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Feminine Mystique Notes: Friedan's Key Themes

The Feminine Mystique by Betty Friedan
Tuesday, 23 June 2020
57 years since publishing in 1963
Started a revolution - women found existence outside the home
Demanding equality in the workplace and
Kitchen conspiracy
Incomplete rebuilding
*It’s the men that have to break through to a new way of thinking about
themselves and society
The problem that had no name…
Sexual assault being enough to take down a president
Term: Personhood
Check footnotes 1-5
Check statistics on women in labour force and wedges
Sexual politics
Men being forced out of the work place… more women providing the majority
household income
NOW - national organization for women
What is the main battle now for women? Who's winning, who's losing?
Betty Friedan - Introduction
○ Is it the education or the role that is wrong?
○ The mystique of feminine fulfilment
Chapter 1: The Problem That Has No Name
• PHT - Putting Husbands Through
• "Women are out to fit the clothes, not the other way around."
• The suburban house wife was the dream image of young American women and
the envy of women around the world
○ Their only dream to be perfect wives and mothers
• "The Second Sex" Simoni D.
• What kind of women was she if she didn't feel satisficed waxing the kitchen flo
• The housewife syndrome - the housewives blight
• The suburban house wife was the dream image of young American
women and the envy of women around the world
○ Their only dream to be perfect wives and mothers
• "The Second Sex" Simoni D.
• What kind of women was she if she didn't feel satisficed waxing the
kitchen floor
• The housewife syndrome - the housewives blight
• 1960 - the unhappiness of the trapped housewife was being reported
• Blamed too much education making them unhappy in their role as a
• 1962 - the plight of the trapped American housewife
• This is not what it means to be a women…
• It is no longer possible today to blame the problem on lose of
• Women need more then their children and their husbands
Chapter 2: The Happy Housewife Heroine
• Suffering in silence (why?)
• What need, what part of themselves could so many women today be
• Does the image by which modern American women leave something
• Questioning the articles in popular magazines - a portrayal of who a
woman was supposed to be or relate to
• Sex, babies and passion - where is the life of the mind
• The confinement of a women's world
• When did women decided to give up the world and go back home…
• Story's for their daughters to go out into the world
• Career women
• Narrative changes in magazines to encourage women to be proud of
being a housewife
• "The Law of Sex"
• The mistake in the past is was women trying to be like men… the new
mystique makes the housewife mothers, who never had a chance to be
anything else, the model for all women
• The feminine mystique says that there is no other way for a women to
be a heroine
• (Are there any women magazines?)
• The end of the road is the disappearance of the heroine altogether, as
a separate self and the subject of our own story, the end of the road is
togetherness, where a women has no independent self to hind even in
guilt, she exist only for and through her husband and children
• "A man's place is in the home"
• The end of the road is the disappearance of the heroine altogether, as
a separate self and the subject of our own story, the end of the road is
togetherness, where a women has no independent self to hind even in
guilt, she exist only for and through her husband and children
• "A man's place is in the home"
• Forbidden to join men in the world, can women be women?
• 1957 - height of togetherness
• Ideas are not like instincts - they are communicated by education and
the printed word
• The Actress (career women who was welcome) - from complexed
individual a fiery temper, inner depth and a mysterious blend of spirit
and sexual - sexual object, a baby faced bride, or house wife
• *Material coming form women writers before the war, then when they
came back the narrative changed
• What percentage of the workforce do women hold
• When a mystique is strong it makes its own fiction a fact
• Why did women go home again?
Chapter 3: The Crisis in Woman's Identity
• The feminine mystique tells women that they don't need to answer the
question about identity because it tells them who they are…
• Thesis: The core of the problem is identity (lack of identity)
perpetuated by the feminine mystique
Chapter 4: The Passionate Journey
• 1848 first women's rights convention
• Judith Sargent " Woman needed knowledge to envision new goals and
grow by reaching for them"
• To become a wife was to die as a person
• The feminist movement…
• Those that lead the movement had more than common education
• Feminist leaders…
• M Carry Thomas (?) it was a man's world
• 1907 - the movement was in a sterol rout
• Jane Adams
• Carry chapman pert
• Women born after the 1920's the women's movement was dead - yet
the man eating meth persisted (it ended with winning the vote)
• Turning point in women's identity but what were they free to be?
• Women are bond again to the home in the old image of glorified
femininity, the same one that made women rebel in the first
the man eating meth persisted (it ended with winning the vote)
• Turning point in women's identity but what were they free to be?
• Women are bond again to the home in the old image of glorified
femininity, the same one that made women rebel in the first
Chapter 5: The Sexual Solipsism of Sigmund Freud
• The feminine mystique derived its power from Freudian thought, an
idea born of Freud to lead women to misinterpret their husbands and
sons and themselves
• Without Freud's definition of the sexual nature of women; penis envy
• Freud could not escape his own society bounds
• The psychology of women
• The masculinity complex stems from the female castration complex
○ True femininity comes from a women giving up all ambition
beyond pleasing her father, husband or son. A woman achieving
success outside of a man only does so at the expense of her
• Those that shaped the narrative; writers, ad agency's, tv and
Chapter 6: The Functional Freeze, the Feminine Protest,
and Margaret Mead
• Have we moved away from Freud's concept of a women?
