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Management & Strategy Bibliography

Safari, S., Karimian, M., & Khosravi, A. (2014). Identifying and ranking the human resources management
criteria influencing on organizational performance using MADM Fuzzy techniques. Management Science
Letters, 4(7), 1577-1590.
El Tahir, A. (2015). Aconceptual Framework for Developing the Small and Medium Enterprises in the
Sudan. Khartoum: Ministry of Trade.
Abdalkrim, G. M. (2013). The impact of strategic planning activities on private sector organizations
performance in Sudan: An empirical research. International Journal of Business and Management, 8(10),
Mbaka, R.M. & Mugambi, F. (2014). Factors affecting successful strategy implementation in the water
sector in Kenya. IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 16 (7), 61-68
Odongo, M. & Owuor, D. (2015) Effects of Strategic Planning on Organizational Growth. (A Case Study of
Kenya Medical Research Institute, Kemri). International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications,
(5), 9.