Ergonomics ISSN: 0014-0139 (Print) 1366-5847 (Online) Journal homepage: South Korean Anthropometric Data and Survey Methodology: Size Korea Jung Yong Kim, Jae Woo You & Mi Sook Kim To cite this article: Jung Yong Kim, Jae Woo You & Mi Sook Kim (2017): South Korean Anthropometric Data and Survey Methodology: Size Korea , Ergonomics, DOI: 10.1080/00140139.2017.1329940 To link to this article: Accepted author version posted online: 15 May 2017. Submit your article to this journal Article views: 1 View related articles View Crossmark data Full Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at Download by: [Cornell University Library] Date: 18 May 2017, At: 03:22 Publisher: Taylor & Francis Journal: Ergonomics DOI: South Korean Anthropometric Data and Survey Methodology: Size Korea Jung Yong Kim1, Jae Woo You2, Mi Sook Kim3 1 Dept. of Industrial and Management Engineering, Hanyang University, Ansan, Republic of Korea; 2 Dept. of Industrial Systems Engineering, Kangnam University, Yongin, Republic of Korea; 3 Dept. of Clothing and Textiles, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Republic of Korea 3 Corresponding author: Mi Sook Kim, e-mail: Tel: office: +82-2-961-0772; mobile: +82-10-6338-0772 First author’s e-mail address:, South Korean Anthropometric Data and Survey Methodology: Size Korea Abstract Considering the many emerging markets in East Asia, access to contemporary anthropometric data for this region is important for designers and manufacturers seeking to produce the best fitting products and living environments for consumers. The purpose of this paper is to describe Korean anthropometric data collection and survey techniques for those who are interested in ethnic characteristics, conducting surveys, and formulating ergonomic product designs for South Korean and, more broadly, East Asian populations. The Size Korea survey was conducted in 2003-2004 and 2010. A total of 14,200 civilians aged 0 to 90 years participated in the survey, with 119 body and weight dimensions measured in 2004. Twenty new dimensions from Inbody measurement were added in 2010 and the data were continuously updated. We referred to ISO 7250, 8559 and 15535 to ensure validity and reliability. Fifty major body dimensions, including weight, are summarized in this paper, and 34 of these dimensions can be compared with 11 multinational data with the same format edited by Pheasant and Haslegrave (2005). Practitioner summary This paper presents the up-to-date anthropometric database of East Asian physical characteristics and survey methodology. These data satisfy the ISO standards and comprise 50 physical dimensions including weight. Thirty-four dimensions of these can be directly compared with available multinational data. Keywords: Size Korea, Anthropometry, Survey methodology, Multinational comparison 1. Introduction The global standardization of consumer products and service design has become an important issue due to the high traffic of worldwide international trades. Accordingly, having and using accurate anthropometric data for target markets is of great interest to many competing global manufacturers. Nadadur and Parkinson (2013) argued that using anthropometric data is essential for improving the sustainability and physical suitability of design. They outlined the positive influences of anthropometry on sustainability, such as reducing raw material consumption, increasing product lifespans, and considering variability among the user population. Anthropometry-based ergonomic design can not only enhance the designer’s ability to fit the product to users, but also improve global sustainability by efficiently using available resources, prolonging the usage time of products, and increasing the versatility of products by satisfying different user populations. Obi, Ugwuishiwu, and Adeboye (2015) conducted an anthropometric survey of rural agricultural workers in Enugu State in southeast Nigeria, and used their newly collected Nigerian data to examine the physical suitability of tractor seats and weeder handles that were imported from Northern India. They found mismatches between product dimensions and Nigerian anthropometric variables that had negative effects on productivity. This finding indicated that it is necessary to promote the formulation of global standards for anthropometric data collection, as well as frequent transactions of anthropometric data among designers, in order to design and fabricate safe, comfortable, and attractive products. Anthropometry data are available for most developed countries, but such data remain lacking for many countries. Only very limited South Korean anthropometric data are available. For example, Lin, Wang, and Wang (2004) used Korean anthropometric data in comparisons of physical characteristics among East Asian populations, but their 1997 data set did not include information regarding age or generational differences. Chang and Yi (2012) and Yi (2012) reported somatotype changes among Korean men and women aged 20 and 30 based on data from national surveys conducted in 2004 and 2010 with a particular percentile data. Lee et al. (2013) compared anthropometric characteristics of Korean male helicopter pilots with those of Korean male civilians and male US army personnel to design helicopter cockpit layouts using 21 body dimensions from 94 male helicopter pilots. Park and Park (2013) studied body shapes to facilitate designing artifacts that can accommodate large male and female bodies using South Korean anthropometric data. Such studies include limited Korean anthropometric data, and updated, comprehensive anthropometric information for the Korean population has historically been lacking in the international literature. The completion of the Size Korea anthropometric survey should have ameliorated this gap in knowledge, but its findings have yet to draw international attention. Therefore, the