6th year internal medicine exam 2016 – by Kinana AbuRayyan, Malek Zahran & Amjad Elmashala 1. Which of the following is a contraindication to thrombolysis Pregnancy 2. Which one of the following is not related to IBD activity Sacroiliitis (axial skeleton involvement) 3. All of the following are causes of uveitis except Ankylosis spondylitis Lymphoma Inflammatory bowel disease Behcet’s disease 4. Feature of RA Marginal erosion 5. Which of the following physical findings favor emphysema over chronic bronchitis Barrel chest Obesity 6. Nothing in the history except diabetes. Picture of fundoscopy. Most likely diagnosis is (difficult to tell) Papilledema Optic atrophy Normal disc 7. Which of the following causes odynophagia (esophagitis) Tetracycline 8. Patient was on warfarin, developed subdural hematoma Give oral vitamin K and FFP Give IV vitamin K Give FFP 9. Intoxication + dilated pupil. Most likely abused Cocaine Heroin Opioid 10. Ejection systolic murmur at left sternal border in Turner patient, you would expect to find Bicuspid aortic valve (associated with coarctation) 11. Which of the following is proven to prolong survival in MI patients Captopril or enalapril (ACE- inhibitors are proven to prolong survival regardless of the ejection fraction post-MI) 12. Mode of transmission of hemophilia B X-linked 13. Patient was hypoventilating, his ABGs – pCO2 60 & pO2 40. His A-a gradient: Increased (A-a gradient = 150 – 1.25 * pO2 – pO2 = 150 – (1.25 * 60) – 40 = 35) Normal Decreased Cannot be calculated 14. Patient (smoker) with longstanding HTN and peripheral arterial disease, presenting with worsening HTN over a 6 month period. He has claudication. Most likely diagnosis Renal artery stenosis 15. Case of Takayasu, you would expect: Low BP in arms and high BP in legs High BP in arms and low BP in legs 16. Case of sudden collapse, patient became apneic and pulseless, rhythm analysis revealed V. fibrillation Defibrillation ET intubation 17. Which of the following is not a risk factor for squamous cell cancer of the esophagus Barrett’s esophagus (since it predisposes to adenocarcinoma) Tylosis Achalasia 18. Which of the following medical management does not improve survival in CHF patients Synchronization of biventricular contraction or activity Controlling tachycardia Optimization of preload Reduction of afterload Aggressive diuresis 19. Case of TTP, presented with bleeding, platelet count < 10,000. Best next step in management Plasmapheresis (never give platelets to patients with HUS/TTP) Give platelets Give FFP 20. Which of the following antibiotics does not need dose adjustment in renal failure Clarithromycin Imipenem or meropenem Piperacillin Vancomycin Clindamycin 21. Case of PAN, Tx should be Steroids + cyclophosphamide Steroids only 22. Case of 60 year patient with lung mass, on exam he has Gottron papules, most likely diagnosis Dermatomyositis 23. Patient after removal of pheochromocytoma. The drug with alpha-blocking activity used would be Phenoxybenzamine Nebivolol Propranolol 24. Case of Hypothyroidism, low FSH, LH & estrogen. Has hypokalemia (?) and hypoglycemia. Most likely diagnosis panhypopituitarism 25. Which of the following is least useful in ABG analysis pO2 pCO2 pH HCO326. Patient with a history of rheumatic fever presented with a new murmur and fever. Most likely organism causing IE is Streptococcus viridans 27. Regarding irritable bowel syndrome Only 1% have underlying psychiatric Diarrhea predominant, you need to exclude microscopic colitis, lactose intolerance and one more thing Abdominal pain is most likely presentation 28. Patient presents with episodes of hypoglycemia (or symptoms suggesting hypoglycemia). Most appropriate next step 72 hour fast Insulin level and C-peptide 29. ICU patient, TSH slightly decreased, T3 low and normal T4 sick euthyroid syndrome 30. CKD patient with anemia, hemoglobin was 8. He was given erythropoietin, and his recent hemoglobin 9.2. His MCV is now 77, you would give Iron 31. Which of the following is a treatment with proven benefit for achalasia Botulinum toxin injection 32. Which of the following is a poor prognostic factor for patients with mitral regurgitation Displaced apex beat Soft S1 Split S2 33. Which of the following drugs causes prolongation of the QT interval Erythromycin 34. 