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Multi-Tool Turning Process: Experimental Investigation

Abstract: In the present study a novel attempt is made to enhance the productivity and to
increase the material removal rate by employing two single point cutting tools which are
engaged simultaneously while turning. A fixture is developed to hold the second tool over the
Lathe carriage at the rear side. A single point cutting tool is mounted on the front tool post and
the rear tool post, which are being separated by an offset distance. In this study a piezoelectric
dynamometer is used to measure the cutting and feed forces. The temperature measurement is
made by an IR camera which gives the IR thermo graphic image. The objective of this work is
investigate experimentally the effect of the offset distances on cutting forces, feed forces and
work material temperature rise during Multi-tool turning process. It was found that the forces
of the rear tool is lower than the front tool due to preheating of work piece and force couple
created by front and rear cutting tool. These forces are uninfluenced by the offset distances.
Keywords: Productivity, Multi-tool turning process, Offset distance, Cutting force, Feed force,
IR Thermography, IR Camera, Material removal rate, Preheat.
Multi-tool machining is normally attempted when maximization of material removal rate and
minimization of machining cost are of paramount importance. Since turning is a basic and an
important operation this study focuses on Multi-tool turning operation. Before the advent of
Computer Numerically Controlled machines, Multiple tool Lathes were employed in high
volume material removal processes. They are basically a single purpose high production
machines intended for turning work such as stepped shafts in batch and mass production
shops. Multiple tool Lathes are provided with two or more carriages each carrying several
single point cutting tools operating simultaneously. The machining time is reduced because the
carriages operate simultaneously. The front carriage mounts the tools for turning the steps of
the shafts and travels with longitudinal feed along the Lathe axis. The rear carriage has only the
cross feed and used to cut grooves, face shoulders, turn chamfers and contoured surfaces with
form tools. Multiple tool Lathes operate on a semi-automatic cycle. The operator sets up the
work piece, starts the Lathe and removes the finished component. This feature allows one
operator to handle several machine tools simultaneously, thereby increasing the labour
productivity. The construction of Multiple tool Lathes is distinguished from the exceptionally
high rigidity of the units such as bed, carriages, head stock and tail stock. This is necessitated
by the large total chip cross section when the stock is removed, by several tools at the same
time. Multiple tool Lathes are often equipped with hydraulic tracer controlled slides for turning
cylindrical and contoured surfaces of revolution. The arrangement of the units and the
construction of such Lathes are based on reproducing the shape of a template or master. The
following section deals with the literature survey on Multi-tool machining process and related
Abundant amount of literatures are found on cutting forces and cutting temperature
conventional turning process, relevant papers are discussed along with the literatures on Multitool machining which are very scarce and sparse.
McCullough (1963) calculated the tool life for maximum production rate and minimum cost
for Multi-tool operations in which the total cycle time was controlled by the spindle speed.
Zompi et al. (1979) presented the tool failure patterns in Multi-tool machining and the
probability theories was used to assess the tool life. Ravignani et al. (1979) evaluated the tool
life distribution by taking into account the progressive wear and sudden tool fracture. Sheikh et
al. (1980) proposed various tool replacement strategies for Multi-tool and single tool
production machines. It was shown how the optimal cutting conditions are affected by the tool
change policies. The three approaches followed are, Preventive planned tool change policy,
Scheduled tool change policy and Failure replacement policy. The results indicate the optimum
spindle speed using probabilistic models of tool life as a multiple of the optimum spindle speed
calculated from the classic deterministic equation. Tang et al. (2008) reported a novel heuristic
algorithm based on Particle Swarm Optimization, used to optimise the process parameters for
two-tool parallel turning operation. The reason for using the PSO is that it has got a quick
convergence to good solution.
