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Biocomposting Report: Sustainable Waste Management in Mumbai

The Govt. of India, dept. of Forest and Environment in 2000 released the first ever
rules for Sustainable Solid Waste Management. These focused on segregation of
garbage at the source of generation, the reduction of pollution due to garbage and
open land filling by opting situation specific methods of Garbage Recycling- via
Centralised Waste Management1 and Decentralised Waste Management 2.
As per April 2011 survey Mumbai with a population of 1.8 crore people, generates
8000 metric tonnes of Solid Waste per day with an Annual Budget for Solid Waste
Management at Rs.1000 crores. The problems related to effective waste are further
intensified with lack of space to dump the non-segregated waste.
Increasing incidents of diseases due to improper garbage management and
contamination of water, soil and air due to waste accumulation has forced the BMC
to issue a notice on 1st April 2011 that all citizens and Institutions in Mumbai must
segregate garbage at source and adopt on-site waste management systems or pay
fines. However lack of continuous intervention and indifference from all segments
of society has worsened the problem day by day.
The following Internationally approved Methods of waste disposal have been
suggested by BMC :
Waste to energy.
Bio gas.
Bio- composting
Bio- composting- through Bioremediation process.
3- S Envosolutions, Mumbai through continual R&D has developed NatureBloom Bio- composting process especially suitable for Urban setting. The
process is cost effective, space effective, hassle free and sustainable. More
over there is minimum dependence on electricity and man- power
requirement is least. The Bioremediation process is facilitated by natural
bacteria through a combination of processes.
The target group is sensitized about segregation at source.
Dry waste and wet waste are collected separately.
Dry waste is given to ragpicker organization/ regular garbage collector
Wet waste is processed via on site Waste- Mate in the form of movable
drums, wheelie bins or concrete compost beds.
5. If volume of waste is over 50 kg waste digester is installed requiring
minimum electricity/ can be diesel operated.
6. Bio- culture and odour manager are sprayed on the waste daily.
7. Waste reduces from 1kg to 50/100 gms
Processing time 20 to 30 days.
Benefits of On-site Bio-composting:
It lowers environmental impact. The Compost provides benefits to soil it's
used in, improving moisture absorption and drainage.
 There is reduction in runoff that results from its use makes existing
fertilizers (both natural and chemical) a lot more effective. Fertilizer
contamination of water is also significantly reduced.
 The environmental benefits of using compost are significant. Making use of
this material can help clean up contaminated soil, reducing runoff of toxic
materials and binding some toxins.
 Compost can help reduce erosion on lake, stream, and river banks, as well
as along roads. Composting also makes use of materials that would
otherwise be waste, including food scraps, yard clippings, small animal
bedding and much more.
Economic benefits of composting include reduction in the cost of fertilizer and
other materials required for healthy plant production. This material is cheaper
than using artificial soil, and helps cities and communities be environmentally
Carbon Re-absorption and reduction of Carbon dioxide- potential for carbon
trading. 1 ton of waste converted per day helps reduce 327 tons of carbon going
into the atmosphere