70 year old patient presenting with pneumonia Admission and treatment with fluoroquinolone or azithromycin and … 35. Poor prognosis in pneumonia (mortality increased) Resp. rate > 35 36. 70 year old female, known case of atrial fibrillation, presented with two episodes of numbness on the right side of face and arm, she has poor coordination of the right arm on exam Anticoagulation 37. Chest x-ray showing right upper consolidation, you would expect on exam bronchial breathing over that area 38. Chest x-ray with right-sided effusion, you would expect on exam dullness to percussion 39. Which of the following would not be expected in patients with adrenal insufficiency (Addison’s) Metabolic alkalosis 40.ABGs pH 7.30, pCO2 60, HCO3- 26 Acute respiratory acidosis 41. Patient with recurrent pneumonia you should cover for Pseudomonas 42. Which of the following does not cause chronic liver disease Hemosiderosis Cystic fibrosis 43. 60 year old female patient with back pain, on exam she has tenderness, investigation revealed anemia and hypercalcemia Multiple myeloma 44.Patient with polyuria and polydipsia, on exam she has painful nodules on shins, what is the cause of her polyuria Hypercalcemia (secondary to sarcoidosis) 45. Patient presented with hypertensive crisis, systolic BP 180. Fundoscopy revealed narrowing of the arteries. Most appropriate next step Treat in the ER with clonidine Admit to the ward and treat with IV hydralazine Admit to ICU and treat with nicardipine 46. Which of the following does not provoke encephalopathy lactulose 47. Poor prognostic factor in paracetamol intoxication Prolonged PT Elevated liver enzymes Elevated bilirubin 48. One of the following is true as liver injury ensues N-acetylcysteine may be harmful Better prognosis in alcoholics Better prognosis in elderly Lactic acidosis 49. Known case of rheumatoid arthritis presented with SOB. Her BP is low, and you noticed on exam raised JVP, distant heart sounds cardiac tamponade 50. Case presented with dyspnea, hepatomegaly and raised JVP. On auscultation there was pericardial knock. His JVP showed prominent x and y descent on JVP wave Constrictive pericarditis 51. Case of rheumatoid arthritis with neutropenia and splenomegaly. Most likely diagnosis is Felty’s syndrome 52. Young patient, non-smoker, with positive family history for similar disease. Exam findings or PFT (can’t remember which) are suggestive of COPD. Most likely diagnosis α1 anti-trypsin deficiency 53. Which of the following is found in CREST syndrome anti-centromere Ab 54. 60 year old with proximal muscle weakness, elevated ESR and normal CPK Polymyalgia rheumatica 55. Which of the following is not associated with exacerbation of IBD bowel motion less than 2 times daily 56. Typical case of SLE (malar rash, symmetric arthritis on exam, and pancytopenia on labs). Best initial test ANA Anti-ds- DNA Anti-Smith 57. Hyperthyroid patient on methimazole comes in with a fever order CBC (to rule out agranulocytosis as a side effect of his medication) 58. Old patient with recurrent history of passing large amount of urine on some days, and anuria on others. His BUN/creatinine was > 20 (there were values for BUN and creatinine), most likely diagnosis Obstructive uropathy 59. Who of the following should not be treated for asymptomatic bacteriuria Elderly Pregnant Patient with ureter stone Immunocompromised 60. Patient with WPW syndrome presented with rapid ventricular rate, best initial treatment Procainamide 61. Patient, with free past medical history, presented with periorbital edema over a period of 6 months, normal serum albumin. On urinalysis, she has 4+ proteinuria Membranous glomerulonephritis Diabetes 62. Case of acromegaly (symptoms and signs were obvious), best initial test IGF-1 level GH level 63. Patient with bilateral lower extremity edema (I think symptoms or signs suggestive of CHF), on labs you find hyponatremia and hypokalemia Diuretic side effect SIADH Nephrotic syndrome 64. Patient with toxic multinodular goiter, you would notice on exam Lid retraction (upregulation of sympathetic receptors) Proptosis Positive thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin 65. Hypothyroid patient on