ENGG434-ENGINEERING ETHICS FINAL ASSIGNMENT 1. What are the responsibilities of professional engineers in working life ? Explain and discuss each of them by giving an example. 2. View the following web sites: NSPE Code of Ethics ---- www.nspe.org/Ethics/CodeofEthics/index.html ASCE Code of Ethics ---- www.asce.org/code-of-ethics/ IEEE Code of Ethics --- www.ieee.org/about/corporate/governance/p7-8.html ACM Code of Ethics --- https://ethics.acm.org/code-of-ethics/software-engineering-code/ Why do engineers follow a code of ethics? What do the above four code of ethics have in common? (Prepare one page answer.) 3. Your employer asks you to design a bridge that will not exceed $1 million to build. After doing a study you determine the following: An ideal bridge can be built for $1.5 million. Given the design constraints, a bridge built for $1 million will collapse in a moderate earthquake. Your employer says, “if we don’t build the bridge for $1 million, then we are going to have to fire half of the staff, including you.” He further asks you to go ahead with the next stage of the project. What do you do? Discuss based on NSPE code of ethics. (Prepare one page answer)