Joanna Lane Grade 8 Early American History Lesson Plan Unit: 1 Thinking Like a Historian – 5 days Date Objective 8/19/19 8/20/19 Mapping skills review 8/21/19 Skills review – Reasons for Exploration Roanoke TEKS Activities N/A Overview Set up seating chart Rules and Procedures 8.29 ABCDEF 8.30 BC Map of Errors Turn in parent signature sheet All About Me Primary & Secondary Sources Lesson launch video: Lost Colony Roanoke Discussion Questions – Oral 8/22/19 8/23/19 Reasons for European Exploration Political Religious Economic Social Reasons for European Exploration 8.2AB 8.2AB Lesson launch video: Reasons for Exploration 13 colonies packet 13 colonies PowerPoint Lesson launch video: Continuation of previous day’s activities Political Religious Economic Social Unit 2: Colonial America -15 days Date 8/26/19 Objective Establishment of the 13 Colonies New England Religious Freedom 8/27/19 Establishment of the 13 Colonies Middle Colonies Southern Colonies TEKS 8.1 A – Major Eras Exploration & Colonizatio n 8.1 A – Major Eras Exploration & Colonizatio n Religious Freedom 8/28/19 Establishment of the 13 Colonies Southern Colonies Religious Freedom 8/29/19 13 Colonies - Push & Pull Factors 8/30/19 Skills test Activities Lesson Launch Video 13 Colonies Introduction OU-YPeE Breakdown of New England’s Religions, Economics and Social factors using a fill in chart along with PowerPoint. Lesson Launch Video: Discovering America Breakdown of the Middle Colonies’ Religions, Economics and Social factors using a fill in chart along with PowerPoint. 8.1 A – Lesson Launch Video: Major Eras Exploration Start It Up….13 Colonies & Colonizatio Breakdown of the Southern n Colonies’ Religions, Economics and Social factors using a fill in chart along with PowerPoint. ESP chart 13 Colonies Doodle Notes Using textbook on page 125 Under each colony, students will list the reason for being founded, who settled and the major religions. 8.29 – All SLO Pretest – All 8th grade levels H-TEG’s test taking instructions via PowerPoint 9/2/19 Student Holiday 9/3/19 9/4/19 Significant Dates 1607 1620 8.1 C 9/5/19 Groups that settled in America 8.11C 8.23 A SLO Pretest – All 8th grade - H-TEG’s test taking instructions via PowerPoint - Review and Discuss Answers - Lesson Launch - Mayflower Compact WS - Jamestown & Plymouth Chart - Questions Cubes Lesson Launch 9/6/19 -Immigrants French British Dutch Swedes Spanish African Americans 8.25 A Groups that settled in America 8.11C 8.23 A 8.25 A -Religious Separatists/Pilgrims Quakers Catholics EQ Questions and Reading in Pairs Fill In Charts will Reading Lesson Launch Video XhkRmE Colonies Map Quiz Colonies packet –Religious Charts EQ Charts – Completion Colonies packet –Mercantilsim Life as a Colonist – PowerPoint and Outline Notes Daily Life WS-Homework 9/9/19 Mercantilism 8.4A 9/10/19 (Location) Physical and human geographic factors 8.10 ABC 8.11 A 8.12AD 8.12ABC 8.7BC Population Distribution Economic Differences 9/11/19 9/12/19 Slavery Expands due to -Transatlantic slave trade -Triangular Trade Slaves vs. Free Blacks during the Colonial Era The First Great Awakening 8.25 B 9/13/19 Growth of Representative Government 8.3ABC 8.20A 8.25 A Magna Carta Parliament Virginia House of Burgesses 9/11 Video Clip– A day of Remembrance Slavery in Colonial America PowerPoint and Outline Notes Daily Life Graphing Skills WS History Now Activity ntent/great-awakening Baggie Sequencing of Events Roots of Representative in America PowerPoint and Outline Notes Essential Questions Growth WS Civic Virtue 9/16/19 Constitution Week Mayflower Compact Fundamental Orders of Connecticut 8.3ABC 8.20A 8.25 A Celebrate Freedom Video Declaration =SvMos3iODw8 Declaration Doodle Note Same as above 9/17/19 Constitution Week Pep Rally Key People in Government Ideas John Locke Charles de Montesquieu 8.3ABC 8.20A 8.25 A st 9/18/19 Constitution Week 9/19/19 Constitution Week 9/20/19 Constitution Week 9/23/19 Study Guide & Review All from 1 Six Weeks Study Guide & Review No school weather day All from 1st Six Weeks Colonization Exam No school weather day All from 1st Six Weeks All from 1st Six Weeks 9/24/19 Pep Rally 9/25/19 Six Weeks Review 9/26/19 – Lane Absent Character Counts September: Focus - Trust All from 1st Six Weeks All from 1st Six Weeks All from 1st Six Weeks Non Specific 9/27/19 – Lane Absent End of Six Weeks Six Weeks Benchmark District Mandate Create a visual representation of 8.29G historical information from data provided. Celebrate Freedom Video Key influences on early government PowerPoint and Outline Notes Exit Quiz Celebrate Freedom Video Recap Great Awakening Study Guide Celebrate Freedom Video Study Guide – Review Answers Colonization Jeopardy Celebrate Freedom Video Unit Exam Unit Exam – Day 2 Colonization Kahoot Student to BYOD Test in class Character Counts Video WS packet Making a Colony Activity Unit 3: American Independence – 10 days Date 9/30/19 – Lane Absent Staff Development 10/1/19 Pep Rally Objective Character Counts October: Focus – Courage District Mandate 10/2/19 French & Indian War – 2 day lesson TEKS Non Specific Activities NO Sub needed Character Counts Video WS packet Review Checkpoint Data Collection French and Indian War PowerPoint and Notes Pass out late grade parent signature sheets French and Indian War Causes & Effects Worksheets and Reading 10/3/19 10/4/19 – Early dismal Homecoming 10/7/19 Causes of the American Revolution - Introduction Causes of the American Revolution Proclamation of 1763 Intolerable Acts Stamp Act Mercantilism Lack of Representation in Parliament Civil Disobedience Boston Tea Party Boston Massacre pages/UserFile.aspx?fileId=7292778 ooms/upload/The-French-andIndian-War-1754-1763-Unit-6.pdf Same as above Tax and Tea Song with lyrics Cheat Sheets with PowerPoint 8.4A 8.20AB Reader’s Theatre Packets Causes of the Revolution = Fill In chart 10/8/19 Key people and their roles during the American Revolution Abigail Adams John Adams Wentworth Cheswell Samuel Adams Mercy Otis Warren James Armistead Benjamin Franklin Crispus Attucks King George III Patrick Henry Thomas Jefferson Marquis de Lafayette Thomas Paine George Washington Henry David Thoreau John Paul Jones 8.4B 8.20B 8.22AB 8.23E Key People of the Revolution PowerPoint and Fill In Chart 10/9/19 Same as above adding 8.29DE Kahoot Key People Review –BYOD day 10/10/19 Identify Bias and Point of Views Explain issues surrounding events of the American Revolution 8.4C 8.15C 8.19A TPT Declaration of Independence Activity – students will discover the key phrases and elements Declaration of Independence Unalienable Rights Civic Virtue 8.20A WS Packet with simplified vocabulary used in the DOI 8.4C 8.29H Video Lesson Notes while viewing Battles of the Revolution Ladders Identify colonial grievances listed in the Declaration of Independence 10/11/19 Explain issues surrounding events of the American Revolution Declaration of Independence Battles of Lexington & Concord Battle of Saratoga Battle of Yorktown Valley Forge Treaty of Paris 1783 Geographic locations of battles 10/14/19 Differentiate between, locate and use valid primary and secondary sources, such as media and news services, biographies, interviews and artifacts to acquire information about the US. 8.29A American History Document Based Questions - What Led to the American Colonists Declaring Their Independence from Great Britain? 10/15/19 Pep Rally 8.29B Road to Revolution Timeline and Protests Posters 8.29C Road to Revolution Timeline and Protests Posters – Day 2 Too Late to Apologize Activity 10/17/19 Analyze information by applying absolute and relative chronology through sequencing, categorizing, identifying cause and effect, compare/contrasting, main idea, summarizing, predictions, and inferences. Organize and interpret information from outlines, reports, databases, and visuals. (Maps, graphs and charts). Review of Unit 10/18/19 Unit 3 Checkpoint All TEKS listed Study Guide Kahoot It Review BYOD Test 10/16/19 All TEKS listed Unit 4: Writing the Constitution & Creating a Nation – 10 days All process TEKS used: 8.29ABCDEFGH 8.30ABC Date 10/21/19 10/22/19 10/23/19 10/24/19 10/25/19 10/28/19 10/29/19 Pep Rally 10/30/19 10/31/19 8.31A Objective TEKS Summarize the strengths and weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation Analyze the issues of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, including the Great Compromise and 3/5 Compromise Identify how colonial grievances listed in the Declaration of Independence were addressed in the US Constitution and Bill of Rights. 