Jha (1986) presented an investigative study and developed an automatic process planning for
Multi-tool turning. A multiple objective function was developed based on cost and production
rate with 14 constraints. Budak and Ozturk (2011) formulated the dynamics of parallel turning
with two tools cutting the same surface. A frequency domain model for calculations of stability
diagrams which was verified by a time domain model was derived. The model prediction was
compared with the experimental results and a good agreement was found. It was concluded that
the dynamic interaction between the tools is used to increase the stability compared to turning
with single tool. Gio and Liu (2002) developed a thermo-elastic-viscoplastic explicit FEM
model to study the effects of sequential cut on the residual stress distribution and cutting
mechanism. The cutting force was found to be the dominant factor for the residual stress
distribution. For larger depth of cut, the cutting force unloading has the largest effect on the
residual stress distribution. The thermal unloading effect on the machined layer was slight
while it has got a major effect on the residual stress on the machined surface. An explicit FE
code was developed by Liu and Gio (2000) to study the effect of tool-chip interface friction on
the residual stresses in sequential cuts. It was proved that the residual stress was sensitive to the
tool-chip interface friction. The thickness of the chip of second cut was thinner than the first
cut because of the work hardening effect of the first cut. This in turn led to larger shear angle
and this influences the residual stress. The temperature of the machined surface was
determined and was found to be below the phase transition temperature. The results revealed
that the cutting forces, chip morphology and machined surface temperature are only slightly
affected by the sequential cuts. Harpaz et al. (2012) presented an innovative concept of Parallel
High Speed Machining (PHSM) for air and lubricant spindle enabling a spindle speed of 90000
rpm. Micromachining and finishing operations on CNC and standard machine tools was
improved. It was concluded that higher productivity was achieved in milling, drilling and
grinding by faster tool and spindle change.
The effects of very high cutting speeds on cutting forces was predicted by Mathew and Oxley
(1982). Tool wear and deformation becomes a great problem because of higher temperature
generated due to high cutting speeds and it was reported that there was no significant gain due
to the increase in cutting speed. Bhattacharyya et al. (1989) studied the performance of ceramic
tool material while machining gray cast iron. It was observed that by increasing the graphite
composition in gray cast iron, the machinability can be improved and the tool forces can be
reduced. This leads to reduced cutting temperatures, lower friction at tool-chip and tool-work
interface. A drop in cutting forces between 100 N to 150 N was observed when the cutting
speed was increased. It was attributed to the reduction in shear strength of the work material in
the flow zone and also due to the decreased tool chip contact length. For increasing the
Material Removal Rate (MRR) in turning process of difficult to cut materials, Madhavulu and
Basheer Ahmed (1994) proposed Hot Machining Process. A plasma arc provided a localised
heat on a small portion of the work material which is softened and removed by the cutting tool
in the form of chip. The results shows that the gain in MRR in hot machining is 1.8 times the
conventional machining. Fall bohmer et al. (2000) studied the High-Speed Machining of cast
iron using TiN coated carbide and CBN tools. A 25% productivity increase in terms of cutting
speed and 500% increase in tool life was observed in their work. Seker and Hasirci (2006)
evaluated the machining performance of austempered ductile iron in terms of cutting forces and
surface finish. Machining tests were carried out in accordance to ISO 3685. Six different work
specimen was prepared for various austenised conditions and it was found that the cutting
forces varied upto 20% when compared to as cast specimen.
Stephenson (1991) compared four steady-state cutting temperature models with the
experimental temperature values obtained by infrared and tool-chip thermocouple
measurements. The work materials are steel, aluminium, brass and gray cast iron. It was
concluded that the three dimensional model predicted the cutting temperatures accurately over
the broad range of cutting conditions for different work pieces and also indicated that no model
is capable of predicting the tool-chip interface temperature accurately for gray cast iron
because of discontinuous chip formation.
Young and Chou (1995) investigated the cutting edge using Infrared thermo graphic technique
by measuring the chip back temperature. Annealed carbon steel, AISI 1030 and Carbide was
used as work and tool materials. The edge effect was found to increases with decrease of b/t
ratio where b and t are the width and thickness of undeformed chip and also the location where
the maximum temperature occurs on the chip back is beyond the chip tool contact area. Kwon
et al. (2001) developed a new method to estimate the average steady state chip-tool interface
temperature during turning process of gray cast iron and AISI 1045 steel with coated and
uncoated K313 carbide inserts were used as work and tool materials. An infrared camera IR
600L is used to measure the steady state temperature distribution of the tool rake face. This
was done by stopping the feed so that a view of tool rake face without chip covering it is
obtained. It was observed that at location away from the chip-tool interface the initial
temperature drops very slowly within first 200 milliseconds where us at closer locations the
temperature drops very fast in the beginning. It is to be noted that the temperature variation
within chip-tool interface can be determined if the local emissivity on the chip-tool interface is
mapped. The change in emittance of the surface due to the change in temperature was not taken
into account. Sullivan and Cotterell (2001) measured the temperature in single point turning
using embedded thermocouple and Infrared camera Inframetrics Thermacam model PM 380E.
