SECTION A: DRY RUN 10 marks Start Let N=0 Let Sum=0 N=N+1 Sum=Sum+N No Is N=10? Yes Display Sum Stop Use the flowchart above to determining the values of N and SUM when you “dry run” the flowchart above. Write the values of N and SUM in the space provided below ITERATION Iteration 1 Iteration 2 Iteration 3 Iteration 4 Iteration 5 Iteration 6 Iteration 7 Iteration 8 Iteration 9 N 0 SUM 0 Iteration 10 SECTION B: ANSWER All QUESTIONS 50 MARKS 1. Write an algorithm to accept two numbers, divide the first number by the second number and display their quotient 2. Write and algorithm that accepts five numbers and displays the sum and average of the numbers 3. Draw a flowchart to accept the radius and calculate the area of a circle. 4. Write the pseudocode to accept item name, price and quantity from a user and display the item name and its total value. The total value can be calculated as the product of price and quantity. 5. Write the pseudocode to accept the age of a candidate. If the age entered is 18 or above the message „You are eligible to vote’ should displayed. If the age entered is below 18, the message „You are not eligible to vote „should be displayed.