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Ascaris Lumbricoides: Morphology, Life Cycle, & Diagnosis

Ascaris lumbricoides
The most common intestinal nematode of man is Ascaris lumbricoides or the giant worm
which occurs most frequently in tropics. It is stated that more than 1 billion individuals are
affected; 70% of which are from Asia. The specific name of A. lumbricoides is a tribute to its
resemblance to the common earthworm which is called lumbricoides. A. lumbricoides is a
worm belongs to the so-called “polymyarian type” of somatic muscle arrangement wherein
the cells are numerous and project well into the body cavity.
The white or pink worm is identified by (1) large size, with males 10 to 31cm and females 22
to 35 cm, (2) smooth, finely striated cuticle, (3) conical anterior and posterior extremities, (4)
ventrally curved papillated posterior extremity of male with two spicules, (5) terminal mouth
with three oval lips with sensory papillae, and (6) paired reproductive organs in posterior two
thirds of female, and a single long tortuous tubule in male.
Larvae stimulate the morphology of the adult. The fertilized eggs measure 45 to 70 μ by 35
to 50 μ. There is an outer, coarsely mammillated, albuminous covering that serves as an
auxiliary barrier top permeability but may be absent or lost in “decorticated eggs”. The egg
proper has a thick, transparent, hyaline shell with a relatively thick outer layer that acts as a
supporting structure, and a delicate vitelline, lipoidal, inner membrane that is highly
impermeable. At oviposition the shell contains an ovoid mass of unsegmented protoplasm
densely impregnated with lecithin granules. The typical infertile eggs, 88 to 94 μ, are longer
and narrower than fertile eggs, have a thinner shell with an irregular coating of albumin, and
are completely filled with an amorphous mass of protoplasm, with refractile granules.
Bizarrely shaped eggs without albuminous coating or with abnormally extensive and
irregular coating are also found. The infertile eggs are difficult to identify and may be missed
by the unwary and untutored. They are found not only in the absence of males but in about
two fifths of all infections, since repeated copulations are necessary for the continuous
production of fertile eggs.
Life Cycle
The adult worms normally live in the lumen of the small intestine. They obtain their
nourishment from the semidigested food of the host. Male or female worms are found alone
in very lightly infected persons. A female worm has a productive capacity of 26 million eggs
and an average daily output of 200, 000. The eggs are unsegmented when they leave the host
in the feces. Under favorable environmental conditions in the soil, infective second-stage
larvae, after the first molt, are formed within the egg shell in about 3 weeks. The optimal
temperature for development is about 25°C, ranging from 21°to30°C. Lower temperature
retard development but favor survival. At 37°C they develop only to the eight-cell stage.
Since eggs require oxygen, their development in putrefactive material is retarded.
The infective egg, when ingested by humans, hatches in the upper small intestine, freeing its
rhabditiform larva (200 to 300 μ by 14 μ in size), which penetrates the intestinal wall to reach
the venules or lymphatics. In the portal circulation larvae pass to the liver and thence to the
heart and lungs. The larvae may reach the lungs 1 to 7 days after infection. Since they are
0.02 mm in diameter and the pulmonary capillaries only 0.01 mm in diameter, they break out
of the capillaries into the alveoli. Occasionally some reach the left heart by the pulmonary
veins and are distributed as emboli to various organs of the body. In the lungs the larvae
undergo their second and third molts. They migrate or are carried by the bronchioles to the
bronchi, ascend the trachea to the glottis, and pass down to the esophagus to the small
intestine. During the pulmonary cycle the larvae increase fivefold, to 1.5mm in length. On
arrival in the intestine they undergo a fourth molt. Ovipositing females develop about 2 to ½
months after infection, and they live from 12 to 18 months.
Figure 1. Life Cycle of Ascaris Lumbricoides
Ascaris lumbricoides has a cosmopolitan distribution. Over one billion people globally are
estimated to have Ascaris, and at least 20,000 die annually, mostly children. The risk of
infection exists whether fecal disposal is adequate. The disease remains endemic in many
countries of South Asia, Africa, Central and South America. A. lumbricoides is a prominent
parasite in both temperate and tropical zone, but is more common in warm countries and
more prevalent were the sanitation is poor. In many countries, Philippines included, the
prevalence may reach 80%.
Ascaris occurs at all ages, but it is most prevalent in the 5- to 9-year-old group of preschool
and young school children, who are more frequently exposed to contaminated soil than are
adults. The incidence is approximately the same for both sexes. The poorer urban and the
rural classes, because of heavy soil pollution and unsatisfactory hygiene, are most afflicted.