Along with temperature, force was also measured by a Kistler quartz four component
dynamometer type 9272. During the experimental trails increased cutting speed resulted in
decreased forces and work piece surface temperatures. Tool wear increases as a result of
increased cutting forces and machined surface temperature.
Leshock et al. (2001) presented a numerical and experimental analysis of plasma enhanced
machining of Inconel 718. It was reported that the cutting force decreased up to 30% and 40%
increase in tool life was observed when the surface temperature of the work piece reached
around 600˚C. This happens due to the decrease of the shear strength of the material at elevated
temperatures. The surface finish was found to improve when the work piece surface
temperature reached 500˚C, but beyond 530˚C the surface finish deterioted due to oxidation.
Jaspers and Dautzenberg (2002) determined the shear plane temperature on chip’s free side by
thermo graphic measurements made by an IR camera. For steel and aluminium alloy they
found the shear plane temperatures as 290˚C and 190˚C respectively. It was observed that the
shear plane temperatures was hardly affected by the cutting conditions. Brosse et al. (2008)
proposed a method of using thermography for temperature distribution measurement in the
grinding process. The thermography method gave better reliable results and temperature values
of the field instead of point temperature values as in the case of thermocouples. The cooling
performance of Ranque-Hilsch vortex tube on the cutting tool nose point of the turret lathe was
experimentally examined by Selek et al. (2011) by means of infrared thermography method.
Thermal images were taken at 30 frames per second from FLIR E 45 Infrared camera. The
maximum cooling performance of RHVT was attained by a job of 15 mm diameter with 3 mm
depth of cut having a spindle speed of 800 rpm.
It can be clearly seen from the literature survey that no work on Multi-tool turning process
have been attempted to study the influence of offset distances on cutting forces, the distribution
of forces between the tools and temperature rise of the work material when two single point
cutting tools are machining a work piece simultaneously. The main aim of this work is to make
an experimental study on the cutting forces and temperature rise of the work piece in the Multitool turning process, particularly with reference to two single point cutting tools machining
simultaneously at different offset distances of 2, 4 and 8 mm.
Workpiece and cutting tool materials
Experimental trails were carried out by taking gray cast iron as work material having a
dimension of 58 mm diameter and 250 mm length. The workpiece was held between a three
jaw hydraulic chuck and tailstock. The hardness, tensile strength and compressive strength are
143 HB, 86 and 512 MPa. The chemical compositions of carbon, silicon, manganese, sulphur
and phosphorus were analysed by Bureau of Indian Standard (BIS) method (IS:228) and are
given in percentage as follows 3.2, 1.8, 0.36, 1.8 and 0.05. The cutting tool inserts SNMG 12
04 08 and WNMG 08 04 08 were used as front and rear cutting tools with corresponding tool
holders DWLNR 2020 K08 and DSBNR 2020 K12 all of Sandvik make. The ASA tool
signature of these cutting tools are (-6˚)-6˚-6˚-6˚-12˚-15˚-0.8 . The TiN coated carbide inserts
were selected as the cutting speeds in the machining trails were below 200 m/min, in which
they gave a longer tool life compared to other cutting tools.
Cutting conditions
Machining was performed at the cutting speeds (V) of 75, 120, 185 m/min and at a feed rate
(f) of 0.08 mm/rev. The depth of cut (d) was taken as 0.25, 0.5, 1 and 2 mm individually on the
front and rear cutting tools and shared equally between the front and rear cutting tools. The
offset distances between the two cutting tools was taken as 2, 4 and 8 mm. The machining is
done under dry conditions as the graphite which is present in gray cast iron acts as lubricant.
The graphite which is in the form of flakes also reduces the cutting temperature as the friction
between tool-chip interface and tool-work interface is lowered.
Experimental technique
Multi-tool turning experiments were conducted in a Center Lathe (HMT make NH-26 model).