8.15B Analyze how the US Constitution reflects the principles of limited government, republicanism, checks and balances, federalism, separation of powers, popular sovereignty and individual rights. Same as above Analyze the arguments of the Federalist and AntiFederalists, including those of Alexander Hamilton, Patrick Henry, James Madison and George Mason. Summarize the purposes for amending the US Constitution Define and give examples of Unalienable Rights, summarize rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights; the impact of the 1st Amendment on the American way of life. Identify examples of responsible citizenship, 8.15D 8.4D 8.15 C 8.17A 8.16A 8.19AB 8.25C 8.19C Activities including obeying rules and laws, staying informed on public issues, voting and serving on juries. Review of Unit Topics All Unit TEKS 11/1/19 American Revolution Quiz Unit 5: Early Republic – Addressing Challenges– 10 days Date Objective TEKS Activities 11/4/19 Staff Development 11/5/19 All from 2nd Six Weeks All from 2nd Six Weeks 11/6/19 11/7/19 Six Weeks Benchmark Six Weeks Benchmark All from 2nd Six Weeks All from 2nd Six Weeks 11/8/19 End of Six Weeks 11/11/19 11/12/19 Describe major domestic problems faced by the leaders of the New Republic, including maintaining national security, creating a stable economic system, and setting up the court system. Summarize arguments regarding protective tariffs, taxation, and the banking system. 8.5A 8.5B 11/13/19 Early Dismissal 11/14/19 11/15/19 Unit 6: Age of Jackson – Democracy Expands 1820s-1830s – 10 days 11/18/19 11/19/19 11/20/19 11/21/19 11/22/19 Colonization Kahoot Student to BYOD Test in class Test in class – Day 2 Review test and data check 12/2/19 12/3/19 12/4/19 12/5/19 12/6/19 Unit 7: Westward Expansion – 8 days 12/9/19 12/10/19 12/11/19 12/12/19 12/13/19 12/16/19 12/17/19 CMS Choir and Band Christmas Showcase 12/18/19 12/19/19 12/20/19 Early Dismissal & End of Semester Unit 8: Industrialism & Reform – 12 days Date 1/6/20 Staff Development 1/7/20 1/8/20 1/9/20 1/10/20 1/13/20 1/14/20 1/15/20 Early Dismissal 1/16/20 Band All Region 1/17/20 Band All Region 1/20/20 Staff Development 1/21/20 1/22/20 1/23/20 1/24/20 Objective Skills test TEKS 8.29 – All levels Activities SLO Mid Term – All 8th grade Unit 9: Sectionalism – Growing Division – 10 days 1/27/20 1/28/20 1/29/20 1/30/20 1/31/20 Band Solo & Ensemble 2/3/20 2/4/20 2/5/20 2/6/20 2/7/20 Unit 10: Civil War – 10 days Date Objective TEKS Activities Objective TEKS Activities 2/10/20 2/11/20 2/12/20 2/13/20 2/14/20 2/17/20 Staff Development 2/18/20 2/19/20 2/20/20 2/21/20 End of Six Weeks Unit 11: Reconstruction – 10 days Date 2/24/20 2/25/20 2/26/20 2/27/20 2/28/20 Jazz Band Concert 3/2/20 3/3/20 3/4/20 Early Dismissal 3/5/20 3/6/20 Skills test 8.29 – All levels SLO Pretest – All 8th grade STAAR Review Week – Exploration & Colonization Date Objective TEKS Activities TEKS Activities 3/16/20 3/17/20 3/18/20 3/19/20 3/20/20 STAAR Review Week – American Revolution & Independence 3/23/20 3/24/20 3/25/20 3/26/20 3/27/20 3/30/20 3/31/20 Band UIL Concert & Sight Reading 4/1/20 Early Dismissal Band UIL Concert & Sight Reading 4/2/20 Band UIL Concert & Sight Reading 4/3/20 STAAR Review Week – Constitution & Early Republic Date Objective 4/6/20 4/7/20 STAAR Math 4/8/20 STAAR Reading 4/9/20 End of Six Weeks 4/10/20 Student Holiday 4/13/20 Staff Development 4/14/20 4/15/20 4/16/20 4/17/20 STAAR Review Week Westward Expansion & Reform Date Objective TEKS Activities TEKS Activities TEKS Activities 4/20/20 4/21/20 4/22/20 4/23/20 Honors Band UIL @ NHS 4/24/20 STAAR Review Week Civil War & Reconstruction Date Objective 4/27/20 4/28/20 4/29/20 4/30/20 Honors Band Out @ CY Falls HS 5/1/20 STAAR Review Week Date Objective 5/4/20 5/5/20 5/6/20 5/7/20 Science STAAR 5/8/20 Social Studies STAAR Unit 12: Rights & Responsibilities Date Objective TEKS Activities Date Objective TEKS Activities 5/11/20 5/12/20 5/13/20 5/14/20 5/15/20 5/18/20 5/19/20 5/20/20 5/21/20 5/22/20 Date 5/25/20 Student Holiday 5/26/20 5/27/20 5/28/20 End of Final Semester Objective TEKS Activities