levothyroxine, during pregnancy you would Increase the dose (during pregnancy, synthesis of TBG increases, so you need to increase the dose to fill these proteins with T4) Decrease the dose No change 66. Patient who has undergone valve transplantation, presented after 1 month with a 2 week history of fever, chills. On exam, he has murmur. The most likely organism to be cultured is Staph aureus Strptococcus viridans Fungus 67. Patient with a prosthetic valve, he has anemia hemolytic anemia 68. Patient with a systolic murmur, with radiation to carotids Aortic stenosis Aortic regurgitation Mitral stenosis Mitral regurgitation 69. Drop in blood pressure (or weaker pulse, cannot remember which exactly) during inspiration Pulsus paradoxus Pulsus alternans 70. Which of the following is not a cause of pancreatitis hypocalcemia 71. Patient with a presentation of Klinefelter syndrome (tall, gynecomastia, small testes), best diagnostic test Chromosome analysis Serum FSH, LH Serum testosterone Some kind of imaging modality 72. Woman in her 30s or 40s, with irregular menses, presented with a 2 year history of being unable to conceive (PCOS), you would find Normal free androgen index Increased LH to FSH ratio 73. Young female with history of atypical chest pain, on exam she has midsystolic click. Most likely diagnosis Mitral valve prolapse 74. Patient with a history of congenital heart disease or something like that. ECG was shown (interpretation: right axis deviation, right ventricular hypertrophy with a strain). Most like diagnosis Pulmonic stenosis Ebstein anomaly of tricuspid valve Ventricular septal defect 75. Palestinian female patient with target cells on peripheral smear. Her hemoglobin A2 is 6%. Most likely diagnosis α-thalassemia trait β-thalassemia trait 76. Patient was treated for pneumonia, developed diarrhea. Best treatment is Oral vancomycin IV vancomycin (ineffective since it does not cross the bowel wall) 77. Patient was treated for an infection with cephalexin and gentamicin. He developed fever and arthralgia (or rash). On urinalysis, he has 4+ proteinuria. Most likely diagnosis is Allergic interstitial nephritis 78. Patient was admitted to the hospital post-MI. He has undergone angiography. His BUN/creatinine ratio was < 15 (there were value for each). Granular casts on microscopy. Most likely diagnosis Acute tubular necrosis Pre-renal azotemia or decreased perfusion Post-renal obstruction 79. Patient with acute tubular necrosis (as suggested by his BUN/ creatinine ratio) FeNA would be <1% FeNa would be 3-5% FeNa would be >40% 80. Patient presented with RUQ pain and pruritus. Her labs revealed positive LKM (liver kidney muscle) antibodies. Best treatment Prednisone (for autoimmune hepatitis) Cholestyramine Ursodeoxycholic acid 81. Patient presented with bilateral joint paint, on exam she has arthritis of PIPs and MCPs bilaterally. Investigation revealed microcytic anemia. Iron studies revealed decreased serum iron, increased saturation or decreased capacity. Best treatment Methotrexate (always treat underlying cause in anemia of chronic disease, erythropoietin can be used in those with renal insufficiency) Iron 82. Patient presented with ascites. Next step in management Treat with salt restriction and spironolactone Consult surgery Liver transplantation 83. Patient with uncontrolled diabetes (high readings postprandial) despite increasing his dose of insulin. He wakes up sometimes in the middle of the night with some sweating (o kman shi). This could be explained by Midnight hypoglycemia with a.m. rebound (Somogyi effect) Dawn effect 84. Patient presented with cough and hemoptysis. On chest x-ray, you found bilateral infiltrates in the lower zones. Most likely diagnosis Goodpasture syndrome 85. Patient with a history of asthma-like picture, not responding to inhaled albuterol and steroid. There was a past surgical history for something. Flow volume loop was shown in the exam (interpretation: box shaped i.e. flattened during inspiration and expiration). The above finding could be explained by History of tracheal stenosis secondary to prolonged intubation (fixed large airway obstruction) Due to her poorly controlled asthma 86. Patient with pneumonia and cavitation on chest x-ray. Most likely organism to cause this Klebsiella (there wasn’t Staph aureus in the answers) Chlamydia Mycoplasma Pneumocystis jeroveci 87. Patient presented to the ER after trauma. He was given blood. 