Self medication is harmful HISTORY This theory is first proposed by the Edward J. Khantzian, M.D., a professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School in 1985 OVERVIEW It is the protocol or behaviour of the human in which a person try to cure himself as a self administer At first self medicaion may provides a sense of calmness and temporary relief from pain and distress THINGS WHICH ARE COMMONLY USED AS PHYSIOLOGICAL ANS PSYCHOLOGICAL AILMENT There may be overdose of any medicine,dangerous interactions,masking of severe diseases,incorrect self diagnosis etc. MOST COMMONLY USED THINGS AS SELF MEDICATION FOOD People may use different food to deal with their anxiety and suffocation as a self medication such as depression patients may crave for foods high in carbohydrates which elevates the level of serotonin(An amino acid in brain which causes the happy mood and similar chemical releases when we walk)but increased eating may cause obesity which leads to heart problems and diabetes ALCOHOL May provide relief from mental illness but overdose causes the person depend on it and in long term it will be most dangerous and may increase the risk of suicide HOW A PERSON CAN PREVENT SELF MEDICATION Medicines given by all pharmacies should be under strict control of local government or be given on the basis of authenticity of prescription by the doctor Awareness or related seminar should be arranged on local level to guide people or to change the present mentality with the helpful one. Social media platforms like Facebook YouTube and Twitter should be used for this purpose All the pharmacies must have legal and signed licenses from the respective departments DISADVANTAGED OF SELF MEDICATION A suffered person dont know anything about medicines but he or she is taking by themselves but it may go some wrong later and can be devastating in long run Some self taking medications like syrup which is readily absorbed can cause drowsiness and then peeple becomes addict to it but now these kinds of syrups is sold on the prescription Many medicines behave as they act to relieve you from one thing but then cause something too serous after so best is that person should consult doctor before the use of any medicines