Infection is a household affair, the family being the unit of dissemination. Infected small
children provide the chief source of soil contamination by their promiscuous defecation in
dooryards and earthen-floored houses, where the resistant eggs remain viable for long
The infective eggs are chiefly transmitted hand-to-mouth by children who have come in
contact with contaminated soil directly, through playthings or through dirt eating. In districts
of Europe and in the Far East, where night soil is extensively used for the fertilization of
market gardens, human infection in all ages is also derived from vegetables. Drinking water
is rarely a source of infection.
Ascaris eggs are susceptible to desiccation, although they are more resistant than are
Trichuris eggs. A moisty, loose soil with moderate shade provides a suitable environment.
Dryness is unfavorable for survival. The eggs are destroyed by direct sunlight within 15
hours and are killed at temperatures above 40°C, perishing within an hour at 50°C. Exposure
to -8°C to -12°C, although fatal to Trichuris eggs, has no effect on Ascaris eggs, which, in
the soil, can survive the ordinary freezing temperatures of winter. Eggs are resistant to
chemical disinfectants and can withstand temporary immersion in strong chemicals. They
survive for months in sewage or night soil, fecal matter, or even in the 10% formalin solution
used for preservation.
Pathology and Symptomatology
The usual infection, consisting of 5 to 10 worms, often goes unnoticed by the host and is
discovered only on a routine stool examination or by the discovery of an adult worm passed
spontaneously in the stool. The most frequent complaint of patients infected with Ascaris is
vague abdominal pain. An eosinophilia is present during the larval migration, but patients
harboring the adult worms may exhibit little or no eosinophilia.
During the lung migration, the larvae may produce host sensitization that result in allergic
manifestations, such as pulmonary infiltration, asthmatic attacks, and edema of the lips.
Some instances of Loeffler’s syndrome and tropical eosinophilia have been attributed to
migrating Ascaris larvae. Koino ingested 2000 embryonated Ascaris eggs of human source at
one time and thereby demonstrated that large numbers of larvae simultaneously migrating
through the lungs may cause a serious hemorrhagic pneumonia. In Nigeria, Fiske attributes
the high bronchopneumonia rate in children of over 5 months of age to the migration of
Ascaris larvae.
Serious and sometimes fatal effects of ascariasis are due to the migrations of the adult
worms. They may be regurgitated and vomited, escape through the external nares, or, rarely,
be inhaled into a bronchus. Many instances of invasion of the bile ducts, gall bladder, liver,
and appendix have been reported. They may occlude the ampulla of Vater and cause acute
hemorrhagic pancreatitis. The worms may carry intestinal bacteria to these sites and
stimulate the production of abscesses. The worms may penetrate the intestinal wall, migrate
into the peritoneal cavity, and produce peritonitis. Continuing their migration, they may
come out through the body wall, usually at the umbilicus in children and the inguinal region
in adults. Intestinal volvulus, intussusception, and obstruction may also result from Ascaris
infection. Fever and certain drugs are two of the causative factors of Ascaris migration.Even
when the worms cause little or no traumatic damage, the byproducts of living or dead worms
may rarely produce marked toxic manifestations in sensitized persons, such as edema of the
face and giant urticarial, accompanied by insomnia and loss of appetite and weight.Young
pigs infected with Ascaris do not gain weight normally, and it is likely that the human
Ascaris may affect undernourished children similarly. This action may be due to the food
actually consumed by the worms, or production of substances that interfere with the digestive
process, or simply by reducing the appetite of the host.
Clinical diagnosis of the Ascariasis is rather inaccurate because the signs and symptoms are
quite vague and are indistinguishable from those of other intestinal nematode infections or
from non-parasitic infections. Hence, the clinical diagnosis of Ascariasis should be
confirmed or established by microscopic examination of a stool sample. The disease should
be highly suspected in children who reportedly past out the worm in their feces.
In laboratory, the usual techniques used to diagnose ascariasis consist of the finding eggs in
the feces using the following techniques:
1) Direct Fecal Smear (DFS) – wherein about 2 mg feces is emulsified in a drop of NSS on
a glass slide. A cover slip is placed and it is examined under a microscope using a low
power microscopic lens.
2) Kato-technique or cellophane thick smear method- where the amount of the fecal sample
used is from 20 to 60 mg. This Kato-technique is purely a qualitative method and is
recommended for the mass examination of the feces for Ascaris infection diagnosis.
3) Kato-Katz Technique – This is a modified Kato-technique because of the feces to
examined is measured hence it is used to quantify the number of eggs found in the fecal
sample. It is therefore a quantitative technique and can be used to determine egg
reduction rate after treatment and to enable one to make egg counts of the parasite per
gram of feces. This technique can be used in determining the intensity of Ascaris
There is no doubt tat the DFS is less sensitive compare to Kato and Kato-Katz techniques.
