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Scientific Method, Elements, Compounds Worksheet

Name: ____________________________________ Grade & Section: _________________
Activity #__
The Scientific Method
The scientific method is a process for experimentation that is used to explore
observations and answer questions. The scientific method is used in all sciences—
including chemistry, physics, geology, and psychology. The scientists in these fields
ask different questions and perform different tests. However, they use the same
core approach to find answers that are logical and supported by evidence.
1. Identify the steps of the scientific method
2. Use the scientific method to create an experiment in their daily life.
List the steps of the Scientific Method In the space provided.
In the space provided, use the Scientific Method to solve the following problems.
Follow the step-by-step process you wrote above to find a solution. Write your
answer in PARAGRAPH FORM and be sure to write in COMPLETE SENTENCES.
Observation 1: One morning you wake up and discover that your radio no
longer works.
Observation 2: You take all of your books home from school and promptly finish
your homework. The next morning you wake up and cannot find your bag with
your books in it. Your brother has a backpack that looks very similar to yours.
What is a hypothesis?
Why do we need to learn scientific method?
Name: _________________________________ Grade & Section: ____________________
Activity # __
What Solutions do You Find in Your Home?
 Describe the observable characteristics or properties of common solutions
found at home or in stores;
 Present the data gathered in table form to show the different properties of
common solutions.
Products or Solutions Found at Home
or in Stores
Solutions Found in Nature
Why is solution important to our daily lives?
Name: __________________________________ Grade & Section: ___________________
Activity #__
Elements, Compounds & Mixtures
All matter is made of elements that are fundamental substances that
cannot be broken down by chemical means. An element is a substance that
cannot be further reduced as to simpler substances by ordinary processes. In
essence, an element is a substance consisting of one type of
atom. A compound is a pure substance composed of two or more different
atoms chemically bonded to one another. That means that it cannot be
separated into its constituents by mechanical or physical means and only can be
destroyed by chemical means. A mixture is a material containing two or more
elements or compounds that are in close contact and are mixed in any
proportion. For example, air, sea water, crude oil, etc.
1. Distinguish and describe the three types of matter: elements,
compounds, mixtures.
2. Identify whether the substance is an element, compound or mixture
Activity paper and ballpen
Classify each of the materials below.
1. A pure substance containing only one kind of ____________.
2. An element is always uniform all the way through (homogeneous).
3. An element _____________ be separated into simpler materials (except during
nuclear reactions).
4. Over 100 existing elements are listed and classified on the
1. A pure substance containing two or more kinds of _______________.
2. The atoms are _________________ combined in some way. Often times (but not
always) they come together to form groups of atoms called molecules.
3. A compound is always homogeneous (uniform).  Compounds
___________________ be separated by physical means. Separating a compound
requires a chemical reaction.
4. The properties of a compound are usually different than the properties of the
elements it contains.
1. Two or more ________________ or _________________ NOT chemically combined.
2. No reaction between substances.
3. Mixtures can be uniform (called ________________________) and are known as
solutions.  4. Mixtures can also be non-uniform (called
5. Mixtures can be separated into their components by chemical or physical
6. The properties of a mixture are similar to the properties of its components.
Part 2:
Classify each of the following as elements (E), compounds (C) or Mixtures (M).
____Uranium (U)
____Krypton (K)
____Sugar (C6H12O6) ____Milk
____Iron (Fe)
____A dog
____Alcohol (CH3OH) ____Salt
____Gold (Au)
Name: __________________________________ Grade & Section: ___________________
Activity #__
Homogeneous vs. Heterogeneous Mixture
A homogeneous mixture has the same uniform appearance and
composition throughout. A heterogeneous mixture consists of visibly different
substances or phases.
Classify the following types of matter as either homogeneous or
1. Carbonated soft drink (w/ bubbles)
2. Chocolate chip ice cream
3. Salad
4. Corn syrup
5. Soil
6. Aluminum foil
7. Black coffee
8. Sugar & water
9. Air (with smog)
10. Paint
11. Rubbing alcohol
12. Full fat milk
13. Beach sand
14. Pure air
15. Chunky spaghetti sauce
Pure Substances vs. Mixtures
Classify the following as pure substances (element or compound) or
1. Sodium
11. Iron
2. Water
12. Salt water
3. Soil
13. Chocolate chip ice cream
4. Coffee
14. Nitrogen
5. Oxygen
15. Eggs
6. Isopropyl Alcohol
16. Blood
7. Carbon dioxide
17. Table salt
8. Cake batter
18. Nail polish
9. Air Mixture
19. Milk
10. Chicken noodle soup
20. Soda
1. What is the difference between a homogeneous and a heterogeneous
2. Are all solutions homogeneous mixtures?
3. Can homogeneous mixtures be separated into their components?
Name: __________________________________ Grade & Section: ___________________
Activity #__
A solution is a mixture of two or more substances. The substance that
dissolves the others is the solvent. The substance that dissolve into the solvent are
Choose the letter of the definition that best matches each term.