• Functionalism - family life
• Feminine protest are made up a men and women who deny what a
woman should be… and made it more than it every could be
• Who girls learn to play the role of women…
• Connected to how children are brought up, a boy given more freedom
and responsibility outside the home vs girls
• Keeping girls, girls…
• Functionalism is embracing because it really said nothing at all
• Women were being made less then their capability
• Margaret Mead - of male and female
• Social scientist have determined that being a women is being no more
no less then being human
Chapter 7: The Sex-Directed Educators
• The idea of having a career and a family is relatively new?
• 1959 - women still going to college but more interested in getting a
husband so don't finish (Mona Lisa smile film)
• Is education still unfeminine
Chapter 7: The Sex-Directed Educators
• The idea of having a career and a family is relatively new?
• 1959 - women still going to college but more interested in getting a
husband so don't finish (Mona Lisa smile film)
• Is education still unfeminine
• Higher education reinforced the Mystique
• The women scholar was suspect
• The sex-directed education - Women should be educated for their role
as women
• Gets in high schools, the portion of women in college dropping?
• By actively educated women to their sexual function
• Girls today have a choice between adjustment or individuality
• Education for women does make them less feminine but it does make
them grow
Chapter 8: The Mistaken Choice
The choice between marriage and career
The needs that made the mystique
The effects of war
Love, home, children or any other occupation
When the war ended GI's came back to take the jobs and seats in
colleges - resurgence of old anti feminine feeling made it difficult for a
girl to keep or get a job
• Women who worked showed that they lived in city's and had higher
Chapter 9: The Sexual Sell
• Were femininity leaves women
• The psychology of house keeping - Three categories: First - true
housewife type; second - career women, third - balanced homemaker
• The art of good homemaking should be the goal of every women
• How the mystique acts in advertising
Chapter 10: Housewifery Expands to Fill the Time
• Suburban wives attempting suicide, drugs, extramarital affairs
• (gifted and with higher education) The lives they were leading as
housewives denied them the full use of their gifts
• Could women be prevented from realizing their own capabilities by
making their role in the home equal to mans role in society
• The double depiction of the feminine mystique: #1 the more a women
is deprived of function in society to the level of her own ability the
housewives denied them the full use of their gifts
• Could women be prevented from realizing their own capabilities by
making their role in the home equal to mans role in society
• The double depiction of the feminine mystique: #1 the more a women
is deprived of function in society to the level of her own ability the
more her housework will expand and the more she will resist doing the
work. #2 the housework for any given women varies inversely to the
challenges the women is given
Chapter 11: The Sex-Seekers
• Housewives having affairs to make them feel alive again
• Again the perception in media and aids, over sexualization of women
and then men
• Male hostility towards women because of the feminine mystique
Chapter 12: Progressive Dehumanization: The
Comfortable Concentration Camp
How the mothers unhappiness effects the children
Numbers of reasons this effects girls
Mothers neglecting or over identifying with the children
Love affairs with their children, then animals
The mistaken choice between femaleness and humanness that is
implied in the feminine mystique
• When women are encouraged to grow to their full self the feminine
mystique can be shattered
Chapter 13: The Forfeited Self
• Housewives lose sense of purpose
• The need to grow to their potential
• *Are women encouraged to reach their full potential and self
realization? - only when women are allowed to reach their full
potential and reach self realization will they find full fulfilment
• High dominance or low dominance women
• *Self actualizing people
• Lack of work causing the problem that has no name
• Women used to work along side their husbands, but when their work
was no longer needed women's work decreased
• Living death - American women must learn to take her life seriously
• We measure ourselves by many standards
• Fulfilling their own unique possibilities as separate human beings
was no longer needed women's work decreased
• Living death - American women must learn to take her life seriously
• We measure ourselves by many standards
• Fulfilling their own unique possibilities as separate human beings
Chapter 14: A New Life Plan for Women
• When society asks so little of women every women has to listen to her
own inner voice to find her identity in the changing world
• A work towards a great future
• "I don't have to sew to prove I'm a women"
• First; she must say "no" to the housewife image
• See house work for what it is, not a career but something to be done a
quickly a possible (save time to be used in better ways
• Second; to see marriage as it is, brushing aside the vale of over
• She has to find herself as a person, by creative work of her own = equal
to their actual capacity
• Part of a life plan that she can grow in
• Work that is of real value to society, that pays and implies a
commitment to society
• Education is key to the problem that has no name only when part of
the plan for a new life
• What do girls want to be now?
• examples of working wives
• Suggestions for how colleges and universities could accommodate
• Education or re-education of American women needs to happen on a
much wider scale
• There are still battles to be won for women
• Expect this discrimination and fight it, don't adjust to prejudice and
discrimination - compete as a human being
• Every women who graduates and gets her PhD and goes on to use it or,
helps other move on, every women who fights the remaining barriers
makes it easier for others
• Maternity leaves
• Mutation = women doing it all; mother, wife and career woman - took
part time jobs (my mom)