aim of the present study is to introduce the summary of Korean Anthropometry as well as the technical process of Size Korea project for international communication with researchers and practitioners. In South Korea, there have been a total of six national anthropometric surveys conducted every five to seven years since 1979. In the early years, these surveys were conducted with limited human and financial resources, and as a result did not meet ISO requirements in terms of accuracy and measurement consistency. Therefore, in 2001 and 2002, the Korean Agency for Technology and Standards under the Ministry of Knowledge and Economy initiated a two-year project aimed at a thorough examination of existing survey data and methods, and subsequently re-designed measurement techniques and procedures to improve the quality of Korean anthropometric data and satisfy ISO standards. The 5th Korean anthropometric survey was conducted from 2003 to 2004. Since then, the survey has been named as Size Korea. The Size Korea survey follows the naming pattern of Size Japan (HQL, 2008), Size UK (Bougourd, 2002; 2005), and Size USA ( that cover mainly 3D surface measurements while Size Korea covers both traditional direct measurement and 3D surface measurement. Regarding the three-dimensional body scanning data, 5,168 Korean subjects were stored in the point or mesh data format (Lee et al., 2007), which can be read using only workstations equipped with specific software, they are not reported in this study. Moreover, ISO 7250 (Basic human body measurements for technological design, 1996) and ISO 8559 (Garment construction and anthropometric surveys, 1989) were used to select body dimensions and standardize measurement techniques. Measurement techniques for body dimensions that were not included in ISO 7250 or 8559 were refined by consultations with experts in ergonomics and fashion design. ISO 15535 (General requirements for establishing anthropometric databases, 2003) was used to ensure the validity of measurement techniques and the reliability of data. To facilitate communication with manufacturers, researchers, and designers worldwide, Korean anthropometric data for major body dimensions are displayed in tables to aid direct comparisons with multinational data (Pheasant and Haslegrave 2005) used as a common reference standard for anthropometry. Size Korea was directed by dedicated elite Korean government officers and scholars in ergonomics and fashion design, and was the first survey directed through the cooperation of government, university, research institute, and industry organizations. Details regarding Size Korea are freely accessible online ( (Lee et al., 2004). No English version is available, but landmarks and measuring dimensions are named in both English and Korean. 2. Methods Size Korea originated from the 5th National Anthropometric Survey. Two years of preparation were spent to organize and train the measurement team, standardize the measurement protocol, and develop measurement devices. A total of 26 professors, 68 field measurers, and five full-time administrative personnel participated in the national project. The 5th survey was conducted among 14,200 Korean civilians aged 0 to 90 years from 2003 to 2004. The 6th survey was conducted among 14,016 Korean civilians aged 7 to 69 years in 2010. A total of 119 body dimensions were selected in the 5th survey, and 139 dimensions in the 6th survey were used by adding 20 Inbody measurements by using electronic sensor. The same standardized methodology was used for both 5th and 6th survey in direct measurement. The data in this paper are based on the 6th survey conducted in 2010. 2.1. Sample size The sample sizes were determined by using Equation 1 and 2 below. Table 1 shows initial design of sample size in each cell based on the mean and standard deviation values from 4th survey and early samples of 5th survey. During the course of survey, the necessary sample size for individual dimension was updated based on the data of the 5th survey to meet the 1% relative accuracy that was recommended by ISO 15535. N=( CV = . ) × 1,534 × 100 Eq. 1 Eq. 2 (N=number of individuals in the sample, CV=coefficient of variance, a= the percentage of relative accuracy desired) [Table 1 near here] For example, the sample size necessary for the chest circumference for 20-24 years male can be calculated based on the final statistics is as follows: . N= ×( ÷ )× × 1.534 = 294 This exercise shows that 294 samples are necessary to maintain less than 1 % relative accuracy. In actual survey, 343 subjects were recruited to conservatively ensure the statistical reliability (Lee et al., 2004), while the expected sample number was 300 in Table 1. For the waist circumference for 50-59 male, individual sample size N for the cell is presented as follows: N= . × ( . ÷ )× × 1.534 = 342 This calculation indicates that 342 samples are necessary. In reality, 382 subjects were measured to sufficiently meet the accuracy requirement (Lee et al., 2004). This process was done to collect more than enough samples for each body dimension. The survey was managed by one national director and three local directors in three regions: Mid-Northern, South-Western, and South Eastern. The region was divided mainly based on the administrative jurisdiction. National director examines the number of collected samples during the course of survey to meet the requirement of relative accuracy and communicated with local director to recruit additional samples if it is necessary. 2.2. Standardization of measurement techniques ISO 7250 and 8559 were used as basic references to standardize measurement techniques. Seventy landmarks were selected, including 10 landmarks for the head, four for the neck, 27 for the trunk, 13 for the leg, 14 for the foot, nine for the arm, and three landmarks for the hand. They were defined in both English and Korean, and were previously documented in a book for field measurers and researchers (Lee et al., 2004). 2.3. Body Dimensions A total of 120 body dimensions including weight were measured (Table 2). Some dimensions could not be measured for infants, children, or elderly people due to the subjects’ inability to stay still or their low endurance levels. In 2010, eight body dimensions and 12 Inbody measurements were added to the data set as follows: right shoulder angle, left shoulder angle, waist height (natural indentation), abdominal extension circumference, hip extension circumference, posterior shoulder length, neck point to inferior scapula point to waistline, hip-abdominal depth, skeletal muscle mass, body fat mass, total body water, fat free mass, protein, mineral, body mass index (BMI), percent body fat, waist-hip ratio, basal metabolic rate, muscle control, and fat control. [Table 2 near here] 2.4. Training measurers Training for measurers was performed in three sessions: an adult measuring session, infant measuring session, and feedback session. The first session for adult measurement was open for 12 days as a training camp. Individual trainees attended the session for at least three days (eight hours per day) to reach adequate levels of measurement accuracy. The training session for measuring infants was held for two days at a school facility. The last feedback session was held for two days and was also conducted at a school facility. A total of 84 measurers were trained for the survey. 2.5. Measurement accuracy 2.5.1. Intra-measurer variability The intra-measurer variability of the trained measurers in this study was found to range between 2 and 9 mm for 10 major body dimensions including stature, hip height, chest width, chest circumference, arm length, cervical (C7) height when sitting, horizontal length of upper arm, head width, and foot length. The greatest inaccuracies were observed in measurements of chest circumference due to poor control of subject breathing patterns. Subjects were asked to comfortably inhale, exhale, and pause to measure the circumference of the chest to minimize intra-subject variability. 2.5.2. Inter-measurer variability The accuracy between measurers were evaluated during training session. Two measurers as a team measured 10 major body dimensions from the same subject. The average of absolute difference of two measurers on the same dimension was 0 to 6 mm depending on the body part in this study. Measurers were trained for total of 90 hours including lecture and practice. The number of subjects they measured was not specified in the report, which meant that they were trained until they reached the level of required accuracy. If any individual could not reach the required accuracy, he or she was dropped from the team. In training, unstable or awkward posture and/or poor hand grip on the measuring device negatively affected results. Inconsistent breathing also affected results. For field measurement, measurers were always coupled to assist measurement and monitor partner’s measuring errors. No comparison between measurers in different regions was done during survey period. But their measuring error was monitored by field mangers and incorrect measurement was discarded by using mathematical algorithm automatically sorting out outliers out of average±3σ and detecting unrealistic data. For example, the eye height is higher than the stature. 2.5.3. Allowable technical error The allowable technical error was used to control inter- and intra-measurer variability during the training session as well as in the field. To calculate it, four trained measurers participated in testing. Equation 3 shows how to compute the allowable technical error. Table 3 shows an example of technical error used as reference points. The initial technical error was determined in training session, and during the survey, field managers use them to maintain the level of accuracy. A field manager should check measurers’ technical error when any inconsistency of the data or abnormality of measuring technique was observed during the survey. Field mangers can make a decision on whether to guide or discard a measurer based on the allowable technical error. Allowable Technical Error = (Σ d122/2N) ½ Eq. 3 (d12 is the difference of two measurements, N is the number of measurers) [Table 3 near here] 2.6. Data input system There were five stations to measure different body dimensions, and each station was managed by two measurers. Each station consisted of computer with an additional key pad, bar code reader, and printer. Station 0 was for landmarking and basic demographic survey, and the stations 1 to 4 were for body measurements. Subjects were identified by a barcode sticker on the dorsal part of the hand. Error finding rules were used to block the bad data from being recorded at individual stations. Those rules are such that overhead fist reach should be higher than stature; stature should be higher than eye height; sitting height should be higher than sitting eye height; absolute difference between (stature - eye height) and (sitting height - sitting eye height) should be less than 10 mm; eye height should be higher than cervical (C7) height, etc. In this manner, immediate corrections can be made by measurers and recorders if there are any mistakes. The data recorded from individual measuring station were transferred to a local server computer at station 0. Then, measurement errors were double checked by comparing new data with prior data sets, and the final data were transferred to a main server in the Korean government headquarters. 2.7. Field management 2.7.1. Size of measuring teams Each measuring team consisted of five male and five female measurers. Usually, two measuring teams traveled together and opened two measuring sites side by side to speed up measurement time. Two measurers were responsible for each station, one performed the measuring and the other recorded the data. A field manager and landmarking person were in charge of station 0. 