A Benefit-based Segmentation of a Nonresident Summer Travel Market LAURIE E. LOKER AND RICHARD R. PERDUE This study examined the feasibility of segmenting a nonresident tourist market on the basis of vacation benefits sought. Six distinct benefit-based market segments were found using factor and cluster analysis procedures. The resulting segments were compared on the basis of specific dependent variables organized under the following framework: travel party leader characteristics, travel party composition, trip planning and trip characteristics, and post-trip evaluation. Finally, marketing strategy implications were addressed. The following evaluation criteria were used in target market selection: profitability, accessibility, and reachability. Benefit-based market segmentation studies were found to be a viable means of determining vacation market segments. The importance of the development of objective and quantifiable means of evaluating market segments is stressed. BACKGROUND The travel literature indicates the need and potential for of a benefit-based segmentation study. The travelrelated benefits sought by an individual potentially affect several vacation behavior variables, such as trip purpose, choice of destination, and length of travel planning time. Learning the benefits realized by a destination’s visitors from major market segments may be helpful in planning unique positioning messages to appeal successfully to each segment, adjusting advertisement messages, and improving physical facilities (Woodside and Jacobs 1985). While many studies indicate that differences exist between various market segments identified on the basis of benefits sought, no systematic evaluation of the segments exists regarding the criteria by which they differ or what affects target market selection and marketing strategy formulation. success Market segmentation can be defined as the act of dividing market into distinct and meaningful groups of buyers who might warrant separate products and/or marketing mixes. It is an effective marketing strategy that can result in the more efficient and effective use of marketing and promotional dollars, especially in advertising (Kotler and McDougall 1983). Benefit segmentation is an approach to market segmentation by which it is possible to identify market segments by causal rather than descriptive factors. The belief underlying this strategy is that benefits which people are seeking in consuming a given product are the basic reasons for the existence of true market segments and are better determinants of behavior than other approaches (Haley 1968). Benefits predict behavior better than personality and lifestyle, volumetric, demographic or geographic measures, which merely describe behavior without explaining it (Haley 1985; Young, Ott, and Feigin 1980). Good market segments generally consist of consumers with homogeneous product needs, attitudes, and responses to marketing variables (McCarthy 1982). The segments should also be distinctive from one another, so that group membership of an individual is clearly based on key attitudes (Weinstein 1987). Another characteristic of a good market segment is substantiality: a segment should be large enough to be profitable, size being measured by volume consumption (McCarthy 1982). The value of the marketing information generated by the market segment is the final criterion. Good market segmentation research provides operational data that are practical, usable, and readily translatable into a PURPOSE The purpose of this study was to examine the feasibility of segmenting a nonresident tourist market on the basis of vacation benefits sought. Specifically, the study objectives were to determine (1) whether tourists could be grouped together based on similarities and differences in desired vacation benefits, (2) whether statistically significant differences existed between the resulting segments on the basis of demographic, socioeconomic, and vacation and trip-related variables, and (3) whether any resulting differences were meaningful from a marketing standpoint, specifically with respect to target market selection and development of a communications campaign. ’ strategy (Weinstein 1987). majority of segmentation studies in the tourism literon descriptive factors, and therefore have limited usefulness in marketing strategy development. However, some causal, cluster-based segmentation tourism The Laurie E. Lokeris in the Department of Tourism at James Cook University of North Queensland in Queensland, Australia. Richard R. Perdue is an Associate Professor in the College of Business at the University of Colorado at Boulder. The authors wish to acknowledge the financial support provided for this research by the North Carolina Division of Travel and Tourism. Requests for reprints should be addressed to Laurie Loker, Department of Tourism, James Cook University of North Queensland, Queens- land, Australia, 4811. ature are based , studies have been conducted, a few of which are benefit-based. Bryant and Morrison (1980) used factor analysis to form segments based on vacation activity preference types . determined by frequency of participation in various outdoor recreation activities. The marketing usefulness of this study 30 Downloaded from jtr.sagepub.com at University of Victoria on April 8, 2015 is limited because the same behavior can arise from different causes; therefore little insight is gained into improving the content of advertising campaigns. Davis and Stemquist (1987) used an attribute cluster strategy based on respondents’ evaluations of the availability of vacation attributes at a destination area and the importance of these attributes in their vacation decision. The degree of novelty sought by vacationers, which was postulated to offer information about the needs and wants of consumers, was used as a segmentation base in a study conducted by Snepenger (1987). Oppedijk van Veen and Verhallen (1986) conducted a clusterbased causal study similar to benefit segmentation, in which respondents were grouped according to their attitudes towards vacations, vacation requirements, and desired vacation activities. In another study, a benefit clustering approach was employed to segment hotel business clients on the basis of measurements of the importance of 30 specific hotel attributes (Moller et al. 1985). The Canadian federal government conducted a study of the U.S. pleasure travel market in which six segments were defined based on desires sought (Dybka 1987). Finally, the senior pleasure travel market was clustered on the basis of the importance of 14 reasons for traveling, which included escape and rest or relaxation diary survey questionnaire was then given to respondents to be completed during and after their visit. Each survey participant was sent a postcard reminder one week after the initial contact was made. Nonrespondents were then sent a followup letter and a second copy of the questionnaire two weeks after the postcard was sent. The questionnaire was selfsealing, self-addressed, and business reply-stamped to make it easier for respondents to return. The sampling frame for this study consisted of all visitor parties stopping at an interview site on chosen collection dates. A stratified random sample based on collection dates was chosen. Specifically, the possible sampling days were stratified by weekend versus weekday. A random sample of dates was then selected and assigned to the 13 sampling sites. An approximately equal percentage of sampling dates was assigned to each geographical area of the state. The sample size for the visitor survey was determined by the number of sampling days scheduled. On each date, a maximum of 100 travel parties were contacted. During the summer collection period 6,418 contacts were made. Of those contacts, 3,567 usable responses were received, resulting in a response rate of 56%. To accurately compare vacation travelers to North Carolina, the sample was further reduced to include only those visitors whose primary destination was North Carolina and who were on a vacation trip for pleasure purposes. The result of this specification was a reduction of the sample to (Shoemaker 1989). The descriptive variables used to profile the resulting segments in these studies include demographics (e.g., age, 1,209 respondents. gender, place of residence, etc.), socioeconomics (e.g., occupation and income), trip characteristics (e.g., purpose, time of visit, mode of transportation, party composition, length of stay, and vacation spending and activities), and media and travel information use. Snepenger (1987) used Clawson and Knetsch’s five-stage model for a recreation experience (anticipation, travel to destination, on-site behavior, travel from destination, and recollection) as a framework for selecting segment characteristics. The primary weakness of these studies is their lack of a systematic evaluation of the resulting market segments. Specifically, each of RESULTS The first study objective determined whether the tourists could be grouped together according to similarities and differences in desired vacation benefits. Factor and cluster analysis procedures were used to achieve this objective. Factor these studies identified market segments which were different on selected personal or behavioral characteristics. Once the market segment was identified, however, a systematic evaluation of the proposed segmentation was not reported. In this study, both segment identification and evaluation are reported. METHODOLOGY A visitor survey of nonresident travelers was conducted for the North Carolina Division of Travel and Tourism over a one-year period from April 1989 to April 1990 by the Office of Park and Tourism Research, North Carolina State University. The.data for this segmentation study were obtained from this survey and cover the prime vacation season from Memorial Day to Labor Day weekends, May 20 to Septem11 ber 9, 1989. Out-of-state visitors were contacted at 13 interview sites, including the eight interstate welcome centers located at major entry points throughout the state, at tourist information centers at the north and south North Carolina boundaries of , the Blue Ridge Parkway and on the Outer Banks, and at the Charlottc-Douglas and Raleigh-Durham International Airports. The general design of the study consisted of initial contact with the visitors, requesting them to participate in the study. Individuals who agreed to participate were asked to provide their name and home address on a contact card. A I Analysis The questionnaire contained 12 statements representing common benefits desired by travelers. For the purpose of creating orthogonal variables, these 12 benefit statements were factor-analyzed to determine whether underlying dimensions existed which would reveal any relationships between correlated variables in terms of a few conceptually meaningful independent factors. Principal component factor analysis with varimax rotation was used because these methods were both supported in the literature and yielded the most