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Environmental Design for Reclaiming Surface Mines

Environmental Design for Reclaiming Surface Mines
Jon Bryan Burley, Editor
ISBN-13: 978-0773474789
ISBN-10: 0773474781
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The Edwin Mellen Press, (Copyright © 2001 all rights reserved, used by
240 Portage Road, Lewiston, NY 14092-0450 www.mellenpress.com
Dedicated in memory to pioneers of
post-mining land-use planning and design:
Norman Dietrich, ASLA
Robert Dorney, ecologist University of Waterloo
Vincent Ahern, aggregate industry
Ken Schellie, ASLA
W. E. Coates, CSLA
Dedication ............................................................................................................................ vii
Table of Contents ................................................................................................................. ix
List of Captions for Color Plates .......................................................................................... xiii
Foreword .............................................................................................................................. xv
Preface .................................................................................................................................. xix
Acknowledgments ................................................................................................................ xxi
Chapter 1 .............................................................................................................................. 1
Jon Bryan Burley
Debra Gellar, Anthony M. Bauer, and
Jon Bryan Burley
Chapter 2 .............................................................................................................................. 27
Georgeanna Collins
Jon Bryan Burley
Jon Bryan Burley
Chapter 3 ............................................................................................................................. 59
Norman Dietrich
Jon Bryan Burley
Chapter 4 .............................................................................................................................. 97
Anthony M. Bauer and Jon Bryan Burley
John Paliga, Jayne Kopperl, and Kevin C. Dunnett
Chapter 5 .............................................................................................................................. 141
Jon Bryan Burley
Chapter 6 .............................................................................................................................. 155
Joe Friedlander
Judith A. Smith
Walter Ruzzo
Chapter 7 .............................................................................................................................. 191
Jon Bryan Burley
Jon Bryan Burley
Chapter 8 .............................................................................................................................. 221
William Winslow III and Dennis Law
Jim Ruelle, Elizabeth Berg, and Brian Eilertson
Chapter 9 .............................................................................................................................. 257
Sue Massie and Paul Vehlow
Costas Cassios
Kieth Winterhalder, William E. Lautenbach, and
Peter J. Beckett
Chapter 10 ............................................................................................................................ 297
Jeffrey E. Green, Richard E. Salter, Gail Harrison, and Craig
W. Johnson
Gary R. Ruyle
Chapter 11 ............................................................................................................................ 329
John C. Ellsworth
Chapter 12 ............................................................................................................................ 363
Merlyn J. Paulson
Chapter 13 ............................................................................................................................ 390
Todd W. Lewis, Jon Bryan Burley, Tom Nieman, and Diane
George W. Riddle
Bibliography ......................................................................................................................... 421
Index ..................................................................................................................................... 465
Plate 1.1. This photograph illustrates the post-mining surface conditions of a mine in North Dakota
consisting of poor vegetation coverage and emphasizes the reasonable concern and importance
placed upon revegetation research.
Plate 1.2. An abandoned mine in North Dakota revegetated without assistance.
Plate 2.1. Cimarron Ponds, a reclaimed surface mine in an early phase of completion (January
1980), illustrating the view from the housing platforms along the wetland corridors.
Plate 2.2. A view of Cimarron Ponds (summer 1990).
Plate 3.1. Reclaimed landscape (foreground and mid-ground) in North Dakota that can be more
productive than the original unmined landscape in the distance.
Plate 3.2. The landscape of the Red River Valley of the North.
Plate 4.1. Reclaimed landscape with a small depression.
Plate 4.2. Rockpiles on reclaimed landscape.
Plate 5.1. Deep furrows on reclaimed land to hold water and reduce erosion.
Plate 5.2. Reclaimed land supplemented with irrigation to establish vegetation.
Plate 6.1. Barren hillsides adjoining many of the numerous lakes within the Sudbury Region.
Plate 6.2. Bagged limestone being transported by helicopter to remote locations.