Figure 1 shows a view of the experimental setup of the Multi-tool turning process. A three
phase 11 kW induction motor drives the spindle of the lathe. The machine provides 23 speeds
between 40 and 2040 rpm and 27 different feeds ranging from 0.04 to 2.24 mm/rev. The Figure
2 shows the schematic diagram of the experimental set up. In order to hold the second tool in
the Center Lathe a tool fixture developed by Yatin et al. (2012) is mounted on the rear side of
the carriage. The main advantage of this method is that the cutting forces gets distributed
between the two tools resulting in a reduction in the magnitude of force components acting
over the individual tools, when compared to turning with one single point cutting tool. The
reduction in cutting forces in turn lead to lesser heat generation at tool-chip interface and hence
lesser cutting temperature. The tool wear is reduced by the decrease in the cutting temperature
thereby increasing the life of the cutting tool. Apart from this the edge chipping of cutting tool
due to high cutting force is also reduced.
The cutting forces Fz and feed forces Fx of the front cutting tool and rear cutting tool were
measured by a piezoelectric type four component (Kistler make, type 9272) dynamometer. The
cutting force signals of front and rear cutting tools are shown in the Figure 3. The piezoelectric
dynamometers uses quartz as transducer and has a high natural frequency Micheletti et al.
(1970). It is more sensitive than the strain gauge dynamometer which has a larger response
time and limited frequency bandwidth. The dynamometer used in this experimental study has
a threshold of 0.01 N in the measurement of forces in feed direction and 0.02 N in the
measurement of force in vertical direction. It has a linearity of ± 1% of full scale output. The
charge amplifiers used for the rear tool and front tool dynamometers are integrated 4 channel
5070 and single channel 5070 kistler model. The sampling rate is fixed as 1000 Hz.
Main junction box connects the two dynamometers which in turn is connected to the computer
system. Dynoware software is used for the force data acquisition. For temperature
measurement Infratec varioCAM hr head 400 make IR camera is used. The temperature
measurement range is from -40˚C to 2000˚C and the thermal sensitivity is 30 mK at 30˚C.
Emissivity value of 0.4 was taken for the work material and IRBIS 3 plus software was
employed for evaluating the temperature.
Determination and distribution of cutting forces are of paramount importance in any machining
operation due to the fact that it not only estimates the power consumption but also governs the
economic aspect of the process. In the present study, when both the front and rear cutting tools
are engaged simultaneously in turning operation and are separated by an offset distance, it is
logical to investigate the influence of offset distances over the force components, which is
discussed in the following subsection.
Effect of offset distances on cutting and feed forces for various cutting speeds
The experimental trails were conducted for three different cutting speeds as already mentioned.
The offset distance was varied from 2 mm to 4 mm and then to 8 mm. A depth of cut of 1 mm
was given to both the front and rear cutting tools and a constant feed rate of 0.08 mm/rev was
maintained for all the experiments. It can be seen from the Figure 4 and Figure 5 the changes
of cutting force Fz and feed force Fx components of front and rear cutting tools for different
cutting speeds for an offset distance of 4 mm.
For both the front and rear cutting tools there is a slight variation around 10% in the main
cutting force component Fz in the offset distance ranging from 2 mm to 8 mm. At lower feed
rates and lesser cutting speed the contact area between the tool and chip is less and the volume
of metal removed is less. This results in lesser cutting force Trent and Wright (2000).
Increasing the cutting speed to 120 m/min might induce the formation of Built Up Edge (BUE)
and hence the cutting and feed forces are increased. On further increase of cutting speed to 185
m/min the BUE formation is eliminated and the contact area between the cutting tool and chip
decreases. Thermal softening at the secondary deformation zone take place at higher cutting
speed. Similar phenomena was observed by Dearnley (1985) while machining gray cast iron
with TiN coated carbide tool at a cutting speed of 200 m/min. Previous researchers Yigit et al.
(2008) machined nodular cast iron with coated and uncoated carbide tools. It was shown that a
marginal reduction of 0.49% in the main cutting force was obtained when the cutting speed
was increased from 125 m/min to 200 m/min. The cause for drop in cutting force was
attributed to the reduction in the yield strength of the work material due to increase in the shear
zone temperature. In the present experimental study it was found the cutting force of front and
rear tool reduced by 9% and 14% when the cutting speed was increased from 120 m/min to 185
m/min when the offset distance was 8 mm. The research findings of Camusu (2008) revealed a
result, with a reduction of 11% in cutting forces while machining nodular cast iron using SiC
whisker reinforced ceramic tool, when the cutting speed was increased from 300 m/min to 750
m/min. Additionally at higher cutting speeds the cutting forces acting on the front and rear tool
shall form a couple, which may help in reducing the cutting force.
