area. 12. Quality Records The calibration records for IMTE shall be controlled in accordance with the Quality Records Control Procedure. GS Doc.No.GS/QP/134 Rev.No.0 Page 5 of 6 Date: 24-Jan-10 Gulf Spic General Trading & Contracting Company W.L.L CALIBRATION PROCEDURE FOR IMTE 13. Attachments Equipment Calibration Details GS-QCF-154 User Log GS-QCF-155 GS Doc.No.GS/QP/134 Rev.No.0 Page 6 of 6 Date: 24-Jan-10 Gulf Spic General Trading & Contracting Co. W.L.L. Project : EQUIPMENT CALIBRATING DETAILS S.NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION TAG # CALIBRATION DONE ON CERTIFICATE # Contract No: CALIBRATION DUE ON DATE MONTH YEAR REMARKS Format No.:GS-QCF-154, Rev.0 Gulf Spic General Trading & Contracting Co. W.L.L. USER LOG S# Date Location Gauage No. Calibration Date Due Date GS Range Test Pressure Test Pack # Remarks CLIENT Name Name Signature Signature Date Date Format No.:GS-QCF-155, Rev.0