Running Head: TURBINE ENGINE DEVELOPEMNT Michael Smith HIST 130 Early Development of the Turbine Engine 1 TURBINE ENGINE DEVELOPMENT 2 Introduction: During World War Two piston-driven aircraft was the primary form of aircraft in use. However, during the war, there was development in a different type of engine. One that would change aviation and make it what it is today. Aviation would not have exceled without the invention of the turbine or jet engine. In this paper, we will look at the development of the turbine engine. From the conceptual stage to production use in some of the first fighter aircraft used at the end of the war. We will look at what came to be the inspiration for a turbine engine. Furthermore, we will look at some of the technical issues first encountered during the developmental stages of turbine engines, and another powerplant born from the turbine. The Jet Engine: According to Ernst Heinkel (1956), he was convinced that 500 mph was the peak of propeller engine driven airplanes. With that being said, how do we reach faster speeds? The turbine engine is the answer. There are two pioneers of the turbine engine, Sir Frank Whittle of England and Dr. Hans Von Ohain of Germany. Ohain and Whittle are considered co-inventors of the turbojet, pioneered the turbojet revolution (Meher-Homji, Prisell, 2000). While both did not know of each other, they shared the same visions. Both envisioned speeds faster than 500 mph and cruising altitudes of 30,000 feet, and both also developed their engines without help from traditional aero-engine companies. It may surprise most that the principle of the turbine engine emerged in the early development of aeronautics, but it never passed the stage of speculation (Heinkel, 1956). So now the question of why these two pioneers put their finances and reputations on the line for speculation and theory. TURBINE ENGINE DEVELOPMENT 3 These pioneers had a drive and a passion for expanding the turbine technology. They viewed the turbojet as the new form of propulsion for aircraft. With faster speeds and higher altitudes, the aircraft could fly farther. Frank Whittle performed the first run of his engine in 1937 and is claimed to be the engine that heralded the advent of the turbojet (Parker, Fedder, 2016). However, Ohain successfully ran the Hes. 1 engine in the same year as Whittle, but the work was kept a secret even from the German Air Ministry. These early engines were plagued with fuel atomization issues, component failures due to the composition of components and heat, and the overall designs of compressor combustor and turbine sections. The original designs were a centrifugal type turbine. Whittle (1954) explains that a centrifugal is similar to but significantly more substantial than an aero-engine supercharger or a fan unit in a vacuum cleaner. The original design had a compressor impeller and a turbine wheel connected on a shaft. The revolutions per minute were 17,750 rpm which is blazing speed in the time. Even though the first engines had issues, they exceeded their testing, and engineers identified what the faults were. An engineer for Ohain, Max Hahn, had an idea to move the combustor to the vast unused space in front of the centrifugal compressor, this would reduce size and weight (Meher et al., 2000). Ohain implemented into the design immediately. Both Frank Whittle and Dr. Hans Von Ohain received support from manufacturers. Whittle started working with Rolls Royce, the manufacturer of the famous Merlin engine. Also, Ohain was hired almost immediately on the spot by Ernst Heinkel. The backing by these powerhouses opened up doors of financial support and untapped engineering talent to aid in developing turbojet technology. With support from these companies, the centrifugal engine was able to be produced into something as a viable powerplant for an aircraft. The TURBINE ENGINE DEVELOPMENT 4 development took off. Rolls Royce worked with companies such as Pratt and Whitney which was based in the United States, and Pratt was authorized to build Rolls Royce engines in America, for the U.S. government. However, the Turbojet was not the only engine tech to come from this era of development. While this paper is about the turbojet, we cannot help to mention another form of propulsion that came from turbojets for this still need to mention the turboprop. While America was wrapped up in developing and building jet engines, Rolls Royce started working on a propeller-driven propulsion system. The turboprop, which is still used to this day, was first developed by adding a gearbox to drive a propeller on the front of the turbojet. Rolls Royce accomplished this by adding another turbine stage and a gearbox to the front of a production turbojet (Parker et al., 2016). The gearbox is what drove a five-bladed prop. Most larger