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Respiratory Care Guide: FiO2, Ventilation, Chest Trauma & More

Titrate the FIO2 to 50% or less as prolonged FIO2 of 50% or greater can lead to oxygen toxicity and atelectasis.
FIO2 must be slowly decreased
Administer high – flow oxygen at 100%.
Auscultate breath sounds frequently
Monitor continuous pulse oximetry
Blowing off excessive paco2 from hyperventilation results in blowing off excess
acid, causing respiratory alkalosis.
Direct visual examination of the larynx, trachea, and bronchi with a fiberoptic bronchoscope.
The client receives mild sedation (eg, midazolam) to provide relaxation and promote comfort.
A topical anesthetic (eg, lidocaine, benzocaine) is applied to the nares and throat to suppress the hag and cough reflexes, prevent laryngospasm, and facilitate
passage of the scope.
Pre intervention
Maintain NPO.
Assess coagulation studies.
Remove dentures and eyeglasses.
Establish an IV access and administer medication for sedation.
Have emergency resuscitation supplies readily available.
Post intervention
Maintain a semi- fowler’s position.
Assess for the return of the gag reflex.
Maintain NPO status until the gag reflex returns.
Monitor for bloody sputum. Bright red colored sputum indicates hemorrhage. (Blood – tinged sputum is common and not an emergency.)
Monitor respiratory status.
Monitor for complications, such as bronchospasm or bronchial perforation, indicated by facial or neck crepitus, dysrhythmias, hemorrhage, hypoxemia, and
Expected finding
After procedure
Dark red sputum which indicated old blood
Drowsiness due to the sedative effects of medication given prior to and during the procedure
Unexpected finding
After procedure
Bronchospasm. This can manifest as reports of chest tightness, auscultated wheezing, decreased oxygenation with continual coughing, or audible stridor.
Rib fracture
Flail chest
Pulmonary contusion
1.Pain, tenderness
1.Paradoxial respirations,
1. X ,↓breath sounds affected
dyspnea, tachypnea, shallow
↓ breath sounds,
2.↓chest expansion unilaterally
2.Shallow respirations
↑w/ inspiration
respiration, ↓breath sounds
crackles, wheezes,
3. subcutaneous emphysema
3.Splint chest
2.Severe chest pain
↑bronchial secretion,
4. sucking sound open chest
dyspnea, restlessness
5. tracheal deviation affected w/
4.Tachycardia, hypotension
tension pneumothorax
6. tachycardia, hypotension
7. dyspnea, tachypnea
8. cyanosis
9. sharp chest pain
갈비뼈 자연 붙음
x-ray 진단
파울러자세, 산소, 기침/심호흡,
파울러자세, 산소, 침상안정,
통증약물, intercoastal never block 가
통증약물, 침상안정, PEEP 가능
nonporous dressing- open chest
능, 가슴지지교육
chest tube u/ lung expand full
Chest tube
Chest tubes are indicated to drain air or fluid from the pleural space and reestablish negative pressure, which allows for proper lung expansion.
Excessive drainage >100ml, notify
When chest tube
Auscultate breath sounds to assess the lung has re-expanded and there is no more drainage.
Stops abruptly,
Have client cough and deep breath.
Reposition the client.
(Do not milk the chest tube. Milking chest tubes to maintain patency is performed only if prescribed.)
When the chest tube
Immediately apply a sterile occlusive dressing (eg, petroleum jelly dressing) taped on 3 sides. This action permits air to escape on exhalation and inhibits air
is dislodged from the
intake on inspiration.
client, and air leak
sound is heard,
If the chest tube
Without contamination, wipe the end of the chest tube with an antiseptic and immediately reconnect it.
disconnects from the
With contamination, and cannot be immediately reattached, or if the chest drainage unit breaks, cracks, or malfunctions, submerge the distal end of the chest
drainage tubing,
tube 1-2 in (2-4cm) below the surface of a 250 mL bottle of sterile water or saline.
Removal of the chest
Administer analgesic 30-60 min prior to the procedure.