The last two methods are useful for both individual and mass screening in schools or in the
community. Aside from being locally available, these two methods are low-cost and easy to
Ideally all individuals found positive for Ascaris eggs in the stool should be treated to avoid
serious allergic reactions and other life threatening complications. Individual infections are
cured by a single dose if any of the broad spectrum anthelminthics such as: albenzole,
mebendazole, pyrantel pamoate and Piperazine Citrate. Albendazole (Albenza, Zentel), a
nitroimidazole that binds irreversibly to tubulin, blocking microtubule assembly and
inhibiting glucose uptake by the worm, is now considered the drug of choice in treatment if
Ascariasis and all of the intestinal roundworms with the exception of Strongliolydes, A single
oral dose of 400 my (200 mg for children under 2 years of age) is highy effective. Side
effects are minimal, consisting of diarrhea and abdominal pain. Hypersensitivity to
albendazole has been reported, but is rare.
Mebendazole (Vermox) has the same side effects and much the same spectrum of activity
against intestinal roundworms as dose albenazole, but it must be administered at the rate of
100 mg orally twice daily for 3 days. Alternatively, pyrantel pamote (Antiminth), a
pyrimidine, may be administered in a single dose of 11 mg/kg body weight (maximum dose
1g). It depolarizes the myoneutral junction in the worms, paralyzing them in a spastic
condition. Occasional side effects of headache, dizziness, fever, nausea, and vomiting occurs;
abdominal cramps and diarrhea may be seen. The drug is ineffective in Stronglyoidiasis and
When Ascaris worms obstruct the sphincter of Oddi or migrate up the biliary tree, producing
acute abdominal pain suggestive of the passage of the gallstone, pancreatitis or cholangitis
may result, and surgical or endoscopic removal of the worms has been necessary. Biliary
Ascariasis is a regular encountered complication in China, where traditional Chinese
medicine, using nonoperative procedures including herbal prescriptions, is used in treatment.
Ninety-five percent of 9192 diagnosed cases of biliary ascariasis were successfully treated by
such noninvasive procedures (Zhou et al., 1999).
Intestinal obstruction due to ascarids is treated by nasogastric suction until vomiting is
controlled. One or 3 hours after suction is discontinued, an anthelmintic may be administered
through the nasogastric tube, which is allowed to remain in place. Although albendazole, also
available as oral suspension, would seem the logical choice for treatment of this
complication, we have seen no publish reports of its use, and its proclivity to stimulate
migartry activityon the part of the worms might be a reason to not ued it in a patient who is
obstructed. The present recommendation is to treat with initial doze of Piperazine. Piperazine
citrate is safe and very effective in ascariasis; a single dose will cure 75% to 85^ of the
infections. A dose on 2 consecutive days will eliminate approximately 95% of the infections.
Piperazine can be given at any time of day, since the presence of food in the digestive tract
has little, if any, effect on its activity against Ascaris. Purgation is not required. The dosage
schedule is a 2-day course of 75 mg per kg orally (max. of 3.5g) daily.
Piperazine acts on the transmembrane potential of Ascaris muscle, temporarily relaxing it.
The worm thereby loses its urge to move upstream and to press against the sides of its host’s
intestine in order to maintain its position. Peristalsis carries the worm out while it is relaxed.
Piperazine citrate syrup has been used successfully for the medical treatment of partial
intestinal obstruction secondary to ascariasis, combined with abdominal decompression with
a Levin tube and supportive therapy. If, in addition to Ascaris, hookworms are also present,
mebendazole or pyrantelpamoatemay be used, since they are effective against both parasites.
They are used in the same dosage as for hookworm; ie, 3 days at 100 mg b.i.d. daily for the
former, and a single 11 mg per kg dose for the latter.
VII. Prevention
Since Ascariasis is essentially a household and dooryard infection and is intimately
associated with family hygiene, prophylaxis depends upon the sanitary disposal of feces and
upon health education. Anthelmintic treatment is ineffective because of repeated reinfection
in endemic areas. Mass chemotherapy must done periodically, two to three times per year
with children as target population. Studies show that treatment of children alone in the
community has te same effect as treating everybody.
The Prevention and Control is difficult because of ignorance, poverty, and inertia among the
place most afflicted. The installation of a latrine, 4 to 6 feet deep, is ineffective unless
accompanied by an educational campaign designed to promote its use, especially by children.
This educational program calls for the concerted efforts of schools, civic organizations, home
economics educators, and public health workers. Night soil should not be used as fertilizer
unless treated by compost manuring or chemicals.