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Earth Resources & Sustainability Activity Sheet

Name: __________________________
Grade Level and Section: __________________
Section: _________________________
Date: ________
Teacher: ________________________
Scores: _____________________
School: __________________________________________________________________
I. Title: Protection and Conservation of Natural Resources
Learning Competency:Cite and explain ways of using Earth’s resources sustainably
II. Instructions: This activity sheet focused about Earth’s resources and how to use them
sustainably. Below are the activities with regard to this topic. Read the directions of every
activity and answer what is asked.
III. Activities
Activity 1
Nonrenewable Resources
A nonrenewable resource is a substance that is being used up more quickly than it can
replace itself. Its supply is finite or available only in limited amount.
A. Directions: Check the blank if you think the resource is nonrenewable.
___ coal
____solar energy
___natural gas
____nuclear energy
____natural oil
B. Directions: Identify the nonrenewable resource being described.
_____1. It comes from remains of plants and animals that died hundreds of millions years
ago. It has the highest level of carbon of all fossil fuels
_____2. also known as petroleum. Can be extracted and refined to make products such as
gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel. It also a kind of fossil fuel
_____3. a kind of fossil fuel formed from the remains of tiny sea plants and animals that
died millions of years ago. It is mainly composed of methane.
_____4. A process to produced electricity through nuclear fission. It gets raw materials
from radioactive elements like uranium and these elements are nonrenewable.
_____5. Formed by long-term geological processes deep within the Earth’s crust and are
often costly to mine.
Activity 2
Renewable resources
A natural resource which can be used repeatedly and replaced naturally. It can replenish
itself at the rate it is used.
A. Directions: Check the blank if you think the resource is renewable.
___ coal
____solar energy
___natural gas
____nuclear energy
____natural oil
B. Directions: Identify the renewable resource being described.
_____1. They can be harvested and planted by humans or they can naturally reproduce as
they drop seedlings and germinate on their own.
_____2. Food sources such as chicken and tilapia. They can also be grown to supply its
_____3. It serves as a drinking resource and also generates hydropower necessity.
_____4. It is the source of the oxygen animals and humans breathe and also a source of
other gases needed by organisms.This can also be used for energy generation.
_____5. Gas such as methane which can be harnessed from manure.
_____6. It is made from palm oil, vegetable oil, sunflower oil soybean which can all be used
to make biodiesel.
_____7. It is harnessed from the sun which can be a source to generate electrical
_____8. It supplies electricity by powering electrical generators with the heat of the earth
and naturally occuring subterranean hot water reservoirs.
Activity 3:
Using Earth’s resources sustainably
Earth’s natural resources supply the needs of living organisms everyday. People depend on
natural resources for just about everything that keeps them fed and sheltered as well as the
things that keep them entertained. Take note also that nonrenewable resources are finite, so
sustainable measures should be taken to ensure that they last. Also, some of the renewable
resources may become nonrenewable if their usage is not manage properly.
They should be used wisely so future generations can still enjoy them. Sustainable resource
use occurs when the rate of consumption can continue forever without damaging the
Directions: Write “S” if the sentences describe a sustainable way of using a natural resource
and write “NS” if the sentence describe a not sustainable way of using Earth’s resource.
Write your answers on the blanks.
______1. Mang Ruben uses fishnets with little holes and dynamites when fishing.
______2. The office’s electricity is generated from solar panels instead of using electricity
generated from fossil fuels.
______3.Hunting of wild animals and endangered species is encourage by the government.
______4. Lina’s family wanted to plant falcata. In clearing the mountain, they used slash
and burn or kaingin.
______5. Nikki and her mother plants vegetable on their backyard. That way, they will
have fresh and healthy food.
______6. Mario does not close the faucet when he is brushing his teeth.
______7. Juan’s mother always remind them to unplug the TV, electric fan, and other
devices when they are done using them.
______8. Gina’s family lives in the farm. They have chickens, ducks, goats, and pigs. They sell
some of them and also consume some as their food.
______9. Schools encourages reducing, reusing, and recycling of materials to lessen or cut back
the amount of raw resources.
______10. Ben rides his bicycle to school instead of using his motorcycle or taking a tricycle.
IV. How Much Have You Learned?
A. Compare and Contrast Renewable and Nonrenewable resources using a venn
Renewable resource
Nonrenewable resource
B. Complete the table below. State the effects of the following activities to natural
resources. Some are completed as an example. (Source: Grade 7 Science Learner’s
When roads are built, mountains are blown off
using dynamite.
Some farmers use too much chemical
fertilizers to replenish soil fertility.
Rice fields are turned into residential or
commercial centers.
People cut too many for lumber or paper or
building houses
More factories are being built to keep up
witht he demands of a fast growing population
and industrialization.
Effects on Natural Resources
Damage natural habitats and/or kill plants and
Too much fertilizer destroys the quality of the
soil and is harmful to both human and animals.
Too much mining and quarrying for the
purpose of getting precious metal, stones, and
Plastics and other garbage are burned
Cars, trucks,and tricycles that emit dark smoke
are allowed to travel
C. Explain why sustainable use of resources should be done and cite specific
examples of sustainable resource use.
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