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Qualities of a Good Teacher: Building a Reputable School

In Building a Reputable School
Panama E.S.
Prepared by Panama E.S.
Who is a teacher?
A teacher is a person who guide learners through a learning
process. He is the person whose wisdom is traded by the
management of the school for profit. A qualified teacher
must have one of the following degrees TC2, NCE, B.ed,
PGDE, etc.
Who is a good teacher?
A good teacher go the extra-miles to ensure that the learner
is always motivated to learn no matter the challenge.
He/she makes the difficult challenges seem easy for
his/her students.
Presented by Panama E.S.
What is a reputable school?
A school is a place of learning. A building where
education takes place.
A reputable school is a school where quality
education is sold to the learner.
A reputable school imprints good moral values in
the hearts of their learners.
A reputable school strive for perfection at all time.
Creating and maintaining excellence in all her
Presented by Panama E.S.
Components of a Good School
A good school is a school where all facets of the school are working in tandem and in line
with the vision of the school. In order to better give credence to it, lets look at what
makes a school reputable:
 Vision: This is the direction of the school. The management sets the goal. The staff makes
it happen.
Note:You cannot leave beyond your dream.
 Skills:
 Incentives:
 Resources:
 Action Plan:
The product on offer in every school is the same; Eradicating illiteracy. In a reputable
school, the common scheme is treated in an uncommon but accurate manner. The way a
school package its educating system makes or breaks the school. A reputable school raise
their level through packaging.
Presented by Panama E.S.
Qualities of a good teacher
A great teacher is one a student remembers and cherishes
forever. Teachers have long-lasting impacts on the lives of
their students, and the greatest teachers inspire students
toward greatness. To be successful, a great teacher must
1.An Engaging Personality and Teaching Style: A great
teacher is very engaging and holds the attention of
students in all discussions.
2.Clear Objectives for lessons: A great teacher establishes
clear objectives for each lesson and works to meet those
specific objectives during each class.
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3.Effective Discipline Skills: A great teacher has effective
discipline skills and can promote positive behaviours and
change in the classroom.
4.Good Classroom Management Skills: A great teacher has
good classroom management skills and can ensure good
student behaviour, effective study and work habits, and an
overall sense of respect in the classroom.
5.Good Communication with Parents: A great teacher
maintains open communication with parents and keeps them
informed of what is going on in the classroom as far as
curriculum, discipline, and other issues. They make
themselves available for phone calls, meetings, and email.
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6.High Expectations: A great teacher has high expectations of
their students and encourages everyone to always work at
their best level.
7.Knowledge of Curriculum and Standards: A great teacher has
thorough knowledge of the school's curriculum and other
standards they must uphold in the classroom. They ensure
their teaching meets those standards.
8.Knowledge of Subject Matter: This may seem obvious, but is
sometimes overlooked. A great teacher has incredible
knowledge of and enthusiasm for the subject matter they are
teaching. They are prepared to answer questions and keep the
material interesting for the students.
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9.Passion for Children and Teaching: A great
teacher is passionate about teaching and
working with children. They are excited
about influencing students' lives and
understand the impact they have.
10.Strong Rapport with Students: A great
teacher develops a strong rapport with
students and establishes trusting
Presented by Panama E.S.
Positive Impacts of a good teacher on
the school
 Pupils/students wants to be in your class and hence the
school.You hear parents saying things like, if that teacher
leaves, I will change my child’s school.
The population of the school grows
Your school participate in and do well in competitions.
The students see you as a role model
Your class is used as a reference for judging others
The school depends on you for key operations.
Earn trust of parents and management
You help other teachers to sit-up.
Presented by Panama E.S.
Negative impacts of a poor teacher
 Unpopular with students
 Stagnation or decline in population
 Children are afraid of coming to your class and hence school.
 You earn a bad nickname
 Your children are afraid of competitions because they don’t
trust in your ability to make them perform
 Students develop unkind attitudes towards teachers
 Parents always complain about you
 Children starts leaving the school because of you.
Presented by Panama E.S.
How to improve your qualities as a
 Go for further studies
 Read or study before every class
 Be receptive(not repulsive) to corrections
 Attend seminars
 Set goals
 Adopts modern teaching techniques
 Use online resources to improve yourself
 Desire the qualities you seek
 Evaluate yourself regularly
Presented by Panama E.S.
How you can help your school to be
 Be committed to excellence in teaching
 Speak well of your school at all times
 Advertise for new pupils/students by sharing the school
Engage in positive discussions with parents
Have passion for children’s development
Have a positive attitude in all areas of your life
Have the fear of God
Presented by Panama E.S.
Presented by Panama E.S.