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Arab Academy For Science, Technology and
Maritime Transport
College of Engineering, Mechatronics Department,
Smart Village Campus
Industrial air pollution sources and effects
Course name : Environmental Science(NE466)
Name : Sherief Mohamed Hussien
ID : 15106484
To : Dr Ibrahem Hindawy
Table Of Contents
I. INTODUCTION-------------------------------------------------------------- 2
A. What is air pollution ? ------------------------------------------- 2
II. BODY--------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
A. Some sources of industrial pollution-------------------------- 3
B. Effects of industrial pollution---------------------------------- 4
III. CONCLUSION------------------------------------------------------------- 5
A. My opinion----------------------------------------------------------- 5
IV. REFERENCES------------------------------------------------------------ 6
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A.What is air pollution ?
Air pollution is the permeation of particulates, biological molecules, or other harmful gases into
Earth's atmosphere, causing disease, damage to other living organisms. Air pollution may come
from reliable industries or natural sources. The atmosphere is a complex natural gaseous system
that is essential to support life on planet Earth. Stratospheric ozone depletion due to air
pollution has been recognized as a threat to human health as well as to the earth’s ecosystems.
Air pollution
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A.Some sources of industrial pollution
The main source of household air pollution is the indoor burning of fossil fuels, wood and other
biomass-based fuels to cook, heat and light homes. Around 3.8 million premature deaths are
caused by indoor air pollution each year, the vast majority of them in the developing world.
Out of 193 countries, 97 countries have increased the percentage of households that have
access to cleaner burning fuels to over 85 percent. However, 3 billion people continue to use
solid fuels and open fires for cooking, heating, and lighting. The adoption of cleaner, more
modern stoves and fuels can reduce the risks of illness and save lives.
In many countries, power generation is a leading source of air pollution. Coal-burning power
plants are a major contributor, while diesel generators are a growing concern in off-grid areas.
Industrial processes and solvent use, in the chemical and mining industries, also pollute the air.
Policies and programmes aimed at increasing energy efficiency and production from renewable
sources have a direct impact on a country’s air quality. At the moment, 82 countries out of 193
have incentives that promote investment in renewable energy production, cleaner production,
energy efficiency and pollution control.
Statistics for industrial air pollution sources
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B. Effects of industrial pollution
Global Warming
With the rise in industrial pollution, global warming has been increasing at a steady pace.
Smoke and greenhouse gases are being released by industries into the air which causes an
increase in global warming. Melting of glaciers, extinction of polar bears, floods, tsunamis,
hurricanes are few of the effects of global warming.
The issue of industrial pollution concerns every nation on the planet. As a result, many steps
have been taken to seek permanent solutions to the problem. Better technology is being
developed for the disposal of waste and recycling as much polluted water in the industries as
Organic methods are being used to clean the water and soil, such as using microbes that
naturally use heavy metals and waste as feed. Policies are being pushed into place to prevent
further misuse of land. However, industrial pollution is still rampant and will take many years
to be brought under control.
Wildlife Extinction
By and large, the issue of industrial pollution shows us that it causes natural rhythms and
patterns to fail, meaning that the wildlife is getting affected in a severe manner. Habitats are
being lost, species are becoming extinct and it is harder for the environment to recover from
each natural disaster. Major industrial accidents like oil spills, fires, the leak of radioactive
material and damage to property are harder to clean-up as they have a higher impact in a
shorter span of time.
Effects of air pollution on health statistics
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A.My opinion
In my opinion, we should increase our air quality by:
1. Renewable fuel and clean energy production
The most basic solution for air pollution is to move away from fossil fuels, replacing them with
alternative energies like solar, wind and geothermal.
2. Energy conservation and efficiency
Producing clean energy is crucial. But equally important is to reduce our consumption of
energy by adopting responsible habits and using more efficient devices.
3. Eco-friendly transportation
carpooling, and public transports) could reduce air pollution.
4. Green building
From planning to demolition, green building aims to create environmentally responsible and
resource-efficient structures to reduce their carbon footprint.
Green homes
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