FACULTY OF ENGINEERING Department of Chemical Engineering PO Box 1906 Bellville 7535 TEL: (021) 959 6083 Practical Manual Year: 2019 Subject Name: Chemical engineering Laboratory Subject Code: CEL261S ND: Chemical Engineering NQF level: 6 Lecturer: Dr. Mahabubur Chowdhury Revision No Approved Date Purpose Statement for Qualification This qualification is intended for process or chemical engineering technicians working in the process or metallurgical related industries. Learners achieving this qualification have the competence to apply existing process technology to chemical engineering related problems, process design and will illustrate technical competence thus contributing to the needs of the chemical profession. 1 1) Introduction: The main objectives of the practicals are to reinforce some of the concepts covered in theory and to practically demonstrate their applications. At the same time these sessions present the opportunity to exercise and improve deductive and observational skills and to cultivate those habits of accuracy, neatness and thoroughness – qualities that are important for good experimentation. 2) Preparation for a Practical Session: In the practical manual provided to you, the procedures for the experiments as well as some theory and background to the experiments have been included. Additional background will be provided during the pre-practical session, but the onus is on you to read as much about the practical/subject matter as possible. Sources of information include your prescribed and recommended textbooks as well as books available in the library. Be sure to read the experimental directions in advance of your scheduled laboratory session. You will be required to familiarize yourself with the equipment and procedures before you enter the laboratory – this will ensure that you do not do the experiments “cook-book” or “recipe” style. Further, the practical write-up should be completed and handed in to the technical officer no later than 2 weeks after completion of practicals. 3) RULES FOR ATTENDING THE PRACTICAL SESSIONS The following is important: One practical per semester will be performed per subject. The contribution of the practical mark to the year mark is equivalent to 15 % of the final mark. Students are required to get a minimum of 50% for the practicals to pass the subject. It is expected of each student to do all the practicals and each must be handed in as a complete or a short report as allocated by the technical officer (For the refrigeration practical all students must submit a short report). If a student does not attend a practical, a medical certificate must be shown, or else a mark of NIL will be allocated to the student in question. 2 A student may not hand in a report if the student did not attend the practical. Data generated by groups other than the student’s group may not be used in the report unless provided by the Technical Officer. Students should understand plagiarism and the various types. Students should also heed the seriousness of the offence and that such an offence will carry the minimum penalty of receiving a mark of zero for parts of the report plagiarized. A mark of zero can be awarded. The report cover page should clearly indicate the report title, student’s full name, student number, group number, date performed and date submitted. It should also include the mark allocation for a short report as shown under section 7 below. The due date for practical reports is two weeks after the practical was performed unless the due date falls in the holidays. In such a case the due date falls on the first day of term that the technical officer is at the campus. All reports are submitted to the laboratory technicians and not the subject lecturer. If a practical is handed in later than the due-date, 10 % will be deducted from the student's mark for each day the practical is handed in late. After 3 days overdue, the report will receive “zero” mark. 3 4) GENERAL INFORMATION Practical Scheduling The schedule of practicals for each group is provided. Students are expected to perform each practical on the day and between the hours specified, and will not be permitted to work outside these hours unless prior agreement has been granted by the Practical Supervisor. Any problems with regard to the practical schedule should be taken up with the Practical Coordinator as soon as possible. If scheduling changes are made with the agreement of the Coordinator, hand-in dates will also be changed; otherwise the original dates will remain in force. Location of Equipment The equipment is located in the Chemical Engineering laboratory. 5) DECLARATION While all experimental work will be performed in groups, the practical report must be the student's own individual work. The following undertaking is incorporated in the cover page of each report and must be signed by the student: “I certify that this report is my own unaided work, except for the assistance received from the teaching staff. I undertake not to pass this report onto any other student”. 6) LAB SAFETY RULES a. Keep books, briefcases, and other property (especially jewellery) away from your work bench. b. DO NOT TASTE anything and AVOID INHALING toxic or noxious fumes. c. Clean up spills as soon as possible. Wash with water to dilute. d. When working with concentrated acids, take special care to AVOID SKIN CONTACT. Also work over the sink to avoid any spillage on the bench. e. When DISPOSING of LIQUIDS, do so into RUNNING WATER in the sink. Wash down with lots of water. f. Any broken apparatus must be reported immediately. g. Smoking, eating or drinking will not be tolerated in the laboratory. 4 h. Unauthorized experiments are strictly forbidden. i. Students are reminded that many of the experiments performed have inherent dangers associated with them and due precaution should be observed at all time. These dangers include the effects of rotating equipment, electrical machinery, high pressure air and steam. First aid equipment is available at chemical engineering laboratory. Fire hoses, fire extinguishers and safety showers are placed on all levels of the building. An eye bath is located in the analytical laboratory. Students should check to see where these items are located. Students must wear appropriate footwear and ladies should wear jeans in place of skirts while performing experimental work. Smoking and eating is not permitted in the laboratory. j. 7) REPORT ANY ACCIDENT, however small, to your supervisor immediately. MARK ALLOCATION Short Report Title Page 5 Structure 5 Executive Summary 10 Procedure 15 Results 45 Discussion 15 Conclusion 5 Total 8) Mark allocation Student’s mark 100 Guide to Report Writing a) Introduction: Engineers who are unable to communicate effectively with their superiors or colleagues will never receive the credit for their work. Information must be transferred to enable decisions to be made, money to be allocated or work to be started. The most used method of technical communication is the REPORT. Before starting a report, certain points should be considered: 5 i. The reason the report is written. Has the contents been planned so that the reader will understand what is being said? ii. Who will the reader be? This decides the level of technical information that is to be included. The writer must be absolutely clear as to what information is to be conveyed. The reader studies a report for what he can gain from it. Some suggestions are given below to improve and simplify the presentation of reports. i. Choose a short meaningful title. ii. Include as many sketches and diagrams as you think are appropriate. Remember that a single diagram will often clarify what would otherwise be a very confusing paragraph. iii. Describe what you are about to discuss in general terms before giving the details. Nothing is more confusing or frustrating than reading a very detailed description of some piece of equipment when the reason for its use is not yet known. iv. Clearly separate facts from opinions. Opinions certainly have their place but can cause a report to be misleading if not clearly stated so. v. Use a simple, clear style of writing. Long and involved sentences are a hindrance to understanding and frequently contain grammatical errors. vi. Be precise. For example, a fuzzy statement referring to a “large tank” immediately raises questions: how much does it hold? vii. Ensure that the report is legible. b) Logical Progression The structure of a report can be likened to the structure of a joke or a story. There is a section that puts the work into context followed by a detailed description or the body of the work. Lastly there is the punch line that can be compared to a report’s conclusion that wraps up the work. Story Structure: c) Background Detail (Core) Conclusion 6 c) Arrangement of the Material: Typically the material presented should be arranged in the following sequence: Title X Synopsis L Table of Contents L List of Symbols A Introduction X Theoretical Background L Body of Experiment X Results X Discussion X Conclusions X Recommendations A References X Appendices X X A L required where appropriate for long reports The reports done this semester can be assumed to take the format of a long report. The following structure should be adhered to. The mark allocation is also given. d) Mark Allocation Overall impression [8] – Title page 1 – Table of contents 3 – List of symbols 2 – Structure 2 - Synopsis [5] 1. Introduction [5] 2. Literature Review / Theory [15] 3. Experimental Procedure [10] 4. Results and Calculations [25] 5. Discussion of Results [25] 6. Conclusion and Recommendations [5] 7 7. References [2] 8. Appendices e) Contents of Each section e.1) TITLE PAGE: The title page should include the following: • Name of the practical (can be larger font) • Subject • Name of the student • Date practical was performed • Date report handed in • Declaration that the report is the author’s own work • Signature It is the first page (i) but it is not numbered. This page should not contain unusual font and colours. Use black font and a standard font type. Avoid adding pictures or excessive decoration such as borders. A single border can look good but keep it to a minimum. e.2) SUMMARY There are two types of summaries and the choice between the two depends on what is required. These are the ABSTRACT/SYNOPSIS and the EXECUTIVE SUMMARY. e.3) SYNOPSIS: The synopsis is also sometimes referred to as the summary or abstract and acts as a standalone section. The synopsis should be intelligible on its own and should give a clear outline of the contents of the report stating the purpose, methodology, results and conclusion. Academics find the abstract useful for sifting through research papers to find relevant information. Only the abstract needs to be read to check if the research paper is of use to them. In industry the abstract allows managers to prioritise various projects before having to delve into the report. Sometimes it is all the manager needs to read. Care should be taken not to use unfamiliar terms, acronyms, trade names, abbreviations or symbols without explanation. More than one paragraph may be used but the summary should not exceed 2% of the total of the contribution and should be limited to no more than 250 words. About a quarter of a page to half a page should be sufficient for the reports in this course. 