2.7.2. Measurement time It required six minutes on average to measure one subject at one station. The total measurement time per person was about 30 minutes to complete all five stations, including changing clothes and landmarking at station 0. After station 0, subjects could start the measuring session at any station from 1 to 4. In order to accommodate slight delays or waiting in line, additional spare time was allowed at about 10% of the total measurement time. Once each measuring session was started, each measurer had to continue work until the lunch break. They were allowed to take short intermittent breaks to prevent them from mental or physical fatigue. 2.7.3. Number of subjects measured per day Since it required six minutes to measure one subject at an individual station, 10 subjects could be measured per hour if there were no delays. Accordingly, 60 subjects could be measured every five hours if there were no idle times or delays. In fact, during simulation training, up to 75 subjects could be measured per day under reasonably comfortable measuring conditions. Measurers were able to concentrate for two hours in the morning and three hours in the afternoon. Therefore, each team set a goal to measure 60 subjects per day. 2.7.4. Controlling measurement consistency Each field manager supervised measurement techniques and subject posture during and advised measurers if they suspected that inaccurate or inconsistent data were being collected. At the end of each day, the means and standard deviations of dimensions measured at the station were compared with those of prior measurements. If any discrepancies in descriptive statistics were observed, then system error or measurer error were suspected. The allowable technical error shown in Table 3 can be used to test the performance of individual measurers. The field manager, who is the captain of the team, can replace measurers if necessary. A new alternative measurer had to go through a personalized training session to ensure the accuracy and consistency of measurement to accommodate field schedule by professional trainer 2.8. Data management for error reduction Once field data were uploaded, the validity of the data were systematically examined in order to detect human errors in measurement and recording. The following error-finding techniques were used in this survey. 2.8.1 Eliminating outliers based on the average and standard deviation Normal distributions were constructed for individual body dimension and age group data. Outliers over 3σ were selected and compared with the input data and back-up data. If the outliers were identified as misreading and/or mistyping, they were discarded. We eliminated 0.037% of the data. 2.8.2 Eliminating outliers based on the inter-relationship between dimensions The data were discarded if they had unrealistic features. The examples of eliminating rules for unrealistic data were described in section 2.6. A total of 38 rules were used to sort out outliers. Through this process, 0.026% of the data were finally eliminated. 2.8.3 Eliminating outliers by regression analysis In general, height dimensions such as eye height, shoulder height, arm length, and knee height are highly correlated with stature, with greater than 0.8 Pearson correlation coefficients in each age group. Therefore, if peculiar data were observed in the regression chart, they were closely examined to confirm their validity. When the correlation coefficient between length measurements was very low, the subject’s data were examined to see whether he or she had extreme body proportion. If the low correlation was caused by the extreme body proportion, the data of that subject was not considered as outliers. Otherwise, other data of low correlations were treated as outliers. We eliminated 0.019% of data via this exercise. 3. Anthropometric data Anthropometric data displayed in this paper comprise 50 dimensions, including body weight. The tables in this paper are presented in the same format used for anthropometric tables previously published by Pheasant and Haslegrave (2005) for ease of comparison. However, readers should consider that there is a marginal measuring error when comparing different populations since individual survey could have different technique although they followed the same ISO standard. In this paper, an effort was made to match 34 dimensions shown in the previous publications with Korean data. However, some dimensions do not directly match other sources, including fingertip height, upper limb length, shoulder-grip length, and vertical grip reach (sitting). These measurements were estimated using adjacent dimensions. No span data were collected in Size Korea. These data points were replaced with knee height and abdominal depth, which are more useful dimensions for industry. Finally, 34 dimensions out of the 1st and 36th dimension except 32th and 33th dimension were displayed in the Table 4 to 8 for comparison with the multinational data edited by Pheasant and Haslegrave (2005). A list of tables follows. A. Anthropometric data for Korean adults aged 19 to 65 years (all dimensions in mm) (Table 4). B. Anthropometric data for Korean adults aged 19 to 25 years (all dimensions in mm) (Table 5). C. Anthropometric data for Korean adults aged 19 to 45 years (all dimensions in mm) (Table 6). D. Anthropometric data for Korean adults aged 45 to 65 years (all dimensions in mm) (Table 7). E. Anthropometric data for Korean adults aged 65 to 80 years (all dimensions in mm) (Table 8). [Table 4 near here] [Table 5 near here] [Table 6 near here] [Table 7 near here] [Table 8 near here] 4. Conclusion Validated anthropometric data are essential for academic research and ergonomic product design. However, it is