interpretable results. The analysis resulted in four factors being retained with eigenvalues greater than or equal to one. The four factors accounted for 71.3% of the total variance in the benefitt statements. The benefit statements and their factor loadings are presented in Table 1. The first factor was labeled Escape/ Relaxation since the benefit statements dealing with the opportunity to &dquo;get away&dquo; and &dquo;relax&dquo; have the highest loadings on this factor. The second factor, Natural Surroundings, has the highest loadings on the statements relating to getting away from commercialization and crowds and experiencing unpolluted natural surroundings. Excitement Variety was chosen to identify the third factor since the highest factor loadings were obtained on the benefit statements dealing with exciting things to do, variety, and new and different experiences. The fourth and final factor is .strongly represented by only one benefit statement, the opportunity to spend time with Family and Friends. 31 Downloaded from jtr.sagepub.com at University of Victoria on April 8, 2015 Cluster Analysis &dquo; Factor scores, equal to the sum of an individual’s rating that statement, were output for each respondent. Using these factor scores, the respondents were clustered into groups. The size of the sample dictated the use of a k-means FASTCLUS). FASTCLUS clustering procedure (SAS which places each observation performs disjoint analysis into one and only one cluster, as opposed to hierarchical, in which one cluster may be entirely contained within another on - (SAS 1985). The decision as to how many clusters are to be retained is subjective. The SAS FASTCLUS procedure provides a pseudo-rsquare coefficient that reflects the extent to which each cluster solution explains the variance in the original factor scores. In this case, the increase in the percent of variance explained by each cluster was plotted (SAS 1985). The magnitude of this increase dropped off sharply between five and six clusters. These two cluster profiles were examined, and it was determined that six clusters yielded the and useful results. The six clusters and factor scores are presented in Table 2. Segment 1 has been labeled Naturalists, since their score on Factor 2 is much higher than on the other three factors. Segment 2 are the Nondifferentiators because they have positive scores on all factors. Segment 3 are.-Vamily/Fr-iendoriented because their only high positive score was on Factor 4. Excitement Seekers with Escape were grouped together in Segment 4 since they have a high score on Factor 3 as well as a relatively high positive score on Factor 1. In contrast, Segment 5 are Pure Excitement Seekers because their only high positive score is on Factor 3. Finally, Segment 6 represents Escapists with a high positive score on Factor 1. most interpretable their mean Comparison of Segments The next objective differentiated the segments from one another on the basis of demographic, socioeconomic, and trip-related variables. These variables were categorized according to the following framework: travel party leader TABLE 1 BENEFIT STATEMENT PRINCIPAL COMPONENT FACTOR LOADINGS Note: 150 observations were omitted due to missing data. TABLE 2 SUMMARY OF CLUSTER ANALYSIS RESULTS: AVERAGE FACTOR SCORE ON EACH BENEFIT DIMENSION 32 Downloaded from jtr.sagepub.com at University of Victoria on April 8, 2015 characteristics, travel party composition, trip planning and trip characteristics, and post-trip evaluation. To accomplish this objective, the segments were used as independent variables and were compared to each other on the basis of various dependent variables. The following is a brief profile of each segment with respect to the descriptive variables. Due to space limitations, tables presenting these the data have been excluded, but are available upon request from the authors. Naturalists. Characteristics that distinSegment 1 guished this segment include: (1) highly educated male party leader aged 30 to 59; (2) middle income single professional from the Middle Atlantic region; (3) familiarity with the state and trip planned one to three months in advance, using previous experience as primary source of information; (4) travel to the North Coastal/Outer Banks region for outdoor recreation with four to five family members or friends; (5) lodging in a rental cottage/condo for six to seven days, spending approximately $980.00; and (6) camping/hiking, fishing, and visiting scenic or historical sites using previous visits for information. Segment 2 - Nondifferentiators. Important characteristics include (1) professional male party leader aged 30 to 49; (2) middle to upper income family with young children or teens; (3) origin most commonly from the Middle Atlantic or South East Regions, but origin is dispersed; (4) trip planned one to three months, or more, in advance using previous experience, map, auto clubs, and tourist offices; (5) travel to North Carolina with four to five family members or family and friends for any one of the three major trip purposes outdoor recreation, visiting family and friends or sightseeing ; (6) five- to six-day stay in hotels/motels, condos or with friends, spending approximately $880.00; (7) visit to North Coastal/Outer Banks region more likely and visit to AshevillelS.W. Mountains less likely; and (8) museum and amusement park visits and fishing, using brochures, commercial guidebooks, and the state tourism office as information sources. Segmellt 3 - Family/Friend-oriented. Obviously, the