Uploaded by Rebecca Giffin

Discovering the Atom: Foldable Activity for Middle School

Discovering the Parts of an Atom Foldable (20 points)
Create your foldable according to the directions to the right. ALL pictures
must be colored.
Label the Top flap: Discovering the Atom (include your name and period)
Under the flap:
 Define atom.
 Create a Venn diagram and compare/contrast the atom theories
of Democritus and Dalton (include the year of each theory)
Label flap 2: Atom Models
On front of flap:
 Split in in half and draw Thomson’s atom model on one side and label the parts. Draw Rutherford’s model of an
atom on the other side and label the parts.
On the back of the flap:
 Split in half and draw Bohr’s/Chadwick’s atom model on one side and label the parts. Draw the Modern Atom
Model on the other side and label the parts.
Label flap 3: Electrons
On flap (use back if needed):
 Who discovered it?
 What year was it discovered?
 Explain the experiment used to find it and draw a picture of it
 What charge does it have?
Label flap 4: Protons in a Nucleus
On flap (use back if needed):
 Who discovered it?
 What year was it discovered?
 Explain the experiment used to find it and draw a picture of it
 What charge does it have?
 What quarks does it have?
Label the back: Neutrons
On the back of the foldable:
 Who discovered it?
 What year was it discovered?
 Explain how it was found
 What charge does it have?
 What quarks does it have?
 Draw a picture