Home The Centre Yoga Maternity Massages and treatments Kriya Yoga Pilates and Hipopressiva Timetable and Prices Training Intestinal cleansing Home Intestinal cleansing SHANKAPRAKSHALANA SHANKA - conch PRAKSHALANA - wash completely In India it is normal to pray pronouncing the Om inside a conch, but beforehand the conch must be completely cleaned out. Water is poured into a small hole in th shell and allowed to ow out of the main ori ce. The same method is applied to the human body, to clean the intestinal tract by removing impurities and toxins tha time, and it is called SHANKHAPRAKSHALANA. This practice cleans the entire alimentary canal from mouth to anus which bene ts the practitioner with a light digestion and improvements in problems such as migraine, asthma, colitis and allergies. The practice might appear long and arduous, especially the rst time, so to have an optimistic and happy outlook and, above all be guided by an expert teacher. It is advisable to undertake this practice twice a year, around the change of early morning and on an empty stomach. The whole process takes between 2-3 hours. It is sensible to eat a light supper the evening before, avoiding fried food, m desserts. On the chosen day, slightly salty boiled water is prepared (1 spoonful of pink Himalayan salt per litre of water), which will scour debris from the inte dissolve its contents, aiding easy elimination: salt water ows quicker than plain water. Alternatively, it is possible to use water medicated with special herbs choice of which depends on the constitution and condition of the person, however, professional guidance is essential. Standing up, the rst two glasses are drunk possible, aided by deep breathing and speci c Asanas which are designed to drive the water through the body. After repeating this cycle 3-4 times it will be nec using the bathroom, but the cycle of drinking and doing the Asanas continues until clear water exits the body, with a maximum of 10 cycles. ASANA There are three types of Asanas: TADAKRIYA KATI KRIYA stretching, which allows the water to descend from the twisting, to drive the water from the colon towards the stomach to the colon. intestine. PAVANA KRIYA pressure, to push the water towards the expulsion. All the positions must be done quickly and at least 8-10 times, being careful that the body temperature doesn’t fall. The practice of SHANKHAPRAKSHALANA during pregnancy, in the presence of ulcers, high temperature, irritable internal organs, kidney dysfunction or general fatigue. It can be carried out by people w pressure because the salt water doesn’t travel through the kidneys exiting as urine, but travels directly via the anus. However, all medical conditions must be disc professional who conducts the exercise. Questo sito rispetta la normativa GDPR, gli strumenti terzi da questo utilizzati si avvalgono di cookie necessari al funzionamento ed utili alle nalità illustrate nella cookie policy. Se vuoi saperne di più o negare il consenso a tutti o ad alcuni cookie, consulta la cookie policy. Chiudendo questo banner, scorrendo questa pagina, cliccando su un link o proseguendo la navigazione in altra maniera, acconsenti REQUIREMENTS all’uso dei cookie. Accetto Non accetto Leggi di più - Comfortable clothes that can be put on/taken off in layers - An empty 1 litre bottle - A cover or rug - A bidet towel - Comfortable shoes (which are taken off for the Asanas but put on for going to the bathroom) During the practice no contact lenses, jewellery or watches should be worn. The practice takes place at Casa Kashi in Gubbio. It starts at 8.00 a.m. (no food or drink taken that morning) and after a brief introduction the procedure is started, to be concluded with lunch on the same day. Ilaria Perni conducts the entire operation. KASHI SAS di Perni Ilaria e C. Kashi Kriya Yoga è un sito aggiornato in base ai sensi del Regolamento Sede legale e amministrativa: denominato “Regolamento Europeo in materia di protezione dei dati per strada Lacugnano Giardino,14- 06132 - Perugia informiamo gli utenti che i dati personali immessi nel sito sono trattati c Telefono: 075 5171761 e le nalità descritte nella pagina Privacy e Cookies. Cellulare: 339.5203944 Contattaci tramite Whatsapp Partita Iva: IT 03541600544 Email: infokashikriya@gmail.com PEC: kashisas@pec.it Privacy - Cookie | Sito creato da : Questo sito rispetta la normativa GDPR, gli strumenti terzi da questo utilizzati si avvalgono di cookie necessari al funzionamento ed utili alle nalità illustrate nella cookie policy. Se vuoi saperne di più o negare il consenso a tutti o ad alcuni cookie, consulta la cookie policy. Chiudendo questo banner, scorrendo questa pagina, cliccando su un link o proseguendo la navigazione in altra maniera, acconsenti all’uso dei cookie. Accetto Non accetto Leggi di più