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Human Variation Learning Kit: Culture, Society, Politics

Fostering Excellence through Globalized Education
Quijano St., San Juan, San Ildefonso, Bulacan
Tel. / Fax (044) 797- 0543
Email Add: mdsi.2002@gmail.com
Subject: Understanding, Culture, Society and Politics
Time Frame: 2 Days (Week 1)
Topic: Human Variation
Environment and history are two of the primary factors that shape the behavior of human
groups. This behavior, which serves as an adaptive tool for the varied stimuli projected by the
environment, is influenced by beliefs, practices, and material possessions. This lesson provides
cultural, social, and political concepts that exist in the realm of ideas and thoughts. As such, they cannot
be seen or touched and yet they influence the way we see and experience our individual and collective
lives as social beings.
Through constant practice, these sets of behavior form human traditions, which are passed on from one
generation to the other. You will learn through this that human identities are constructed by their
affiliation and their negotiation with established structures and system in society. This is equipped with
various activities that will help you to further understand the lesson.
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
 Articulate observation on human cultural variation, social differences, social change, and political
 Demonstrate curiosity and an openness to explore the origins and dynamics of culture, society,
and political identity.
 Value cultural relativism and ethnocentrism.
A. Let’s Get Involved!
There are some questions that you could ask to see the differences among humans.
An example question among it is: What makes us Different?
Korean Dramas, or K-Dramas, became popular forms of entertainment in our country as early as 2007,
Compare a K-Drama series to a Filipino drama series that you have followed in terms of the following:
1. Role of men and women in the show
2. Types of clothing that they wore
3. Kinds of environment that provide as the setting of the series
After your comparisons, summarize in two paragraphs the similarities and differences of the two TV
B. Let’s Explore!
Critical Thinker!
Kuha’rili (a.k.a Selfie)
(Clipped Version of “Kuha sa sarili” [roughly equivalent
to “self-taken photo”] by A. Contreras [2015])
A selfie is a self-photograph, usually taken with
camera a phone held in the hand or supported by a selfie
stick. Selfies are often intended to be shared on social
networking sites such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
They are usually taken to capture the ongoing mood and unique backgrounds. They are flattering, made to
appear casual, and impromptu.
In the photo above, offer a critical insight on how selfie can be read as an image of the social media. Do
so by listing down 15 words that best describe the several kuha’rili taken simultaneously by this group of women
with the Pope as background. At the end, try to connect these words and compose a 15-sentence paragraph
revolving around a central insight about the attributes of selfie (or selfieying) as a cultural artifact.
The central insight must be captured by a caption that you will provide the photo. (DS Erasga [2016] argued in
an article on the same issue that “selfieying as a behavioral or more as an idiosyncratic trait” is more sociologically
important to explore rather than the selfies itself due to the fact that the practice is becoming a universal culture.)
C. Let’s Clarify Things!
Nationality and Ethnicity
The concepts of nationality and ethnicity are not interchangeable. Both, however, are capable of
informing an individual’s behavior and habits due to a set of cultural norms that each category provides.
Nationality is the identity that is tied to being part of a nation or country – a “group of people who share the
same history, traditions, and language” and who inhabits a particular territory delineated by a political border
and administered by a government. It can be acquired by being born in a country or through legal processes
such as naturalization on citizenship.
Ethnicity is the expression of the set of cultural ideas held by a distinct ethnic or indigenous group.
Ethnic Groups it is within a nation are smaller cultural groups that share specific social environments,
traditions, and histories that may not be necessarily subscribed to by mainstream society.
Apart from varying cultural backgrounds and ethnicity, human populations also experience social
differences, which include categories on gender, socioeconomic class (social class and economic status),
political identity, and religious beliefs.
Gender “refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviors, activities, and attributes that a given society
considers appropriates for men and women.” World Health Organization, (2013).
Sex refers to the biological characteristics of humans such as male or female.
There are several types of gender based on a person’s sexual orientation. Depending on the community,
these gender identities can be further subdivided into more specific categories such as;
Heterosexual the most common which a person with this gender is inclined to be sexually attracted to a person
of the opposite sex.
Homosexual refers to a person who is sexually attracted to a person of the same sex.
Gay a male who is romantically and sexually attracted to another male.
Lesbian a female who is romantically and sexually attracted to another female.
Bisexual an individuals who are attracted to both sexes.
Transgender a person whose gender identities do not match their biological identity as male or female. These
individuals believe that the discord between their internal gender and the gender role that they have to perform
can be addressed through medical sexual reassignment.
SOGIE (Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and gender Expression) it enables for a wider and more fluid
discussion of human identity specifically LGBTQI discussion.
Sexual Orientation refers to person’s biological identity, which may be male, or female, or intersex.
Gender Identity is an individual’s internal concept of self that may be related to being masculine, feminine,
neither, or both, without strict relation to the physical characteristics that the person has. So a person could be
physically male but have a female gender identity.
Gender Expression it is how an individual chooses to present himself or herself in society. This can be
observed in the choices on pronouns that they use to refer to themselves, the clothes that they wear, and the
general behavior they display to signify their gender identity.
Socioeconomic Class
The concept of socioeconomic class varies between societies as the ideas associated with being poor or
rich differ based on the collective experiences of individuals.
Socioeconomic Class it refers to the category of persons who have more or less the same socioeconomic
privileges in a society. These privileges are due to inherited wealth and’or the occupational staus of the
breadwinner in the household. (Panopio, etc.:327).
The types of social class/ status operate in varyiong forces and combinations at different times within a
society or in diverse societies.
 Filipinos who are from the Global South (developing countries) would perceive poverty differently
from Singarporeans who are from the Global North (developed countries or industrialized nations).
