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Equality & Diversity: Lessons to Learn

Equality & Diversity – Lessons to Learn and not to be forgotten
An opinion article based on personal experience and gained knowledge.
BLM has recently become the trend topic with hundreds of thousands of people demonstrating across
the globe. They are raising old and current issues which need addressing specially in Western society.
Consequently, statues have been pulled down, TV programmes have been removed from streaming
services, apologies are also coming in thick and fast and many people are now joining the cause,
stating their views on social media and beyond.
However, we should not forget that RACISM, DISCRIMINATION, PREJUDICE and CLASSISM have not
only affected black people but all races, religions and genders at different stages in history and
although we have recently recalled Western society it has happened and still happens across the
Whilst it may have improved in the surface, it is still well in-depth in all societies around the world.
Racism, discrimination, prejudice and classism are all interconnected feeding each other, having a
direct impact in society including politics, economy, education and employment.
For instance, here in the UK we formerly had separate Acts and regulations for each protected
characteristic, which are now primarily found in the Equality Act 2010.
In reality, many MPs are calling for fundamental shift in how equality laws are enforced saying the
current approach “dates back to the 1960s” and is not fit for purpose.
Furthermore, while racism and sexism are illegal, classism is not and it is normally accepted.
It seems to be a taboo subject but if such sentiments were enshrined in law, society would have to
act. Currently, there are nine different protected characteristics in the UK. However, there is no
protection for socio-economic status. In comparison, there are at least 20 European countries that
have some sort of legal protection of class status, according social justice and human rights charity
Just Fair. I find it astonishing that the UK is not one of them.
Please, do not get me wrong, it is a fact that the UK has always been influenced by the presence of
different races and nationalities and their undeniable contribution to our culture and economy. But
the struggle against classes, ethnic and racial discrimination in the UK is not yet over.
So, what do we need to learn and not to forget?
The solution to RACISM, DISCRIMINATION, PREJUDICE and CLASSISM requires commitment and
participation by everyone regardless of their gender, race, religion and cultural origin and status.
Starting from the top and right to the bottom.
This goal is achievable by working on both local and national scale, in all the settings (Politics,
economy, education, employment, etc) simultaneously.
Ultimately, this is an ongoing struggle, not a trending issue. It is not just words or hashtags at a time
of uprising. When these protests fade from the news – which they will – we shouldn’t forget. We need
to be as concerned about inequality and injustice as we are now.