BEST PRACTICE Fifteen-minute consultation on the healthy child: breast feeding F Cleugh,1 A Langseth2 1 Paediatric Emergency Department, St Mary’s Hospital, Imperial College NHS Healthcare Trust, London, UK 2 Department of Paediatrics, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, London, UK Correspondence to Dr F Cleugh, Paediatric Emergency Department, St Mary’s Hospital, Imperial College NHS Healthcare Trust, Praed Street, London W2 1NY, UK; francesca.cleugh@imperial.nhs. uk Received 23 June 2016 Revised 4 July 2016 Accepted 5 July 2016 Published Online First 28 July 2016 ABSTRACT Despite extensive evidence about the benefits of breast feeding for both infants and mothers, breastfeeding rates in the UK remain low. Most infants presenting with feeding issues are otherwise well but are often over diagnosed with clinical conditions such as maternal milk insufficiency, cow’s milk intolerance or reflux. With simple advice and troubleshooting common problems, all child health professionals can support mothers to establish and continue breast feeding exclusively for longer. A 6-day-old term infant is brought to accident and emergency department (A&E). His mother reports he is unsettled, crying a lot and is struggling to breast feed. She is concerned that he has lost weight and is finding the situation stressful. She is keen to breast feed but is finding it difficult. How will you manage this family? What is the best advice to give them about feeding and what symptom and signs should alert you to underlying conditions that need investigation or treatment? Breast feeding can be a challenging skill to learn at a time when many mothers are vulnerable and exhausted in the post delivery period. In short, what nature intended can be surprisingly difficult to achieve. The most recent UK survey showed though 69% of mothers initiated exclusive breast feeding, by 1 week this had fallen to less than a half and less than a quarter by 6 weeks, and only 1% at 6 months.1 In this article, we consider the environmental, maternal and infant factors that can have an impact on establishing successful breast feeding, and what we as clinicians need to know to support breastfeeding mothers. To cite: Cleugh F, Langseth A. Arch Dis Child Educ Pract Ed 2017;102:8– 13. 8 OPTIMISING THE FEEDING ENVIRONMENT First time mothers and mothers with no previous experience can find the technique and pattern of breast feeding difficult to establish. Evidence shows early skin-to-skin contact facilitates successful breast feeding by allowing the baby to root and latch and stimulating maternal oxytocin release. Maternal oxytocin causes breast myoepithelial cells to contract, causing milk to be ejected towards the nipple in the ‘let down’ reflex.2 3 Anything that causes the mother to be separated from the baby in those early days including admission to the postnatal unit can impede this early process. Sometimes separation is unavoidable but we should be cognisant of the importance of maternal contact and that we as clinicians do our best to facilitate it. Breastfed infants are fed by their mothers responsively, that is, the mother responds to her infant’s needs for food exhibited by signs such as fist sucking, tongue protrusion and moving their head from side to side. This was previously described as ‘on demand’. Each infant will have a varying pattern. If this is the mother’s first baby, she may be letting him sleep through the night because she is not aware that she should wake him to feed. In fact, her prolactin levels, the hormone responsible for milk production within the alveoli of the breast, are highest at night, making night feeds an important part of establishing breast feeding by optimising milk production.3 This early period is also the ideal time to advise on the basics of breast feeding and trouble shoot any potential problems with regard to latch as outlined in box 1. A useful tool is UNICEF breastfeeding assessment tool.4 5 In a recent study, physicians were found to give both scant and contradictory advice regarding breast feeding6 and, in this type of environment, it is easy for breastfeeding myths to take hold. Below, we highlight some of the more common ones. Cleugh F, Langseth A. Arch Dis Child Educ Pract Ed 2017;102:8–13. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2016-311456 Best practice Box 1 Breastfeeding basics—A useful guide with helpful images that you can download for yourself and the family is UNICEF UK ‘Off to the Best Start’7 Correct mode of attachment 1. Position infant nose to nipple with their head in line with their body. 2. Support the infant’s head but allow room for them to tilt their head back as they take the nipple into the back of their mouth. 3. Stimulate the infant’s lip to elicit the rooting reflex. This causes them to open their mouth widely. 