Plates 7.1 and 7.2. Pre and post treatment views of the same hillside location within the City of
Plates 8.1. Highway improvements computer visual simulation, northern Utah, USA. Existing
highway with narrow bridge (top) and proposed highway with widened bridge bottom. (copyright
© 2000 Ellsworth and Associates, landscape architects, inc., all rights reserved)
Plate 9.1. Oil and gas field development computer visual simulation. Existing landscape (top) and
proposed pump (bottom). (copyright © 2000 Ellsworth and Associates, landscape architects, inc.,
all rights reserved)
Plate 10.1. Surface mining computer visual simulation at the Barrick-Mercur mine, Utah. Existing
facilities (top) and proposed reclamation concept (bottom). (copyright © 2000 Ellsworth and
Associates, landscape architects, inc., all rights reserved)
Plate 11.1. Surface mining computer visual simulation at the Black Pine mine, Idaho, USA.
Existing mine haul road (top) and regraded and revegetated mine haul road (bottom). (copyright ©
2000 Ellsworth and Associates, landscape architects, inc., all rights reserved)
Plate 12.1. Aerial view of mine site from commercial jetliner, Montana, USA. (copyright © 2000
Ellsworth and Associates, landscape architects, inc., all rights reserved)
Plate 12.2. Coal mine processing plant, western Wyoming, USA. (copyright © 2000 Ellsworth and
Associates, landscape architects, inc., all rights reserved)
Plate 13.1. View of molybdenum mine excavation, Colorado, USA. (copyright © 2000 Ellsworth
and Associates, landscape architects, inc., all rights reserved)
Plate 14.1. Surface coal mine site regraded to flat terraces (bottom). Compare with characteristic
landscape (top), western Wyoming, USA. (copyright © 2000 Ellsworth and Associates, landscape
architects, inc., all rights reserved)
This book began in the late 1980s when I suggested to the American Society
for Surface Mining and Reclamation (ASSMR) that I would be willing to
coordinate a group of landscape architects to present papers addressing post-mining
land-use planning and design at a conference to be held in Calgary, Alberta,
Canada. William T. Plass, then the executive secretary of ASSMR indicated the
topic deserved publication as a book, as opposed to publication as a set of papers
in the ASSMR annual proceedings. While there had been numerous and sometimes
repetitive publications concerning technical considerations in reclamation, such as
revegetation and issues related to disturbed soils, a significant document relating to
the design of post-mining landscapes had not been published. So in 1989 we met
in Calgary, presented our experiences, and over the next decade prepared a
The knowledge base concerning the planning and design of post-mining
landscapes resided with a number of landscape architects who practiced landscape
reclamation and who often attended ASSMR annual meetings. These landscape
architects were also the core group of individuals who started the American Society
of Landscape Architects (ASLA) Open Committee on Reclamation, now the ASLA
Reclamation and Restoration Professional Interest Group. In addition, several
reclamation specialists strongly affiliated with post-mining reclamation and design
also contributed chapters and case studies in this book.
The book begins with an overview of planning and design from a landscape
architecture perspective with a post-mining reclamation outlook, citing
fundamental planning and design resources and providing insight into the
importance of design principles. From there, the basic concepts of mining are
presented by a landscape architect who also has a mine engineering background
(Georgeanna Collins). The late Norman Dietrich, also a landscape architect and
mining engineer, wrote the following chapter concerning reclamation regulations
and their relationship to post-mining planning and design. And finally, Anthony
M. Bauer, FASLA, one of the world’s leading reclamation landscape architects,
contributed to a chapter which discusses the importance of understanding mine
operations to create post-mining landscapes.
Anthony M. Bauer, FASLA and I have collaborated to teach a reclamation
planning and design curriculum at Michigan State University in both undergraduate
and graduate settings. In our courses, we found that the information in the first four
chapters were central and necessary for one to begin examining various post-mining
planning and design land-uses.
In subsequent chapters, various authorities address specific land-uses in
reclamation planning and design, ranging from housing to landscapes for wildlife.
In addition, several authors have contributed case studies describing specific
examples pertinent to the land-use topic within a chapter. By examining a case
study, one may gain insight into the application of a particular land-use that one
may not gain through reading a list of design principles. Within the industry, the
merging of companies and closing of businesses means that sometimes the names
of firms owning a particular parcel of land or mine have changed. Nevertheless,
the ideas presented in the case studies remain pertinent.
