Uploaded by Kendrew Mok

Dementia & BPSD: Caring for Patients

Sharing session on caring
dementia patient with BPSD
What’s dementia
What’s BPSD
Assessment of BPSD
Keypoints for good communication
DICE Approach
Take home message
Q & A session
What’s dementia (認知障礙症、老人痴呆症、腦退化症))
• Dementia is an umbrella term
• DSM-5 : Neurocognitive domains
• memory impairment
• decline brain function
• caused by neurodegenerative disease, death or demaged brain
cells, stroke, repeated traumatic head injury, or brain tumors, other
diseases, such as HIV infection, or alcohol-related brain damage.
• number of types of dementia (Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Vascular
Dementia, Lewy Body Dementia, Frontotemporal Dementia,
Huntington's disease…etc)
• Dementia symptoms tend to vary because different areas of the
• progressive, irreversible, incurable
• 7 distinct, identifiable stages
• (Memory, speech, physical, behavioral, emotional)
early diagnosis
• with an
and proper care, the
progression of some forms of dementia can be managed and
slowed down.
Take home Message
Put yourself into other’s shoe
Q & A sessions