8 Here is an example. Try to identify the separate sections in the abstract. “Polyacrylic acid (PAA) and starch represent two of the most widely used commercial flocculants in the mineral processing industry. Both are known to behave as selective flocculants in the beneficiation of iron ore slimes. This paper compares these two types of flocculants in achieving selective separation of iron oxide from clay. Our results indicate that PAA requires a lower flocculent dosage and yields bigger flocs. Starch is found to be more selective than PAA. Important differences in the behaviour of these two flocculants, as investigated with the help of a set of statistically designed experiments, are explained in terms of the proposed mechanisms of interactions of starch and PAA with iron oxide and clay. Electrostatic interactions play an important role in achieving selectivity.” Ravishankar et al (1995) e.4) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The executive summary is similar to the abstract but it is more detailed in every aspect. It aims to sell the idea to the reader (usually management) who may have less technical background on the subject matter. The main report is usually reserved for the core technical detail. A motivation should be presented and therefore the aim should feature prominently. The main findings should be clearly stated, along with pertinent discussions in line with the aim. The executive summary is usually in the region of 10% of the total report but effort should be made not to exceed this length. The format of the executive summary is in strategic paragraphs. Headings could be used but not in the sense of “Literature Review” etc. Tables and figure are allowed to detail the main findings. e.5) TABLE OF CONTENTS AND LIST OF FIGURES/TABLES: The table of contents should contain the main and sub-paragraph and page numbers: TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTENT PAGE Synopsis ii List of symbols iv 1. INTRODUCTION 1 2. LITERATURE REVIEW 2 9 2.1. Heat Exchangers 2 2.2. Heat transfer coefficients (calculations) 4 3. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE 6 3.1. APPARATUS 6 3.2. SAMPLE PREPARATION 7 MS Word has a handy tool for creating a Table of Contents (TOC). On the Toolbar go to: INSERT – REFERENCES – INDEX AND TABLES – TABLE OF CONTETNS Various customisations can be performed here including setting the number of levels in the TOC. In the above example there are two levels. The headings to appear in the TOC need to be identified. Make sure the OUTLINING toolbar is visible. VIEW – TOOLBARS – OUTLINING Scroll though your report and select the first heading you want to have shown in the TOC. Select which level the heading should be. To update the TOC either right click on the TOC or use the OUTLINING toolbar. Similarly a list of tables and figures can be compiled. The only difference being how the caption is produced and the how the captions are linked to the list entries. e.6) LIST OF SYMBOLS: The list may appear immediately after the TABLE OF CONTENTS section or it may appear after the CONCLUSIONS section. The list can be named Notation or Nomenclature as well. The list should contain all symbols used in the text and appendices, arranged in ascending alphabetical order, along with a brief description and their units: Nomenclature Ga Galileo number dimensionless x wall thickness m µ viscosity Pa.s ρ density kg.m-3 Greek Letters 10 Sometimes many subscripts are used and if need be an additional section can be made to accommodate them, e.g. Subscripts d dynamic conditions e equilibrium conditions p particle i i’th screen Internationally standardised or recognised symbols should be used and if yours are not in general use a list of their meanings should be included. Mistakes some students make in this section include omitting symbols, including equations and describing units, e.g. W Watts e.7) INTRODUCTION: The principal object of the introduction is to acquaint the reader with the problem and point out the purpose and significance of the report as well as putting the work in context. The Introduction should be logically developed and should also provide the rationale for the present study. Only those references that supply the most salient background should be used rather than providing an exhaustive review of the topic. As a guideline the following should be specifically included: a) A brief description of the Unit Operation or general class (e.g. ‘heat transfer’) to which the experiment belongs, and of which the particular aspect (e.g. ‘forced convection’) which you investigated, in a few short sentences. b) A summary of the relevant theory based on your notes, textbook, Perry, and books and other references given in lectures. What guidance can theory, empirical correlations, etc., give us in designing and analysing the equipment? How reliable are these methods? Try to summarise what you know about the operation. c) The object of the work. 11 Remember to cite work correctly. Citing work serves two purposes. It gives credit to people whose work is being used and acts as a way to substantiate the information used in the report. Certain sources are more reliable than others. Information not cited is regarded as the author’s own work/findings and if found otherwise can result in serious consequences. The best that can happen is getting zero marks for that section. e.8) THEORETICAL BACKGROUND/LITERATURE REVIEW: This section summarizes and evaluates the literature that you have used in your study by considering how that literature has contributed to your area of research. It also comments on the strengths and weaknesses of previous studies from a technical point of view. It documents the core technical details of the work and the methodology the writer adopts. The introduction and theory should supply sufficient theoretical background knowledge to allow the reader to understand and evaluate the results of the experimental work without needing to refer to previous publications on the topic. As an example, imagine the writer was challenged with calculating the volume of an object. The different methods of this calculation would be explained in detail. Examples thereof would be liquid displacement, dimension measurements, from density and mass relationships and from pressure volume relationships. The writer would then introduce their own technique with all the necessary technical details. Equations used in the calculations can be given here and explained. An example of how to present an equation is shown below. The equations should be numbered according to the section numbering or as it is done in journal papers, starting at (1) for the first equation in the report. Vsphere 6 d3 ..