Toward the end of the book, two chapters address special issues related to
post-mining planning and design: managing visual quality and computing
technology. These two issues span across the various land-use topics and are useful
to study much in the same way that the design process, mining engineering, mining
regulations, and mining operations are useful to understand. The last chapter
addresses multiple land-use planning and design, plus the chapter acknowledges
other special land-uses pertinent to reclamation planning and design. The number
and type of land-uses applicable to post-mining reclamation planning and design is
open-ended. Typically, at each ASSMR annual meeting another new and different
post-mining land-use application is presented to the attendees and published in the
The bibliography for this book is somewhat extensive and represents the
compilation of knowledge that the authors have assembled in their careers. I
apologize for any inconsistencies in the bibliography.
In closing, I trust that you will find the book helpful for the consideration
of options and opportunities to create meaningful post-mining landscapes.
Dr. Jon Bryan Burley, editor
E. Lansing, Michigan
15 February 2000
The lands disturbed by surface mining for coal and other minerals have been
the objects of great concern. Early mining operations left a legacy of derelict lands
not in accord with regional ecosystems and lacking economic and social values.
An awareness of the importance of protecting the environment developed in the
twentieth century. This identified the need to develop technology to mitigate the
environmental consequences of surface mining and the importance of returning the
land to beneficial use.
Research projects and exploratory, informal programs were initiated in
several countries to address the diverse reclamation challenges these mined sites
presented. These early attempts were primarily concerned with establishing a
vegetative cover on the disturbed lands.
It soon became apparent that reclaiming these sites would require the
expertise of many professional disciplines. Funds for mined land reclamation
research increased dramatically in the United States in the 1970s and 1980s.
Government agencies initiated projects and government funds provided support for
research at academic institutions. Great progress was made in mitigating on-site
and off-site environmental concerns and reestablishing a vegetative cover on a wide
range of sites.
Research programs in the United States and other countries provided
numerous documents concerning specific technical aspects of mined land
reclamation. However, there was no reference concerning the holistic reclamation
of a site across the predominant land-use alternatives. This book incorporates
international perspectives regarding the selection of sustainable land-uses that are
compatible with characteristics of the mine site and capable of providing economic
and social benefits. It addresses the developments in land-use planning and design
for mined land reclamation and proposes new land-use planning concepts.
The authors of this book are key academics, research scientists, and
practitioners in surface mine reclamation planning and design. They bring together
the views of those involved in land-use planning for mine sites in many regions of
the world.
The editor and contributors recognize the contribution the American
Society for Surface Mining and Reclamation has made by providing opportunities
and facilities that promote networking between research scientists and practitioners.
The interaction of these groups provides practical and technical information
important to land-use planning and design.
This volume presents the current status of land-use planning and design and
encourages future research into this important aspect of surface mine reclamation.
William T. Plass
Besides the authors of this book, there are several important people that I
wish to thank, who made this publication possible. I have had the fortune of
publishing over 100 articles in my career and Cheryl J. Burley has been my copy
editor for every document except the first, which was published when I was an
undergraduate before Cheryl and I met. Therefore, I credit Cheryl as the secret to
much of my success as an academic and author. In addition, Pat Daughenbaugh,
the office secretary from the Landscape Architecture Program at Michigan State
University provided substantial power typing of several manuscripts so that I could
spend my time formatting the chapters and addressing editorial issues. My
gratitude is extended to both Cheryl and Pat.
Several other reclamation specialists have made contributions to this
manuscript in the form of advice, guidance, or accommodation. I wish to thank
Glenn Haas, Sharon Johnson, Howard Alden, Denis Brooks, Graham Slessar,
Donna Erickson, Wayne D. Iverson FASLA, David R. Jensen, D. Anne Lewis, Ron
Ries, Dennis Colliton, Susan Wessman, William Sanders FASLA, Gary Manson,
Warren Rauhe, Duane Mezga, Stephen G. Shetron, Richard Barnhisel, and William
T. Plass.
Finally, editing a book is not always easy. Therefore I wish to thank John
C. Ellsworth, a valued colleague whose correspondence, updated chapter revisions,
thought-provoking ASSMR presentations, and encouragement helped me to
complete this endeavor. And, I wish to thank the Mellen Press and Dr. John
Rupnow for their strong sense of teamwork and commitment to advancing
intellectual ideas through academic publications.
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