International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) International Open Access Journal | ISSN No: 2456 - 6470 | Volume - 3 | Issue – 1 | Nov – Dec 2018 Decisions Optimization Related to the Production Within Refining aand nd Petrochemical Industry Cătălin Popescu Business Administration Department, Petroleum-Gas Gas University of Ploieşti, Ploieşti, Romania ABSTRACT The paper underlines the use of quantitat quantitative analyses and mathematical models to optimize the decision within companies from oil and gas industry. It will be presented a case study from a refinery that use RPMS (Refinery and Petrochemical Modeling System) software for optimizing LPG blends. Key Words: mathematical models, optimal solution, computer software, RPMS, oil and gas industry I. INTRODUCTION Many organizational problems requiring different managerial decisions have to call quantitative analyses defined by management science. Management science ence relies on mathematical modeling, a process that transforms some observed phenomena into mathematical expressions. Also, mathematical models translate important business problems into a form suitable for determining an optimal solution by using compute computer software. Building useful mathematical models is a difficult and complex task and is related with the entire management science process. This paper is focused on the subjects connected to the petroleum industry. This domain is linked to large projects and has to focus to use a team approach that capitalizes on the talents of the management science analyst as well as those coming from other relevant business disciplines. For instance, the models defining oil industry involve the purchase of crude oil and the manufacture and distribution of various grades of gasoline (upstream, middle-stream stream and down-stream down processes) [1]. In this regard, the team responsible for building the model and evaluating its results could consist of some of the following: chemical chem engineer, economist, marketing analyst, financial officer, accountant, production manager or transportation specialist [1]. To facilitate and integrate the use of mathematical models in the decision processes, in different and complex industrial activities, acti are used powerful computer tools. II. Tools for optimizing the decision There are more than 20 commercially licensed languages and solvers used for optimization: AMPL, CPLEX, Excel Solver, GAMS, IMSL, MATLAB, MATHCAD, SAS, SCIP etc. For instance, Excel Exce Solver Function is a Microsoft Excel add-in add that can be used for evaluation analyzes. The solution will be used to find the optimal (maximum or minimum) value for a formula in a cell, called the objective cell, taking into account constraints or limit values va in other cell types with formulas within the worksheet. The solver works with a group of cells, called decision variables or just variable cells, which are used to calculate formulas in objective and constrained cells. The solution adjusts values in decision-makers d cells to meet boundaries imposed in constrained cells and produces the desired result in the objective cell [2]. @ IJTSRD | Available Online @ | Volume – 3 | Issue – 1 | Nov-Dec Dec 2018 Page: 1094 International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470 2456 Fig.1 Set parameters in Excel Solver Function (capture from Microsoft Excel 2016) The solver methods used by Solver are as follows: 1. Generalized Reduced Gradient (GRG) Nonlinear is used for non-linear problems; 2. Linear Programming Simplex is used for linear problems; 3. Evolutionary is used for strong non non-linear issues [2]. Another example is represented by FICO Xpress Optimization. The broad portfolio of FICO Xpress Optimization, in terms of optimization options, allows users to build, place and use optimization solutions that meet the requirements. The standard package includes performance solvers and algorithms, flexible modelingg environments, fast application development, comparative scenario study and reporting capabilities and cloud installations. Solving a wide range of issues may be the difference between success and failure in today's market environment. FICO® Xpress Optimization zation allows companies to solve their most difficult problems faster. Xpress Optimization consists of four components: 1. FICO Xpress Insight enables companies to quickly implement optimization models as powerful applications. This allows companies and other users to work with patterns in easy-toeasy understand terms; 2. FICO Xpress Executor provides independent support for execution optimization services, enabling companies to deploy and run optimization models quickly and easily; 3. FICO Xpress Solver offers the widest wide range of industry-leading leading optimization algorithms and technologies to solve linear, mixed and nonlinear numerical problems; 4. FICO Xpress Workbench is an integrated development environment for developing optimization models, services and solutions. @ IJTSRD | Available Online @ | Volume – 3 | Issue – 1 | Nov-Dec Dec 2018 Page: 1095 International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470 2456 FICO® Xpress Workbench supports and is used with all other FICO Xpress Optimization components [3]. III. Case study regarding the Implementation of RMPS software for optimizing LPG blends The RPMS software is used for strategic (long (long-term), medium and current (short term) planning. The recursive linear sequential programming (LP) recursive method is used to search for the solution of optimized production planning problems in RPMS systems [4]. To make the decision known to other organizational structures involved in the production process, economic and logistic analysis, RPMS generates a series of .xls (EXCEL) reports. In order to control the fulfillment of the production plan at least once a week, a meeting will be held with the staff involved in production and delivery deliv management. The demand for liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) is strongly influenced by the market price of gasoline (the LPG car being the alternative to gasoline for internal combustion engines adapted to the use of LPG) and has a pronounced seasonal character, cha so in the summer period the demand for LPG increases and decreases during the winter period[5]. The refinery produces 3 types of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG): automotive LPG, LPG type 3 and propylene, based on 4 components: propane, propylene, propanepro butane and butane. The properties of the LPG components and their specifications are presented in Tables I and II [6]. TABLE I LPG components and properties Properties %gr Flow Production, t C2, %gr C3, %gr C4, %gr C5, %gr Total, %gr C3´, %gr Propane 3000 2% 96% 2% 0% 100% 4% Propylene 4000 1% 97% 2% 0% 100% 96% Propane-butane 800 1% 40% 58% 1% 100% 0% Butane 12200 0% 3% 95% 2% 100% 2% TOTAL 20000 TABLE II Specifications for LPG for cars, LPG type 3 and propylene LPG for ca cars LPG type 3 Propylene Component min %gr max %gr min %gr max %gr min %gr max %gr C2 1% 1% C3 36% 35% C4 60% C5 2% 3% C3’ 12% 35% 95% Depending on the market demand and the season, the price of liquefied petroleum gas may vary. In the absence ab of logistical and production limitations, the refinery will maximize production of one of three types of LPG products at the expense of other types to maximize the profit. In the following, it will be analyzed situations in which the price of one of the types of LPG products changes from one another, thus influencing the decision to add propylene to the LPG auto in order to optimize LPG mixtures. Changing the price of one of the practical components will result in two mixes of the three LPG products: 1. The content of propylene in the LPG for cars will be minimal; 2. The propylene content in the automotive LPG will be maximum (max 12% according to the specification in table II). Case 1 assumes that the sale of propylene as a separate product without additi additive ve in the LPG for cars will result in a maximum profit. In tables III to V, are presented the simulation results in the RPMS of Case 1, starting from the data in tables I and II. @ IJTSRD | Available Online @ | Volume – 3 | Issue – 1 | Nov-Dec Dec 2018 Page: 1096 International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470 2456 TABLE III Production of LPG for cars production (case 1) Properties, %gr Flow Consumption, t C2 C3 C4 C5 C3’ Propane 3000 2% 96% 2% 0% 4% Propylene 0 1% 97% 2% 0% 96% Propane-butane 800 1% 40% 58% 1% 0% Butane 5552 0% 3% 95% 2% 2% Total, t 9352 68 3367 5798 119 231 Total, %gr 0,73% 36% 62% 1,27% 2,47% TABLE IV Product Production of LPG type 3 (case 1) Properties, %gr Flow Consumption, t C2 C3 C4 C5 C3’ Propane 0 2% 96% 2% 0% 4% Propylene 0 1% 97% 2% 0% 96% Propane-butane 0 1% 40% 58% 1% 0% Butane 6648 0% 3% 95% 2% 2% Total, t 6648 0 199 6316 133 133 Total, %gr 0,00% 3% 95% 2% 2% TABLE V Production of propylene (case 1) Properties, %gr Flow Consumption, t C2 C3 C4 C5 C3’ Propane 0 2% 96% 2% 0% 4% Propylene 4000 1% 97% 2% 0% 96% Propane-butane 0 1% 40% 58% 1% 0% Butane 0 0% 3% 95% 2% 2% Total, t 4000 40 3880 80 0 3840 Total, %gr 1,00% 97% 2% 0% 96% Case 2 assumes that the addition of propylene in the LPG for cars will reduce the amount of LPG type 3 and propylene put up for sale and increase LPG production and get a maximum profit. In tables VI to VIII, are presented the simulation results in the RPMS of Case 1, starting from the data in tables I and II. TABLE VI Production of LPG for cars production (case 2) Properties, %gr Flow Consumption, t C2 C3 C4 C5 C3’ Propane 3000 2% 96% 2% 0% 4% Propylene 1360 1% 97% 2% 0% 96% Propane-butane 800 1% 40% 58% 1% 0% Butane 8065 0% 3% 95% 2% 2% Total, t 13225 82 4761 8213 169 1587 Total, %gr 0,62% 36% 62,10% 1,28% 12% TABLE VII Production of LPG type 3 (case 2) Properties, %gr Flow Consumption, t C2 C3 C4 C5 Propane 0 2% 96% 2% 0% Propylene 0 1% 97% 2% 0% Propane-butane 0 1% 40% 58% 1% Butane 4135 0% 3% 95% 2% Total, t 4135 0 124 3928 83 Total, %gr 0% 3% 95% 2% C3’ 4% 96% 0% 2% 83 2% @ IJTSRD | Available Online @ | Volume – 3 | Issue – 1 | Nov-Dec Dec 2018 Page: 1097 International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470 2456 TABLE VIII Production of propylene (case 2) Properties, %gr Flow Consumption, t C2 C3 C4 C5 C3’ Propane 0 2% 96% 2% 0% Propylene 2640 1% 97% 2% 0% 96% Propane-butane 0 1% 40% 58% 1% 0% Butane 0 0% 3% 2% Total, t 2640 26 2561 53 1% 97% 2% Total, %gr 95% 2% 0 4% 2534 0% 96% We can see how the production of LPG assortments changes in both cases. Therefore, in case 2 were 3874 tons more LPG for cars, 2514 tons less LPG type 3 and 1360 tons less propylene. This difference in production of LPG products will underpin the economic analysis of the influence of LPG pri prices ces on the propylene addition decision in the automotive LPG (tables IX IX-XI and figures 2-4). 4). The standard price of LPG for cars, LPG type 3 and propylene are $ 420 / t, $ 320 / t and $ 600 / t, respectively. TABLE IX Influence of price change for propylen propylenee on the decision to add propylene to LPG for cars Propylene price,$/t min C3', 103 $ max C3', 103 $ +/-, 103 $ 585 8395 8422 27 590 8415 8435 20 595 8435 8449 13 600 8455 8462 7 601 8459 8464 5 602 8463 8467 4 603 8467 8470 3 604 8471 8472 1 605 8475 8475 0 606 8479 8478 -2 607 8483 8480 -3 608 8487 8483 -4 609 8491 8486 -6 610 8495 8488 -7 615 8515 8501 -14 620 8535 8515 -21 @ IJTSRD | Available Online @ | Volume – 3 | Issue – 1 | Nov-Dec Dec 2018 Page: 1098 International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470 2456 Fig.2 Influence of price change for propylene on the decision to add propylene to LPG for cars By analyzing table able IX and fig.2 it shows that in the case of a propylene price below 605 $ / t, the optimal decision will be to maximize the addition of propylene in the LPG for cars for maximum profit. Above 605 $ / t it is recommended to minimize propylene in the LPG for cars. TABLE X Influence of price change for LPG type 3 on the decision to add propylene to LPG for cars Propylene price,$/t min C3', 103 $ max C3', 103 $ +/-, 103 $ 310 8389 8420 32 315 8422 8441 19 320 8455 8462 7 321 8462 8466 4 322 8468 8470 2 323 8475 8474 -1 324 8482 8478 -3 325 8488 8482 -6 330 8522 8503 -19 335 8555 8524 -31 @ IJTSRD | Available Online @ | Volume – 3 | Issue – 1 | Nov-Dec Dec 2018 Page: 1099 International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470 2456 Fig.3 Influence of price change for LPG type 3 on the decision to add propylene to LPG for cars Analyzing table X and fig. 3, it follows that in the case of a price of LPG type 3 below 323 $ / t, the optimal decision will be to maximize the addition of propylene in the LPG for cars to maximize the profit. TABLE XI Influence of price change for LPG for cars on the decision to add propylene to LPG for cars Propylene lene price,$/t min C3', 103 $ max C3', 103 $ +/-, 103 $ 405 8315 8263 -52 410 8362 8329 -32 415 8408 8396 -13 416 8418 8409 -9 417 8427 8422 -5 418 8436 8435 -1 419 8446 8449 3 420 8455 8462 7 425 8502 8528 26 430 8549 8594 45 @ IJTSRD | Available Online @ | Volume – 3 | Issue – 1 | Nov-Dec Dec 2018 Page: 1100 International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470 2456 Fig.4 Influencee of price change for LPG for cars on the decision to add propylene to LPG for cars Analyzing table XI and fig. 4, it follows that in the case of a LPG price lower than $ 418 / t, the optimal decision will be to minimize the addition of propylene in the L LPG PG for cars for maximum profit. Above 418 $ / t it is recommended to maximize propylene in the LPG for cars. IV. Conclusions In order to find out the optimal solution in a production matter, regarding the refining and petrochemical industry, there is useful eful to identify proper software that could assist the manager. Therefore this paper has exemplified the capabilities of RPMS (Refinery and Petrochemical Modeling System) software. The case study refers to optimizing LPG blends within a refinery. It was de determined, taking in account different scenarios, the decision points in order to maximize the profit. References 1. J. A. Lawrence, B. A. Pasternack, Applied Management Science: Modeling, Spreadsheet Analysis, and Communication for decision Making, John Wiley&Sons, y&Sons, Inc. 2002, pp.5 pp.5-27. 2. and-solve-a-problem-by-using using-solver-5d1a388f079d-43ac-a7eb-f63e45925040 f63e45925040 3. optimization#overview. 4. US/explore/products/advanced /explore/products/advanced-applications/ software-productionmanagement/Pages/rpms.aspx. 5. E. 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