(1) e.9) BODY OF EXPERIMENT OR EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE: The experimental section should include sufficient technical information so that a competent worker could repeat the experiments that are described. As a guideline the following should be specifically included. a) A description and diagram of the apparatus. 12 b) A list of the apparatus used. c) A brief description of the operation of the apparatus (i.e. ‘method’) and the procedure. Do not waste time in a lengthy description of standard procedures (e.g. titrations) but provide sufficient detail so that the reliability of your experimental work can be assessed. Use the past tense and passive voice; “the thermometer was placed in the water”. e.10) RESULTS: The results should visually and textually represent the experimental findings. In the results section, include only the results of the experiment; reserve extensive interpretation of the results for the discussion section. The explanatory text should point out the most significant portions of research findings and indicate trends or relationships. It should also highlight expected and/or unexpected findings. These can also be included in the discussion. Present the results in as a concise way as possible. Figures and tables should be selected to; illustrate the points being made if they cannot be described in the text, to summarise or present repetitive data or to record quantitative results. Results may also be referred to in the Appendices. Reserve the Appendices for results that are voluminous or less significant and would otherwise bulk up the Results section. The results obtained directly from the experiment should be separated from those calculated. Clearly label a graph or a table with the associated chapter number and provide a brief description. A table should be presented with the heading above the table: Table 4.1 Experimental and theoretical mass over time Time Mass Experimental Theoretical (s) (g) (g) 0 0 0 0.20 0.04 0.04 0.30 0.09 0.10 0.45 0.20 0.22 When plotting graphs, it is neater to have a white background with the legend in the graph area to save space. The theoretical results are normally represented continuously (as a line) and the experimental results as discrete points. 13 0.06 0.05 0.04 10°C Theoretical + [Na ] 0.03 10°C Experimental 20°C Theoretical 0.02 20°C Experimental 0.01 0 0 50 100 150 Time (Minutes) Figure 4.1 Experimental and theoretical sodium concentration over time Please note, the sample of calculations is not meant to be presented in the results section. It should appear in the appendices. A hint: When doing graphs one can often not include the ° sign for °C in the legend and the axis labels. While pressing ALT, first press 2, then 4 and then 8 in sequence and see what happens. These are called ASCII codes. Do a search for ASCII codes on Google and see what other signs are easy to make. (NB: ALT + numbers) e.11) DISCUSSION: The Discussion should provide an interpretation of the results in relation to the theoretical and/or previously published work and should not contain extensive repetition of the Results section or reiteration of the Introduction section. As a guideline the following points should be considered: How reliable were the results? Compare estimates of accuracy on an analysis of the experimental procedure with those based on an analysis of the results. If possible, use your knowledge of statistics to its full extent. No experimental result has any meaning or use until its reliability has been established. Where applicable, discuss the effect of the experimental variables under your control (e.g. flow rate) as well as those that are not (e.g. ambient temperature). Express these quantitatively in the most effective manner. Compare calculated results for the various runs with each other so that effects of system parameters can be evaluated. Try to give explanations thereof. 14 Compare these effects and the numerical results with published figures and with ones predicted from theory. Try to assess the reasons for the differences (in terms of type of experimental equipment, test system, ranges of experimental conditions, scale effects). Did the experiment represent a good (or possible, or the best) way of obtaining the required information? Make your discussion and description as quantitative as possible (always quote errors numerically never refer to them as merely ‘large’, ‘reasonable’ etc.) Avoid vague and hopeful generalisations. Back up your statements, either from the literature or from the experimental results you are discussing. Clearly refer to your graphs and tables. E.g. “… Figure 4.1 vindicates the use of …” or “… the graph of concentration against time, Fig 4.1, shows that …”) e.12) CONCLUSIONS: The conclusion should briefly outline what has been learned from performing the experiment. It should state concisely: i. what is shown by the work ii. the significance of the findings e.13) RECOMMENDATIONS: If, as of a result of the work done, it is possible to make any worthwhile recommendations this should be done – one should make recommendations for further experimental work necessary to confirm and/or extend them. The conclusion and the recommendations can usually be combined. If making recommendations for the elimination of experimental error, try to be specific when stating reasons for experimental error. Simply stating parallax error is not enough. It is evident that some students do not even know what parallax error is and mention it as if it were a mystical force that takes a perverse pleasure in ruining experiments. 