primary characteristic of this group is the tendency to travel for interaction with family and friends. Other important characteristics include (1) retired male party leader with lower to middle income; (2) origin less likely to be from the Middle Atlantic Region, most likely from the Far West; (3) trip planned less than three months in advance using relatives or travel agents; (4) travel to North Carolina with three to four family members or alone, for the purpose of visiting family and friends; (5) five- to six-night stay with family or friends in the more urban areas of the Research Triangle Park/Heartland or Charlotte/South Central regions, spending approximately $580.00; (6) beach and historical site visits using friends or relatives as information sources; and (7) dissatisfaction with the availability of tourist information. Segmejrt 4 - Excitement/ Escape. The primary characteristics of this group are (1) male or female party leverage 30 to 49 with relatively lower education; (2) single or married without children with middle to upper income and professional/technical occupation; (3) origin from the Middle Atlantic or South East Regions; (4) trip planned less than one month in advance using commercial guidebooks and previous experience; (5) travel with about three family members or friends for sightseeing, staying five nights in a hotel/motel spending approximately $740.00; (6) little likelihood of visiting the Charlotte/South Central region; (7) museums or beach visits using attraction brochures as information - - ’ (8) high satisfaction with the availability of tourist information. Segment 5 - Pure Excitement Seekers. As compared to the other segments, important characteristics of this group include (1) greater representation of retired or self-employed male travel party leaders aged 40 to 59; (2)-middle to upper income and more likely to be from the Great Lakes region, not from the Middle Atlantic; (3) trip planned less than three months in advance using state map, commercial guidebooks, magazines and local tourist offices (not likely to rely on word-of-mouth); (4) greatest likelihood of requesting the state travel packet; (5) travel with a small party of family or family and friends to sightsee in the High Country region (less likely to visit the North CoastahOuter Banks region); (6) three- to four-night stay in a hotellmotel or campground, spending approximately $515.00; (7) beach visit or attendance at a team sports event using brochures, commercial guidebooks, and the state tourist office as information sources; and (8) greatest satisfaction with the quality of highways, scenery, and attractions. Segment 6 - Escapists. The characteristics of this group include ( 1 ) male or female party leader aged 30 to 49, either a homemaker or employed in clerical/service occupation, with middle to upper income; (2) trip planned one to three months or more in advance using previous experience; (3) travel with four to five family members or friends for any one of the three major purposes, outdoor recreation, visiting family and friends or sightseeing; (4) no propensity towards any one region in North Carolina, with lodging in a hotel/motel, cottage or with friends and relatives, spending approximately $870.00; (5) visits to historical sites or scenic areas, sources; and fishing, or attending team sports events using previous experience or friends and relatives as information sources; and (6) least satisfaction with the quality of attractions, scenery, and highways. Marketing Implications The third objective determined whether the differences between segments were meaningful from a marketing standpoint, specifically with respect to target market selection. Target Market Selection. To determine which market segments were most desirable for the state’s marketing efforts, the six market segments were evaluated on profit- ability, accessibility, and reachability. Profitability measures were concerned with both overall volume and person-night performance. Specifically, profitability was measured in terms of the percentages of total expenditures related to percentage of respondents, the percentage of person-nights (mean party size x mean number of nights) and average expenditures per person-night. An ideal market segment would account for a large percentage of respondents, even larger percentages of expenditures and person-nights, and have the highest average expenditure per person night. A summary of the analysis is provided in Table 3. The segments providing the greatest overall contribution to travel expendi- the Nondifferentiators, the Naturalists and the Escapists, while those with the greatest growth potential in , terms of spending generated per increase in person-night are the Excitement with Escape and the Pure Excitement Seekers. Accessibility was measured on the basis of both the type and number of trip planning information sources used and on the geographic concentration of the market segment. The evaluation of the reachability of each segment was concerned tures are 33 Downloaded from jtr.sagepub.com at University of Victoria on April 8, 2015 with the likelihood of communication efforts attracting the attention of segment members and generating an interest in and desire to travel to North Carolina. Common trip purpose and activity themes as well as the segment’s trip satisfaction were used to measure reachability. : Each segment was rank-ordered on its relative performance on the elements of the evaluation criteria, the highest ranking assigned a