4. Their head then tilts back and the nipple points to the roof of the mouth as it enters. 5. The infant’s tongue will protrude over their bottom gum, their chin leading towards the breast, as a large mouthful of breast tissue is taken into the mouth. Signs of good attachment Infant’s chin is close to breast, indenting it, the lower lip is well below the base of the nipple and curls out with full cheeks demonstrating mouth is full of breast tissue. More of the areola will be seen above their top lip. Their nose is usually not touching the breast. Sucking during a feed The infant will begin with short rapid sucks to stimulate the oxytocin reflex causing milk to flow. This is followed by long rhythmic sucks during active feeding with swallowing between every few sucks. One or two sucks between swallowing suggests sufficient milk being taken into infant’s mouth. More sucks suggest less milk and less effective feeding. Towards end of the feed, the infant flutter sucks as they take in the lower volume fat-rich milk or hind milk. Signs of effective feeding for the infant include full and rounded cheeks, slow rhythmic jaw movements and hearing gentle swallows every 1–3 sucks. The mother will feel softening or emptying of her breast and sometimes a tingling of the let down reflex. She will note an elongated nipple at the end of the feed, but ideally this should not be painful. Patterns of feeds Breastfed infants should be allowed to feed responsively and if so, will feed a minimum of 7–8 times per 24 hours for 5–30 min. Feeds may be clustered close to each other, or spread out. Both breasts should be offered. An infant will feed to appetite and hormone feedback loops trigger the right amount of milk production for their needs. Signs of effective feeds Consistent effective feeding is evident by a settled infant that stirs as they approach the next feed. In the first 3 days as lactation is established and lower volume colostrum is consumed, infants will pass urine approximately three times per day. Once feeding is established by day 5, they will produce 5 or 6 wet nappies a day. It is not uncommon to see orange residue consistent with urate crystals in the infant’s nappy in the first days of life. The infant’s stool transitions from meconium over the first few days, to a soft yellow seedy stool by day 4. A well breastfed infant will produce approximately two stools, the size of a two pound coin per day. It is later on, after approximately 6 weeks that stools can become less frequent, with some well and thriving breastfed babies passing stool once up to every 10 days. COMMON MYTHS AND MISCONCEPTIONS Nipple confusion This is the idea that a baby will become confused if they are fed with an artificial nipple and will not go back to feeding at the breast. It is important to reassure mothers that even if supplemental feeds have to be given for a medical indication and have been given by bottle they will be able to continue breast feeding if they continue to maintain their lactation by expressing and have support for positioning and attachment. Never wake a sleeping baby It is not unusual to have to wake a newborn baby to feed. New born babies need to feed 7–8 times in 24hrs, this works out at about once every three hours although babies will often cluster feed for a few hours every 24 hours having short, frequent feeds which often occur at a similar time each day/night followed by a longer sleep. Parents should be reassured that this is normal behaviour. Some babies will be more sleepy than others, and if they are having less than 7 feeds in 24hrs it is important to encourage mothers to be aware of how often their baby has fed and to gently wake them for a feed by; holding them, talking to them, putting them near the breast, undressing them or changing their nappy to help them to wake. Mothers should use both breasts at every feed Often a baby is happy with one breast—it is important to let a baby feed on one breast until it receives the hind milk (the milk that a baby gets towards the end of a feed). Hind milk has a higher fat content and is important for a baby’s growth and feeling of satiety post feed. Babies should not feed from bleeding nipples If a mother has cracked nipples, it is not uncommon for her to have a little bit of blood coming from the Cleugh F, Langseth A. Arch Dis Child Educ Pract Ed 2017;102:8–13. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2016-311456 9 Best practice nipple. This is entirely safe for the baby to ingest. Blood is an irritant to the stomach lining so it may cause the baby to be more inclined to vomit, but this is not harmful in itself. If a mother is breast feeding on a cracked nipple, it is important to warn her that the baby may have a blood tinged or brownish vomit so that she does not become panicked when it occurs. Why breast milk is best3 ▸ Breast milk is a dynamic bioactive substance that varies with each feed, providing key nutrients for growth and development that research continues to demonstrate has short-term and long-term benefits for infants way into adult life. ▸ Immunological agents confer protection against common pathogens, reducing infant morbidity from gastrointestinal and respiratory infections. ▸ Long-term benefits include reduced obesity, diabetes and higher IQ. ▸ Maternal benefits of breast feeding include reduced risk of breast and ovarian cancer. Mothers should not breast feed if they are on medication There are very few medications that a mother will take that precludes her from breast feeding. If a mother is using or dependent on illicit drugs breast feeding is not advised. Also, if a mother is being prescribed chemotherapy, especially antimetabolites that interfere with DNA replication and cell division, breast feeding should be avoided. Other psychotropic drugs may need to be avoided. Importantly, if medication is needed in breast feeding the safest drug should always be chosen. Mothers dependant on medication should be identified prior to delivery and a multidisciplinary approach including a feeding plan for the baby should be agreed. Mothers should not breast feed if they are unwell If a mother is unwell she can continue breast feeding and the breast milk will be protective. This includes if the mother has a respiratory infection or a gastroenteritis. A mother can also feed a baby on a breast that has mastitis, and it is often the process of the baby sucking on the breast which relieves engorgement and blocked ducts and allow the mastitis to resolve. (In certain circumstances such as maternal infection with HIV, active untreated tuberculosis and human T-cell lymphotropic virus type I or II you will be advised to avoid breast feeding. If these mothers are diagnosed at the time of birth there should be a birth plan for the baby that includes feeding advice). MATERNAL FACTORS AFFECTING BREAST FEEDING Maternal factors can have a significant impact on breast feeding, and a meticulous maternal history is essential. If a mother breast fed previously, what was this experience like and how long did she feed for? Mothers who have previously breast fed may be more adept at identifying the current problem, while this may be more difficult for a woman with no experience of breast feeding, requiring a more thorough exploration of the issues. Maternal stress and fatigue can have a significant impact on breast milk production by stimulating Table 1 Maternal complications affecting breast feeding and how to manage them Condition Description Treatment Engorgement Painful, swollen, oedematous breast secondary to milk stasis. Emptying of milk from breast, preferably through feeding, or expressing if feeding is not possible, applying cold compresses in between feeds may provide comfort, and warming and massaging breasts prior to feeding/expressing in a warm shower or bath will enable milk flow if engorgement is severe. Blocked duct Localised tenderness, swelling and inflammation secondary to milk stasis due to blockage of a duct. Emptying of milk from breast preferably through feeding. Useful to massage area of tenderness, which indicates location of blocked duct —this will facilitate drainage. Often thickened milk will pass followed by a stream of milk—this will cause prompt relief of symptoms. Mastitis Flu-like illness accompanied by temperature and aches and pains. This will follow engorgement of the breast—unilateral or bilateral. It is secondary to milk stasis and is initially non-infective but can be complicated by secondary infection if milk is not passed. Emptying of the breasts is the most effective treatment—through feeding and expressing. It is safe for baby to continue feeding on the engorged breast. If secondary infection is suspected, ie the symptoms do not settle 24 hours after emptying the breast—consider penicillinase-resistant antibiotics, ie flucloxacillin. Warm compresses and NSAIDs can aid in symptom relief. Breast abscess Occurs when a blocked duct is not relieved and secondary infection forms an abscess. An abscess needs to be surgically drained and treated with a penicillinase-resistant antibiotic. Cracked nipple Painful during feeds. May bleed. If the infant is feeding on the breast they may swallow some blood. This is a common cause of bloody vomits in infants, but is not harmful to the infant. NSAID, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. 10 Needs time to heal—feed on the breast as tolerated. Expressing may give some relief, but emptying of milk from breast must be maintained to avoid engorgement and possible mastitis. Check the breastfeeding basics, as poor attachment may exacerbate symptoms. Cleugh F, Langseth A. Arch Dis Child Educ Pract Ed 2017;102:8–13. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2016-311456 Best practice Table 2 Conditions of the infant’s mouth that can affect breast feeding Condition Description Treatment Thrush Localised infection of candida which may affect maternal nipple and infant’s mouth. May present with pain in the nipple on feeding and white curd like coating on infant’s tongue. The tongue of the infant, like the maternal nipple, may be painful. This will exacerbate difficulty feeding. Topical treatments include nystatin and miconazole with systemic fluconazole reserved for infection resistant to topical treatment. To avoid reinfection ensure any teats, dummies, nipple shields are sterilised, change breast pads frequently and wash bras in hot wash. Anatomical restrictions to feeding (ie cleft palate or micrognathia) Submucous cleft palate may be missed on neonatal check and may cause difficulty feeding. A small chin may also make it difficult to latch appropriately and may cause difficulty feeding. A cleft palate will need referral to cleft team—for help with feeding and eventual closure. For some infants this will resolve as they grow, but support from the lactation team will be needed. Those infants with more significant anomalies will need referral to a paediatric specialist and will often require multidisciplinary involvement. Tongue tie (ankyloglossia) Associated with a short and or tight lingual frenulum. May inhibit tongue movement and cause difficulty feeding in some infants (although approximately 50% of babies with ankyloglossia will feed without difficulty).9 If there is significantly impaired feeding, frenotomy may be performed. Frenotomy is a low-risk, minor procedure which can be performed without anaesthetic in infants. Mothers have described better feeding post procedure but placebo effect is difficult to quantify.8 9 Be aware of your local unit’s policy with regard to performing frenotomy. dopamine and norepinephrine release, which can have an inhibitory effect on prolactin synthesis, thus hindering lactation. Significant peripartum blood loss, anaemia and dehydration can also reduce milk production.3 Genuine, insufficient breast milk supply is rare, and with good input from a lactation consultant, midwife or specialist health visitor, most women will be able to produce adequate breast milk for growth, so refer early when these issues arise. It is important to remember that an adequate milk supply may eventually diminish if the appropriate technique is not established. Prolactin and oxytocin are released in response to stimulation at the nipple by the baby sucking. Further control of lactation is influenced by the ‘feedback inhibitor of lactation’ or FIL. This polypeptide exercises local control over the breast, inhibiting synthesis when existing milk is not removed. This helps to avoid the complications of the breast becoming too full and allows the supply to reflect the demand once breast feeding is established.3 Difficulty with latch and attachment reduces FIL action, making the mother more prone to a host of complications including engorgement, blocked ducts, mastitis, breast abscess and cracked nipples. These conditions, outlined in table 1, can be painful and exacerbate any difficulties already present, making early treatment important for the continuation of successful breast feeding. FACTORS IN INFANTS AFFECTING FEEDING Poor feeding can be a presenting symptom in an unwell baby, so a doctor’s initial objective should be to assess alertness, state (irritability), hydration and skin colour. This initial assessment should include heart rate, respiratory rate, temperature and capillary refill time. Poor feeding and irritability associated with abnormal signs should prompt you to rule out serious pathology such as sepsis, severe hyperbilirubinaemia, respiratory compromise, cardiac conditions and metabolic disorders. If there are symptoms and signs that cause concern, immediate resuscitation and appropriate management should commence by a specialist team. Once reassured that the infant is not in need of any immediate intervention, a more leisurely examination can commence. Particular attention should be paid to the mouth to rule out conditions that can impede feeding including thrush, cleft palate, micrognathia and tongue tie, as outlined in table 2.8–10 A thorough examination of the baby’s neurology including the ability to suck should also be performed, as children with neurological or genetic anomalies may often present with poor feeding. EXPECTED WEIGHT PARAMETERS IN A BREASTFEEDING INFANT Most infants lose weight in the first week, but regain it by 2 weeks. Those born at less than 37 weeks gestation may take 3 weeks to regain their birth weight. On average, there is a 7% weight loss.11 For infants who have lost less than <10%, assessing breast feeding and supporting the family are usually all that is needed. Refer the family to the community midwife or health visiting team to continue the support at home. For those infants who have lost more than 10%, assessment should be made by a paediatric specialist to rule out underlying causative pathology. It is important to check sodium levels, as these babies are at risk of hypernatraemic dehydration and bilirubin if they look jaundiced. Most children will get a degree of physiological jaundice in the first days of life as haemolysis occurs and the immaturity of the liver enzymes impedes excretion of the bilirubin through Cleugh F, Langseth A. Arch Dis Child Educ Pract Ed 2017;102:8–13. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2016-311456 11 Best practice the liver. As levels of unconjugated bilirubin rise, lethargy and poor feeding become exacerbated. Part of a doctor’s assessment of a poorly feeding baby includes plotting their bilirubin on standardised charts appropriate for their gestational age and day of life, and treating with phototherapy if levels reach treatment threshold.12 If the infant has very high bilirubin levels —other causes such as sepsis and blood group incompatibility should be considered. If the infant is otherwise well, and bilirubin and sodium are within acceptable parameters, trouble shooting the basics of breast feeding with careful consideration of any maternal issues can identify problems that may be rectified with sufficient support. Early involvement of the breast feeding team is key, admitting the infant to the postnatal ward if necessary, or following them up in an ambulatory environment. Box 2 Tools for soothing the unsettled infant The 5 S’s:14 ▸ Swaddling—with infant’s hands up to face for self-comforting ▸ Side lying—infant held by parent lying on their side ▸ Shushing—make calm shushing noises ▸ Swinging—gentle rocking in parent’s arm ▸ Sucking—on breast or hands, but avoiding dummy Other tools: ▸ Skin-to-skin contact with parent ▸ Massage infant’s tummy in gentle clockwise motion with organic sunflower oil, following anatomy of large bowel ▸ Bicycle action with infant’s legs ▸ Warm bath ▸ Put down in safe place and leave room for few minutes to clear head and seek support from family members Summary points ▸ Despite extensive evidence about the benefits of breast feeding for both infants and mothers, breastfeeding rates in UK remain low. ▸ Most infants presenting with feeding issues are otherwise well but are often over diagnosed with clinical conditions such as maternal milk insufficiency, cow’s milk intolerance or reflux. ▸ With simple advice and troubleshooting common problems, all child health professionals can support mothers to establish and continue breast feeding exclusively for longer. 12 Test your knowledge 1. In UK, the rates of exclusive breast feeding at 6 months are: A. 10% B. 7% C. 25% D. 1% E. 3% 2. Signs of good attachment and effective feeding include: (select all that apply) A. Infant’s lower lip is well below the base of the mother’s nipple with more of areola seen above their top lip B. Infant’s cheeks are sucked in C. One or two long rhythmic sucks between swallowing D. Softening of breasts E. Pain in mother’s nipple 3. With regard to hormonal control of lactation, which of the following is correct? A. Prolactin stimulates myoepithelial cell contraction causing milk ejection along lactiferous ducts to the nipple B. Skin-to-skin contact stimulates oxytocin release facilitating lactation C. Maternal prolactin levels are higher at night D. Issues with the infant’s attachment reduce FIL action, increasing complications such as mastitis E. Maternal stress triggers dopamine and norepinephrine release which has an inhibitory effect on prolactin synthesis 4. The average weight loss in a breastfeeding term infant in the first week of life is A. 10% B. 7% C. 25% D. 1% E. 3% 5. Which of the following are true? A. Breastfed infants should be allowed to feed responsively to cues such as fist sucking, tongue protrusion and moving their head form side to side B. The otherwise well unsettled baby is likely to have an underlying condition such as reflux or cow’s milk protein intolerance requiring treatment C. Breast milk jaundice is an indication to stop breast feeding D. The most effective treatment for mastitis is emptying of the breast via feeding E. Bloody vomit in breastfed infants is not uncommon, usually caused by cracked nipples The answers are after the references. Cleugh F, Langseth A. Arch Dis Child Educ Pract Ed 2017;102:8–13. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2016-311456 Best practice After the baby has regained their birth weight, they should continue to gain weight at the rate of 200–215 g a week until 3 months of age, or ‘an ounce a day, except on Sunday’. The assessment of a poorly feeding baby is challenging, normally requiring a multidisciplinary approach. The entire assessment is one that can be filled with emotion, a tired mother who may be fragile, sometimes an equally tired partner and occasionally a few grandparents with strong opinions thrown into the mix. Listening carefully and performing a thorough examination of the child will help to build trust and guide further treatment. All babies with poor weight gain will require follow-up. The reason for the poor weight gain may not always be evident during that first consultation. Often the consultation is not about diagnosis and treatment but about offering support and thoughtful follow-up. If the patient is assessed in the busy environment of A&E and admission is not indicated, it is appropriate for the baby to be followed in the community. As the mother gains confidence and better technique, the baby will usually start to gain weight. If this does not happen, the baby should be linked to the appropriate services and can be referred for further treatment or investigations. The unsettled, but well infant Remember an unsettled infant is very stressful for parents. Be empathic and acknowledge this, taking time to allay concerns about underlying causes. Troubleshooting the basics of breast feeding may provide a simple solution, as an unsettled baby may just be hungry with a poor latch. Use the tools in box 1 and UNICEF UK’s assessment and ‘off to the best start’ resources.5 7 The tendency for health professionals is to over medicalise these infants and diagnose an underlying condition. Most commonly these include cow’s milk protein intolerance and gastro-oesophageal reflux. Careful history and examination should be undertaken to determine if these are a possible cause, seeking advice from a senior paediatric specialist if unsure. If no clinical or feeding issues are identified on troubleshooting, infantile colic is often attributed as a diagnosis. However, cause for excessive crying in an otherwise well infant is poorly understood. The key is working with parents to support them through this trying period.13 You can suggest some tools such as in box 2 and refer to the health visiting team for ongoing support in the community as well as breastfeeding support groups local to the family. Correction notice This paper has been amended since it was published Online First. In the section of the article titled ‘Common myths and misconceptions’ the paragraphs under ‘Nipple confusion’ have been amended. Twitter Follow Francesca Cleugh at @FranCleugh Acknowledgements We thank the breastfeeding team at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust—Ellie Matthews (lactation consultant), Anna Conrad (specialist dietician), Kristy O’Connor (speech and language therapist) and Annie Aloysius (speech and language therapist). Competing interests None declared. Provenance and peer review Commissioned; internally peer reviewed. REFERENCES 1 McAndrew F, Thompson J, Fellows L, et al. Infant feeding survey 2010. Leeds: Health and Social Care Information Centre, 2012. 2 Moore ER, Anderson GC, Bergman N, et al. Early skin-to-skin contact for mothers and their healthy newborn infants. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2012. 3 WHO. Infant andYoung Child Feeding. Model Chapter for Textbooks for Medical Students and Allied Health Professionals. 2009. documents/9789241597494/en/ (accessed online June 2015). 4 UNICEF UK. The Baby Friendly Initiative. http://www.unicef. (accessed Jun 2015). 5 UNICEF UK. Guidance-for-Health-Professionals/Forms-and-checklists/ Breastfeeding-assessment-form/ (accessed online Jul 2015). 6 Eisenberg SR, Bair-Merritt MH, Colson ER, et al. Maternal report of advice received for infant care. Pediatrics 2015;136: e315–22. 7 Department of Health. Off to the Best Start Leaflet. 2011. http:// PublicationsPolicyAndGuidance/DH_125826 (accessed Jul 2015). 8 Hall DMB, Renfrew MJ. Tongue tie. Arch Dis Child 2005;90:1211–5. 9 Power RF, Murphy JF. Tongue-tie and frenotomy in infants with breastfeeding difficulties: achieving a balance. Arch Dis Child 2015;100:489–94. 10 Bowley DM, Arul GS. Fifteen-minute consultation: the infant with a tongue tie. Arch Dis Child Educ Pract Ed 2014;99:127–9. 11 Noel-Weiss J, Courant G, Woodend AK. Physiological weight loss in the breastfed neonate: a systematic review. Open Med 2008;2:E11–22. 12 NICE. Neonatal jaundice. Treatment threshold graphs. 2010. cg98-neonatal-jaundice-treatment-threshold-graphs (accessed Aug 2015). 13 McKenzie SA. Fifteen-minute consultation: troublesome crying in infancy. Arch Dis Child Educ Pract Ed 2013;98:209–11. 14 Karp H. 2002. the-five-s-way-to-calm-a-fussy-baby/ (accessed Aug 2015). Answers to the multiple choice questions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. D A, C, D B, C, D, E B A, D, E Cleugh F, Langseth A. Arch Dis Child Educ Pract Ed 2017;102:8–13. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2016-311456 13