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Singapore History: Colonization & Independence

A decision to invade Singapore was made only due to this reason. During those times, the British were
competing with the Dutch in their trade affairs and Sir Stamford Raffles a clerk in British East India Company
was appointed to establish a trading station in Southeastern part of Asia.
1819 - After surveying other nearby islands in 1819, Sir Stamford Raffles and the rest of the British East
India Company landed on Singapore, as it was the ideal destination for establishing a port.
1826 - Eventually Singapore became one of the most important commercial and military centers of the
British Empire. In 1826 Singapore was joined with Melaka and Penang to form the Straits Settlements
under the control of British India. During 1824, the British procured the complete rights to rule the
1832 - Singapore became the center of government of the three areas. It attracts immigrants like
Europeans, Malays, Chinese, Indians and Arabs which came to live and work there.
1867 - In 1867 Singapore became a Crown Colony ruled directly by the British government rather than
the East India Company.
1942 - Then in January 1942 the Japanese conquered Malaysia. On 15 February 1942 Singapore was
forced to surrender. The British failed to protect Singapore from Japanese occupation during World
War II, they lost their credibility with Singaporeans. The Japanese called Singapore Yonan, which means
Light of the South but their rule was tyrannical. Thousands of Chinese Singaporeans were executed.
1945 - However Japan surrendered in August 1945 and on 5 September 1945 the British re-occupied
1946- However after 1945 Singapore slowly moved towards independence. In 1946 the Strait
Settlements were dissolved
1959 - During 1959, Britain gave Singapore a larger degree of self-authority. Then, Lee, who led the
‘People’s Action Party’ was enthroned as the PM of Singapore through elections.
During World War 2, Singapore was colonised by Britain and the British forces. At that time, our native
languages were Malay, Tamil, and Mandarin but all these changed upon the entry of the British Empire in
Singapore. English began spreading in dense parts with most people, including kids, learning how to speak and
write in the language. In the 1970s, all the children in Singapore would interact freely in the new language.
Singapore has a universal language called Singlish, which came as a result of mixed words from different
people of different races and cultures living in Singapore.
English was a mandatory language in most schools after the British demanded everyone to learn the language.
Most teachers had learned the language earlier, so the acquisition of the language in schools was not a
problem. Additionally, there were functional community centres where everyone, including the elderly,
received their english conversations coursesAs the country progressed and the colonial period ended, the
nation maintained English, and it became one of the official languages in Singapore. Children who were born
after the language became popular in the country did not have a problem speaking like natives, but a big
percentage of people still cannot speak fluently in the English language.