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Human Evolution: Fossils & Stone Tools Lesson

Evidence for Human Evolution
Objective) Describe the evidence for Human Evolution
based on evidence found in Fossils and Stone Tools over
-Projecting human evolution: Identify & explain with
reason, two traits Humans might lose in the future.
Trait - a distinguishing quality or characteristic.
Starter results:
May lack wisdom teeth
-Humans now have smaller jaws
-No longer eat hardier plant material
Race differences may disappear
-Mixing of the genetic material
Loss of hair
-Clothing, air conditioning, heating
Physically become weaker
-Use of machines to carry out manual labour to move
Grade C
-Describe the fossil evidence for human-like species that
lived 4.4 million years ago, 3.2 million years ago and 1.6
million years ago.
-Describe how stone tools created by humans have
developed and how they can be dated from the environment.
-Using the evidence from fossils and stone tools, describe
how humans have evolved
Grade A/A*
- Explain why there may be some questions about human
evolution that science cannot currently answer, and may
never be able to answer, such as whether the development
of stone tools were the result of increasing brain size.
Ethiopia (Lucy, Ardi)
(Homo habilis)
Lucy was the name given to the first fossil Homo erectus to be discovered False
Ardi is an example of a human-like species that live before Lucy’s species True
One of the ancestors of our species is Australopithicus afarensis True
Most people today belong to the Homo sapiens False
The oldest tools are about 1 million years old
We can date stone tools by looking carefully at the rocks in which they are found
Stone tools have changed little since the earliest examples False
The Leakeys were a family of Homo habilis fossils that lived in Ethiopia over a
million years ago. False - Kenya
1) 2 Million years old E, 1 Million years old B, 200000 years old C, 12000 years
old A, 7000 years old D.
2) The tools are more refined as different species evolved over time
3) The species developed shorter arms, stood upright and developed larger brains
4) Developed better tools and discard the old
5) D. The handle itself is made from wood
6) To determine the half-life of the rock thus estimate its age
Homo erectus
Australopithecus afarensis
Ardipithecus ramidus
2 Lucy was the name given to the first example found of one
human-like species. What is the name of this species?
Australopithecus afarensis
3 Name two human-like species that the Leakeys discovered.
Homo erectus and Homo erectus
4 Describe one way in which human-like species changed over
time that we can tell from fossils.
Upright, taller, larger brains, flatter forehead
Human-like species have also left evidence in the form of stone
5 Explain how we know how old these stone tools are.
Radiometric dating
6 Describe one way in which stone tools developed over time.
Tools have become more complex for specific use
7 What does the evidence from stone tools suggest about human
evolution? Increased level of learning and intelligence in more
modern species
Explain why there may be some questions about human
evolution that science cannot currently answer, and may
never be able to answer, such as whether the development
of stone tools were the result of increasing brain size.
Ethiopia (Lucy, Ardi)
(Homo habilis)
Magma: 700 °C to 1300 °C
As the oceanic plate undergoes subduction against the
continental plate, it is eventually melted away by the
mantle. Any fossils trapped in there will also be
As two continental plates collide, there will be some form
of destruction of one of the plates and this will result in
the destruction of the fossils.