_______ 1. Solution
a. capable of being dissolved
_______ 2. Solute
b. solution with water as the solvent
_______ 3. Solvent
c. substance that is dissolved in a solution
_______ 4. Soluble
d. substance that dissolves in water to form a
solution that conducts an electric current
_______ 5. Alloy
e. solid solution containing two or more metals
_______ 6. Aqueous solution
f. homogeneous mixture of two or more
substances in a single physical state
_______ 7. Electrolyte
g. substance that does the dissolving in a
B. Answer each of the following questions in the space provided.
Describe the properties of a solution
Give two examples of solutions in nature and explain why each is important.
Name: __________________________________ Grade & Section: ___________________
Activity #__
Unsaturated, Saturated and Supersaturated Solutions
An unsaturated solution contains less than the maximum amount of
solute. A saturated solution contains the maximum quantity of solute that dissolves
at that temperature. A supersaturated solution contain more solute than is
possible to be dissolved. Supersaturated solutions are unstable and temporary.
1. You add the first packet of sugar, and stir until it all dissolves with no sugar
settled on the bottom.
2. You add a second packet of sugar and it takes a little more time for the sugar
to dissolve. After stirring for a minute, you realize that there are still some sugar
crystals at the bottom of the glass.
3. After tasting your tea, you decide it is still not sweet enough and add more
sugar. However, it all settles at the bottom, and regardless of how much you
stir, the crystals stay at the bottom of the cup.
Q1. What can you do to help the sugar crystals dissolve?
Identify which type of solution was created in each step.
Steps for Sweetening Iced Tea
Type of Solution
1. Add one packet of sugar. All of the
sugar crystals dissolved with none
settled on the bottom.
2. Add second packet of sugar. Not all
of the sugar crystals and a few settled
on the bottom.
3. Add third packet of sugar. None of
the sugar crystals dissolved and all
settled on the bottom. To dissolve the
sugar, you do the following:
a. Heat up the tea to dissolve the
b. Cool it back down so you can drink
Name: __________________________________ Grade & Section: ___________________
Activity #__
The Microscope
1. Label the parts of the microscope and
2. Describe the functions of each parts
A.) Base Knob
D.) Diaphragm
G.) Stage Clips
J.) Eyepiece
B.) Fine Adjustment
E.) Light Source
H.) Coarse Adjustment
K.) Objective Lenses
C.) Arm
F.) Stage
I.) Nosepiece
Please match the parts of the microscope with their function. Put the letter
next to the part of the microscope that fits the description.
1. Eyepiece: _____
A – This part holds the objective lenses
and is able to rotate to change
2. Base: _____
3. Nosepiece: _____
4. Stage: ______
5. Coarse Adjustment Knob: _____
6. Diaphragm: ______
7. Stage Clips: ______
8. Fine Adjustment Knob: ______
9. Objective Lenses: ______
10. Arm: _____
11. Light Source: _____
B – This part of the microscope adjusts
the amount of light that reaches the
specimen (1 = least to 5 = most).
C – This part moves the stage slightly
to help you sharpen or “fine” tune
your view of the specimen.
D – Where you look into the
microscope. This part allows you to
view the image on the stage and
contains the ocular lens.
E – This part is used to support the
microscope when carried.
F – Part of the microscope that
supports the slide being viewed.
G – These are used to hold the slide
into place.
H – The bottom part of the
I – This part of the microscope is found
on the nosepiece and range from low
to high power.
J – This part moves the stage up and
down to help you get the specimen
into view.
K – This part of the microscope
projects light upwards to allow you to
see the specimen.
1. What is a microscope?
2. What is the function of a microscope?
Name: __________________________________ Grade & Section: ___________________
Activity #__
Making Simple Slides
Prepare a simple slide at home
State the correct way of carrying a microscope from one place to another
 Clear Scotch tape
 A few granules of salt, sugar, ground coffee, sand, or any other grainy
 compound microscope
1. To make a slide, tear a 2 ½-3” long piece of Scotch tape and set it sticky side
up on the kitchen table or other work area.
2. Fold over about ½” of the tape on each end to
form finger holds on the sides of the slide.
3. Next, sprinkle a few grains of salt or sugar in the
middle of the sticky part of the slide. You can repeat this with the other
substances if you like, just be sure to label each slide you make with an ink pen
or permanent marker so you will know what’s on the slides.