 In the Philippines, our indicators of social class are different, given the economic and political context
in which our country is in. Although government surveys take into the account the factors enumerated
earlier such as income and value of assets.
People from falling into different social classes are bound to experience life differently such as in the
form of transportation and the type of and amount of food that they can afford and consume daily.
The typical determinants of one’s social status include income, value of assets and amount of savings,
cultural interest and hobbies, and economic status of his or her peers and relatives.
Political Identity
Politics refers to the “theory, art, and practice of government.”
Political Institution it is relatively stable cluster of statuses, general norms, and role behavior, which are
involved in the acquisition and exercise of power and decision-making in society.
Political Identity as a social category refers to the set of attitudes and practices that an individual adheres to in
relation to the political systems and actors within his or her society.
In a rigid context, an individual can acquire political identity by subscribing to a political belief such a
communism, democracy, or socialism.
Religion is an organized system of ideas about spiritual sphere or the supernatural, along with associated
ceremonial or ritualistic practices by which people try to interpret and/or influence aspects of the universe
otherwise beyond human control.
 The earliest forms of religion revolved around making sense of natural occurrences; early human art
exuded ancient forms of superstitions that included beliefs in the afterlife and that of superhuman
 Today, religion has evolved to promote far complex forms of understanding human nature, the afterlife,
and natural events
Monotheistic believing in the existence of one God.
Polytheistic believing in the existence of multiple Gods
 Religion is a mirror of the society that affiliates with it, such that society with a strong caste system.
Exceptionality/ Non-exceptionality
Exceptionality leans on the non-average capacity of an individual. This could be understood in a spectrum of
capabilities, wherein you have the geniuses in one extreme and you have the disabled and challenged in the
other extreme.
 Some individuals do not conform to behavioral or cognitive norms, not because they intend to deviate,
but because they are exceptional.
 Human variation is predicted by the plurality of cultural and environmental conditions.
Cultural Variation
The variation in human conditions promotes diversity and plurality in cultural traditions. This could lead
to discrimination and ostracism.
 Is a perspective that promotes an individual’s culture as the most efficient and superior; hence, the
individual who exhibits ethnocentrism feels that his or her culture is the most appropriate as compared
with other cultures.
This may manifest in a belief that one’s set of morals is better than those of others, such that one’s
religion is accepted as a truer form of belief system.
 Using this perspective as lens in understanding society is problematic on the basis that each culture is
efficient and appropriate for the environment where it finds its practice.
When faced with a plurality of culture, you may adapt the conceptual tool of;
Cultural relativism which promotes the perspective that cultures must be understood in the context of their
locality. Using this perspective makes you tolerant of the differing attitudes and practices of others –
characteristics that is essential to a highly globalized world that we live in today.
 Traditions, social norms, and political identities are not static because they are often affected by the
 Social change occurs as human populations adapt to their dynamic surroundings. Other factors that
triggers social change include technology and globalization.
 Ferraro and Andretta, said that one can build emotional resilience by understanding that others do not
necessarily mean to offend, but that their actions are guided by their own cultural norms.
 With such, one can balance the contradictions within his or her team and appreciate other perspective
that can enhance the potential for collaboration.
Race was used as a form of human classification that was based on observable human traits and characteristics.
 These categories merely reflect the differences in skin color, size of skull, height, body frame, and other
physical characteristics.
 Due to social contexts associated with racial groups, discrimination was further exacerbated.
The question that everyone must answer in relation to racial variation is this; Are humans really different from
one another, or are or differences just skin-deep?
D. Let’s Reinforce Learning!
In the United States, social inequality remains a pervading issue that transcends various segments of
American society. This link will lead you to an article that discusses the factors and contexts that inform the
growing inequality in the US: http://money.cnn.com/2016/12/22/news/economy/us-inequality-worse /
After reading the article, create a poster that will inform the reader on social inequality points for activism,
and vulnerable groups. Explain your work in a 2 – 3 mins video. Your poster and video presentation will be
graded based on the rubric below.
The concept was clearly
and creatively conveyed.
Important concepts were
highlighted and
The idea was clearly
presented based on the
poster illustration.
Total: 35
E. Let’s Evaluate!
I. Choose the answer from the following terms/concepts below. Write the Letter of the correct Answer.
Socioeconomic class
Political institution
__________1. It is the expression of the set of cultural ideas held by a distinct ethnic or indigenous group.
__________2. This refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviors, activities, and attributes that a given
society considers appropriates for men and women.
__________3. This refers to a person who is sexually attracted to a person of the same sex.
__________4. It refers to the category of persons who have more or less the same socioeconomic privileges in a
__________5. It is relatively stable cluster of statuses, general norms, and role behavior, which are involved in
the acquisition and exercise of power and decision-making in society.
II. True or False. Write T if the statement is True and F if it is False.
__________1. Social Change may be a product of of technological change.
__________2. Values may change over time but they can be durables and withstand forces that can cause them
to change.
__________3. Asexual is a person whose gender identities do not match their biological identity as male or
__________4. Religion may be manifest in a belief that one’s set of morals is better than those of others, such
that one’s religion is accepted as a truer form of belief system.
__________5. SOGIE enables us for a wider and more fluid discussion of human identity.
 https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.clipartpanda.com%2Fclipart_ima
 https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fnews.abscbn.com%2Fnews%2F11%2
 https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Freelrundown.com%2Ftv%2Ftop-30best-historical-korean-dramas-sageuks-you-must
 https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fpngio.com%2FPNG%2Fa113515critical-thinking-logo-png.html&psig=AOvVaw0AN-GZAch3
 Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics; DIWA Learning Town pg. 3-12
 Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics; VIBAL ( Madrid and Santarita ) pg. 4-10