aircraft now utilize jet engines; however, there are some smaller regional airlines and executive aircraft still using turboprops as the propulsion choice. As turbojets progressed in their development, we see a shift from centrifugal design to what is known as the axial design. The axial design is what we see today in the modern jet engine. By using a, straight through design, the engine can become more efficient. This is accomplished by placing the compressor in front of the combustor and then proceeded by the turbines. However, to increase this efficiency, engineers would need to look at new ideas. From the axial engine, we see nowadays what is known as the turbofan. The turbofan is an axial flow turbine engine with a bypass section around the core of the engine. On the front of the engine mounted to the low-pressure spool is a substantial fan. The fan moved large amounts of air TURBINE ENGINE DEVELOPMENT 5 through the bypass, much like a propeller (Parker et al. 2016). The new turbofan became the choice engine for all civil jet power to this day. While the jet engine was a transformative innovation, the development was not easy. In both the U.S. and Britain, there were issues with heat dissipation, making alloys to withstand the heat and rotational speeds, and high fuel consumption (Scranton,2011). However, even with these issues a comparison in 1944 between propeller and jet propulsion the military desired jet propulsion to be in all fighter aircraft. The propeller engine had limitations on range and speed (Scranton,2011). Turbine engines were the future of aviation, and the Airforce knew this. The military’s interest in the jet engine is what fueled the development of manufacturers. A Major General for the U.S. Airforce found $14 million in un-used allocations in which he tried to transfer into development at GE. Unfortunately, his initiative was stopped by policy changes, and this stopped the jet engine program in 1946 (Scranton,2011). The injunction did not stop the military. They felt threatened by not becoming the leader in jet aircraft and came up with a plan. The Airforce came to an agreement with GE to produce a new engine and use $4 million of GE’s reserves provided the Airforce delivered a substantial order in advance of prototyping or testing. Both Britain and the U.S. manufacturers benefitted from military aid, and the jet engine was able to transform aviation as we know it today. Conclusion: Without both Sir Frank Whittle and Dr. Hans Von Ohain, we do not know when the turbine engine would have been developed. As Heinkel (1956) states, the turbine engine did emerge in the early developmental stages of aerodynamics. So, one would assume eventually TURBINE ENGINE DEVELOPMENT 6 we would see the engine come to fruition. By utilizing the design of supercharger from a piston engine, Whittle and Ohain were able to add combustion chambers and make it running engine. Through the trials and tribulations, both were able to develop a running engine and influence the leaders of their time. As knowledge grew and traversed companies and countries, we see engine manufacturers working to develop their own designed engines. This leads to military might wanting their country to be the leader of jet propulsion. We then see military backing to aid in developing substantial engines of reliability and range. The advancements lead the manufacturers into the high bypass engine. The bypass engine is what we see on all civilian jets today. These engines provide efficiency, range, and noise reduction, compared to their military counterparts. Without the development of the turbine engine, it is hard to imagine were aviation would be today. The turbine and all the masterminds behind its inception are what have propelled our global aviation to what it is today. Without the first steps from Whittle and Ohain, we may not have turbine engines that perform the way they do today. TURBINE ENGINE DEVELOPMENT 7 References: Giffard, H. (2016). Making jet engines in world war ii: Britain, germany, and the united states. Retrieved from Heinkel, E. (1956). Stormy Life: Memoirs of a pioneer of the air age (First ed.). New York: Dutton. Meher-Homji, C. B., & Prisell, E. (2000). Pioneering turbojet developments of Dr. Hans Von Ohain—From the HeS 1 to the HeS 011. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 122(2), 191. doi:10.1115/1.483194 Parker, R., & Fedder, G. (2016). Aircraft engines: A proud heritage and an exciting future. The Aeronautical Journal, 120(1223), 131-169. doi:10.1017/aer.2015.6 Scranton, P. (2011) Mastering failure: Technological and organisational challenges in British and American military jet propulsion, 1943–57, Business History, 53:4, 479504, DOI: 10.1080/00076791.2011.578130 Whittle, Frank, Sir, 1907. (1954). Jet, the story of a pioneer. United States: