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Quarantine, COVID-19, and Online Studying Guide

What does quarantine mean?
How to protect from covid-19?
Online Studying due to Covid-19
What does quarantine mean?
Governments use quarantine to stop the spread of contagious diseases. Quarantines are for
people or groups who don’t have symptoms but were exposed to the sickness. A quarantine
keeps them away from others so they don’t unknowingly infect anyone.
Quarantine may be used during:
Outbreak When there’s a sudden rise in the number of cases of a disease
Epidemics Similar to outbreaks, but generally considered larger and more widespread.
Pandemics Larger than epidemics, generally global in nature and affect more people.
Quarantine isn’t the only way to protect yourself during an epidemic. Dr. Gordon also
Social distancing: Social distancing involves avoiding large gatherings. If you have to be
around people, keep 6 feet (2 meters) between you when possible. “Social distancing is pretty
much like using common sense,” Dr. Gordon says. “We don’t realize how interconnected we are
until we’re asked to avoid people.” But he notes that terms like “mass gatherings” or “congregate
settings” are vague. They’re used to describe things like shopping centers, movie theaters or
stadiums. But how many people together is too many? “That’s a moving target,” he says. There’s
no official definition, though the CDC recently adviced that all U.S. events of 10+ people should
be cancelled or held virtually
Wear a cloth face mask: The CDC now recommends doing so in public, especially in
places where it’s hard to maintain at least 6 feet of distance between yourself and another person.
Staying calm: “While fear is normal, educating yourself is a great way to counterbalance your
anxiety,” says Dr. Gordon. “Stay informed from reliable sources — but not too intensely. Hyperfixating on the news can be just as detrimental.”
Cooperating with the authorities: Following quarantines and other public health
mandates like shelter-in-place orders help slow — and stop — the spread of contagious diseases.
In this time of Social Distancing, most of us are probably struggling with at least some degree of
boredom. A few weeks we were too overwhelmed by all the work (school and otherwise) to even
think about being bored. I know that before all this happened I would've been so grateful for one
day to just sit at home and do nothing. Now that it's less of a choice and more of a "chore" it's
harder than it seems. But self-isolating yourself is important. You get to be a hero by staying at
Activities during quarantine
Online classes and daily routine
Transitioning to online studies has been stressful for students and teachers alike. We need to
remember that this may be as confusing and annoying for the professors as it is for us. The
University of Lahore has done a really nice job with transferring classes online. Most students
recognize the online learning platform Moodle, I have some classes that take place through this
website, which makes it easy to do the assignments on my own terms and time. It has been hard
trying to get used to online seminars, there are so many more distractions sitting at my home desk
than sitting in a classroom. For me, it’s just very awkward speaking to my laptop. However, there
are some positives: at any time I can go get water or something to snack on. Also, there’s no need
to wake up early and wait for the khewra. We should appreciate the hard work the professors are
putting into this, making sure we won’t need to extend the studies into summer. But without
classes, it’s hard to have a daily schedule so you can create your own. This is mine:
Wake up without an alarm (but hopefully before 11am), make breakfast and do some
work for school. I find that going straight to work stops me from procrastinating, and if
I‘ve slept well enough I’m much more motivated to actually get something done.
Around 2 or 3pm I get hungry again, so its time for a light lunch and a walk. Even an
hour outside in the forest helps to clear my mind and gives me a break from staring at my
laptop. Put on your headphones and it's easy to float away into the world of music and
away from all of this.
After a run or walk, I attempt to do some work or at least get something started.
Before going to sleep I watch something on Netflix and crochet, as it can be relaxing and
nice to show off once finished.