Tri Ratnaningsih Bagian Patologi Klinik Fak. Kedokteran UGM Inst. Laboratorium Klinik RSUP Dr Sardjito CELL COUNTING Learning objectives After following this lecture, the student will be able to: 1. State the dimension of the counting area of a Neubauer ruled hemacytometer 2. Described the parts and basic principle of the Neubauer chamber 3. Perform a cell count step by step, in order to achieve reliable and reproducible results 4. Describes best practices and recommendations when performing a cell count 5. Describe the performance of manual cell counts for leukocytes, erythrocytes, and platelets, including types of diluting fluids, typical dilutions, and typical areas counted in the hemacytometer 6. Calculate dilutions for cell counts when given appropriate data 7. Calculate hemacytometer cell counts when given numbers of cells, area counted, and dilution. 8. Describe the principle and procedure for performing a manual reticulocyte count 9. Calculate the relative, absolute and corrected reticulocyte values and reticulocyte index 10. Correct WBC counts for the presence of nucleated RBCs Materials 1. Cellular dilution to measure 2. Hemocytometer, or Neubauer chamber 3. Optical microscope 4. Cover glass 5. Pippette/micropippete with disposable tips 6. Dilution buffer The Neubabuer Chamber or hemocytometer thick crystal slide, size (30 x 70 mm and 4 mm thickness) Glass cover: squared glass of width 22 mm The glass cover leaves room for the cell concentration between the bottom of the chamber and the cover itself. The pipette allows for the introduction of a precise amount of liquid into the Neubauer chamber. Take 10 μl of dilution ) In case of the appearance of bubbles, or that the glass cover has moved, repeat the operation. Calculations Total count= cells counted x dilution factor or Area (mm2) x depth (0,1 mm) Total count= cells counted x dilution factor x 10 Area (mm2) White Blood Cell count Number of WBC in 1 L of whole blood Sample: whole blood from capillary or + EDTA Diluting fluid: weak acid (acetic or hydrochloric) or a buffer amonium oxalate to lyse nonucleated RBC Dilution 1:20 Procedure Bersihkan dgn alkohol chamber dan cover glass, dikeringkan dg tissue khusus Dibuat pengenceran 1:20 (dalam tabung kecil; 25 uL darah + 475 uL pengencer) Tutup dan campur dg baik Biarkan selama 10 menit (RBC lisis sempurna) Penghitungan WBC dilakukan dalam 3 jam setelah dilusi Isilah kedua sisi bilik menggunakan pipet dgn kemiringan 450 Tempatkan bilik pada piring petri utk melembabkan selama 10 menit (hati2 posisi coverslip) Bilik hitung harus selalu dlm keadaan horizontal, tempatkan pada mikroskop Gunakan perbesaran 10x untuk melihat distribusi sel Utk dilusi 1:20, hitung sel pada seluruh 4 kotak besar di sudut, Ulangi penghitungan pada sisi satunya (perbedaan <10%) Rerata hasil kedua sisi masukkan dalam rumus First Chamber Cells counted in each square Second Chamber Cells counted in each square 35 45 40 37 44 36 39 44 158 WBCs counted 162 WBCs counted Sumber kesalahan Hindari: Debu, sidik jari, kontaminasi diluen Bila hasil terlalu rendah, hitung pada area yg lbh luas (mis: 9 mm2) Pengisian yg berlebih/kurang Inkubasi selama 10 menit supaya sel “settle” Perlu koreksi hitung WBC bila ada ≥5 NRBC /100 WBC) Rumus WBC terkoreksi= WBC x100 NRBC(per 100 RBC)+100 Akurasi WBC manual bisa dinilai dg melakukan estimasi WBC pada apusan sample WBC count (automated) Number WBC in 10 oil field Average number WBC/oil field Auto WBC count/average number wbc/OF 1 30 ∑ 1-30/30 Faktor estimaasi sample Number WBC in 10 Average number area 40 or 50x WBC/area Average number WBC/area x3000 1 Compare with WBC count Platelet Count Diluent: asam lemah atau larutan yg mengandung BCB Blood diluted with solution containing Brilliant Cresyl Blue so that the platelet seem bright blue. The platelets then are counted using hemocytometer. Results are doubled checked by examination of the platelets on a Wright/Giemsa stained smear Prosedur Dibuat pengenceran 1:100 (dalam tabung kecil; 20 uL darah + 1980 uL pengencer) Tutup dan campur dg baik Biarkan selama 15 menit dalam petri disk yg lembab Penghitungan WBC dilakukan dalam 3 jam setelah dilusi Penghitungan dengan lensa objective 40x, pada 