value of 6 and the lowest a value of 1. The overall ranking for each criterion was determined by summing the values on each element. The overall evaluation assigned to each segment was determined by adding the total ranking on each criterion, a higher ranking being more desirable. The results of this procedure are presented in Table 4. This evaluation procedure determined that-the most profitable segments are the Nondifferentiators, the Naturalists, and the Escapists. The most accessible are the Excitement TABLE 3 COMPARISON OF SEGMENT PROFITABILITY TABLE 4 TARGET MARKET SELECTION: EVALUATION CRITERIA 34 Downloaded from jtr.sagepub.com at University of Victoria on April 8, 2015 Pure Excitement Seeker segments, for the are likely to use several information sources and those sources tend to be accessible media, not previous experience or word of mouth. The Excitement with Escape segment also tends to be geographically concentrated. The Naturalists have a specific outdoor recreation purpose theme and a common activity theme. The Pure Excitement Seekers also have a specific purpose theme, sightseeing. Although the Family/Friend segment does have a very specific purpose theme, to visit family and friends, it did not receive a high ranking because this theme was not considered marketable. Overall, the evaluation process indicated that those segments towards which marketing efforts should be concentrated are the Pure Excitement Seekers and the Naturalists. It should be noted that an ideal segment, ranking highest on all criteria, would achieve an overall ranking of 60. In comparison the Pure Excitement Seekers achieved 76.6% of this score and the Naturalists 73.3%, less than ideal. Because of the impreciseness of the ranking procedure and the closeness of their overall ratings, these segments should be considered to be equally desirable. While communication campaigns should be developed for these two segments, it is assumed that a spillover effect will occur since they do have some elements in common with the other segments, such as trip purpose and/or geographic origin. with Escape and most part because they CONCLUSIONS state’s tourism product and its unique strengths’and weaknesses, and thereby further identify those segments which are not only potentially profitable, h4t-ue-a.Iso-vi able opportunities for further development by the North Carolina tourism industry. In this regard, a important result o the North Carolina Visitor Survey was documentationi6at each _8section of the state serves very different geographical markets. Thus, further development of this market segmentation strategy involves looking at the unique strengths and opportunities of each sector of the state and development of appropriate marketing strategies. Apart from the impreciseness of the ranking procedure used, a study limitation lies in the fact that only 12 rather broad benefit statements were the basis for clustering. Ideally a larger number of more specific statements would have been used, hopefully resulting in more distinctive factors and clusters. Another limitation is that more detailed information was not obtained from the respondents with respect to the types and specific names of media through which they are most often exposed to tourism communications. Efforts in future research should be made to decrease the subjectivity involved in establishing and evaluating travel market segments. There is a need for development of objective and quantifiable means for determining the number of factors and clusters to be retained and for establishing and measuring evaluation criteria. .. This article has indicated that benefit-based market segmentation studies are a viable and useful means of determining vacation market segments. In an increasingly competitive environment with reliance on limited resources, the importance of market segmentation is clear. It provides a means to focus marketing strategies on key segments which provide the highest return on investment, can be reached efficiently and effectively through available media, and are compatible with the product being offered. While numerous approaches exist to segmenting travel markets, benefit segmentation has the advantage of being based upon predictive, causal factors and, when combined with key descriptive variables, provides clear insight into marketing and communication strategy formulation. The establishment of objective and quantifiable evaluation criteria for use in target market selection is important. The criteria used in this study were established to address key considerations in determining the viability of a market segment : is the segment profitable? are segment members accessible through the media? and, once reached, will positive interest and desire be generated? Multiple measures were used at an overall ranking on these criteria in an attempt to quantify the performance of the market segments on key marketing variables and to therefore provide a justifiable means for target market selection. However, the ranking procedure used to compare segments lacks preciseness in that it does not indicate the degree to which one segment is superior over another, only that it is superior. The development of a more precise numeric rating scale to use in the , comparative evaluation of market segments would be beneficial. Importantly, the next step in the process of identifying and targeting market segments for the state is to examine the REFERENCES Bryant, B., and A.Morrison (1980). 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