15 e.14) REFERENCES: Cited papers and books must be acknowledged to clearly differentiate between published fact and the author’s own ideas. References are cited in the text by quoting the authors name and year of publication, while at the end of the report a full list of references is given in alphabetical order. The Cape Peninsula University of Technology makes use of the Harvard method for referencing purposes. Here follows examples of references from the most frequently used sources: BIBLIOGRAPHY TEXTUAL REFERENCE (Appears before the Appendices at the end of the (Appears in the text of the report where the report) material is used) BOOKS Books: one author Chase, J. 1979. Advertising in the modern world. New York: Simon & Schuster. Chase, 1979:page numbers cited Books: two authors Ellis, R. & Peters, J.P. 2000. Writing about literature. London: Macmillan. Ellis & Peters, 2000:page numbers cited Books: multiple authors (three or more) Henderson, R.S., Smith, P.G., Rossiter, I. & Henderson, Smith, Rossiter & King, King, P.Q. 1987. The tenets of modern philosophy. New 1987:page numbers cited York: Van Nostrand. Subsequent citations use et al. Henderson et al., 1987:page numbers cited INTERNET Cape Peninsula University of Technology. n.d. Cape Peninsula University of Technology, n.d. Intellectual property policy. [No date indicated on document.] http://www.cput.ac.za/polic/ippolicy.html [15 November 2004]. [Date indicated in square brackets is date downloaded.] New Media Publishing. 2005. New Media Publishing New Media Publishing, 2005. scoops prime position for 2005. http://www.newmediapub.co.za [16 November 2005]. Look at the reference in the document as an example. Mistakes sometimes made by students include simply citing Google as the internet site. Google is a search engine that finds relevant sites for you. Sources cited should have some credibility. Do NOT use 16 “Wikipedia.com” as a reference. Even though material being published on the online encyclopaedia has been assessed to be reliable using stricter criteria than before, it is still not good enough because it can be authored by anyone and is not peer reviewed. 17 e.15) APPENDICES: The Appendices should contain: i. Tables of results where graphs are given in the main part of the report. ii. Sample of calculations. This is extremely important because it indicates how the calculations were done. A large portion of the marks for the “Results” section will be come from here. iii. Physical constants used. iv. Equipment list: Type, Make, Model and Serial number. v. Theoretical derivations that are not pertinent to the theory or which would break the flow of the report if included in the main body. e.16) EDITORIAL AND GENERAL: e.16.1) Conventions i. It is usual to report in the third person, past tense, passive voice and indicative ii. All drawings and graphs should be labelled in such a way that they are read with the page in the normal position or with the page turned clockwise through 90 iii. mood. degrees. Text relating to the drawings or tables should come before drawing and should clearly indicate which object it is referring to. iv. Use the appropriate number of significant figures. Writers own discretion but not more than 4. e.16.2) Units and Quantities: Metric (SI) units should be used. e.16.3) Paragraphs: A decimal system of numbering paragraphs should be used where the report is long and there is a need to reference other parts of the report. e.16.4) Proofreading: It is essential that all the content (layout, content, references, diagrams and tables) of the report be read and checked carefully and objectively. It is a common mistake to gloss over near completed report and assume that everything is in the correct place and makes sense. Sometimes expressing oneself is challenging and when describing something technical, the reader could get lost in text that the writer finds perfectly clear because it is so familiar. When writing, try and see it from the reader’s perspective. The real proof of how coherently the report has been written is to allow somebody else to proofread it. 18 PRACTICAL: TERMINAL SETTLING VELOCITY Objectives: This practical has two objectives: (1) To determine the dynamic and kinematic viscosity of a fluid using a falling sphere viscometer. (2) To identify a fluid from its physical properties (i.e. viscosity and density). Theoretical Background: A balance of forces acting on a falling sphere through a fluid gives: 𝐹 =𝐹 +𝐹 Which may be written as: 𝐶 = 2𝑔 𝜌 − 𝜌 𝑉 𝜌 𝑣 𝐴 Where CD is the drag coefficient; v is the falling velocity of the sphere; Ap is the projected particle area in the direction of motion; Vs is the volume of the sphere; g is gravitational acceleration; s and f is the density of the sphere and fluid, respectively. The drag coefficient in the second equation is a function of the Reynolds number, NRe. At low Reynolds number, Stokes law gives: 𝐶 = 24 𝑁 𝑁 < 0.1 In the intermediate range (0.1<NRe<1,000), the drag coefficient may be estimated by: 𝐶 = 24 (1 + 0.14𝑁 𝑁 . ) 0.1 < 𝑁 < 1,000 In the flow regime 1,000<NRe<350,000, the drag coefficient may be estimated by CD = 0.445. Beyond NRe = 1 106, the drag coefficient is given by: 𝐶 = 0.19 − 8 × 10 𝑁 𝑁 > 1 × 10 Apparatus: 19 Falling sphere viscometer Sets of balls of different sizes ( = 7850 kg/m3) Venial calliper Measuring tape Stopwatch Thermometer Method: The unit consists of two cylindrical tubes, each one containing a different liquid. The density of each liquid is known. There are also spheres of known diameter and specific weight. (a) Put liquid into the measuring cylinder. (b) Set the stopwatch to zero. (c) Release a spherical object of known size and density near the top of one of the tubes. (d) Determine the terminal velocity by letting the object come to its steady velocity and, then, measuring the time required for it to fall a known distance. (e) Remove the ball with the valve. 20 Results: Fluid Type Ball Drop Type distance Drop time (s) Rate of fall NRe (mm/s) (mm) FLUID A A (𝜌 = 1𝑔/𝑐𝑚 ) B FLUID B A (𝜌 = 1.1132𝑔/ 𝑐𝑚 ) B Analysis: Determine the Reynolds number, NRe Determine the drag coefficient, CD Determine the dynamic viscosity, Determine the kinematic viscosity 21 PRACTICAL: REFRIGERATION CYCLE Refrigeration cycles are used to remove heat from a confined space. The biggest applications for this kind of cycle are food preservation and air condition. Refrigeration also has many important chemical engineering applications such as: Control of chemical reactions by keeping reactants at reduced temperature as is done is some of the acid treating processes used in an oil refinery. Separation of wax from lubricating oils by a combined chilling and final centrifuging. Separation by distillation of normally gaseous mixtures, as is done in fuel production of oxygen and nitrogen from liquefied air. Refrigeration cycles use special fluids called refrigerants as the working fluid. The refrigeration system in this practical is using refrigerant R-134a. The functioning of the majority of refrigerating plants is based on the vapour-compression cycle and such is made up of the following basic processes: Evaporation: Liquid at low pressure is evaporated at a low temperature and absorbs heat from a cold environment. Compression: The low pressure vapour at 1 is compressed to a higher pressure. Condensation: High pressure vapour is condensed and loses heat to the cooling medium (water or air). Expansion valve: High pressure liquid at 3 is expanded to a lower pressure through the use of an expansion valve or a capillary tube. 2 Condenser 4 Evaporator Compressor Expansion valve 3 1 In this practical, the AMATROL T7082 Thermal Systems Trainer (Figure 1) will be used as the refrigeration system. Aim(s): To provide the student with experience and confidence in the operation of the refrigeration system. To calculate the heat duties for both the evaporator and the condenser. To calculate the compressor power. 22 To assess the efficiency of the AMATROL T7082 Thermal Systems Trainer by comparing the actual COP to the theoretical maximum COP. Theory: Refer to class notes and literature. Apparatus and Materials: Figure 1 below is the schematic representation of the experimental setup. Capillary tube Condenser Evaporator Figure 1: AMATROL T7082 Thermal Systems Trainer Operation and experimental procedure: 1. Locate the power switch and make sure that it is in the OFF position. 2. Locate the mode switch and make sure that it is set on STAND-BY. 3. Perform the following to make sure the dual pressure controller is properly set: a. Locate the low-pressure cut-out scale and make sure it is set to 5 psi. If it is not, use a standard screwdriver to turn its adjusting screw. b. Locate the cut-in scale and make sure it is set to 45 psi. Adjust if necessary. 23 c. Locate the high-pressure cut-out setting on the right side of the pressure controller and make sure it is set to 200 psi. Adjust if necessary. 4. Reset the refrigerant valves to the following positions (if necessary): V1: Open V4: Open V2: Closed V5: Closed V3: Closed V6: Closed 5. Locate the electric cord and plug into a standard wall outlet. 6. Shut the evaporator damper ¾ closed (notch 6 of 8). 7. Turn the power switch to the ON position. You should see the LCD on the electronic temperature controller display the room (ambient) temperature. 8. Record the room temperature being displayed by the electronic temperature controller. This is the HOT RESERVOIR TEMPERATURE. 9. Perform the following to ensure that the electronic temperature controller is set properly. a. Press the button marked SET on the controller. b. Use the up and down arrow keys to select degrees Fahrenheit (°F) on the LCD. c. Press the SET button once again to enter into the set temperature mode. Use the arrow keys to select 55°F for the set point. The compressor will disengage when this temperature is reached. This is set lower that the room temperature so that the unit will run constantly. d. Press the SET button once more to enter the temperature differential mode. Use the arrows to set this to 10°F. This tells the controller at what temperature above set point to engage the compressor (65°F in this case). e. Press the SET button again to enter into the heating / cooling mode selection. Use the arrow keys to select “C1” on the LCD. This sets the controller for cooling mode. f. Finally, press the SET button once more and check the LCD to make sure the room temperature is being displayed. 10. Locate the flow meter and make sure that the knob is turned fully counter-clockwise (full open). 11. Turn the mode switch to the COOLING position. The blowers should come on and the compressor should engage as well. 12. Allow the trainer to operate until it comes to steady state conditions (there should be no bubbles flowing through the flow meter). The trainer may take 5 – 20 minutes to attain steady state conditions. 13. Record the flow in the flow meter (height of the ball). Read the meter from the middle of the ball against the scale. 14. Record the pressures and temperatures on the system gauges. Convert the indicated gauge pressure to absolute pressure. PS-1 TS-1 PS-2 TS-2 PS-3 TS-3 PS-4 TS-4 24 15. Before shutting down the trainer, record the air temperature coming out of the evaporator (evaporator outlet temperature). This is displayed on the Electronic Temperature control panel. This is the COLD RESERVOIR TEMPERATURE. 16. To shut down the trainer, turn the mode switch to STAND-BY and then turn the power switch to the OFF position. Calculations: 1. Calculate the mass flow rate of the refrigerant in kg/s. 2. Calculate the heat duty of the evaporator (Capacity, Q) in kW. 3. Calculate the heat duty of the condenser in kW. 4. Calculate the compressor power. 5. Calculate the maximum theoretical coefficient of performance. 6. Calculate the actual coefficient of performance. Reference(s): Cengel, YA, Boles MA. “Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach” 8th edition, 2015, McGraw-Hill Education. Appendices: Table 1: Chart used to determine Volumetric Flow Rate. Figure 2: P-h diagram for Refrigerant R-134a Table 1: Determination of the Volumetric Flow Rate 25 PRACTICAL: SEDIMENTATION OF FINE PARTICLES 1. Objectives 1. To observe the sedimentation of concentrated suspensions during type 1 and type 2 settling. 