Prepare suture removal kit, petroleum gauze, and occlusive dressing
Instruct the client to take a deep breath, hold it , and bear down (Valsalva maneuver) while the tube is being removed.
Perform a post-procedure chest X-ray to ensure there is no re accumulation of air or fluid in the pleural space
Post intervention
The immediate postoperative priority goal for a client with a new tracheostomy is to prevent accidental dislodgement of the tube and loss of the airway. If
dislodgement occurs during the first postoperative weekm reinsertion of the tube is difficult as it takes the tract about 1 week to heal. For this reason,
dislodgement is a medical emergency. The priority nursing intervention is to ensure the tube is place securely by checking the tightness of ties and allowing for
1 finger to fit under these ties.
Medical emergency
If the airway tract is well formed, attempt to open the airway by inserting a curved hemostat to maintain stoma patency and insert a new tracheostomy tube
with an obturator.
Position that facilitate breathing
High fowler’s position
How to
Orthopneic position
Tripod position
Sitting in a chair, on the side, or in bed leaning
Sitting in a chair leaning forward with hands or
over the bedside table, with one or more pillows
elbows resting on the knees.
under the arms or elbows for support
High fowler
Affected side-lying
Pursed lip breathing
How to
Inhale for 2 seconds through the nose with the mouth closed
Exhale for 4 seconds through pursed lips. If unable to exhale for this long, exhale twice as long as inhaling
Acute respiratory failure
Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
◀↓oxygen is transported to the blood/
A form of acute respiratory failure that occurs as a complication
↓CO2 is removed from the lungs
Caused by a diffuse lung injury, critical illness, increased capillary permeability.
▶ compensatory mechanisms fail
It results in extravascular lung fluid, pulmonary edema, decreased surfactant
production, and acidosis
1. Dyspnea, ↑↓ respirations and breath sounds
1. Dyspnea, tachypnea, ↓breath sounds
2. Tachycardia, hypertension, dysrhythmia
2. Pulmonary infiltrates, pulmonary edema, pulmonary hypertension
3. Confusion, ↓consciousness
3. Deteriorating ABG, hypoxemia w/ high oxygen
산소(PaO2>60-70mmHg 유지 안될 시 인공호흡기),
산소, 인공호흡기(PEEP),
물 제한,
이뇨제, 항응고제, 스테로이드제
Sleep apnea
Obstructive sleep apnea
The most common type of breathing disorder during sleep and is characterized by repeated periods of apnea (>10seconds) and diminished airflow (hypopnea).
A partial or complete obstruction occurs due to upper airway narrowing that results from relaxation of the pharyngeal muscles or from the tongue falling back on
the posterior pharynx due to gravity.
During periods of apnea, desaturation (hypoxemia) and hypercapnia occur; these stimulate the client to arouse and breathe momentarily to restore airflow.
Loud snoring, Apnea episodes, Frequent arousal from sleep, Waking with gasping or a choking sensation
During the day, client experience morning headaches, Irritability, Excessive sleepiness
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
1.Chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways▶
1. Airflow obstruction
Obstruction in the airways
2. Chronic bronchitis: bronchial tubes ▶inflamed ▶excessive mucus ↑
2. Marked by airway inflammation, hyperresponsiveness to triggers
Emphysema: air sacs in the lungs▶ damaged, enlarged ▶ hyperinflation,
3. in a client with an asthma exacerbation, a high eosinophil count would
indicate an allergic trigger for the asthmatic response.
Risk factors
3. ▶ pulmonary insufficiency, pulmonary hypertension, cor pulmonale
Tobacco smoke(active&passive), occupational exposure to chemicals & dust,
air pollution, genetics (a1- antitrypsin deficiency)
X, ↓lung sounds
wheezing or crackles
Exertional dyspnea, accessory muscle breathing, prolonged expiration,
accessory muscle breathing
prolonged expiration
wheezing and crackles
weight loss
pulsus paradoxus
barrel chest, congestion and hyperinflation seen on chest x-ray
cardiac dysrhythmias
↓O2 Sat
ABG: respiratory acidosis, hypoxemia
PTT: ↓airflow rates
PTT: ↓vital capacity
Peak flow 사용
자세 – sitting and leaning foward, tripod
호흡법 - 횡경막/복부/입술오므리기
집중 산소
고파울러자세, 앉기
식이 - 고열량, 고단백, 비타민, 조금 자주 식사, 물 섭취 3L
식이 제한- 가스형성, 매운, 너무 뜨겁거나 차갑거나
같이 있기,
활동 - as tolerated(자주 쉬기)
기관지확장제, 스테로이드제, 마그네슘
약물 - 기관지확장제, 스테로이드제, 점액용해제, 항생제(염증시)
피할 것 – 자극 음식, 대중, 감염환자, 자극 온도, 알레르기원, 자극 향기, 담배,
먼지날리기, 청소도구
Oxygen method
Venturi mask to supply the most accurate noninvasive oxygen.
Is a condition in which the bronchial tubes become inflamed and excessive
Is a condition in which the air sacs in the lungs are damaged and enlarged,
mucus production occurs as a result from irritants or injury
resulting in hyperinflation and breathlessness
Rhonchi (continuous, low-pitched adventitious breath sounds that occur when
Hyperinflation of the lungs
thick secretions or foreign bodies obstruct airflow in the upper airways)
Flattening of the diaphragm
Barrel chest (increased anteroposterior diameter of the chest)
Do not exceed the oxygen flow rate >2L/min
(In emphysema, respiratory drive is triggered by low oxygen levels because of
long- standing hypercapnia)
High fowler position, Postural drainage, Chest physiotherapy, Increase of fluid intake
5 mins
45-60 mins
Take the medication 30 mins beforehand ensures the medication is actively preventing bronchoconstriction when the client begins exercising.
Peak flow meter
A hand-held device used to measure peak expiratory flow rate and is most helpful for clients with moderate to severe asthma.
Peak flow meter uses traffic signal colors to categorize degrees of asthma symptoms.
To assess asthma-related airflow limitation which helps guide treatment decisions. Comparing ongoing results with the best, stable result helps determine medication
Green zone: means asthma is under control and PEF is 80-100%
Yellow zone: means caution; even on a return to the green zone after use of rescue medication, further medication or a change in treatment is needed.
Red zone: indicates a medical alert and needs for immediate medical treatment if the level does not return to yellow immediately after taking rescue medications.
How to use
Inhale deeply, place mouthpiece in mouth, and use the lips to create the seal
Exhale as quick and forceful as possible through the mouthpiece of the device evaluates the degree of airway narrowing by measuring the volume of air that can be
exhaled in one breath.
Repeat the procedure 2 more times with a 5- to 10- seconds rest period between exhalation
Record the highest of the three measured values in the peak flow log
*if the peak flow is less than 80% of the personal best, administer reliever drug and retest in a few minutes.
Initially, use the peak flow meter twice a day for at least two weeks when asthma is well-controlled.
The peak flow meter is an assessment rather than an intervention. It determines the degree of airflow obstruction and does not improve respiratory functioning.
Reduce the risk of oral yeast (thrush) infections because the droplets are not deposited in the mouth.
How to use
MDI with a spacer
MDI without a spacer
The number of remaining doses is displayed on the inhaler
Shake MDI and remove cap
Attach the MDI to the spacer
Hold MDI upright
Place mouthpiece between teeth and lips
Activate (press) the MDI only once
Take 5-6 deep and slow breaths
Wait for at least 30 seconds before next administration
Rinse the mouth after the use of a steroid inhaler/
Exhale completely
Place the inhaler between open lips or about two inches from the open mouth.
Start inhaling, then press down on the canister while continuing to inhale.
Hold for 10 seconds.
Pulmonary opportunistic fungal infection cause by
spores of histoplasma capsulatum
Inhalation of spores, which commonly are found in
contaminated soil. Spores also are usually found in
bird droppings.