30 minutes later, he developed fever and started bleeding from sites of cannula. Most likely cause ABO incompatibility IgA deficiency Reaction to cytokines 88. 20 year old male patient with a history of back pain and stiffness. On exam, he has decreased mobility of spine and chest expansion. Treatment for this condition NSAIDs (ankylosing spondylitis) Prednisone 89. Increased pulmonary artery pressure … ?? 90. The best non-invasive test to diagnose H. pylori Urea breath test Serum IgM Serum IgG 91. Patient with a history of periorbital edema. On urinalysis, there was RBCs and WBCs. Biopsy revealed IgA deposits. Most likely diagnosis IgA nephropathy (:P) 92. Differentiate Mitral stenosis from Austin-Flint murmur Presystolic accentuation Abnormal movement of anterior leaflet of MV 93. Patient with superficial type of bleeding. His PT was normal, but PTT was prolonged. Most likely diagnosis Von Willebrand disease 94. A 37-year-old man with an unremarkable medical history presented to the emergency department because of abdominal pain. The patient stated that over the previous month he had experienced gradually worsening discomfort that he described as being dull and located diffusely throughout the abdomen. He rated the pain as a 7 on a severity scale of 1 to 10. he also said that during this same period, he had been having mucus like bowel movements that had increased in frequency to approximately 10 bowel movements daily. He denied any sick contacts, recent illness, travel, or recent antibiotic use. The patient has no known family history of inflammatory bowel disease. He stated that about 1 month before the onset of these symptoms, he began training for a marathon, at which time he also stopped smoking cigarettes. On physical examination, the patient had no acute distress, but hyperactive bowel sounds and tenderness were noted on deep palpation. He was found to have a fever of 38°Celsius and heart rate of 100 beats per minute. results of laboratory analysis, including complete blood cell count, metabolic profile, and lactic acid level, were unremarkable except for a hemoglobin level of 10.2 g/dl (reference range, 13.5-17.5 g/dl), and computed tomography (CT) of the abdomen with contrast medium revealed bowel wall thickening from the hepatic flexure to the rectum. mesenteric lymphadenopathy was also noted. He was admitted to the hospital for further evaluation and treatment. Which one of the following should be the initial step in the management of the abdominal pain and diarrhea in this patient? Antidiarrheal agents and pain medication symptomatically Stool studies, including cultures for clostridium difficile, ova and parasites, and bacteria Colonoscopy Upper endoscopy Ultrasonography 95. You are on call and have been referred a 40-year-old woman with abdominal pain and increasing abdominal girth. Her symptoms have been progressing over several months. There is no history of jaundice. She has a past history of pulmonary embolism for which she was treated with warfarin five years ago. On examination, she has mildly jaundiced sclerae. She is alert and orientated, there is no encephalopathy. Abdominal examination reveals ascites and hepatosplenomegaly. You arrange an abdominal ultrasound scan with Dopplers which demonstrates and confirms hepatosplenomegaly and moderate ascites. What is the most likely underlying diagnosis? Budd-Chiari syndrome Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) Portal vein thrombosis Primary biliary cirrhosis Primary sclerosing cholangitis 96. A 42-year-old dentist is reviewed in the medical clinic complaining of persistent lethargy. Routine bloods show abnormal liver function tests so a hepatitis screen is sent. The results are shown below: Anti-HAV IgG negative, HBsAg negative, Anti-HBs positive, Anti-HBc negative, Anti-HCV positive. What do these results most likely demonstrate? Hepatitis B infection Hepatitis C infection Previous vaccination to hepatitis B and C Hepatitis C infection with previous hepatitis B vaccination Hepatitis B and C infection Best of luck