On the same lines, Katuku et al. (2009) reported, that while machining austempered ductile
iron with PcBN cutting tool at cutting speeds greater than 150 m/min, shear localisation takes
place in primary and secondary shear deformation zones. It leads to lowered dynamic cutting
forces with a sudden drop in the static cutting force in the speed range of 150 to 200 m/min,
due to thermal softening in the secondary shear deformation zone. These factors attribute to
the reduction of cutting forces. From the graphical plots it can be noted that the cutting force is
always greater than the feed force. The cutting force and feed force of the rear tool are lesser
than the front tool. This might be due the preheating caused by the front cutting tool. The rise
in temperature of the workpiece caused by the front cutting tool lowers the shear yield strength
of the material. When the rear tool cuts the preheated workpiece it experiences a reduction in
cutting and feed forces. The maximum and minimum cutting forces obtained are 248 N, 208 N
and 221 N, and 205 N for the front tool and rear tool respectively under the chosen machining
conditions. This variation might be due to the inhomogeneous nature of gray cast iron caused
by graphite. The feed force Fx follows a similar trend like the main cutting force Fz, the
difference lies in the magnitude of force values. It was observed from the findings of Mondal
et al. (1992) while machining C 15 steel with ceramic tool at a cutting speed, feed rate and
depth of cut of 350 m/min, 0.24 mm/rev and 1.5 mm the variation of feed force Fx was
almost similar to cutting force Fz with magnitude being lesser. It can be said that for various
offset distances (2, 4, and 8 mm) for the choosen machining condition the cutting force and the
feed force of rear tool is always lesser than front tool. The wear of the cutting tool has no
influence on the forces because a new insert is replaced in place of old one for each and every
cut. From this it can be said, that both the cutting force and feed force exhibit a similar
behaviour and the rear tool forces are lesser than the front tool forces for the selected offset
distances and the range of cutting conditions in which the experiments were carried out.
Having investigated about the influence of offset distance on the force components for
different cutting speeds, in the following section the influence of different depth of cut on both
the tools for different offset distances and the corresponding force distribution is studied.Tit
Distribution of forces between the front and rear cutting tool for equal depth of cut
The nature of forces acting over the front and rear cutting tool was studied for equal depth of
cut condition. The cutting speed and feed rate of both conditions are 75 m/min, 0.08 mm/rev
with an offset distances of 2, 4 and 8 mm.
A depth of cut of 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1 mm was given on both the tools, Figure 6 and Figure 7
shows the force distribution under equal depth of cut condition for the front tool and rear tool
respectively. It can be noted that when the depth of cut is increased from 0.25 mm to 1 mm in
the increments of 0.25 mm the main cutting force component Fz also increases proportionately.
This agrees with the numerical results of Qian and Hossan (2007). It was indicated that both
the cutting force and feed force increased on increasing the depth of cut when machining 52100
bearing steel with CBN tool. The reason behind this is, larger amount of material removal due
to increased depth of cut creates more material deformation which in turn requires more force.
In the current investigation the increasing trend of the cutting force Fz is same as the feed force
Fx. The feed force is lower when compared to the main cutting force under equal depth of cut
condition. This is in contrast to the observation of Qian and Hossan (2007). It was reported that
feed force to be higher than cutting force due to high hardness of the work piece. In any case
the shear energy required for chip formation is being expended by the main cutting force
component Fz Shaw (2005). It can also be observed that even though the force components
follow the same trend the magnitudes are different. This can be attributed to the work
hardening effect taking place in the workpiece. From this it might be said that for various equal
depth of cut the force components varies in magnitude but it not influenced by the offset
Comparing the Figure 6 and Figure 7 for both the front and rear tools, cutting and feed forces
under equal depth of cut conditions shows a similar trend. It can also be observed that rear tool
has lesser cutting and feed forces compared to the front tool. The feed force reduction is more
pronounced than cutting force at high cutting speed and depth of cut. A maximum reduction of
40 % in feed force is obtained in the rear tool when the depth of cut is 0.5 mm. This might be
due to more heat generation in the secondary deformation zone which rises the temperature so
that thermal softening takes place and consequent reduction in friction at tool-chip interface.
It can be noted that the variation of cutting forces and feed forces for equal depth of cuts of
front and rear tool do not dependent of the offset distances. It shall now be concluded that the
cutting force and feed force increase proportionately with the increase in depth of cut and are
independent of offset distances for both the tools under equal depth of cut condition. In the
successive section the influence of offset distance on workpiece temperature is explored.
Effect of offset distances on work piece temperature
Temperature plays a major role in machining and in this investigation the work material
temperature rise is determined when the rear tool makes a successive cut following the front
tool at an offset distances of 2, 4 and 8 mm. The workpiece temperature was measured using a
IR camera which gives a thermo gram as shown in the Figure 8. The diffusion of heat from the
primary shear plane caused due to the plastic deformation of the work material and heat
generation in the secondary deformation zone due to the sliding of chip over the rake face of
the tool and the frictional heat caused due to the rubbing of the tool flank over the machined
surfaces are the sources responsible for heat generation in machining. As mentioned in the
previous section a new insert is used for every cut so that the sharpness of the cutting tool is
always maintained. The rubbing of tool flank surface with that of the machined surface of the
work piece is prevented in case of sharp tool thus the major heat source tending to rise the
work piece temperature is avoided. Chu and Wallblank (1998) indicated that the nose radius of
the sharp tool does not contribute to temperature rise when compared with cutting speed and
feed rate.
It can be seen for the Figure 9 the work piece temperatures has rised from 60 to 80˚C when the
cutting speed is increased from 75 to 185 m/min. This is due to higher metal removal rates
causing more plastic deformation in the primary shear zone. As the major portion of the heat is
transferred to the chip and only a small portion is conducted to the work material, causing a
lower temperature rise of the workpiece. Ay and Yang (1998) observed that the steady state
temperature increases proportionally with the cutting speed and feed while machining gray cast
iron with carbide tool. Their results revealed a lesser crater wear, because of less adhesion
between the chip and rake face of the tool caused by the discontinuous chip formation. The
variation in the offset distances did not bring any appreciable changes in the temperature values
of the workpiece. The temperature values mentioned here are only the surface temperature of
the machined surface and the bulk temperature rise in the workpiece will still be lesser
indicating the effective heat transfer taking place in an infinite sink. The results shows
similarity with the work of Matsumoto and Hsu (1987). It was reported while machining steel
with a ceramic tool the surface temperatures of the work piece was 60˚C and at a depth of 50
microns it reduced to 30˚C. The findings of previous researchers Rice et al. (1966) reveals that
even for a ductile material at heated conditions produces chips of discontinuous type, and
hence has a lower specific cutting energy caused by lower rupture energy at the blue brittle
range. The present study reveals that the work piece surface temperatures are increased slightly
due to the increase in cutting velocity but not influenced by the offset distances.
The experimental investigation sheds some light on the effect of the offset distances on forces
and temperature in Multi-tool turning process based on which the following conclusion are
1. Multi-tool turning can be used to increase the productivity, as both the front and rear cutting
tool are cutting simultaneously the machining time is reduce thereby the material removal rates
are increased.
2. The cutting and feed forces of the rear cutting tool is lesser than the front cutting tool due to
the preheating effect. Thermal softening of the work piece happens because of this preheat,
leading to reduced rear tool forces. Both the cutting force and feed force components are not
dependent on the offset distances of 2, 4 and 8 mm between the front and rear cutting tool.
3. For equal depth of cut, variation trend of the cutting and feed force for both the front and
rear tools remains same but the magnitude being different because of work hardening effect
taking place in the work material. An increase in forces of the both the tools are found with the
increase in depth of cut. This is applicable for all the chosen offset distances.
4. When the cutting speed is increased from 75 m/min to 185 m/min the work piece surface
temperature is raised from 60˚C to 80˚C and it is not affected by the offset distances.
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B. N
Figure 1. Experimental setup
Figure 2. Schematic diagram of the experimental set up
Figure 3. Front tool and rear tool cutting forces
Figure 4. Variation of cutting forces of front and rear tool
Figure 5. Variation of feed forces of front and rear tool
Figure 6. Cutting force variation under equal depth of cut
Figure 7. Feed force variation under equal depth of cut
Figure 8. Thermogram
Figure 9. Variation of work piece temperature with offset distance
Figure 10. Variation of surface temperature of work piece with cutting speed 75 m/min, feed
0.08 mm/rev and depth of cut 0.75 mm
Figure 11 Variation of cutting and feed forces of front and rear tools for a cutting speed of
120 m/min feed rate 0.08 mm/rev depth of cut 1 mm offset distance of 4 mm