2. To perform a batch settling test and construct its settling curve. 3. To use the Kynch method to determine the cross-sectional area of a settling tank required for a given underflow concentration at a given feed-rate. 2. Theory A: clear liquid A: clear liquid B: constant composition zone C zone of variable composition C zone of variable composition D: Sediment D: Sediment Type Type II Figure 8.1 Concentrated suspensions of fine particles will settle in one of two ways Type I suspension: After an initial brief acceleration period, the interface between the clear liquid and the suspension moves downward at a constant rate and a layer of sediment builds up at the bottom of the container. When this interface approaches the layer of sediment, its rate of fall decreases until the “critical settling point is reached when a direct interface is formed between the sediment and the clear liquid. Sedimentation then results solely from a consolidation of the sediment, with liquids being forced upwards around the solids, which are then forming a loose bed with the particles in contact with one another. Since the flow cross-sectional area is being gradually reduced, the rate of settling gradually diminishes. Type II suspensions: This obtains when the range of particle size varies greatly. In this case there is no zone of constant composition. The sedimentation rate progressively decreases throughout the whole operation. Zone C extends from the top interface to the layer of sediment. 26 The Kynch method of calculating cross-sectional area of sedimentation tank: Kynch’s theory: The basic assumptions of his theory are that (i) particle concentration is uniform across any horizontal layer, (ii) wall effects can be ignored, (iii) no differential settling of particles as a result of differences in shape and size iv) the velocity of fall of any particle depends only on the local concentration of particles. The flux ψ defined as the volumetric rate of sedimentation per unit area. It is given by 𝜓 = 𝐶𝑢𝑐 where C is the volumetric concentration of particles and uc is the sedimentation velocity. A T Interface Height B (H) C O Time (t) Figure 8.2 Interface plotted against time with the tangents drawn at various points Because the concentration rate of the particles is initially uniform and the sedimentation rate depends only on the particle concentration, line AB will be straight having a slope equal to uc. After point B the sedimentation curve has a decreasing negative slope, reflecting the increasing the concentration of solids at the interface. It can be shown that the concentration C at any level is given by: 𝑐=𝑐 𝑘𝑔/𝑚 8.1 and therefore the corresponding solids flux by, 𝑐=𝑐 𝑢 𝑘𝑔/𝑚 𝑠 8.2 So by drawing the tangent at a series of points on the curve ABC and measuring the corresponding slope –uc and intercept OT, it is possible to establish the solids flux ψ 27 for any concentration. To calculate the required cross-sectional area of a settling tank for a specified concentration of overflow, it is necessary to establish, often by experiment, the slurry concentration at which the total flux is minimum. This is the concentration that we use in the design calculation. According to the Kynch theory, the required area can be calculated from: 𝐴=𝑄 𝑐 8.3 3. Procedure 1. Prepare two samples of slurry, sample I and sample II, of concentration 200kg/m3 by measuring out the necessary mass of ore and mixing it with the required amount of water to make 1 liter of the suspension.. 2. Into sample II, poor 5 ml of the flocculent provided using a pipette. 3. Vigorously shake each sample and observe how the solids settle in each case. Compare the sampling pattern in the two cylinders. Record your observations and classify the type of settling observed in each cylinder. 4. Vigorously shake sample I until all the sediment has returned into suspension. Using a stopwatch record the height of the constant composition/clear liquid zones until the height of the sediment stops changing over a 10 minute period. 5. Plot a graph of height of interface against time. 4. Calculation 1. The initial constant slope of the curve gives the sedimentation velocity (uc)o. Use graph paper to determine (uc)o. 2. The slope of the tangent to the curve gives the sedimentation velocity uc at a given instant. 3. The concentration of solids at that instance is given by where OA is the initial height of the interface and OT is the height of interface at the instant in question. 4. The solids flux in kg/m2is given by: 𝒄 𝑘𝑔 𝑐𝑚 1 × 𝒖𝑐 × 𝑚3 𝑚𝑖𝑛 100 × 60 28 5. for each height tabulate the value 1000 − 6. Use the tabulated values in (5) above to calculate the total flux 𝜓𝑇 values: 𝑢 1 1 𝑐− 𝑐 7. Tabulate the values of the reciprocal of the total flux gives you the limiting total flux 𝜓𝑇 . The maximum of these values 𝜓𝑇𝐿 . 8. The cross-sectional area of the sedimentation tank required is given by equation 1. 29 PRACTICAL: COOLING TOWER AIM Familiarise students with the working of a cooling tower and to complete mass and energy balances around the cooling tower in order to determine the mass of water lost due to evaporation. LIST OF SYMBOLS Symbol Description Unit h ṁ n p PT Q R T VT l Enthalpy Mass flow rate moles Pressure Total Pressure Flow rate Ideal gas constant Temperature Total Volume Height kJ/kg m3/hr mol Pa Pa m3/hr Density Efflux coefficient (0.63) Kg/m3 J .K -1 .mol 1 K m3 m Greek Symbols ɛ Subscripts 1 2 a atm s w o Bottom boundary of Column Top boundary of Column Air Atmospheric Property of the superheated vapour at the dry bulb temperature Water Orifice THEORY Cooling towers operate with the principle of cooling water by exposing its surface to air, in so doing, cooling towers use the evaporation of water molecules in order to remove process heat, allowing the working fluid temperature to be in similar to the wet- bulb air temperature. Although cooling towers are found in different shapes and sizes, the principle by which it operates is the same. Heat transfer