6 Important Weight Lifting Equipments for Strong Muscle Training • There are a lot of options which confused you to how to start Muscle Training which gives you more strength. When you go to the gym there are so many Weight Lifting Equipment, stretching, various types of Dumbbells etc. if you not sure about how to use them for proper training. So for that first, you need to make a proper plan to use this equipment. Every person has their different fitness goals as per their routines. Here we will share some basic but important weight lifting equipment you need to use during Muscle Training. • In Muscle Training there are two main types of Gym Equipment – Free weights such as dumbbells, barbell etc. And other is weight lifting machines. We will also share some safety Gear Equipment you must need to use while Weight Lifting Equipment as well. Dumbbells • It is one type of small barbell which length is around 10-15 Inches. you can use this equipment also single and doublehanded. Dumbbells come with many options of its material, sizes, weights and structure. Generally, dumbbells weight start from 5 pounds to 100 pounds. There are very useful for home Gym Equipment. • Pull-Up Bar: This is a very common but very important part of Muscle training equipment. It comes with multiple Grip Options, most useful are straight bar and neutral Grip in which palms face each other. Barbell It is a very basic and important part in Muscle Training, it has a Long iron bar around 5 to 7 Feet and weight plates are placed on its both ends’. You have to pick used both of your hands during exercise with a barbell, it comes with various types some them are used to for very small weight lifting and some of those are used in International heavy weight lifting competitions which very come with heavy-duty bars and can handle a lot of weights. Barbells are used in bench presses, deadlifts and squats. Liftdex also provides a standard barbell which is perfect for you Home Gyms. But we also request you this type of equipment does not use without safety gear and a second person helps especially with heavy ones. • EZ Curl Bar: This equipment is especially used for bicep and triceps exercises. It comes with short length compared to the barbell and angular hand grips. It distributes the stress of wrists when lifting, which in simple barbell does not. • Tricep Bar: Tricep is Equipment shapes Oval having two hand Placements that are parallel. Its name also sounds like used in multiple Exercise. It also used for muscle workout with different angles and it distributes the stress to the whole hand. Arm Blaster: It is a Metal bar which flat from middle and curved from its both ends, which is 6 inches wide and 2 feet long. It helps to maintain the body momentum and make sure for weight distributes equal on muscle. Note: We want to share with you Some Important precautions before weight lifting equipment exercise, please do not try it without any safety gear equipment. Do not use very heavyweight alone without any support person. CONTACT US I F Y O U H AV E A N Y Q U E RY, C O N TA C T U S : FIND US ON www.liftdex.ae