Bohr Model of Hydrogen atom 6/15/2020 1 • In 1913, the Danish physicist Niels H. D. Bohr proposed a model of the hydrogen atom that combined the work of Planck, Einstein, and Rutherford and was remarkably successful in predicting the observed spectrum of hydrogen • The Rutherford model assigned charge and mass to the nucleus but was silent regarding the distribution of the charge and mass of the electrons. • Bohr made an assumption that the electron in the hydrogen atom moved in an orbit about the positive nucleus, bound by the electrostatic attraction of the nucleus 6/15/2020 2 • Such a model is mechanically stable because the Coulomb potential V = -kZe2/r provides the centripetal force kZe 2 mv 2 F 2 r r (# # ) necessary for the electron to move in a circle of radius r at speed v The total energy of the electron is the sum of the kinetic and the potential energies 6/15/2020 3 • From eqn (##) • We see So, the total energy can be written as • 6/15/2020 4 Bohr’s postulates 1. Electrons could move in certain orbits without radiating. He called these orbits stationary states. 2. The atom radiates when the electron makes a transition from one stationary state to another (Fig below) and that the frequency f of the emitted radiation is not the frequency of motion in either stable orbit but is related to the energies of the orbits by Planck’s theory 6/15/2020 5 • • where h is Planck’s constant and Ei and Ef are the energies of the initial and final states. • This equation is referred to as the Bohr frequency condition. • (Fig aside) The electron orbits without radiating until it jumps to another allowed radius of lower energy, at which time radiation is emitted 6/15/2020 6 • In order to determine the energies of the allowed, nonradiating orbits, Bohr made a third assumption, now known as the correspondence principle, which had profound implications: 3. In the limit of large orbits and large energies, quantum calculations must agree with classical calculations • Thus, the correspondence principle says that, whatever modifications of classical physics are made to describe matter at the submicroscopic level, when the results are extended to the macroscopic world, they must agree with those from the classical laws of physics that have been so abundantly verified in the everyday world 6/15/2020 7 • Solving Equation (##) for the speed of the orbiting electron yields, • Bohr’s quantization of the angular momentum L is • where the integer n is called a quantum number and 6/15/2020 8 • The circular orbits r becomes; Then, 6/15/2020 9 is called the Bohr radius • The stationary orbits of Bohr’s first postulate have quantized radii denoted by the subscript on rn • Notice that the Bohr radius a0 for hydrogen (Z = 1) corresponds to the orbit radius with n = 1, the smallest Bohr orbit possible for the electron in a hydrogen atom. 6/15/2020 10 • The total energy of the electron (eqn ###) then becomes • Thus, the energy of the electron is also quantized; that is, the stationary states correspond to specific values of the total energy 6/15/2020 11 • This means that energies Ei and Ef that appear in the frequency condition of Bohr’s second postulate must be from the allowed set En • Then, which can be written in the form of the Rydberg equation by substituting f = c/λ and dividing by c to obtain 6/15/2020 12 is Bohr’s prediction for the value of the Rydberg constant 6/15/2020 13 • Using the values of m, e, c, and , Bohr calculated R and found his result to agree (within the limits of uncertainties of the constants) with the value obtained from spectroscopy, • The possible values of the energy of the hydrogen atom predicted by Bohr’s model are given by 6/15/2020 14 is the magnitude of En with n = 1. E1 = -E0 is called the ground state 6/15/2020 15 Energy-level diagram for hydrogen 6/15/2020 16 The spectral lines corresponding to the transitions shown for the three series (Lyman, Balmer, and Paschen series) The energy required to remove the electron from the atom, 13.6 eV, is called the ionization energy, or binding energy, of the electron. 6/15/2020 17 Example: Compute the wavelength of the Hβ spectral line, that is, the second line of the Balmer series predicted by Bohr’s model. 6/15/2020 18 6/15/2020 19 Reduced Mass Correction • The assumption by Bohr that the nucleus is fixed is equivalent to the assumption that it has infinite mass • Note: the Rydberg constant is normally written as R • If the nucleus has mass M, its kinetic energy will be • P = Mv is the momentum. 6/15/2020 20 • The total kinetic energy of the nucleus and electron is • Is the reduced mass 6/15/2020 21 • Using this reduced mass, the Rydberg constant is then written Example: Compute the Rydberg constants for H and He+ applying the reduced mass correction 6/15/2020 22 6/15/2020 23 Correspondence Principle • According to the correspondence principle, when the energy levels are closely spaced, quantization should have little effect; classical and quantum calculations should give the same results • From the energy-level diagram, the energy levels are close together when the quantum number n is large • This leads us to a slightly different statement of Bohr’s correspondence principle: In the region of very large quantum numbers, quantum calculation and classical calculation must yield the same results 6/15/2020 24 • If we compare the frequency of a transition between level ni = n and level nf = n-1 for large n with the classical frequency, which is the frequency of revolution of the electron. For large n, 6/15/2020 25 • The classical frequency of revolution of the electron is 6/15/2020 26 which is the same as Equation (####) 6/15/2020 27 Quantum Mechanical description of One-electron atoms • Hydrogen is used because it is a one electron atom and the simplest bound system in nature • The proton (+ve Charge) is at the center and the electron (-ve charge) is moving around the center 6/15/2020 28 • The attractive force between them is Coloumbic in nature and the potential is • Where Z is the charge of the nucleus • Z = 1 for hydrogen • Since it is a two body problem, we convert it to one body problem by introducing reduced mass 6/15/2020 29 Where m and M are the masses of the electron and proton, respectively. • So, the total energy of the system = kinetic energy + potential energy 6/15/2020 30 • For the quantum mechanical treatment, we will convert the classical dynamical quantities (px, py, and pz ) to its corresponding quantum mechanical operators Substituting in Equation (1), we get 6/15/2020 31 • We introduce the WAVEFUNTION to represent the electron • The wavefunction contains the information about the position and the time evolution of the electronic motion 6/15/2020 32 • So operating eqn (2), on the wavefuntion, we obtain 6/15/2020 33 • Eqn (3) is known as Time dependent Schrodinger Equation • Since the potential V( z, y, x) does not depend on time t, and we are interested to evaluate the energy of the stationary (time independent) states, we can take this wavefunction as the explicit dependence of time such as 6/15/2020 34 • Substituting this to Eqn (3), we get • This is the Time Independent Schrӧdinger Equation • Now we have to evaluate the stationary state energies (E) of the electron in this system by solving this equation to explain the observed spectra of hydrogen 6/15/2020 35 • Since the potential is spherically symmetric, • Converting Eqn (4) to its spherical polar coordinate form (Figure below), 6/15/2020 36 • Radial distance ⇒ r, Polar angle ⇒ θ and Azimuthal angle ⇒ φ • The form of the Laplacian operator in Spherical polar coordinates is shown below 6/15/2020 37 • Using the separation of the variables, we can write the wavefunction as the product form of the independent variables 6/15/2020 38 Substituting in eqn (5), we get, • Carrying out the partial differentiation, 6/15/2020 39 • Multiplying the this equation by and rearranging we get, 6/15/2020 40 • Separating the radial (R(r)) and angular (Θ(θ), Φ(φ)) part • Note here that, the partial derivative forms are converted to total derivative form. • Now each equation should be equal to a constant, let’s take as λ 6/15/2020 41 6/15/2020 42 • Now, separating the polar and the azimuthal part • Here, we have taken that both sides should be equal to a constant m2 • Now let us first consider the azimuthal part 6/15/2020 43 • The general solution of this equation may be written in the form 6/15/2020 44 • Which satisfies the orthonormality condition • As the eigen functions must be single valued, • And using Euler’s formula, 6/15/2020 45 • This is satisfied only if ml = 0, ±1, ±2, .. • Therefore, acceptable solutions only exist when ml can only have certain integer values, i.e. it is a quantum number. • Thus, ml is called the magnetic quantum number in spectroscopy because it plays role when atom interacts with magnetic fields 6/15/2020 46 • For the polar part, • Rearranging, we get Let us introduce new variable ω=Cosθ, then, 6/15/2020 47 • The Eqn (5) has singularities at ω =±1 , which may be eliminated by having a solution Θ in the form of • Then Eqn (5) becomes 6/15/2020 48 • Which can be written as • The last singular term in Eqn (6) can be removed by taking s = ± ml ≥ 0, and then we have Which is a regular equation and hence its series solution may be written as 6/15/2020 49 Substituting in eqn (7) yields, Requiring that the series (Eqn 8) be limited by a certain power r = q, i.e. requiring that it be a polynomial of order q, we have to introduce the condition, ar+2 = 0, ar≠ 0 which requires Where q = 0, 1, 2, 3, …. 6/15/2020 50 • Now we introduce l=q+ml = 0,1,2,3,..... (orbital quantum number) such that • Then Eqn (5b) becomes 6/15/2020 51 • This is well known associated Legendre differential equation with its solution as associated Legendre polynomials ml C • Where l is the normalization factor and is the associated Legendre polynomial defined by 6/15/2020 52 • Where Pl(ω) is the ordinary Legendre Polynomial. • This expression holds for negative values of ml also • From this we can establish the range of variation of the azimuthal (magnetic) quantum number ml = 0, ±1, ±2, ±3, ……, ±l 6/15/2020 53 • The associated Legendre Polynomials satisfy the orthonormilization property • Then Equation 10 becomes 6/15/2020 54 • So, we have now two quantum numbers, namely, Orbital (l) and magnetic (ml) 6/15/2020 55 • Now, we can have the total angular part, from Equation-10 and -11 6/15/2020 56