involves latent heat transfer due to the evaporation of some water as well as sensible heat transfer due to the temperature difference between the air and water. The theoretical amount of heat that can be removed depends on temperature and moisture 30 content of the air. Therefore, the wet bulb temperature of the air is the minimum temperature that the water can be cooled. This value is never attained, because not all the water can be contacted with fresh air. The extent to which this value is attained, is determined by (i) airto-water contact time, (ii) amount of fill surface, and (iii) the extend of droplet formation. Cooling towers are used in a vast amount of industries such as oil refineries, petrochemical plants, thermal power stations as well as HVAC systems. The type of cooling tower used is dependent upon the type of air induction into the tower; the main types are natural draft and mechanical draft cooling towers. The natural draft type is usually utilised by large power plants. Hot water is introduced to the bottom third of the tower and spread evenly through the tower cross-section. Packing is used to increase the surface area between the water and the air. As the heat is transfer from the water to the air, the air temperature rises, density decreases and it starts to rise. Colder more dense air replaces the hot air and a natural draft is created. The mechanical draft towers utilise fans to force the air through the tower. These towers can be subdivided into two classes, namely (i) forced-draft and (ii) induced-draft towers. In the former tower, the fan is mounted at the bottom of the tower, whereas the latter the fan is at the top. Performance of cooling towers The performance of a cooling tower is dependent on the following factors: 1. Air flow 2. Water flow 3. Water temperature 4. Temperature and humidity of air at the outlet 5. Type of packing used 6. Area and volume of packing Cooling tower operation Warm water from the heat source is pumped to the water distribution system at the top of the tower. The water is distributed over the wet-deck fill by means of nozzles. Simultaneously, air is drawn through air-inlet louvers and through the wet-deck surface causing a small portion of the water to evaporate. The evaporative process removes heat from the water. The warm, moist air is drawn out of the top of the tower. The resulting cold water is then recirculated back through the heat source in a continuous cycle. 31 Mass Balance In many engineering textbooks giving calculations concerning cooling towers, the water loss from the tower is presented simply as the product of air mass flow and change in specific humidity of the air across the tower. The result of this calculation is taken to be the quantity of ‘make up’ water required to make good the evaporative loss. In actual practice this result might prove to be an embarrassing and misleading approximation. ‘Drift’ or ‘Free moisture carry-over’ are terms used to describe free droplets of water being carried out of the Tower by entrainment with the air. The actual amount of moisture carry over is governed by the following: (a) The velocity of the air passing through the Tower. (b) The temperature of the hot water entering the tower Ideal gas laws Dalton and Gibbs law The behaviour of air, which is composed of a mixture of “dry air” (oxygen, nitrogen and other gases) with steam, can be explained through Gibbs laws, from where the following conclusions can be reached: - Pressure of air is equal to the sum of pressures of dry air and steam. - Dry air and steam, respectively, follow their normal relations of partial pressure. - Enthalpy of the mixture can be obtained by adding the enthalpies of dry air and of steam if each one took up the whole space occupied by the mixture, being both to the same temperature PT VT nRT Where, PT Porifice Patm R = 8.314 J .K -1 .mol 1 This relationship and the specific humidity at the top of the column are used to calculate the density of the air at that point in order to obtain the mass flow rate. The change in the orifice pressure can be deemed negligible. Energy Balance 32 By applying the equation Q-P = HOutlet - HInlet and assuming that P= 0 and where Q’s value is limited due to heat transfer between the unit and its surrounding. The equation becomes: HOutlet = HInlet The derived energy balance below can be used in order to determine if the energy taken in by the air is equal to that supplied by the water. m a 2 ha 2 m a1ha1 m s 2 hs 2 m s1hs1 g l 2 m a 2 m s 2 l1 m a1 m s1 m w 2 hw 2 m w1 hw1 g l 2 m w 2 l1 m w1 33 EXPERIMENTAL SET UP AND APPARATUS Figure 2: Schematic of Bench Top Cooling Tower PRE-PRACTICAL SIMILAR INDUSTRIAL SCALES COOLING TOWERS ARE AVAILABLE AT CPUT. Use Microsoft Visio to draw a detailed process and instrumentation flow diagrams and brief general operation of the cooling towers. The pre-practical must be submitted on the day of the Practical. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE 1. Ensure that the level of water in the tank is sufficiently above the level sensor. 2. Check Wet Bulb Temperature reservoir water levels. 3. Select a set point temperature for the water temperature. 4. Allow the water tank to reach the set point temperature. 5. Record the level in the tank 6. Choose an air flow and water flow rate and wait till it is reached 7. Once steady state is reached record the level change after 15 minutes 8. Repeat the exercise with a different set-point temperature, water flow rate or air flow rate. INSTRUCTIONS 34 1. Do a complete mass balance over the cooling tower and determine the mass of water that evaporates. Compare this with the measured mass of evaporated water. 1.1. Psychrometric charts (Determine specific humidity) 1.2. Ideal gas laws (Determine total volume; Determine density of air) 1.3. Orifice calculations (Determine flow rate of air) 2. Perform energy balance calculations to ensure that the energy taken in by the air is equal to that supplied by the water. 35 29