often difficult to obtain credible data because sources of information may be found only in government archives rather than in the public domain. Therefore, the anthropometric tables presented in the present study are intended to provide credible data in an easily accessible format for designers and manufacturers. Such data are critical for the global communication of anthropometric information. The data in this paper are supplemented by detailed information that may be accessed via the Size Korea website ( Researchers and administrators should be willing to share anthropometric information with the international community to facilitate global standardization and sustainable trade. Sharing such data will increase customer satisfaction in terms of size, usability, and acceptance of products and services. Moreover, the methodology used for Size Korea can be referenced by researchers and government administrators who intend to design their own surveys. Finally, the current study can help readers further understand similarities and differences between neighboring countries and populations. Acknowledgement: This survey was sponsored by the Korean Agency for Technology and Standards under the Ministry of Knowledge Economy in the Republic of Korea. This paper is dedicated to the late Ms. Hye Jung Kang, who made the project possible as chief director at the Department of Standardization of Life and Wellbeing in the Korean Agency for Technology and Standards. References Bougourd, Jenniffer. 2002. “Capturing the shape of the nation: Size UK”. In Proceedings of the IFFTI Conference: The New Frontier, Technology and Business. Hong Kong Politechnic University, Hong Kong. Bougourd, Jenniffer. 2005. “Measuring and shaping the nation: Size UK” In Proceeding of the Istanbul Textile Conference: Recent Advances in Innovation and Enterprise in Textile and Clothing, Marmaris University, Istanbul, Turkey. Chang, Sun-Ok, and Kyong-Hwa Yi. 2012. "A study of the somatotype characteristics of Korean adult man: A comparison between the data of the 5th anthropometry of Size Korea and 6th anthropometry of Size Korea." Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea 31 (1): 247-254. HQL (Research Institute of Human Engineering for Quality Life) 2008. 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Adeboye. 2015. "A survey of anthropometry of rural agricultural workers in Enugu State, south-eastern Nigeria." Ergonomics 58 (6): 1032-1044. Park, Woojin, and Sungjoon Park. 2013. "Body shape analyses of large persons in South Korea." Ergonomics 56 (4): 692-706. Pheasant, Stephen, and Christine M. Haslegrave. 2005. Bodyspace: Anthropometry, ergonomics and the design of work: CRC Press. Size JAPAN 2004. Japanese Human Body Database. Accessed January 15, 2017 from Size UK 2001. UK National Sizing Survey. Accessed January 15, 2017 from Size USA. 2002. The U.S. National Sizing Survey. Accessed January 15, 2017 from Tables Legends Table 1. Sample design to satisfy the standard error (SE) requirement described in ISO 15530. Table 2. 120 body dimensions including weight measured in Size Korea 2004 (Kim et al., 2004) Table 3. The differences of two measurements (in mm) and allowable technical error. Table 4. Anthropometric data for Korean adults aged 19 to 65 years. Table 5. Anthropometric data for Korean adults aged 19 to 25 years. Table 6. Anthropometric data for Korean adults aged 19 to 45 years Table 7. Anthropometric data for Korean adults aged 45 to 65 years Table 8. Anthropometric data for Korean adults aged 65 to 80 years. Table 1. Sample design to satisfy the standard error (SE) requirement described in ISO 15530. Age Male Female Age Male 0-3 month 50 50 13 years 250 3-6 month 50 50 14 years 250 6-9 month 50 50 15 years 250 9-12 month 50 50 16 years 250 12-18 month 50 50 17 years 250 2 years 200 200 18 years 250 3 years 200 200 19 years 250 4 years 200 200 20-24 years 300 5 years 250 250 25-29 years 300 6 years 250 250 30-34 years 300 7 years 250 250 35-39 years 300 8 years 250 250 40-49 years 300 9 years 250 250 50-59 years 300 10 years 250 250 60-69 years 300 11 years 250 250 70 years and older 300 12 years 250 250 extra subjects 50 Total of 14200 (7050 males, 7150 females) Female 250 250 250 300 300 250 250 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 50 Table 2. 120 body dimensions including weight measured in Size Korea 2004 (Kim et al., 2004) Abdominal Depth, sitting/ Acromion Height/ Ankle Circumference/ Arm Length/ Armscye Circumference/ Armscye Depth/ Axilla Height/ Back Interscye Fold Length/ Back Interscye Length/ Biacromial Breadth/ Biacromion Length/ Bideltoid Breadth/ Bishoulder Length/ Bitragion Arc/ Body depth, standing/ Body Rise/ Bust Breadth/ Bust Circumference/ Bust Depth/ Bust Point-Bust Point/ Buttock-Abdomen Depth, sitting/ Buttock-Knee Length/ Buttock-Popliteal Length/ Calf Circumference/ Cervical Height/ Cervical to Breast Point Length/ Cervical to Waist Length/ Cervicale Height, sitting/ Cervicale to Potliteal Length/ Cervicale to Wrist Length/ Chest Breadth/ Chest Circumference/ Chest Depth, standing/ Crotch Height/ Crotch Length (Natural Indentation)/ Crotch Length (Omphalion)/ Elbow Circumference/ Elbow Height/ Elbow Height, sitting/ Elbow to Elbow Breadth/ Elbow-Grip Length/ Elbow-Wrist Length/ Eye Height/ Eye Height, sitting/ Face Length/ Fist Height/ Foot Breadth/ Foot Length/ Forearm-Fingertrip Length/ Front Interscye Fold Length/ Front Interscye Length/ Grip Reach; forward/ Hand Breadth at Metacarpals/ Hand Circumference/ Hand Depth/ Hand Length/ Head Breadth/ Head Circumference/ Head Height/ Head Length/ Hip Breadth, sitting/ Hip Circumference/ Hip Depth/ Hip Height/ Hip Width/ Iliac Spine Height/ Index Finger Breadth, Distal/ Index Finger Breadth,Proximal/ Index Finger Length/ Inner Grip Circumference/ Interpupilary Breadth/ Knee Circumference/ Knee Height/ Knee Height sitting/ Lateral Malleolus Height/ Lower Knee Circumference/ Midthigh Circumference/ Minimum Leg Circumference/ Neck Base Circumference/ Neck Circumference/ Neck Point to Breast Point/ Neck Point to Breast Point to Waistline/ Outside Leg Length/ Overhead Fist Reach/ Palm Length Perpendicular/ Popliteal Height/ Sagital Arc/ Scye depth/ Shoulder Height, sitting/ Shoulder Heigth/ Shoulder Length/ Shoulder-Elbow Length/ Sitting Height/ Stature/ Thigh Circumference/ Thigh Clearance/ Thigh Vertical Length/ Total length (contour length fro m cervicale to floor)/ Trunk Circumference/ Underarm Length/ Underbust Circumference/ Upper Arm Circumference/ Upperarm Length/ Vertical Trunk Length/ Waist Back Length (Natural Indentation)/ Waist Back Length (Omphalion)/ Waist Breadth (Omphalion)/ Waist Breadth I (Natural Ondentation)/ Waist Circumference (Natural Indentation)/ Waist Circumference (Omphalion)/ Waist Depth (Natural Indentation)/ Waist Depth (Omphalion)/ Waist Front Length/ Waist Front Length (Omphalion)/ Waist Height/ Waist Height (Omphalion)/ Waist to Hip Length/ Wall-Acromion Distance/ Weight/ Wrist Circumference Table 3. The differences of two measurements (in mm) and an example of allowable technical error. Measurer stature Hip height Chest circ. Arm length Cerv. Ht. sitting Fist height Head width Foot length A B C D Allow. technical error 1 3 1 2 15 9 3 7 3 3 7 13 4 7 3 4 2 7 10 7 5 4 4 2 2 2 2 1 3 1 2 3 0.875 4.25 3.25 2.25 3.25 1.875 0.875 1.125 Table 4. Anthropometric data for Korean adults aged 19 to 65 years. (all dimensions in millimeters, except for body weight, given in kilograms) Men 5th Women 50th 95th 5th 50th 95th Dimension %ile %ile %ile SD %ile %ile %ile SD 1 Stature 1609 1713 1813 63 1487 1580 1675 58 2 Eye height 1496 1598 1693 61 1379 1468 1559 56 3 Shoulder height 1293 1383 1472 55 1379 1468 1559 56 4 Elbow height 976 1044 1117 44 896 965 1030 41 5 Hip height 779 852 922 44 713 779 847 41 6 Knuckle height 708 767 825 35 655 711 767 35 781 844 906 35 723 783 843 35 1 7 Fingertip height 8 Sitting height 873 925 977 32 811 863 912 31 9 Sitting eye height 760 812 863 32 703 752 798 29 10 Sitting shoulder height 555 599 644 27 514 556 597 25 11 Sitting elbow height 221 262 304 25 210 249 285 23 12 Thigh thickness 131 154 180 15 130 149 172 13 13 Buttock-knee length 432 474 516 26 503 541 583 24 14 Buttock-popliteal length 371 407 442 22 411 452 490 24 15 Knee height (sitting) 475 515 555 25 442 475 511 22 16 Popliteal height 371 407 442 22 340 374 409 22 17 Shoulder breadth (bideltoid) 425 465 510 25 384 418 460 23 18 Shoulder breadth (biacromial) 360 394 427 20 324 354 383 18 19 Hip breadth 299 325 354 17 297 323 352 17 20 Chest (bust) depth 217 258 307 28 209 247 300 28 21 Abdominal depth 195 241 295 31 188 229 292 33 22 Shoulder-elbow length 312 338 365 17 285 309 338 16 23 Elbow-fingertip length 415 448 481 20 383 411 439 17 654 684 709 33 600 623 648 29 2 24 Upper limb length 25 Shoulder-grip length 3 581 607 628 33 532 551 572 29 26 Head length 148 171 209 21 147 163 201 19 27 Head breadth 129 148 181 18 126 139 172 17 28 Hand length 171 184 197 8 158 170 182 7 29 Hand breadth 77 83 90 4 68 75 81 4 30 Foot length 235 253 271 11 217 232 249 10 31 Foot breadth 93 101 109 5 85 92 100 5 32 Knee height (standing) 4 397 441 488 27 367 407 445 23 185 230 285 31 175 215 279 33 1883 2016 2150 81 1745 1855 1975 71 5 33 Abdominal depth 34 Vertical grip reach (standing) 1 35 Vertical grip reach (sitting) 6 1147 1228 1314 81 1068 1138 1212 71 36 Forward grip reach 645 700 756 33 601 644 695 29 37 Body weight 56 70 89 10 45 55 69 8 38 Overhead fist reach 1883 2016 2150 81 1745 1855 1975 71 40 Head circumference 543 568 598 16 523 548 578 16 41 Neck circumference 338 372 412 23 294 319 355 19 42 Bust circumference 814 920 1042 70 760 865 1013 78 43 Waist circumference (natural indentation) 692 823 976 89 631 742 915 89 44 Hip circumference 852 934 1032 57 849 921 1010 50 45 Thigh circumference 483 554 630 45 491 548 618 39 46 Face length 93 107 135 15 88 100 125 13 47 Biacromion length 382 430 475 28 353 389 426 23 48 Vertical trunk length 633 683 733 31 589 636 681 28 49 Hip depth 197 232 272 23 187 214 254 21 50 Elbow wrist length 240 269 295 17 227 Fingertip height was estimated from [Knuckle height-(Hand length-Palm length)] 246 267 12 2 Upper limb length was estimated from [Shoulder-grip length+(Hand length-Palm length)] 3 Shoulder grip length was estimated from [Forward grip reach-Acromion distance from reference plane] 4 Knee height (standing) was used instead of Span 5 Abdominal depth was used instead of Elbow span 6 Vertical grip reach at sitting was estimated from [Vertical grip reach at standing- (Stature - Sitting height)]. Table 5. Anthropometric data for Korean adults aged 19 to 25 years. (all dimensions in millimeters, except for body weight, given in kilograms) Men Women 5th 50th 95th SD %ile %ile %ile SD 1825 55 1512 1602 1689 54 1618 1706 54 1403 1487 1575 52 1315 1396 1479 50 1207 1284 1364 49 Elbow height 990 1055 1124 40 910 971 1035 38 5 Hip height 802 868 934 41 733 796 858 38 6 Knuckle height 709 766 823 34 658 711 769 33 782 844 905 34 726 783 845 33 5th 50th 95th Dimension %ile %ile %ile 1 Stature 1640 1734 2 Eye height 1527 3 Shoulder height 4 1 7 Fingertip height 8 Sitting height 877 927 977 30 823 866 916 28 9 Sitting eye height 762 810 859 29 713 754 801 27 10 Sitting shoulder height 552 593 635 25 516 554 598 24 11 Sitting elbow height 211 251 286 23 208 242 279 22 12 Thigh 135 160 185 15 129 148 170 13 13 Buttock-knee length 540 584 622 25 513 546 589 23 14 Buttock-popliteal length 444 486 525 25 416 456 493 23 15 Knee height 490 526 562 22 452 484 518 20 16 Popliteal height 385 416 447 19 350 382 414 21 17 Shoulder breadth (bideltoid) 424 462 505 25 381 411 452 22 18 Shoulder breadth (biacromial) 361 396 426 20 324 352 382 18 19 Hip breadth 299 324 354 17 295 321 350 17 20 Chest (bust) depth 212 245 287 24 204 231 272 21 21 Abdominal depth 186 220 272 27 182 208 250 22 22 Shoulder-elbow length 317 343 368 16 290 313 344 17 23 Elbow-fingertip length 425 457 488 19 387 416 445 18 thickness 2 24 Upper limb length 663 696 715 32 602 628 661 31 25 Shoulder-grip length3 590 618 633 32 534 556 585 31 26 Head length 155 188 210 20 149 167 203 19 27 Head breadth 132 161 182 18 127 143 171 16 28 Hand length 172 185 198 8 157 169 181 7 29 Hand breadth 76 82 89 4 67 73 78 3 30 Foot length 239 258 274 11 219 233 251 10 31 Foot breadth 93 102 110 5 84 91 99 5 32 Knee height (standing)4 418 456 495 24 382 414 451 22 178 210 266 28 167 196 238 22 33 5 Abdominal depth 34 Vertical grip reach (standing) 6 1919 2038 2215 74 1762 1870 1990 70 35 Vertical grip reach (sitting) 1156 1231 1367 74 1073 1134 1216 70 36 Forward grip reach 655 708 760 32 601 646 703 31 37 Body weight 54 67 87 10 44 52 66 7 38 Overhead fist reach 1919 2038 2163 74 1762 1870 1990 70 40 Head circumference 548 568 598 16 528 548 578 15 41 Neck circumference 490 526 562 22 292 311 340 15 42 Bust circumference 789 888 1019 70 748 825 947 62 43 Waist circumference (natural indentation) 668 764 925 82 615 690 818 63 44 Hip circumference 849 926 1034 58 845 910 1004 50 45 Thigh 484 553 632 46 492 545 615 39 46 Face length 94 115 134 14 90 103 125 13 47 Biacromion length 384 434 477 27 356 390 427 22 48 Vertical trunk length 632 682 731 30 590 634 684 28 49 Hip depth 194 224 262 22 186 209 241 17 50 Elbow wrist length 252 276 302 15 230 249 270 12 1 circumference Fingertip height was estimated from [Knuckle height-(Hand length-Palm length)] Upper limb length was estimated from [Shoulder-grip length+(Hand length-Palm length)] 3 Shoulder grip length was estimated from [Forward grip reach-Acromion distance from reference plane] 4 Knee height (standing) was used instead of Span 5 Abdominal depth was used instead of Elbow span 6 Vertical grip reach at sitting was estimated from [Vertical grip reach at standing- (Stature - Sitting height)]. 2 Table 6. Anthropometric data for Korean adults aged 19 to 45 years. (all dimensions in millimeters, except for body weight, given in kilograms) Men Women 5th 50th 95th SD %ile %ile %ile SD 1818 57 1509 1595 1682 53 1609 1702 56 1399 1484 1567 51 1306 1392 1477 52 1205 1281 1360 48 Elbow height 987 1052 1122 41 912 973 1034 38 5 Hip height 791 858 925 42 725 787 852 38 6 Knuckle height 715 772 827 34 664 718 771 33 788 850 909 34 732 791 847 33 5th 50th 95th Dimension %ile %ile %ile 1 Stature 1630 1724 2 Eye height 1517 3 Shoulder height 4 1 7 Fingertip height 8 Sitting height 880 929 982 31 822 869 914 28 9 Sitting eye height 766 816 867 30 714 757 802 26 10 Sitting shoulder height 558 600 645 26 520 560 600 24 11 Sitting elbow height 221 262 304 25 212 250 287 22 12 Thigh 134 156 182 15 129 148 171 13 13 Buttock-knee length 535 577 619 26 507 543 584 24 14 Buttock-popliteal length 436 477 519 25 414 454 491 24 15 Knee height 481 519 557 23 447 480 514 20 16 Popliteal height 377 411 444 21 345 378 412 21 17 Shoulder breadth (bideltoid) 430 468 513 25 383 415 456 23 18 Shoulder breadth (biacromial) 364 396 429 20 324 354 382 18 19 Hip breadth 300 326 356 17 297 322 352 17 20 Chest (bust) depth 216 255 304 27 207 239 286 24 21 Abdominal depth 194 236 290 31 186 219 270 26 22 Shoulder-elbow length 313 340 366 16 287 311 340 16 23 Elbow-fingertip length 420 451 483 20 383 411 441 17 thickness 2 24 Upper limb length 660 691 714 32 601 625 652 29 25 Shoulder-grip length3 587 613 632 32 533 552 576 29 26 Head length 150 173 209 21 146 164 202 20 27 Head breadth 130 149 181 18 126 141 173 17 28 Hand length 172 185 198 8 158 170 182 7 29 Hand breadth 76 83 90 4 68 74 80 4 30 Foot length 235 254 272 11 217 233 250 10 31 Foot breadth 93 101 109 5 85 92 100 5 32 Knee height (standing)4 402 445 489 27 375 411 447 22 183 225 281 31 172 205 257 26 33 Abdominal depth 5 34 Vertical grip reach (standing) 6 1910 2031 2158 75 1760 1870 1983 69 35 Vertical grip reach (sitting) 1159 1236 1322 75 1073 1144 1216 69 36 Forward grip reach 652 705 759 32 600 644 696 29 37 Body weight 56 70 90 11 44 54 68 8 38 Overhead fist reach 1910 2031 2158 75 1760 1870 1983 69 40 Head circumference 543 568 598 16 523 548 578 16 41 Neck circumference 337 370 411 22 293 314 348 17 42 Bust circumference 811 917 1046 72 754 842 975 68 43 Waist circumference (natural indentation) 688 811 974 91 623 716 859 73 44 Hip circumference 854 937 1042 59 846 918 1008 50 45 Thigh 490 560 635 45 491 548 619 39 46 Face length 93 108 134 14 88 100 125 13 47 Biacromion length 389 433 478 27 354 389 427 22 48 Vertical trunk length 638 686 737 30 592 638 683 27 49 Hip depth 197 232 273 23 186 211 245 19 50 Elbow wrist length 245 272 297 16 229 247 268 12 1 circumference Fingertip height was estimated from [Knuckle height-(Hand length-Palm length)] Upper limb length was estimated from [Shoulder-grip length+(Hand length-Palm length)] 3 Shoulder grip length was estimated from [Forward grip reach-Acromion distance from reference plane] 4 Knee height (standing) was used instead of Span 5 Abdominal depth was used instead of Elbow span 6 Vertical grip reach at sitting was estimated from [Vertical grip reach at standing- (Stature - Sitting height)]. 