1. Describe how and with what you are to clean the lens of the microscope.
2. List four things that you are to do when you are finished using the microscope.
3. What is the correct way of carrying a microscope from one place to another?
Name: __________________________________ Grade & Section: ___________________
Activity #__
Levels of Organization of Living Things
 Describe the biological levels of organization
from the smallest to highest level
Living things are highly organized and structured,
following a hierarchy that can be examined on a scale
from small to large.
 The atom is the smallest and most fundamental
unit of matter. The bonding of at least two
atoms or more form molecules.
 The simplest level of organization for living
things is a single organelle, which is composed
of aggregates of macromolecules.
 The highest level of organization for living things
is the biosphere; it encompasses all other levels.
 The biological levels of organization of living
things arranged from the simplest to most
complex are: organelle, cells, tissues, organs,
organ systems, organisms, populations,
communities, ecosystem, and biosphere.
Identify where the following picture belongs.
Why it is that cell is considered to be the basic structural and functional unit of all
What do you think will happen to the tissues, organs, and organ systems if these
cells were injured or diseased?
If the tissues, organs, and organ systems were injured or diseased, what do you
think will happen to the organism?
Name: __________________________________ Grade & Section: ___________________
Activity #__
The Plant Cell
 Describe plant cell
 Identify the parts and function of the plant cell
Use the word bank to answer the questions and label the drawing below.
A. ribosome
E. nucleus
I. cytoskeleton
B. mitochondria
F. vacuole
J. cell wall
C. cell membrane
G. Golgi body
K. cytoplasm
D. nucleolus
H. chloroplast
L. lysosome
M. endoplasmic reticulum
1. ____ uses the energy of sunlight to produce glucose during photosynthesis
2. ____ provides strength and shape to the cell; network of protein fibers
3. ____ control center of the cell; contains DNA
4. ____ surrounds the internal cell parts; controls the passage of materials in and
5. ____ vesicle that contains substances that break down materials
6. ____ produces energy
7. ____ provides rigid structure and protection; made of cellulose
8. ____ vesicle that provides storage of water and other materials; if full, provide
9. ____ packages and transports proteins from the ER to other parts of the cell
10. ____ ER; passageways that transport proteins within the cell
11. ____ everything inside of the cell membrane except for the nucleus
12. ____ composed of protein and RNA; involved in ribosome production
13. ____ where proteins are made in the cells; the dots
Describe the shape of the plant cell.
What is the function of
a. cell wall
b. chloroplast
Name: __________________________________ Grade & Section: ___________________
Activity #__
The Animal Cell
 Describe the animal cell
 Identify the parts and function of the animal cell
 Compare and contrast the similarities and differences of both plant cell
and animal cell.
Use the word bank to answer the questions and label the drawing below.
A. cell membrane
E. nucleus
I. rough endoplasmic reticulum
B. mitochondria
F. vacuole
J. ribosome
C. Golgi body
G. cytoplasm
K. smooth endoplasmic reticulum
D. lysosome
H. nucleolus
L. nuclear membrane
1. ____ A double layer that supports and protects the cell. Allows materials in and
2. ____ Contains digestive enzymes that destroy damaged organelles and
3. ____ Jelly-like fluid that surrounds and protects the organelles.
4. ____ The control center of the cell. Contains the DNA
5. ____ Surrounds the nucleus.
6. ____ A round structure in the nucleus that makes ribosomes.
7. ____ Stores food and water.
8. ____ Processes and packages materials for the cell.
9. ____ The “Powerhouse”. Breaks down food to produce energy in the form of
10. ___ Builds and transports substances through the cell. Has ribosomes on it.
11. ___ Builds and transports substances through the cell. Does not have
12. ___ Helps make protein for the cell.
For the chart below, place a check in the box if the cell has that component.
Cell Wall
Endoplasmic Reticulum
Golgi Apparatus
1. What cell parts are found in both cells?
2. Which cell parts are present only in animal cells?
3. Which cell parts are present only in plant cells?
Name: __________________________________ Grade & Section: ___________________
Activity #__
 Identify how the offspring of the two types of reproduction differ.
Identify the organism’s mode of reproduction.
Vegetative Propagation
Spore Formation
1. ____________________________________ 2. ____________________________________
3. ____________________________________ 4. ____________________________________
5. ____________________________________ 6. ____________________________________
What are the different modes of reproduction?
Give two (2) examples of organisms types that go through
a. asexual reproduction
b. sexual reproduction
Arrange the following characteristics.
2 parents needed
Limited ability to adapt
Involves specialized sex cells
Offspring genetically identical to parents
1 parent needed
Adaptable to environmental change
Lots of energy needed
Involves somatic cells
Does not need much energy
Offspring are a genetic mix of both parents
Asexual Reproduction
Sexual Reproduction