Immune deficiency
African americans
Young adults
Unknown, but a high titer of Epstein-barr virus may
be noted
Shortness of breath, Dyspnea with ambulation,
Signs and symptoms are similar to pneumonia.
Nonspecific respiratory symptoms:
Cough, Sputum, fever, chill
Cough, flu like symptoms, dyspnea, and fever.
Crackles, coarse crackles, wheezes
Chest pain, pleuritic pain with inspiration
Dullness, Unequal chest expansion
The majority of cases resolve without treatment.
Severe cases require the use of antifungal
Position client to good side down
Education for
Avoid the use of over-the-counter cough
discharging client
suppressant medications
Schedule a follow-up with the HCP and chest X-ray
Use a cool mist humidifier in your bedroom at
Continue using the incentive spirometer at home.
Drink 1-2L of water a da.
Notify HCP of any increase in symptoms
Avoid tobacco smoke
Eat a balanced diet
Pleural effusion
Inflammation of the visceral and parietal membranes; may be caused by
pulmonary infarction or pneumonia.
The visceral and parietal membranes rub together during respiration and
cause pain.
Pleurisy usually occurs on 1 side of the chest, usually in the lower lateral
portions in the chest wall.
Pleural friction rub heard on auscultation
Knife- like sharp pain in inspiration which is aggravated on deep breathing
and coughing
Monitor lung sounds
Administer analgesics
Apply hot or cold applications
Encourage deep breathing and coughing
Lie on the affected side to splint the chest
Pulmonary embolism
PE is usually caused by a dislodged thrombus that travels through the pulmonary circulation, becomes lodged in a pulmonary vessel, and causes and
obstruction to blood flow in the lung
Sudden pleuritic chest pain (eg, sharp lung pain while inhaling)
New-onset dyspnea and hypoxemia
Tachypnea and cough (dry or productive cough with bloody sputum)
Hemoptysis (bloody sputum)
Unilateral leg swelling, erythema, or tenderness related to deep vein thrombosis
Carbon monoxide poisoning
Smoke inhalation, Defective heating system, Gas motors operating in poorly ventilated areas
Headache, confusion, Malaise, dizziness, nausea
Seizure, syncope, coma, Myocardial ischemia, arrythmia
ABG , ECG, cardiac enzymes
High flow 100% oxygen using a nonrebreather mask, Intubation/ hyperbaric oxygen
약 시작 2주 후 전염력 사라진다. 하지만 직장, 학교 복귀는 더 필요. 9개월 이상 약복용. 매 2-4주 가래검사.
Risk factors
Immunosuppression, age<5y, elderly, lower socioeconomic group, minority, frequent contact with untreated/undiagnosed individual, alcohol, IV users,
drinking infected unpasteurized milk
Airborne route by droplet infection, 2-3w treatment▶↓risk transmission
Client history
Past exposure of TB, live/travel TB region, recent history of respiratory disease, recent BCG vaccine
Clinical manifestation
Maybe asymptomatic in primary infection
fatigue, lethargy,
anorexia, weight loss,
low fever, chills, night sweats,
persistent cough w/ mucopurulent sputum – occasionally streaked with blood
chest tightness, dull/aching chest pain w/ cough
Chest assessment
QuantiFERON—TB Gold
Sputum cultures
Identifying M. tuberculosis confirms the diagnosis, 3 sputum cultures negative→ no longer infectious
Tuberculin skin test
Positive reaction→ previous exposure to TB or presence of inactive disease. But does not mean that active disease is present
If skin test positive→ chest x-ray to rule out active TB or old head lesions
The hospitalized client
Airborne isolation precautions - negative pressure room, 6 exchanges of fresh air/ hour, n95 mask, (surgical mask for moving client)
Client education
Client will need to be isolated for at least 2 weeks.
Client has to take medication for at least 9 months.
Multiple drugs are used to treat the disease.
Sputum test every 2-4weeks
Once have tuberculosis, the test results will always be positive.
Relapse of tuberculosis may occur later when the client is under stress or sick.