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Reading Comprehension Worksheets: Book & Story Analysis

Table of Contents
Formatting Codes: READERizers listed in bold are ready to use as is. The ones that are listed
in bold italic are customizable. Just click in the shaded areas to type what you require.
50 READERizers (ALL of the ones listed below) are available in the full version.
Book Critique
Plot and Conflict Analysis
Book Critique
Predicting Outcomes
Book Log
Predicting Outcomes
Book Log
Questions Bookmark
Character Analysis
Reading Response and Analysis
Character Analysis
Reading Response and Analysis
Character Chart
Reading Response Journal Entry
Character Examination
Realistic Fiction Bookmark
Character Examination
Science Fiction Bookmark
Character Traits
Story Interview
Character Traits
Story Interview
Story Map 1
Story Map 1
Comparing and Contrasting Stories
Story Map 2
Ending after the Ending
Story Map 2
Fantasy Bookmark
Story Plot Terms
Favorite Parts Bookmark
Story Stems
Generic Organizer
Story Stems
Historical Fiction Bookmark
Story Summary
Literary Reactions Journal Entry
Story Summary
Literary Reactions Journal Entry
Mood and Tone
Mood and Tone
Understanding a New Short Story
Mystery Bookmark
Understanding a New Short Story
One-Sentence Summary Completers
Visualizing Plot
Name_______________________________________________________Date_________________Class Period_________
Book Title________________________________________________________Author______________________________
Book Crique
What is your overall evaluaon of this book?
_________Excellent_________Very Good_________Good_________Fair_________Poor_________
Why do you think you, or we as a class, read this book?
How would you rate this book on the following qualies?
________Excellent_______Very Good________Good_______Fair_______Poor_______
________Excellent_______Very Good________Good_______Fair_______Poor_______
Originality ________Excellent_______Very Good________Good_______Fair_______Poor_______
Character ________Excellent_______Very Good________Good_______Fair_______Poor____
Tell more about one of those qualies above. Why do you feel this way?
Describe a part of this book you idenfied with, or tell how this book relates to your life.
What are the strengths of this book?
What are the weaknesses of this book?
Copyright 2011 by Chad Manis, DailyTeachingTools.com.
Name_______________________________________________________Date_________________Class Period_________
Name___________________________________________________Date______________________Class Period________
Story/Book Title__________________________________________Author_______________________________________
Character Analysis
Direcons: Fill in columns 2 and 3 with the informaon requested on your character,_____________________________
Character’s Aributes
Example or Quotaon
What the Example or Quotaon
Reveals about Your Character
What other
Characters Say or
Feel about this
Copyright 2011 by Chad Manis, DailyTeachingTools.com.
Name___________________________________________________Date______________________Class Period________
Story/Book Title__________________________________________Author_______________________________________
Character Examinaon
Direcons: Fill in the required informaon in each secon below as indicated. Be as specific as you can in each secon.
Add Your Own Category Here
Feels about
Character’s Name
Others’ A!tudes
Saddest/Funniest Quotes:
Addional Notes and Thoughts:
Copyright 2011 by Chad Manis, DailyTeachingTools.com.
Name___________________________________________________Date______________________Class Period________
Copyright 2011 by Chad Manis, DailyTeachingTools.com.
Name___________________________________________________Date______________________Class Period________
Story/Book Title__________________________________________Author_______________________________________
Mood and Tone
Direc ons: Mood is what the reader feels about the story, and tone is what the author feels about the story. Provide
examples of mood and tone in the appropriate areas below.
Copyright 2011 by Chad Manis, DailyTeachingTools.com.
Name___________________________________________________Date______________________Class Period________
Story/Book Title__________________________________________Author_______________________________________
Plot and Conflict Analysis
Direcons: The plot is the sequence of events in a story, and the conflict is the problem that the
characters struggle with. Fill in the boxes below with the required informa'on.
1. Did you feel like you were part of the story? Yes _____No_____ Explain your answer.
2. Were you able to predict the ending? Yes _____No_____ Explain your answer.
3. What was your favorite part of the story? Explain your answer.
4. What type of conflict(s) did the author create? (Check one or more)
Character vs. Nature_____Character vs. Self_____Character vs. Society_____Character vs. Character_____
5. What was the most important conflict in the story?
6. What was the main character (the protagonist) trying to accomplish?
7. How was the main conflict resolved?
Copyright 2011 by Chad Manis, DailyTeachingTools.com.
Name___________________________________________________Date______________________Class Period________
Story/Book Title__________________________________________Author_______________________________________
Story Map 1
Direcons: Fill in the required informaon in each secon below as indicated. Be as specific as you can in each secon.
Plot (number individual events in the order they occurred):
Copyright 2011 by Chad Manis, DailyTeachingTools.com.
Name___________________________________________________Date______________________Class Period________
Story/Book Title__________________________________________Author_______________________________________
Story Stems
Direc ons: Fill in the required informaon in each secon below as indicated. Be as specific as you can in each secon.
This story is about___________________________________
(name the characters and the main conflict)
This story takes place_____________________________________________________________
(where and when)
The ac on begins when____________________________________________________________
Then, __________________________________________________________________________
Next, __________________________________________________________________________
A#er that, ______________________________________________________________________
The story ends when______________________________________________________________
The author’s theme is ____________________________________________________________
Copyright 2011 by Chad Manis, DailyTeachingTools.com.