25 kotak kecil di bagian tengah Dihitung kedua sisi, hasil harus ≤10% Hitung jumlah trombosit sesuai rumus Estimasi hitung trombosit Jumlah trombosit (dlm 10 lp 100x obyektif ) x 2000 taksiran kasar: bila ditemukan 7 sd 25 trombosit/lp jumlah trombosit adekuat (utk jumlah eritrosit lk 200 per lp Hb normal) Utk pasien anemic/polisitemia: Rerata jumlah trombosit/lpx total RBC count 200 Sumber kesalahan: Platelet clump inadekuat mixing/sampling yg tdk tepat di redilusi masih menetap, ulang sampling (jangan dari ujung jari) Kotoran/kontaminasi pipet, bilik, dan diluent Bila hasil hitung tiap sisi <50 ulang dg pengenceran 1:20 Bila hasil hitung tiap sisi >50 ulang dg pengenceran 1:200 Fenomena “platelet satellitosis” ulang sampling dg sodium sitrat hasil x 1,1 Erythrocyte Count Jarang dilakukan karena hasil kurang akurat dibanding Hb atau Hmt Prinsip: diencerkan dengan pelarut isotonik Hemocytometer (Levy chamber with improved Neubauer ruling) Area= 0,04 mm2 21 White Blood Cell Differential Counting Area (ideal area) Tail Counting area Sumber: Miwa (1998), Atlas of Blood Cells, Bunkodo Co.,Ltd, Japan Head Untuk WBC> 40 ribu menghitung 200 sel Untuk lekopenia: Menghitung 50 selx2 (25 sel x4) Buffy coat Selalu menghitung daerah pinggir monosit, limfosit reaktif, blast Dilaporkan dalam persentase (%) Reticulocyte count Principle: After the orthochromic normoblast looses its nucleus, a small amount of RNA remains in the red blood cell, and the cell is known as a reticulocyte. The definition of a reticulocyte is any non-nucleated erythroid cell containing two or more bluish– stained material corresponding to ribosomal RNA. To detect the presence of RNA, the red blood cells must be stained while they are still living. This process is called supravital staining Reticulum is present in newly released blood cells for 1-2 days before the cell reach its full mature state. RETICULOCYTE COUNT Place 3 drops Into tube Filtered reticulocyte stain + Whole blood Allow to stand at RT or incubate at 37C (15 min) At the end of 15 min. mix the content of the tube well Make several smears & allow to dry Mix well Untuk meningkatkan akurasi: count 500 cells on two slides each. They should agree within ± 15% of each other. If they do not, repeat the reticulocyte count on the third smear. Petugas lain utk menghitung slide yg lain, hasilnya harus tidak lebih dari 20% Miller disc Disc td 2 square: area yg kecil mengukur 1/9 dari area besar Disc ini diletakkan pada lensa okuler RBC dihitung pd area kecil, retik dihitung pd area besar Minimal 112 sel dihitung pd area kecil ekuivalen dg 1008 RBC pd area besar Sumber kesalahan perbandingan antara pewarna dan darah untuk pasien yang sangat anemik dan polisitemik BJ retik<RBC matur, saat inkubasi berada di atas mix dgn baik saat akan membuat smear Kelembaban udara dan pengeringan yg tdk sempurna area refraktil membingungkan dlm identifikasi retik Inklusi lain (dg pengecatan suravital) (heinz, howel jolly, pappenheimer) Howell-Jolly bodies (small, single, purple cytoplasmic inclusions): These represent nuclear remnant DNA and are found after splenectomy or with functional asplenism. Heinz bodies: (inclusions seen only on staining with violet crystal): Heinz bodies represent denatured Hgb and are found in glucose-6phosphate dehydrogenase after oxidative stress On Wright stained smears, Pappenheimer bodies appear as violet staining granules usually found along the periphery of the red cells, often in clusters. They must be confirmed with an iron stain. These iron-staining granules are found in sideroblastic and megaloblastic anemias, alcoholism, following splenectomy, and in some hemoglobinopathies. (A) basophilic stippling, (B) Howell-Jolly bodies, (C) Cabot's ring bodies and (D) Heinz's bodies. Reporting Results Absolute Reticulocyte Count (ARC): • Retic(%) x RBC count (1012 /L)/100 Corrected reticulocyte count • Retic(%) x Hct pasien/45 Reticulocyte production index • Corrected reticulocyte count (%)/maturation time # Days Maturation Hematocrit Time % 1 day 45 1.5 day 35 2 day 24 3 day 15 Alhamdulillaah Referensi: Rodak,, 2012, edisi 4, hematology clinical principles and applications, Elsevier Saunders Berbagai sumber dari internet