2 Table 7. Anthropometric data for Korean adults aged 45 to 65 years. (all dimensions in millimeters, except for body weight, given in kilograms) Men Women 5th 50th 95th SD %ile %ile %ile SD 1753 56 1455 1544 1626 54 1546 1638 55 1347 1436 1516 52 1266 1342 1429 52 1160 1240 1315 47 Elbow height 951 1014 1085 41 876 942 1007 39 5 Hip height 757 822 886 41 691 756 811 36 6 Knuckle height 691 752 805 35 636 694 748 34 765 829 886 35 706 767 825 34 5th 50th 95th Dimension %ile %ile %ile 1 Stature 1572 1660 2 Eye height 1454 3 Shoulder height 4 1 7 Fingertip height 8 Sitting height 855 907 955 31 796 846 892 30 9 Sitting eye height 744 796 846 31 690 739 783 29 10 Sitting shoulder height 1266 1342 1429 52 1160 1240 1315 47 11 Sitting elbow height 222 264 304 25 205 246 281 23 12 Thigh 122 147 168 14 131 151 173 13 13 Buttock-knee length 515 555 598 25 495 534 575 25 14 Buttock-popliteal length 423 461 500 24 408 445 484 23 15 Knee height 462 496 534 22 430 463 492 19 16 Popliteal height 362 393 424 19 330 363 394 19 17 Shoulder breadth (bideltoid) 417 455 490 23 392 426 468 24 18 Shoulder breadth (biacromial) 352 385 417 19 325 355 383 19 19 Hip breadth 296 320 345 15 298 324 354 17 20 Chest (bust) depth 232 272 313 26 231 269 319 26 21 Abdominal depth 216 256 301 26 217 259 313 30 22 Shoulder-elbow length 304 330 357 16 281 305 333 16 23 Elbow-fingertip length 410 440 470 18 383 409 436 17 thickness 2 24 Upper limb length 638 664 686 31 601 621 644 28 25 Shoulder-grip length3 564 587 605 31 531 548 567 28 26 Head length 145 165 207 22 148 163 201 18 27 Head breadth 127 144 182 19 126 138 171 16 28 Hand length 170 182 196 8 160 171 184 8 29 Hand breadth 78 85 91 4 71 77 82 3 30 Foot length 235 249 267 10 216 231 248 10 31 Foot breadth 93 100 108 5 85 93 102 5 32 Knee height (standing)4 386 427 470 26 353 398 431 23 203 245 293 28 203 247 298 30 33 Abdominal depth 5 34 Vertical grip reach (standing) 6 1836 1953 2075 74 1711 1825 1927 66 35 Vertical grip reach (sitting) 1119 1200 1277 74 1052 1127 1193 66 36 Forward grip reach 631 681 735 31 602 644 693 28 37 Body weight 54 68 84 9 48 58 71 8 38 Overhead fist reach 1836 1953 2075 74 1711 1825 1927 66 40 Head circumference 543 568 595 16 520 548 568 16 41 Neck circumference 342 376 416 23 306 330 366 19 42 Bust circumference 831 930 1021 57 817 925 1055 73 43 Waist circumference (natural indentation) 733 864 980 76 702 825 963 80 44 Hip circumference 839 924 1004 50 857 928 1013 49 45 Thigh 469 539 600 40 489 546 615 38 46 Face length 92 106 136 15 89 101 125 12 47 Biacromion length 370 415 460 27 350 388 426 24 48 Vertical trunk length 620 669 715 29 582 630 674 28 49 Hip depth 196 232 267 21 194 223 267 22 50 Elbow wrist length 232 258 283 15 226 243 263 12 1 circumference Fingertip height was estimated from [Knuckle height-(Hand length-Palm length)] Upper limb length was estimated from [Shoulder-grip length+(Hand length-Palm length)] 3 Shoulder grip length was estimated from [Forward grip reach-Acromion distance from reference plane] 4 Knee height (standing) was used instead of Span 5 Abdominal depth was used instead of Elbow span 6 Vertical grip reach at sitting was estimated from [Vertical grip reach at standing- (Stature - Sitting height)]. 2 Table 8. Anthropometric data for Korean adults aged 65 to 80 years. (all dimensions in millimeters, except for body weight, given in kilograms) Men Women 5th 50th 95th SD %ile %ile %ile SD 1729 57 1412 1501 1591 53 1529 1608 52 1317 1400 1481 48 1240 1330 1420 53 1133 1213 1294 49 Elbow height 933 1004 1077 43 843 911 985 41 5 Hip height 731 806 872 41 679 733 798 34 6 Knuckle height 666 725 787 37 590 655 724 38 738 802 869 37 657 728 802 38 5th 50th 95th Dimension %ile %ile %ile 1 Stature 1532 1630 2 Eye height 1425 3 Shoulder height 4 1 7 Fingertip height 8 Sitting height 817 878 930 36 745 803 856 35 9 Sitting eye height 720 775 822 32 648 706 746 31 10 Sitting shoulder height 530 579 621 28 481 524 563 26 11 Sitting elbow height 200 249 286 26 179 219 261 25 12 Thigh 115 137 160 14 111 130 152 12 13 Buttock-knee length 506 553 596 28 492 534 578 25 14 Buttock-popliteal length 409 454 499 28 399 443 482 24 15 Knee height 448 490 525 22 421 456 489 19 16 Popliteal height 345 383 410 20 324 351 385 19 17 Shoulder breadth (bideltoid) 399 440 471 22 376 417 452 23 18 Shoulder breadth (biacromial) 333 372 403 22 315 344 374 19 19 Hip breadth 298 322 345 15 298 325 350 16 20 Chest (bust) depth 189 237 272 26 216 264 306 28 21 Abdominal depth 207 264 314 31 225 275 323 30 22 Shoulder-elbow length 304 331 358 16 281 303 325 14 23 Elbow-fingertip length 409 441 469 18 382 409 436 16 thickness 2 24 Upper limb length 615 677 711 43 597 630 657 33 25 Shoulder-grip length3 543 600 629 43 530 557 579 33 26 Head length 143 166 208 23 149 181 203 19 27 Head breadth 125 147 179 19 126 155 171 16 28 Hand length 168 183 197 8 162 176 189 8 29 Hand breadth 78 83 91 4 74 79 85 4 30 Foot length 232 247 266 11 214 229 248 10 31 Foot breadth 92 100 106 5 82 91 101 6 32 Knee height (standing)4 384 420 458 23 352 386 425 23 198 249 305 31 212 265 313 32 33 Abdominal depth 5 34 Vertical grip reach (standing) 6 1809 1941 2050 71 1689 1783 1899 63 35 Vertical grip reach (sitting) 1094 1189 1251 71 1022 1085 1164 63 36 Forward grip reach 607 693 759 43 595 655 711 33 37 Body weight 47 63 78 10 44 56 70 8 38 Overhead fist reach 1809 1941 2050 71 1689 1783 1899 63 39 Knee height, sitting 448 490 525 22 421 456 489 19 40 Head circumference 538 558 588 14 513 543 568 15 41 Neck circumference 343 372 414 23 339 381 420 24 42 Bust circumference 818 917 1006 58 804 927 1050 74 43 Waist circumference (natural indentation) 709 860 1002 87 804 927 1050 74 44 Hip circumference 823 919 1001 53 829 917 1009 55 45 Thigh 430 509 578 44 434 510 580 44 46 Face length 92 108 140 17 92 110 130 13 47 Biacromion length 353 402 450 28 337 378 419 26 48 Vertical trunk length 604 659 718 32 561 620 661 28 49 Hip depth 195 235 279 25 185 228 275 27 50 Elbow wrist length 235 261 280 13 223 241 259 11 1 circumference Fingertip height was estimated from [Knuckle height-(Hand length-Palm length)] Upper limb length was estimated from [Shoulder-grip length+(Hand length-Palm length)] 3 Shoulder grip length was estimated from [Forward grip reach-Acromion distance from reference plane] 4 Knee height (standing) was used instead of Span 5 Abdominal depth was used instead of Elbow span 6 Vertical grip reach at sitting was estimated from [Vertical grip reach at standing- (Stature - Sitting height)]. 2