Finding a software partner whom you can trust may be one of the biggest challenges. The choice will directly influence your product quality, price, and time to market. Therefore, we composed a list of top software companies in Miami, Florida. View the list based on GoodFirms, ratings, TheManifest, and industry research. Key points taken into account are: areas of tech expertise years of experience industries served customer rates & reviews awards & industry recognition flexibility in working models. If you are planning to build a new tech partnership, here is your go-to list. 0. BYTEANT Founded in 2006, ByteAnt is an outcome-driven software company serving companies across 7+ industries. Thanks to its personalized approach and 14+ years of experience, a company has turned into a reliable technology partner for customers from the USA and Western Europe. You can expect the full dedication to the partnership and direct communication with ByteAnt top managers. You can get end-to-end software development, quality assurance, as well as re-engineering and post-release support. Counting an average engineer experience of 5+ years, we pride ourselves in developing stable and bugfree solutions that make our customers grow. Recognized as the top web development company by GoodFirms, Certified Umbraco partner, Microsoft certified technology specialists Average rate: $20 - 45/hour Staff count: 40+ 1. MERCURY DEVELOPMENT Among the top software development companies based in Miami, Mercury Development is worth mentioning. It provides business analysis, consulting, software development, and QA services adjusted to every customer’s needs. Yet, its core service offering is mobile app development. Some of the clients of Mercury Development are HSBC, Thompson Reuters, and Barco. Average rate: $50 - 99/hour; Established in 1999 Staff count: 214 Award - top Android app development company 2. ZAKKOUR TECHNOLOGY GROUP Ranked by Google reviews as the top mobile app development company in Miami, this agency holds its place on our list. The main focus is on mobile app development, although the agency has diverse technology expertise. Besides the creation of web & mobile solutions, the company also offers augmented and virtual reality services. Listed among the top software companies in Miami, this technology vendor has created software in transportation, gaming, and even church & spirituality industries. Average rate: $50 - 99/hour Established in 2008 Staff count: 10 - 49 3. ORNSOFT CORPORATION Ornsoft corporation also deserves to be listed among top custom software development companies in Miami. Primary, this company delivers the development of custom software, mobile, and web solutions tailored to your requirements. Additionally, it provides cloud and software integration services to keep customers competitive and up-to-date. The company claims the key to their professionalism is hiring only the best specialists. Whatever stays behind this agency, customers report the growth in sales after the software updates. Rates: $100 - 149/hour Founded in 2009 Staff count: 50 - 249 4. SDSOL TECHNOLOGIES This agency provides highly ranked Android and iOS development services to businesses across industries. The agency distinguishes by focusing on precise business goals and customer growth. Besides mobile development, the agency offers IoT, hardware, and software development. Client-oriented project management methods ensure smooth cooperation. Key clients: MyPark, which has got $2 million of funding for the product built; Cartier, Sync Footwear Rates: $100 - 149/hour Founded in 1999 Staff count: 40 Recognized as the top Florida Mobile App Developer Company, Top Software Developers 5. ARDAN LABS Ardan Labs offers development and IT staffing services to middle-size and large companies. The company has also launched its professional training for rising engineering talents. Being trusted by Fortune 500 companies, Ardan Labs holds its strong position in our list of top software companies in Miami. The tech stack includes the Go programming language, AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud integration. Recognized for building strong partnerships, the agency takes part in global tech conferences. It has its own Youtube channel dedicated to technology. Key partnerships: Oracle, Cisco, Intel, Visa Rates: $100-149/hour Established in 2010 Staff count: 11-50 6. COBUILD LAB INC Counting 36 employees, CoBuild Lab provides diverse services to its customers. These include blockchain solutions development, workflow automation, and serverless app development. The company applies a proactive approach to every customer. The CoBuild team turns innovative ideas into feature-rich mobile & web solutions. Among its case studies, you can find a web portal for education, a job search portal, and a social network for the cannabis industry. The key focus is on entrepreneurs at the early stage of product launching. Staff count: 36 Rates: $50-99/hour Founding year: 2017 7. SOLO MEDIA GROUP The agency saves 30% of development costs and brings a 70% rise in business efficiency to customers. Among the core technology stack, you will find React.js, AWS Infrastructure, Node.js, and React Native frameworks. Solo Media specializes in custom e-commerce & web development, healthcare app development, and business analysis. Rates: $50-99/hour Staff count: 2 - 9 Founded in: 2017 8. 8BASE LABS This Florida-based company is proficient with SaaS, backend-as-a-service, and serverless applications. It offers full-stack software development and UI & UX design according to each customer. The core mission is to simplify and speed up the development by using GraphQL, JavaScript, and AWS. Rates: $50-$99/hour Staff count: 10-50 Founded in 2017 9. VATES Vates positions itself as the IT services partner for big organizations and governments. It offers full-cycle Agile development services, R&D, as well as various system integrations. Right now, Vates is a reliable IT vendor with a rich industry background. Big Data analysis, IoT development, and real-time analytics make part of their expertise. Famous clients: Accenture, IBM, Banco de Credito, Fortune 500 companies Rates: $25-49/hour Staff count: 250-500 Established in 1991 10. CORAL EDGE We also included Coral Edge in our list of top software companies in Miami, Florida. This IT company provides strategy consulting, mobile, and cloud development to various-size businesses. Among the other services, we should mention enterprise system maintenance, ERP and e-commerce development. Not to forget the optimization of existing business structures. The company has established itself as a thought leader in the Florida area. Rates: may vary Staff count: 11-50 Founded in: 2007 11. VANTAGE IO The company is creating MVPs, mobile, and web solutions for startups and large-size companies. Counting a team of 50, the agency adopts a data-driven approach to every customer. You can also get staff augmentation & machine learning development tailored to your needs. By training its employees, is improving their skills for greater deliverables. Awards: Top developers in Miami 2019 by Clutch, Top B2B company in Miami 2019 by Clutch Founding year: 2008 Staff count: 10-49 Rates: may vary 12. POWERED LABS This software development & marketing agency serves primarily large organizations and enterprises. You can create a brand new product or integrate ERPs, CMSs, and CRMs with your application. The company answered the #CallForCode challenge, as it believes in the power of technology to predict disasters and change our world for the better. If you are looking for the best software company in Florida, this agency is definitely worth considering. Motto: We help enterprises grow Key customers: Microsoft, Credit Suisse, Corsa America, Dacco Rates: may vary Founded in 2010 Staff count: 11-50. 13. CAPPEN Cappen offers UI design, digital branding, and application development across multiple OS. The team also creates virtual and augmented reality solutions according to business needs. Thanks to this ensemble of services provided, the company is a go-to-partner for many industry-leading players. During its existence, Cappen received multiple awards for product design services. Key clients: Microsoft, Buzz, Ministry of supply, Unicef Staff count: 10 - 49 Rates: $60/hour Founded in 2006 14. GO4 TECHNOLOGIES Go4 Technologies provides engineering, design, and cloud integration services to small and medium companies. It aims at improving productivity and efficiency of every business through technology. Since its launch, the company has partnered with customers in the California, Florida and Caribbean area. If you are looking for a reliable software partner with reasonable rates, Go4 Technologies is one of the good options. Key partnerships: Cisco, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Meraki. Staff Count: 2-10 Rates: may vary Founded in 2009 CONCLUSION The first step to finding the right software development partner is defining the services you need. Set your budget, service you are looking for, and preferred company size. For example, if you are a small business, it might be worth contacting a similar-size tech partner to get enough dose of attention & personalized service. For more info, contact us: tel.: +38 095 3611 802 e-mail: website: