4/13/2020 Film Assignment: Instructions & Important Information - AIE153 - History Of The Middle East INSTRUCTIONS Select a film from the list on Cloud Deakin and answer the following questions in one essay: 1) In what ways does <your film> portray the Middle East and its inhabitants? (around 700 words) 2) What stereotypes (positive and negative) are apparent in <your film>? (around 600 words) 3) What do you think audiences watching this film will take away from it about the Middle East and why? (around 400 words) Note that you will also need to write some form of introduction and conclusion for the essay, so try to keep the answers to the specific questions proportional to the word counts given above. You should present the discussion with reference to the concept of Orientalism and any other themes encountered during the course of the trimester that might be relevant to your chosen film. (For example History, Politics, Foreign Policy could be included, depending on the film). In this exercise we are seeking an insightful analysis of the ways in which the Middle East, its inhabitants and its landscapes are represented in the film and the ways in which the producers may or may not be perpetuating stereotypes (either negative or positive). DO NOT spend time/space/words summarising the film’s plot as this will not address the questions. The assessor has seen all the films on the list and you can assume this level of knowledge. Alternative films, which are not on the list, may be selected but only with the written approval of the Unit Chair. Students should carefully observe the following points when preparing their assignment: Submit in Microsoft Word format online via CloudDeakin by 9am Monday 11 May 2020. Use at least five sources and referencing is essential. Use the Oxford system of referencing with footnotes. For assistance with Oxford referencing, see http://www.deakin.edu.au/current-students/studysupport/study-skills/handouts/oxford-docnote.php Essays are to be 2000 words (This total does not include your bibliography and a ±10% margin is acceptable.) Please include the name of your film in the file title. Extensions will only be granted prior to the due date for legitimate reasons. If you submit the assessment after the due date without an approved extension 5% will be deducted from the available marks for each calendar day (or part thereof) late up to 5 days. Work that is submitted more than 5 days after the due date will not be marked and you will receive 0% for the task. https://d2l.deakin.edu.au/d2l/le/content/918011/viewContent/4792390/View 1/2 4/13/2020 Film Assignment: Instructions & Important Information - AIE153 - History Of The Middle East It is the student's responsibility to make sure that their assignment document has been successfully uploaded. This includes making sure what you submit is the CORRECT and FINAL VERSION. If you upload more than one version of your assignment we take the last submitted document as the version we will mark. If you are in doubt about whether the file was successfully submitted (eg. The connection seemed to time out or you got no TurnItIn report), contact Sally by email straight away and she will be able to check. Students who have attempted this unit previously must choose a different film to write on this trimester. REMEMBER - Always keep a backup copy of your assignment! Plagiarism Declaration By using the online submission facility in this unit to submit your assignment you are certifying that the work submitted is entirely your own, except where material quoted or paraphrased is acknowledged in the text. You are also certifying that it has not been submitted for assessment in any unit or course. Assignment return and feedback Assignments which are submitted on time will normally be assessed and returned to students within 3 weeks of the due date of submission. There will normally be no opportunity for re-submission of assignments. However students who feel the assessment of their work was unfair should contact Sally with specific information about how the assessment was not marked in accordance with the rubric. https://d2l.deakin.edu.au/d2l/le/content/918011/viewContent/4792390/View 2/2